Eden, Joseph K. Edgerton, Charles A. Eldridge, Wells A. Hutchins, Francis C. Le Blond, John F. McKinney, George Middleton, William G. Steele, and Ezra Wheeler. The following named members voted for EDWARD BALL, viz: James A. Craveus, Henry Grider, Aaron Harding, William S Holman, Martin Kalbfleisch, John Law, James S. Rollins, William H. Wadsworth, George H. Yeaman, and Robert Mallory. Nehemiah G. Ordway having received a majority of the whole number of votes given, was declared by the Speaker duly elected Sergeant-at-arms for the 38th Congress. And thereupon the said N. G. Ordway appeared, and having taken the nath required by the rules, and the act of July 2, 1862, entered upon the discharge of his duties. The House next proceeded to the election, viva voce, of a Doorkeeper. By Mr. Fenton... Mr. Nelson... Mr. Radford. And, IRA GOODNOW, Mr. Fenton, Mr. Nelson, Mr. Radford, and Mr. William H. Randall having been appointed tellers, The following named members voted for IRA GOODNOW, viz: John B. Alley, William B. Allison, Oakes Ames, Lucien Anderson, Isaac N. Arnold, James M. Ashley, Joseph Bailey, John D. Baldwin, Portus Baxter, Fernando C. Beaman, James G. Blaine, Jacob B. Blair, Henry T. Blow, George S. Boutwell, Sempronius H. Boyd, Augustus Brandegee, John M. Broomall, William G. Brown, Ambrose W. Clark, Freeman Clarke, Brutus J. Clay, Amasa Cobb, Cornelius Cole, John A. J. Creswell, Henry Winter Davis, Thomas T. Davis, Henry L. Dawes, Henry C. Deming, Nathan F. Dixon, Ignatius Donnelly, John F. Driggs, Ebenezer Dumont, Thomas D. Eliot, John F. Farnsworth, Reuben E. Fenton, Augustus Frank, James A. Garfield, Daniel W. Gooch, Josiah B. Grinnell, James T. Hale, William Higby, Samuel Hooper, Giles W. Hotchkiss, Asahel W. Hubbard, John H. Hubbard, Calvin T. Halburd, Thomas A. Jenckes, George W. Julian, John A. Kasson, William Kley, Francis W. Kellogg, Orlando Kellogg, Benjamin F. Loan, John W. Longyear, Owen Lovejoy, James M. Marvin, Archibald McAllister, John R. McBride, Joseph W. McClurg, Walter D. McIndoe, Samuel F. Miller, James K. Moorhead, Justin S. Morrill, Daniel Morris, Amos Myers, Leonard Myers, Jesse O. Norton, Charles O'Neill, Godlove S. Orth, James W. Patterson, Sidney Perham, Theodore M. Pomeroy, Hiram Price, William H. Randall, Alexander H. Rice, John H. Rice, Edward H. Rollins, Robert C. Schenck, Glenni W. Scofield, Thomas B. Shannon, Ithamar C. Sloan, Green Clay Smith, Nathaniel B. Smithers, Rufus P. Spalding, John F. Starr, Thaddens Stevens, M. Russel Thayer, Francis Thomas, Henry W. Tracy, Charles Upson, Robert B. Van Valkenburgh, William B. Washburn, Edwin H. Webster, Kellian V. Whaley, Thomas Williams, A. Carter Wilder, James F. Wilson, William Windom, Frederick E. Woodbridge. The following named members voted for FELIX MCCLOSKEY, viz: James C. Allen, Augustus C. Baldwin, James Brooks, James S. Brown, John W. Chanler, Samuel S. Cox, Charles Denison, Charles A. Eldridge, William E. Finck, Benjamin G. Harris, Anson Herrick, Wells A. Hutchins, Philip Johnson, Francis Kernan, Austin A. King, Alexander Long, Daniel Marcy, John F. McKinney, George Middleton, William H. Miller, James R. Morris, Homer A. Nelson, John O'Neill, Samuel J. Randall, Henry G. Stebbins, John B. Steele, William G. Steele, Myer Strouse, Joseph W. White, Charles H. Winfield. The following named members voted for ROBERT WILSON, viz: Sydenham E. Ancona, Alexander H. Coffroth, John Ganson, James E. English, Martin Kalbfleisch, Warren P. Noble, Moses F. Odell, Nehemiah Perry, William Radford, Andrew J. Rogers, Elijah Ward, and Fernando Wood. The following named members voted for WILLIAM MURPHY, viz: William J. Allen, John R. Eden, Charles M. Harris, Anthony L. Knapp, William R. Morrison, George H. Pendleton, James C. Robinson, Lewis W. Ross, John G. Scott, John D. Stiles, and Chilton A. White. And The following named members voted for JOHN W. PRUETT, viz: Aaron Harding, William S. Holman, John Law, Robert Mallory, and William H. Wadsworth. Ira Goodnow having received a majority of the votes given, was declared by the Speaker duly elected Doorkeeper of the House of Representatives for the thirty-eighth Congress. And thereupon the said Ira Goodnow appeared, and having taken the oath required by the rules and the act of July 2, 1862, entered upon the discharge of his duties. The House next proceeded to the election, viva voce, of a Postmaster. Nominations having been made as follows, viz: By Mr. Windom... Mr. Voorhees. And, WILLIAM S. KING, Mr. Windom, Mr. Voorhees, Mr. Deming, and Mr. Jacob B. Blair having been appointed tellers, The following named members voted for WILLIAM S. KING, viz: John B. Alley, William B. Allison, Oakes Ames, Lucien Anderson, Isaac N. Arnold, James M. Ashley, John D. Baldwin, Portus Baxter, Fernando C. Beaman, James G. Blaine, Jacob B. Blair, Henry T. Blow, George S. Boutwell, Sempronius H. Boyd, James Brooks, John M. Broomall, William G. Brown, Ambrose W. Clark, Freeman Clarke, Brutus J. Clay, Amasa Cobb, Cornelius Cole, John A. J. Creswell, Henry Winter Davis, Thomas T. Davis, Henry L. Dawes, Henry C. Deming, Charles Denison, Nathan F. Dixon, Ignatius Donnelly, John F. Driggs, Ephraim R. Eckley, Thomas D. Eliot, John F. Farnsworth, Reuben E. Fenton, Augustus Frank, James A. Garfield, Daniel W. Gooch, Josiah B. Grinnell, James T. Hale, William Higby, Samuel Hooper, Giles W. Hotchkiss, Asahel W. Hubbard, John H. Hubbard, Calvin T. Hulburd, Thomas A. Jenckes, George W. Julian, John A. Kasson, William D. Kelley, Francis W. Kellogg, Orlando Kellogg, Benjamin F. Loan, John W. Longyear, Owen Lovejoy, James M. Marvin, Archibald McAllister, John R. McBride, Joseph W. McClurg, Walter D. McIndoe, Samuel F. Miller, James K. Moorhead, Justin S. Morrill, Daniel Morris, Amos Myers, Leonard Myers, Jesse O. Norton, Charles O'Neill, Godlove S. Orth, James W. Patterson, Sidney Perham, Frederick A. Pike, Theodore M. Pomeroy, Hiram Price, William H. Randall, Alexander H. Rice, John H. Rice, Edward H. Rollins, James S. Rollins, Robert C. Schenck, Glenni W. Scofield, Thomas B. Shannon, Ithamar C. Sloan, Green Clay Smith, Nathaniel B. Smithers, Rufus P. Spalding, John F. Starr, Thaddeus Stevens, John T. Stuart, M. Russell Thayer, Henry W. Tracy, Charles Upson, Robert B. Van Valkenburgh, Ellihu B. Washburne, William B. Washburn, Edwin H. Webster, Kellian V. Wha ley, Thomas Williams, A. Carter Wilder, James F. Wilson, William Windom, Frederick E. Woodbridge, George H. Yeaman. The following named members voted for BURWELL H. CORNWELL, Viz: James C. Allen, William J. Allen, Sydenham E. Ancona, Augustus C. Baldwin, George Bliss, James S. Brown, John W. Chanler, Alexander H. Coffroth, Samuel S. Cox, James A. Cravens, John L. Dawson, John R. Eden, Joseph K. Edgerton, Charles A. Eldridge, James E. English, William E. Finck, John Ganson, William A. Hall, Aaron Harding, Henry W. Harring ton, Benjamin G. Harris, Charles M. Harris, Anson Herrick, William S. Holman, Philip Johnson, William Johnson, Martin Kalbfleisch, Francis Kernan, Austin A. King, Anthony L. Knapp, John Law, Francis C. Le Blond, Alexander Long, Robert Mallory, Daniel Marcy, James F. McDowell, John F. McKinney, William H. Miller, James R. Morris, William R. Morrison, Warren P. Noble, Moses F. Odell, Charles O'Neill, James W. Patterson, Samuel J. Randall, James C. Robinson, Lewis W. Ross, John G. Scott, John B. Steele, William G. Steele, John D. Stiles, Myer Strouse, Lorenzo D..M. Sweat, Daniel W. Voorhees, William H. Wadsworth, Elijah Ward, Chilton A. White, Joseph W. White, Fernando Wood. Mr. Homer A. Nelson and Mr. Henry G. Stebbins voted for GEORGE B. PELTON. And Mr. William Radford and Charles H. Winfield voted for CHARLES J. KIDD. Recapitulation of the vote for Postmaster. W. S. King having received a majority of the whole number of votes given, was declared by the Speaker duly elected Postmaster for the thirtyeighth Congress. And thereupon the said W. S King appeared, and having taken the oath required by the rules and the act of July 2, 1862, entered upon the discharge of his duties. Mr. Dawes presented the credentials of Joseph Segar and Bethuel M. Kitchen, claiming seats as representatives from the State of Virginia; which were referred to the Committee of Elections. Mr. Ellihu B. Washburne, by unanimous consent, introduced a joint resolution (H. Res. 1) of thanks to Major General Ulysses S. Grant, and the officers and soldiers who have fought under his command during this rebellion, and providing that the President of the United States shall cause a medal to be struck to be presented to Major General Grant in the name of the people of the United States of America; which was read a first and second time. Ordered, That the said joint resolution be engrossed and read a third time. Being engrossed, it was accordingly read the third time and passed unanimonsly. Ordered, That the Clerk request the concurrence of the Senate therein. On motion of Mr. Fenton, by unanimous consent, Ordered, That the bill and papers in the case of Theodore Adams, heretofore reported from the Court of Claims, be referred back to the said court. Mr. Cox, by unanimous consent, submitted the following resolution; which was read and laid over one day under the rules, viz: Resolved, That the President of the United States be respectfully requested to take immediate steps for the exchange of such of our prisoners as are now confined in the prisons of the south, and that he be requested to communicate to this house all correspondence in the War Department with reference to the exchange of prisoners. Mr. Pike submitted the following resolution; which was read, considered, and agreed to, viz: Resolved, That the Clerk of the House do now place in a box the name of each member and delegate of the House of Representatives written on a piece of paper; that he then proceed, in the presence of the House, to draw from said box, one at a time, the said slips of paper; and as each is drawn he shall announce the name of the member or delegate upon it, who shall choose his seat for the present session: Provided, That before said drawing shall commence the Speaker shall cause every seat to be vacated, and shall see that every seat continues vacant until it is selected under this order; and that every seat, after having been selected, shall be deemed vacant if left unoccupied before the calling of the roll is finished. A selection of seats was then made under the foregoing resolution. Mr. Samuel J. Randall preserted the memorial of Charles W. Carrigan, contesting the right of M. Russell Thayer to a seat as a representative from the fifth congressional district of Pennsylvania; also the memorial of John Kline contesting the right of Leonard Myers to a seat as a representative from the third congressional district of Pennsylvania; which were severally referred to the Committee of Elections. Notices were given, under the rule, of motions for leave to introduce bills, as follows, viz: By Mr. Arnold: A bill to prohibit slavery forever in all the territory embraced in the President's emancipation proclamation; Also, a bill to repeal so much of the enrolment act as authorizes the discharge of a person drafted on payment of three hundred dollars. By Mr. Ellihu B. Washburne: A bill to amend the charter of the Washington and Georgetown Railroad Company; and, By Mr. Orlando Kellogg: A bill to amend the act relating to the direct and excise taxes, and equalize the compensation of assessors and collectors under said act; Also, a bill to amend the act for enrolling and calling out the national forces, and for other purposes. And then, On motion of Mr. Strouse, at 3 o'clock and 5 minutes p. m., the House adjourned. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1863. The Speaker, by unanimous consent, laid before the House executive communications, as follows, viz: I. A letter from the Treasurer of the United States, transmitting copies of his accounts with the United States for the 3d and 4th quarters of the year 1861, and 1st and 2d quarters of the year 1862; which was laid on the table, and ordered to be printed. II. A letter from the Treasurer of the United States, transmitting a copy of his account of receipts and expenditures for the service of the Post Office Department for the last fiscal year; which was referred to the Committee on Expenditures in the Post Office Department, and ordered to be printed. The Speaker also, by unanimous consent, laid before the House a letter addressed to him by the Secretary of State, informing him that Admiral Lessowski has intimated to him a wish on his part, and that of the other officers of Russian naval vessels now here, to receive on board of them members of Congress and the ladies of their families, &c. The same having been read, Mr. Pomeroy submitted the following resolution; which was read, considered, and agreed to, viz: Resolved, That the invitation of Admiral Lessowski be accepted, and that Saturday of this week, at noon, be fixed for such reception, and that the Clerk be requested to communicate the action of the House to the Secretary of State. Notices were given, under the rule, of motions for leave to introduce bills as follows, viz: By Mr. John H. Hubbard: A bill amendatory of an act entitled "An act for organizing the military forces of the United States, &c.," so as to equalize the operation of said act upon the towns and other subdivisions of the enrolment districts. By Mr. Stevens: A bill to fix the time for holding elections for representatives in Congress, and to enable soldiers to vote at said elections; Also, a bill to place colored soldiers and non-commissioned officers on the same footing with white men with regard to pay, bounty, and pensions; Also, a bill to authorize the construction of the People's Pacific railroad; Also, a bill to repeal the fugitive slave laws of 1793 and 1850: Also, a joint resolution to repeal the joint resolution of 17th July, 1862, explanatory of an act to suppress insurrection, &c. By Mr. Eliot: A joint resolution repealing the last clause of a joint resolution, approved July 17, 1862, entitled "A joint resolution explanatory of an act to suppress insurrection, to punish treason and rebellion, to seize and confiscate the property of rebels, and for cther purposes." The Speaker having announced as the regular order of business the resolution submitted yesterday, by unanimous consent, by Mr. Cox, and laid over under the rule, |