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Anna secretly took a likeness of her majesty, which was so exceedingly striking as to excite the admiration of all.

Vol. 33.

London William Darton 58 Holborn Hill.

paid her a visit, and entered into a familiar conversation with her, Anna secretly took a likeness of her majesty, which was so exceedingly striking as to excite the admiration and astonishment of all who beheld it.


The first thing published by this extraordinary woman was a Latin poem on the institution of the university of Utrecht, in 1636; but afterwards the famous professor of divinity, Spanheim, of Leyden, prevailed with her to print several learned performances in Hebrew, Latin, Greek, and French. This sur prising monument of female genius was published in 1648, under the title of the Smaller Works of Anna Maria Schurman."

This learned lady died at Weiwert, a village in Holland, in 1678, after having recommended her soul to the

Almighty with sentiments of fervent devotion and resignation.


NOTHING can be more pleasing and instructive than to observe the progress of great talents, virtue, and industry, from obscurity to distinction and wealth.

Riches and honours are real blessings, when possessed by those who have acquired them by merit, or who know how properly to estimate and use them. Neither is an ancient and noble lineage to be undervalued, since it may be properly considered as a stimulus to worthy deeds, and a restraint from mean actions.

But it is more glorious to be the

founder of a family, and to leave behind, for the imitation of posterity, a name distinguished for active virtue and well-applied ingenuity.

These remarks are supported and elucidated in the life of the celebrated Sir William Petty, the direct ancestor of the Marquis of Lansdowne; and who, by his indefatigable industry, acquired the princely fortune at present possessed by that noble family.

He was the eldest son of a clothier at Rumsey, in Hampshire, and was born in that town in 1623. While he was very young he took great delight in conversing with artificers, such as smiths, carpenters, and joiners, and imitating their several occupations, which he performed with great dexterity and ingenuity at twelve years of age. At that time he went to the grammar school

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