THE CHAUTAUQUAN Issued Monthly APRIL, 1902-SEPTEMBER, 1902 VOLUME XXXV THE CHAUTAUQUA PRESS CLEVELAND, OHIO Copyrighted by The Chautauqua Institution 1902 VOLUME XXXV. and Portraits of more than One Hundred Writers for American League for Civic Improvement, The, (Illus- Chautauqua, Out of Season at, 21. Answers to Search Questions, 102, 193, 310. Anti-Trust Crusade, The, 439. Arbitration, Progress of Compulsory, 441. Aula Christi. Interview with Paul J. Pelz, 368. Australia, Equal Suffrage in, 433. Baldwin, Stephen L., 542. Ballad Days, In Old, 595. Barons of Gemperlein, The. Complete in six chapters. BEEBE, C. WILLIAM. The Music of Nature, 600. Chautauqua Reading Course for Housewives, 76,180,281. Chautauqua: The Largest Institution for Higher Edu- cation in the World, 354. Child Labor and Women, 318. CHU SEOUL BOK. Marriage Predestinate, 466. Civic Improvement, The American League for, (Illus- CLARK, FELICIA BUTTZ. Bernini: The "Modern Michel- CLEMENT, ERNEST W. The Japanese University for CRAIG, JOHN. The Kitchen Garden, 281. from Chautauqua Cameras, 398. Chautauqua Assembly Program. Season of 1902 (II- Democracy, Freer and Greater, 435. Chautauqua, Evolution of. An Historical Sketch. Easter, Verse, 81. With Maps, 350. Chautauqua Literature, Makers of Recent. Sketches Elections in France, The, 5. Faust, Mephistopheles in the Guise of a Monk Appear- FISHER, MRS. CARROLL B. The Whippoorwill, Verse, 465. Formative Incidents in American Diplomacy (Illus- ico, 134-143. Chap. XVI., Cuba, The Turkey of 252. FRAHE, HORACE SPENCER. The Renaissance of Olym- France, A New Ministry in, 315. France, Elections in, 214. Franchises as Property, Taxing, 437. Frederick the Great for America, Apropos of a Statue Frederick the Great, Rochambeau and, 319. Freedom of Teaching in Germany, 12. Italian Education, 116. Italian Population of the United States, 219. ،،، King of the Kings of Ethiopia," (Illustrated), 544. KIMBALL, KATE F. C. L. S. C. Round Table, 82, 188. Kitchen-Garden, The, (Illustrated), 281. KUHNS, OSCAR. Among the Alps, 153. LAMBERT, LILLIAN V. The Brownings in Florence, 590. List of Secretaries of State, A, 108. LITSEY, E. CARL. The Sage, 567. LOVEJOY, GEO. NEWELL. To a Seeker after Knowledge, Lynchings and the Federal Power, 539. Makers of Recent Chautauqua Literature. Sketches Marriage Predestinate ("Gum Gwoo Kay Gwoon"), FREEMAN, HARRIET E. How Two Women Found the MCCLOSKEY, ALICE G. Water Folk, 286. German University, Taking a Degree in a, 553. Garibaldi, Anita, 511. Germany, The Women Novelists of, 518. Goethe's "Faust", 66, 170. HABBERTON, JOHN. Who Buy the Books. 543. Hale, Edward Everett (With portrait), 120. Martinique Disaster, The, 313. MCILVAINE, CHARLES. The Good Bumblebee, 522. Merger and the Trust Law, The, 6. Methodists Seeking Adjustment of Work, 118. Metz: A City with a Past, 230. Milan, Moonlight in, 552. Missionary Bishops, Money for, 442. Missions, Presbyterian, 221. HAWLEY, FRANCES MEEKER. Out of Season at Chau- MOORE, N. HUDSON. Metz: A City with a Past, 230. tauqua, 21. Heligoland (Frontispiece), 2. Heine, Heinrich (Frontispiece), 208. Heine, Heinrich - His Life and Work, 271. Highways and Byways (With portraits, cartoons, and HORWILL, HERBERT W. The Utilization of Time How Chautauqua Circles Have Promoted Public Li- How Two Women Found the Shortia (Illustrated), 490. Irrigation and the American Frontier, (Illustrated), 568. PIERCE, GRACE ADELE. In Old Ballad Days, 595. |