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moved by vanity: he is never so vain as when before a woman."

The singing of the chorus was now droning outside. A bass voice rang out above the others, and Mr. Wilson's fingers worked more quickly, while his answers came with terse completeness. "The idea came to me one summer at Chautauqua; I lectured there on Eugene Field; expected to find a narrow-minded crowd of religionists; stayed to pray - intellectually," he appended, casting a glance over his shoulder.

the man adjusted the elephantine extensions to his ears, and helped him into his coachman's coat with its single row of blazing brass buttons down the center. He cast at the mirror one of those grimaces which have thrown audiences all over the country into hysterics, set his cockade-hat on one side of his head; and then, mocking the dignity of a flattered, self-complacent public character

as incongruous a bit of humor as ever made a hit - he said:

"'Thus having expressed himself, Francis "Could such study circles be inaugurated Wilson adjusted his neck-scarf, drew a smile in other companies?"

"Never thought of it! - good idea worth trying!”

"Would they be easily interested?" "Easiest in the world."

and looked wise.'" Dropping into the genuine tones of the man who loves the best in life and literature and is doing all he can to advance education among those whose early opportunities were limited, he added: "That idea of extending Chautauqua circles in the theatrical profession is a good one. I'll not forget it." With an unassuming "All wrong; omnivorous readers; not bow, he pushed his way through a group of the best literature, possibly."

"Is the impression that professional people idle a great deal of time while on the road correct?"

Hastily he drew on his boots, buttoned the celluloid collar about his neck and slipped the ludicrous red wig over his hair, while

frescoed chorus-girls, clustered outside the door, and disappeared between the wings to greet the waiting crowd of people who know him best as the clown of clowns.



CHAUTAUQUA is a community, a definite, clear ideas with regard to historical

lyceum, and a school. It comprises epochs, literary periods, social problems, and concentric circles of educational a wide range of other interests of today.

influence. The whole social organi

zation of the place represents an effort to include and to keep in just proportion the different elements of wholesome, stimulating, symmetrical living. The specifically educational effects of such an environment are vague and indefinite, but none the less potent. The effort to secure sanity and symmetry is often misunderstood. Reformers deplore what seems an undue conservatism in further ing by direct action various proposals for changes in national institutions and life. Others feel that there should be concentration upon one or two great enterprises, in order that much feeling and enthusiasm might be aroused. The Chautauqua platform is open to the calm and fair presentation of all movements which have gained respect and recognition, but it may not be used for specific agitation or for furthering political movements however nobly conceived. Chautauqua is a clearing-house of ideas; it aids the formation of public opinion, which must find expression elsewhere through society. Courses of public lectures, to which all Chautauqua citizens have free access, form an important element in the next circle of Chautauqua influence. These lectures are given invariably by men and women whose education and experience enable them to speak with authority. There is no place at Chautauqua for the old-fashioned intellectual middleman or for the irresponsible "popularizer." University men, travelers, missionaries, political leaders, and others who have had first-hand experience with the things they describe are brought into direct contact with the people. Running through the schedule of public exercises, these systematic courses in groups of three or four or five lectures are of much greater educational value than a mere collection of detached, unrelated addresses could be. From these lectures, the Chautauqua audiences gain

The third and inner circle of specific educational influence comprises the Summer Schools, where teachers from the leading universities, colleges, and secondary schools offer courses in a wide range of studies. During the coming season, nearly eighty instructors are to give more than one hundred different courses in language, literature, mathematics, science, history, psychology and pedagogy, sacred literature, and in the arts of music, painting, vocal expression, and physical culture. For six weeks work of a thorough character is done by earnest students, who gain not only deeper insight into subjects they pursue, but gather inspiration from well-trained, enthusiastic teachers.

The zones of influence which have been hinted at must not be thought of as sharply distinguished each from the other. Different families have members in the various classes. These families attend the popular lectures together and they, of course, form a part of the social life of the community. Thus families and individuals from all parts of the country are woven together in a multiplicity of ways. The result is a sense of solidarity, a loyalty to the Chautauqua Idea, which is the chief source of strength to the institution.

The whole community breathes a spirit of coöperation and service. This Chautauqua ideal of individual obligation to the whole could not be better expressed than in the recent words of President Hadley to the Yale seniors, "Life is to be thought of not as a cup to be drained, but as a measure to be filled."

Withal, Chautauqua is a religious institution, not in a formal, perfunctory sense, but in a fundamentally vital way. The whole life is dominated by the ideal of symmetrical Christian character for the individual who seeks the richest realization of himself in order to render the highest service to his fellows.

[graphic][merged small]

The New Chautauqua Shrine by One of the Architects of the Congressional Library at Washington

CHAUTAUQUA is a religious place in to the study of the Man of Nazareth, in which

a living rather than a formal sense. While distinctively educational, its religious and spiritual mission is never overlooked. Methodists, Presbyterians, Baptists, Congregationalists, Disciples, Protestant Episcopalians, and other denominations maintain individual headquarters for activities during the summer season, but the crowning expression of Chautauqua's religious spirit is the new Aula Christi, which is nearing completion.

every day, at all hours, there shall be under
most skilful direction, courses of study in
the life, words, deeds, spirit, and results of
His life who 'spake as never man spake,' .
and who 'went about doing good,' whose
'name is above every name that is named.'
In this hall it is proposed to collect all en-
gravings of Christ which the art of the ages
puts within our reach, and a library of all
the lives of Christ which have ever been
written. It shall be a memorial hall with

The idea was originally set forth by Bishop historic windows following the general design Vincent, as follows:

"Chautauqua, in its attempt to break loose from conventional ways, must cling, as in the beginning, and as I think through all her history, to these two essential elements: the promotion of spiritual life, and the highest culture of spiritual-minded people for most effective service in society.

"It is in the recognition of this large and noble thought that I have proposed the erection of a new building at Chautauqua, to be called 'The Hall of the Christ,' a building of appropriate architecture, devoted exclusively

of the artist, so that they shall present in chronological order the events of that holiest of all lives, and, at the same time, each window may become a memorial window for families choosing to place at Chautauqua lasting souvenirs of departed friends. In this hall there should be devotional services of that high quality in which true art and the noblest thought are consecrated to the most spiritual devotion. Thus shall the central building of Chautauqua symbolize to the world the controlling aim and force of all her diverse ministries."

Fortunately an architect was found to comparisons of size and expense. With our whom the idea of such a structure appealed means at hand we build the best we can. on an equal footing. It is the neutral terri- upon the accumulation of funds from friends tory for all creeds, and hence is preeminently of the project. Mr. Pelz has outlined the the place for such a building. Ritualism is to have no place here, but all are to meet in the life of Christ; hence, it is to be a common ground for spiritual exercise as a gymnasium is devoted to muscular training.

most strongly, and the plans have been mutually developed during the last five years with the enthusiasm of inspiration. Mr. Paul J. Pelz of Washington, D. C., famous for the Congressional Library at Washington, the Carnegie Library at Allegheny, and other public structures, is the architect of the Aula Christi. He believes that this building will be the equal or peer of the Congressional Library at Washington, in a purely artistic sense. To explain the meaning of this statement, Mr. Pelz says:

"The Congressional Library was built at an expense of over six millions of dollars; it is affiliated with and in close proximity to the finest structure in the United States, viz., the National Capitol, and in order to be a success it had to be in no way inferior to its maternal structure in design, elaboration, and comparative cost. Another building likewise affiliated will soon follow, and perhaps the scheme of a Capitoline Acropolis with additional structures and suitable approaches may be part of the future improvements of the national capital. Under the circumstances the conditions were extraordinarily propitious for an epoch-making structure.

"Chautauqua thus far has no buildings which would be considered as remarkable specimens of architecture. Built mostly in frame construction, they look ephemeral; they lack eminently the monumental character. The Aula Christi will be really the first structure which will bear on its face that it has come to stay indefinitely as far as that can be said of any handiwork of man. Its purpose and raison d'être are entirely new, its surroundings are exquisite; this is as to the merely material and technical aspect. From a higher point of view this building carries in it the germ of a new thought-world about to be infused into mankind, finding for the first time a material expression. Is it a wonder that I feel enthusiastic and full of confidence that the product will, comparatively speaking, be as successful as the Congressional Library building? We must divest ourselves of direct

We cannot indulge in costly granites, marbles, and bronzes; we are satisfied in expressing our ideas in sandstone, terra cotta, and brick; but the ideas involved by the loving spirit which guides the hand in delineation and execution will do much to give the structure that poetic expression which will be recognized by the thoughtful and sympathetic to be an approximation toward the spirit which begat the building in the mind of our friend, Bishop Vincent.

"It has been my experience that not only my own self, but all who helped me my draughtsmen, the sculptors who modeled the terra cotta work, the master workmen and journeymen of the different crafts - have all been singularly stimulated by the inherent spirit of this structure; possibly my own enthusiasm kindled theirs, but the fact is patent that every one has been found willing and ready to do his very best.

"I attribute this to the indwelling goodness in man, to the innate love for the beautiful which is the expression of the good which overlies as a divine atmosphere the material and spiritual worlds, finding admission in men's hearts when there is an opening afforded by the softening of the selfish crust which grows around us as we live in this world. Sooner or later this crust will be destroyed, dissolved; but there are no factors which are so potent in the process as true religion and art.

"The idea of the Aula Christi, of the spiritual liberty, fraternity and equality of men, as expounded in the Gospels and the Revelation by Jesus Christ as the underlying motif for a like emancipation of mankind in the material world (on earth as it is in heaven), is the exponent of the best human endeavor, and is so potent as to electrify every one who will give it a willing entrance into his heart.

"Here classes will be formed, lectures given, and, if desired, illustrated descriptions of the Holy Land and scenes identified with the life and teachings of Christ. Chautauqua is a place where all denominations meet following:

"So far as I know, there is no hall such as this is to be found in the world. It is unique. It is the manifest expression of the Chautauqua spirit. Cities have their theaters and music halls where the people can all come together, people of whatever faith or class, but they have no place where all people of different faiths meet together for religious thought. It was Bishop Vincent's idea that this might be the first Hall of the Christ. I do not see why in a few years every city should not have one."

The Aula Christi stands at the edge of St Paul's Grove. It is constructed of white brick, terra cotta, and stone. The building follows classic lines, the Roman-Greek, because Christ made His appearance when the Roman application of the Greek lines was the dominant style then prevailing in the architecture of the civilized world, thus bringing the mind into the line of proper thought and expression. The exterior terra cotta decorations portray allegorical subjects in flowers and leaves.

The building is reached by steps leading to a pillared portico from which entrance is gained to the Hall, a coat-room being located on either side of this entrance, the coatrooms and entrance way being surmounted by a gallery overlooking the interior of the Hall. From either side of the building, just beyond the entrance, extends a wing, the one to the east to be devoted to sacred art showing the Christ as idealized through the centuries, and that on the west to be devoted to literary works on the life of Christ.

From the entrance the hall extends unobstructed for seventy feet to the apse, under which is a raised platform leading back through an arch to the place for a statue of Christ. This platform is gained by small stairways leading from either side of the Hall. Plans for furnishing the interior depend

"The hall itself is lighted by a series of windows located high in the walls, thus leaving a large space between the wainscot and the windows for mural decorations. These mural paintings are to give the keynote and constitute the leading feature of the interior scheme of decoration.

"Our Lord always used parables to impart His divine truth, and it is my idea to here illustrate these parables, as I hold that a spiritual truth is more clearly impressed on the mind by a natural truth or a picture held since when as a boy I first saw an illustrated Bible.

rather than by an abstract proposition, an idea I have

"In order to give the proper form, these paintings should not be a series of framed pictures but a continuous picture, with the divisions between the parables

suggested by objects falling naturally into the paint

ings, as trees or buildings. Of this the clearest idea

will be gained by reference to the dome paintings in

the United States Capitol by Brumidi. Fifty or more parables can be arranged by the proper condensation of some, while elaborating more fully others that have been extensively treated in art.

"Such a presentation of divine truth could not fail to impress even the mind of a child, and I believe this will make the Chautauqua Hall of the Christ a worldrenowned place, for such a treatment has never yet been attempted. These mural paintings will lead up to the statue of Christ, which is to be a replica of the

Thorwaldsen statue of Christ in the Copenhagen Frau

enkirche, the replica to be but a slight reduction from the original figure and exactly in proportion to the building.

"The ceiling of the Hall will be divided into three large square panels, to be filled with ceiling paintings representing the three greatest dispensations:

"First, the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve receiving instructions from God, representing the Golden Age.

"Second, the actual incarnation of the Divine in the person of Christ, the Sermon on the Mount being selected as the highest type and recognized as the best representation of this dispensation.

"Third, the culmination in the New Jerusalem

descending, portraying the second coming of Christ.

"As to color scheme for the interior, the decoration should be principally in white and gold with a shading of a slight tinge of green at the entrance, merging into pure white at the center and into a slight hue of pink toward the apse, the apse to be treated in royal purple. The green represents the natural, the white the spiritual, the pink the celestial, with the culmination in the purple from which the white statue of Christ will be set out with supreme luster, the whole creating a perfect harmony. In the apse the greatest permissible amount of gold should be used. Thus from entrance to apse the hall will represent a spiritual progression."

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