So the House refused to lay the said motion on the table. Edward H. Rollins The question then recurring on the demand for the previous question, it was seconded, and the main question ordered and put, viz: Shall the credentials of the persons claiming seats as representatives from the State of Louisiana be referred to the Committee of Elections, and the administering of the oath to them be postponed until the report of the said committee? And it was decided in the affirmative, Nays. (Yeas The yeas and nays being desired by one-fifth of the members present, Those who voted in the affirmative are 100 71 Thomas B. Shannon Henry C. Deming Mr. Stevens moved that the vote last taken be reconsidered, and also moved that the motion to reconsider be laid on the table. Pending the question on the latter motion, Mr. James C. Allen moved, at 3 o'clock and 25 minutes p. m., that the House adjourn; which motion was disagreed to. The question then recurred on the motion to lay on the table the motion to reconsider. And being put, it was decided in the affirmative. So the motion to reconsider was laid on the table. All the delegates from the Territories, except the delegates from the Territory of Dakota, who had answered to their names, were then sworn and took their seats in the House. The name of J. B. S. Todd, claiming the seat as the delegate from Dakota, having been called, On motion of Mr. Lovejoy, Ordered, That his credentials be referred to the Committee of Elections, when appointed. Mr. Lovejoy moved that the vote last taken be reconsidered, and also moved that the motion to reconsider be laid on the table; which latter mo tion was agreed to. Mr. Ellihu B. Washburne submitted the following resolutions; which were severally read, considered, and agreed to, viz: Resolved, That the rules of the House of Representatives of the thirtyseventh Congress shall be the rules of the House of Representatives until otherwise ordered. Resolved, further, That a committee of five, to consist of the Speaker and four members to be named by him, be appointed, to whom shall be referred the rules of the House, who shall report all such amendments or revision of the same as they shall think proper. Mr. Ellihu B. Washburne moved that the vote last taken be reconsidered, and also moved that the motion to reconsider be laid on the table; which latter motion was agreed to. Notices were given, under the rule, of motions for leave to introduce bills and joint resolutions, as follows: By Mr. Eliot: A bill to establish a Bureau of Emancipation. By Mr. Lovejoy: A bill to punish slaveholding throughout the United States and the Territories thereof. By Mr. Ellihu B. Washburne: A bill to provide for the revival of the grade of lieutenant general in the United States army; Also, a joint resolution providing for striking a medal to be presented to Major General Grant, and for a vote of thanks of Congress to him and the officers and men serving under him. By Mr. Wilson: A joint resolution, submitting to the legislature of the several States a proposition to amend the Constitution of the United States. By Mr. Dawes: A bill to provide for the election of representatives in Congress from the States of Tennessee and Louisiana. And then, On motion of Mr. Ellihu B. Washburne, at 3 o'clock and 45 minutes p. m., the House adjourned. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1863. On motion of Mr. Lovejoy, Resolved, That a message be sent to the Senate informing that body that a quorum of the House has assembled and elected Schuyler Colfax, one of the representatives from Indiana, Speaker, and is now ready to proceed to business. On motion of Mr. Ellihu B. Washburne, Resolved, That a committee of three be appointed on the part of the House, to join such committee as may be appointed on the part of the Senate, to wait upon the President of the United States and inform him that a quorum of the two houses of Congress has assembled, and that Congress is ready to receive any communication he may make. The Speaker appointed Mr. Ellihu B. Washburne, Mr. Pike, and Mr. Gris wold the said committee on the part of the House. Ordered, That the Clerk acquaint the Senate therewith. Subsequently, A message was received from the Senate, by Mr. Forney, their Secretary, notifying the House that a quorum of the Senate had assembled, and of the readiness of the Senate to proceed to business. Also, a message notifying the House that the Senate had appointed a committee, consisting of Mr. Foot, Mr. Trumbull, and Mr. Nesmith, to join such committee as may be appointed on the part of the House, to wait upon the President of the United States and inform him that a quorum of each house has assembled, and that Congress is ready to receive any communication he may be pleased to make. On motion of Mr. Stiles, by unanimous consent, Resolved, That the several gentlemen who shall have contests for seats pending before this house shall have the privilege of the floor during such contest, with the right to speak with regard to their respective cases. Mr. Stiles moved that the vote last taken be reconsidered, and also moved that the motion to reconsider be laid on the table; which latter motion was agreed to. Mr. Ellihu B. Washburne, from the joint committee appointed to wait on the President of the United States, reported that the committee had discharged the duty imposed upon them, and that he would make a communication in writing to the two houses to-morrow at 12 o'clock and 30 minutes p. m. The Speaker having announced as the regular order of business the election of officers of the House The House proceeded to vote viva voce for a Clerk. By Mr. Moorhead.. Mr. Mallory....... EDWARD MCPHERSON. EMERSON ETHERIDGE. And the Speaker having appointed Mr. Moorhead, Mr. Mallory, Mr. Gooch, and Mr. Spalding tellers, The following named members voted for EDWARD MCPHERSON, Viz: John B. Alley, William B. Allison, Oakes Ames, Lucien Anderson, Isaac N. Arnold, James M. Ashley, Joseph Baily, John D. Baldwin, Portus Baxter, Fernando C. Beaman, James G. Blaine, Jacob B. Blair, Henry T. Blow, George S. Boutwell, Sempronius H. Boyd, Augustus Brandegee, John M. Broomall, William G. Brown, Ambrose W. Clark, Freeman Clarke, Brutus J. Clay, Amasa Cobb, Cornelius Cole, John A. J. Creswell, Henry Winter Davis, Thomas T. Davis, Henry L. Dawes, Henry C. Deming, Nathan F. Dixon, Ignatius Donnelly, John F. Driggs, Ebenezer Dumont, Ephraim R. Eckley, Thomas D. Eliot, John F. Farnsworth, Reuben R. Fenton, Augustus Frank, James A. Garfield, Daniel W. Gooch, Josiah B. Grinnell, James T. Hale, William Higby, Samuel Hooper, Giles W. Hotchkiss, Asahel W. Hubbard, John II. Hubbard, Calvin T. Hulburd, Thomas A. Jenckes, George W. Julian, John A. Kasson, William D. Kelley, Francis W. Kellogg, Orlando Kellogg, Benjamin F. Loan, John W. Longyear, Owen Lovejoy, James M. Marvin, John R. McBride, Joseph W. McClurg, Walter D. McIndoe, Samuel F. Miller, James K. Moorhead, Justin S. Morrill, Daniel Morris, Amos Myers, Leonard Myers, Jesse O. Norton, Charles O'Neill, Godlove S. Orth, James W. Patterson, Sidney Perham, Frederick A. Pike, Theodore M. Pomeroy, Hiram Price, William H. Randall, Alexander H. Rice, John H. Rice, Edward H. Rollins, James S. Rollins, Robert C. Schenck, Glenni W. Scofield, Thomas B. Shannon, Ithamar C. Sloan, Green Clay Smith, Nathaniel B. Smithers, Rufus P. Spalding, John F. Starr, Thaddeus Stevens, M. Russell Thayer, Francis Thomas, Henry W. Tracy, Charles Upson, Robert B. Van Valkenburg, Ellihu W. Washburne, William B. Washburn, Edwin H. Webster, Kellian V. Whaley, Thomas Williams, A. Carter Wilder, James F. Wilson, William Windom, and Frederick E. Woodbridge. The following named members voted for EMERSON ETHERIDGE, viz: James C. Allen, William J. Allen, Sydenham E. Ancona, Augustus C. Baldwin, George Bliss, James Brooks, James S. Brown, John W. Chanler, Samuel S. Cox, James A. Cravens, John L. Dawson, Charles Denison, John R. Eden, Joseph K. Edgerton, Charles A. Eldridge, James E. English, William E. Finck, Henry Grider, William A. Hall, Aaron Harding, Henry W. Harrington, Benjamin G. Harris, Charles M. Harris, Anson Herrick, William S. Holman, Wells A. Hutchins, Philip Johnson, William Johnson, Martin Kalbfleisch, Francis Kernan, Austin A. King, Anthony L. Knapp, John Law, Francis C. Le Blond, Alexander Long, Robert Mallory, Daniel Marcy, Archibald McAllister, James F. McDowell, John F. McKinney, George Middleton, William H. Miller, James R. Morris, William R. Morrison, Homer A. Nelson, Warren P. Noble, John O'Neill, George H. Pendleton, Nehemiah Perry, William Radford, Samuel J. Randall, James C. Robinson, Andrew J. Rogers, Lewis W. Ross, John G. Scott, William G. Steele, John D. Stiles, Myer Strouse, John T. Stuart, Lorenzo D. M. Sweat, Daniel W. Voorhees, Wil. liam H. Wadsworth, Elijah Ward, Ezra Wheeler, Chilton A. White, Joseph W. White, Charles H. Winfield, Fernando Wood, and George H. Yeaman. Edward McPherson having received a majority of the whole number of votes given, was declared by the Speaker duly elected Clerk of the House of Representatives for the thirty-eighth Congress. And thereupon the said Edward McPherson appeared, and, having taken the oath required by the rules and the act of July 2, 1862, entered upon the discharge of his duties. The House next proceeded to the election viva voce of a Sergeant-at-arms. Nominations having been made as follows, viz : By Edward H. Rollins.. Samuel J. Randall. NEHEMIAH G. ORDWAY. .ADAM J. GLOSSBRENNER. And Mr. Edward H. Rollins, Mr. Samuel J. Randall, Mr. Smith, and Mr. Beaman having been appointed tellers, The following named members voted for NEHEMIAH G. ORDWAY, viz: John B. Alley, William B. Allison, Oakes Ames, Lucien Anderson, Isaac N. Arnold, James M. Ashley, John D. Baldwin, Portus Baxter, Fernando C. Beaman, James G. Blaine, Jacob B. Blair, Henry T. Blow, George S. Boutwell, Sempronius H. Boyd, Augustus Brandegee, John M. Broomall, William G. Brown, Ambrose W. Clark, Freeman Clarke, Brutus J. Clay, Amasa Cobb, Cornelius Cole, John A. J. Creswell, Henry Winter Davis, Thomas T. Davis, Henry L. Dawes, Henry C. Deming, Nathan F. Dixon, Ignatius Donnelly, John F. Driggs, Ebenezer Dumont, Ephraim R. Eckley, Thomas D. Eliot, John F. Farnsworth, Reuben E. Fenton, Augustus Frank, James A. Garfield, Daniel W. Gooch, Josiah B. Grinnell, James T. Hale, William Higby, Samuel Hooper, Giles W. Hotchkiss, Asahel W. Hubbard, John II. Hubbard, Calvin T. Hulburd, Thomas A. Jenckes, George W. Julian, John A. Kasson, William D. Kelley, Francis W. Kellogg, Orlando Kellogg, Benjamin F. Loan, John W. Longyear, Owen Lovejoy, James M. Marvin, Archibald McAllister, John R. McBride, Joseph W. McClurg, Walter D. McIndoe, Samuel F. Miller, James K. Moorhead, Justin S. Morrill, Daniel Morris, Amos Myers, Leonard Myers, Jesse O. Norton, Charles O'Neill, Godlove S. Orth, James W. Patterson, Sidney Perham, Theodore M. Pomeroy, Hiram Price, William H. Randall, Alexander H. Rice, John H. Rice, Edward H. Rollins, Robert C. Schenck, Glenni W. Scofield, Thomas B. Shaunon, Ithamar C. Sloan, Green Clay Smith, Nathaniel B. Smithers, Rufus P. Spalding, John F. Starr, Thaddeus Stevens, John T. Stuart, M. Russell Thayer, Francis Thomas, Henry W. Tracy, Charles Upson, Robert B. Van Valkenburgh, William B. Washburn, Edwin H. Webster, Kellian V. Whaley, Thomas Williams, A. Carter Wilder, James F. Wilson, William Windom, Frederick E. Woodbridge. The following named members voted for ADAM J. GLOSSBRENNER, viz: William J. Allen, Sydenham E. Ancona, Augustus C. Baldwin, James Brooks, Alexander H. Croffoth, John L. Dawson, Charles Denison, James E. English, William E. Finck, John Ganson, William A. Hall, Henry W. Harrington, Benjamin G. Harris, Charles M. Harris, Anson Herrick, Philip Johnson, William Johnson, Francis Kernan, Austin A. King, Anthony L. Knapp, Alexander Long, Daniel Marcy, James F. McDowell, William H. Miller, William R. Morrison, Homer A. Nelson, Warren P. Noble, Moses F. Odell, John O'Neill, Nehemiah Perry, Samuel J. Randall, James C. Robinson, Andrew J. Rogers, Lewis W. Ross, John G. Scott, John B. Steele, Thaddeus Stevens, John D. Stiles, Myer Strouse, Daniel W. Voorhees, Elijah Ward, Chilton A. White, Joseph W. White, Charles H. Winfield, Fernando Wood. The following named members voted for C. S. BENTON, viz: James C. Allen, Joseph Bailey, James S. Brown, Samuel S. Cox, John R. |