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§ 14. The exercise of the power and the right of eminent domain shall never be so construed or abridged as to prevent the taking, by the General Assembly, of the property and franchises of incorporated companies already organized, and subjecting them to the public necessity the same as of individuals. The right of trial by jury shall be held inviolate in all trials of claims for compensation, when, in the exercise of the said right of eminent domain, any incorporated company shall be interested either for or against the exercise of said right.

15. The General Assembly shall pass laws to correct abuses and prevent unjust discrimination and extortion in the rates of freight and passenger tariffs on the different railroads in this State, and enforce such laws by adequate penalties to the extent, if necessary for that purpose, of forfeiture of their property and franchises



SECTION I. The militia of the State of Illinois shall consist of all able-bodied male persons, resident in the State, between the ages of eighteen and forty-five, except such persons as now are or hereafter may be exempted by the laws of the United States, or of this State.

§ 2. The General Assembly in providing for the organization, equipment and discipline of the militia, shall conform as nearly as practicable to the regulations for the government of the armies of the United States.

§ 3. All militia officers shall be commissioned by the Governor, and may hold their commissions for such time as the General Assembly may provide.

§ 4. The militia shall, in all cases, except treason, felony or breach of the peace, be privileged from arrest during their attendance at musters and elections, and in going to and returning from the same.

5. The military records, banners and relics of the State, shall be preserved as an enduring memorial of the patriotism and valor of Illinois, and it shall be the duty of the General Assembly to provide by law for the safe keeping of the same.

§ 6. No person having conscientious scruples against bearing arms, shall be compelled to do militia duty in the time of peace: Provided, Such person shall pay an equivalent for such exemption.



SECTION 1. All elevators or storehouses where grain or other property is stored for a compensation, whether the property stored be kept separated or not, are declared to be public warehouses.

2. The owner, lessee or manager of each and every public warehouse situated in any town or city of not less than one hundred thousand inhabitants, shall make weekly statements under oath, before some officer to be designated by law, and keep the same posted in some conspicuous place in the office of such warehouse, and shall also file a copy for public examination in such place as shall be designated by law, which statement shall correctly set forth the amount and grade of each and every kind of grain in such warehouse, together with such other property as may be stored therein, and what warehouse receipts have been issued, and are, at the time of making such statement, outstanding therefor; and shall, on the copy posted in the warehouse, note daily such changes as may be made in the quantity and grade of grain in such warehouse; and the different grades of grain shipped in separate lots, shall not be mixed with inferior or superior grades without the consent of the owner or consignee thereof.

3. The owners of property stored in any warehouse, or holder of a receipt for the same, shall always be at liberty to examine such property stored, and all the books and records of the warehouse, in regard to such property.

§ 4. All railroad companies and other common carriers on railroads, shall weigh or measure grain at points where it is shipped, and receipt for the full amount, and shall be responsible for the delivery of such amount to the owner or consignee thereof, at the place of destination.

§ 5. All railroad companies receiving and transporting grain in bulk or otherwise shall deliver the same to any consignee thereof, or any elevator or public warehouse to which it may be consigned, provided such consignee or the elevator or public warehouse can be reached by any track owned, leased or used, or which can be used by such railroad companies; and all railroad companies shall permit connections to be made with their track, so that any such consignee and any public warehouse, coal bank or coal yard may be reached by the cars on said railroad.

6. It shall be the duty of the General Assembly to pass all necessary laws to prevent the issue of false and fraudulent warehouse receipts, and to give full effect to this Article of the Constitution, which shall be liberally construed so as to protect producers and shippers. And the enumeration of the remedies herein named shall not be construed to deny to the General Assembly the power to prescribe by law such other and further remedies as may be found expedient, or to deprive any person of existing common law remedies.

§ 7. The General Assembly shall pass laws for the inspection of grain, for the protection of producers, shippers and receivers of grain and produce.


Amendments to the Constitution.

SECTION I. Whenever two-thirds of the members of each House of the General Assembly shall, by a vote entered upon the journals thereof, concur that a Convention is necessary to revise, alter or amend the Constitution, the question shall be submitted to the electors at the next general election. If a majority voting at the election vote for a Convention, the General Assembly shall, at the next session, provide for a Convention, to consist of double the number of members of the Senate, to be elected in the same manner, at the same places, and in the same districts. The General Assembly shall, in the act calling the Convention, designate the day, hour, and place of its meeting, fix the pay of its members and officers, and provide for the payment of the same, together with the expenses necessarily incurred by the Convention in the performance of its duties. Before proceeding, the members shall take an oath to support the Constitution of the United States, and of the State of Illinois, and to faithfully discharge their duties as members of the Convention. The qualification of members shall be the same as that of members of the Senate, and vacancies occurring shall be filled in the manner provided for filling vacancies in the General Assembly. Said Convention shall meet within three months after such election, and prepare such revision, alteration or amendments of the Constitution as shall be deemed necessary, which shall be submitted to the electors for their ratification or rejection, at an election appointed by the Convention for that purpose, not less than two nor more than six months after the adjournment thereof; and unless so submitted and approved by a majority of the electors voting at the election, no such revision, alterations, or amendments, shall take effect.

§ 2. Amendments to the Constitution may be proposed in either House of the General Assembly, and if the same shall be voted for by two-thirds of all the members elected to each of the two Houses, such proposed amendments, together with the yeas and nays of each House thereon, shall be entered in full on their respective journals,

and said amendments shall be submitted to the electors of this State for adoption or rejection, at the next election of members of the General Assembly, in such manner as may be prescribed by law. The proposed amendments shall be published in full at least three months preceding the election, and if a majority of the electors voting at said election shall vote for the proposed amendments, they shall become a part of this Constitution. But the General Assembly shall have no power to propose amendments to more than one Article of this Constitution at the same session, nor to the same Article oftener than once in four years.


Illinois Central Railroad.

No contract, obligation or liability whatever, of the Illinois Central Railroad Company, to pay any money into the State Treasury, nor any lien of the State upon or right to tax property of said Company, in accordance with the provisions of the charter of said Company, approved February 10th, A. D. 1851, shall ever be released, suspended, modified, altered, remitted, or` in any manner diminished or impaired, by legislative or other authority; and all moneys derived from said Company after the payment of the State debt, shall be appropriated and set apart for the payment of the ordinary expenses of the State Government, and for no other purposes whatever.

Minority Representation.

The House of Representatives shall consist of three times the number of the members of the Senate, and the term of office shall be two years. Three Representatives shall be elected in each Senatorial District at the general election in the year of our Lord 1872, and every two years thereafter. In all elections of Representatives aforesaid, each qualified voter may cast as many votes for one candidate as there are Representatives to be elected, or may distribute the same, or equal parts thereof, among the candidates, as he shall see fit, and the candidates highest in votes shall be declared elected.

Municipal Subscriptions to Railroad or Private Corporations.

No county, city, town, township, or other municipality, shall ever become subscriber to the capital stock of any railroad or private corporation, or make donation to, or loan its credit in aid of such corporation: Provided, however, That the adoption of this Article shall not be construed as affecting the right of any such municipality to make such subscriptions where the same have been authorized, under existing laws, by a vote of the people of such municipalities prior to such adoption.


The Illinois and Michigan Canal shall never be sold or leased until the specific proposition for the sale or lease thereof shall first have been submitted to a vote of the people of the State, at a general election, and have been approved by a majority of all the votes polled at such election.

The General Assembly shall never loan the credit of the State, or make appropriations from the Treasury thereof, in aid of railroads or canals: Provided, That any surplus earnings of any canal may be appropriated for its enlargement or extension.


That no inconvenience may arise from the alterations and amendments made in the Constitution of this State, and to carry the same into complete effect, it is hereby

ordained and declared:

SECTION I. That all laws in force at the adoption of this Constitution, not inconsistent therewith, and all rights, actions, prosecutions, claims and contracts of this State, individuals or bodies corporate, shall continue to be as valid as if this Constitution had not been adopted.

§ 2. That all fines, taxes, penalties and forfeitures, due and owing to the State of Illinois under the present Constitution and laws, shall inure to the use of the people of the State of Illinois under this Constitution.

§ 3. Recognizances, bonds, obligations, and all other instruments entered into or executed before the adoption of this Constitution, to the people of the State of Illinois, to any State or county officer or public body, shall remain binding and valid, and rights and liabilities upon the same shall continue; and all crimes and misdemeanors shall be tried and punished as though no change had been made in the Constitution of this State.

§ 4. County Courts, for the transaction of county business in counties not having adopted township organization, shall continue in existence, and exercise their present jurisdiction until the board of county commissioners provided in this Constitution, is organized in pursuance of an act of the General Assembly; and the County Courts in all other counties shall have the same power and jurisdiction they now possess, until otherwise provided by general law.

§ 5. All existing courts which are not in this Constitution specifically enumerated, shall continue in existence and exercise their present jurisdiction until otherwise provided by law.

§ 6. All persons now filling any office or appointment, shall continue in the exercise of the duties thereof, according to their respective commissions or appointments, unless by this Constitution it is otherwise directed.

7. On the day this Constitution is submitted to the people for ratification, an election shall be held for Judges of the Supreme Court in the second, third, sixth and seventh judicial election districts designated in this Constitution, and for the election of three Judges of the Circuit Court in the county of Cook, as provided for in the Article of this Constitution relating to the Judiciary; at which election every person entitled to vote according to the terms of this Constitution, shall be allowed to vote, and the election shall be otherwise conducted, returns made and certificates issued, in accordance with existing laws, except that no registry shall be required at said election: Provided, That at said election in the county of Cook no elector shall vote for more than two candidates for Circuit Judge. If, upon canvassing the votes for and against the adoption of this Constitution, it shall appear that there has been polled a greater number of votes against than for it, then no certificates of election shall be issued for any of said Supreme or Circuit Judges.

§ 8. This Constitution shall be submitted to the people of the State of Illinois for adoption or rejection, at an election to be held on the first Saturday in July, A. D. 1870, and there shall be separately submitted at the same time, for adoption or rejection,

Sections 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15, relating to railroads, in the Article entitled Corporations;

The Article entitled Counties;

The Article entitled Warehouses;

The question of requiring a three-fifths vote to remove a county seat;

The section relating to the Illinois Central Railroad;

The section in relation to Minority Representation;

The section relating to Municipal Subscriptions to Railroads or Private Corpora tions; and

The section relating to the Canal.

Every person entitled to vote under the provisions of this Constitution, as defined in the Article in relation to " Suffrage," shall be entitled to vote for the adoption or rejection of this Constitution, and for or against the articles, sections and questions aforesaid, separately submitted; and the said qualified electors shall vote at the usua places of voting, unless otherwise provided, and the said elections shall be conducted, and returns thereof made, according to the laws now in force regulating general elec tions, except that no registry shall be required at said election: Provided, however, Tha' the polls shall be kept open for the reception of ballots until sunset of said day of election.

§ 9. The Secretary of State shall, at least twenty days before said election, cause to be delivered to the county clerk of each county, blank poll-books, tally-lists, and forms of return, and twice the number of properly prepared printed ballots for the said election that there are voters in such county, the expense whereof shall be audited and paid as other public printing ordered by the Secretary of State is, by law, required to be audited and paid; and the several county clerks shall, at least five days before said election, cause to be distributed to the board of election, in each election district, in their respective counties, said blank poll-books, tally-lists, forms of return, and tickets. § 10. At the said election the ballots shall be in the following form:


For all the propositions on this ticket which are not canceled with ink or pencil; and against all which are so canceled

For the new Constitution.

For the sections relating to Railroads in the Article entitled Corporations.

For the Article entitled Counties.

For the Article entitled Warehouses.

For a three-fifths vote to remove County Seats.

For the section relating to the Illinois Central Railroad.

For the section relating to Minority Representation.

For the section relating to Municipal Subscriptions to Railroads or Private Corporations.

For the section relating to the Canal.

Each of said tickets shall be counted as a vote cast for each proposition thereon not canceled with ink or pencil and against each proposition so canceled, and returns thereof shall be made accordingly by the Judges of Election.

11. The returns of the whole vote cast, and of the votes for the adoption or rejection of this Constitution, and for or against the Articles and Sections respectively submitted, shall be made by the several county clerks, as is now provided by law, to the Secretary of State, within twenty days after the election; and the returns of the said votes shall, within five days thereafter, be examined and canvassed by the Auditor, Treasurer and Secretary of State, or any two of them, in the presence of the Governor, and proclamation shall be made by the Governor, forthwith, of the result of the canvass.

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