THE MONTHLY VISITOR, AND NEW Family Magazine. By a Society of Gentlemen. MERIT WILL HAVE FAME." VOL XII. BY THE London: Printed by J. Cundee, Ivy-Lane, FOR H. D. SYMONDS, NO. 20, PATERNOSTER-ROW, R PREFACE. THE THE Proprietors of the MONTHLY VISITOR Congratulate their Friends on the Commencement of a new Century; and being fully sensible of the truly liberal Patronage with which they have been pleased to honour their performance, cannot enter upon a new volume without fresh assurances of their continued exertions, to secure that pre-eminence which has so long distinguished their literary labours. To render themselves still more worthy of that patronage, they have, at the suggestion of many of their Correspondents, been induced to make some NEW ARRANGEMENTS IN THEIR PLAN, thereby embracing many valuable improvements, which cannot fail to make the Work more interesting and useful, particularly in Private Families. But, in this place it may be considered ne cessary to enumerate some of those advantages, in addition to what the MONTHLY Visitor already possesses. That it is evidently designed to advance the best interests of the juvenile part of society, cannot, surely be controverted, and on this account, as Guardians of Public Virtue and Morality, it will be the first consideration with the Conductors to introduce the most interesting articles of a moral nature. To blend also amusement with instruction; and to afford an opportunity for the display of ingenuity among our young readers, it is our intention, occasionally, to give place to Enigmas, Charades, Riddles, &c. &c. for which we earnestly solicit the Contributions of our Subscribers; thus using our best endeavours to make it in every respect, an agreeable and entertaining FAMILY COMPANION. Nor will the MONTHLY VISITOR be found less valuable to those of maturer years. In the future Numbers will be introduced interesting Extracts, from new Voyages and Travels, Novels (particularly those of a moral and instructive cast), an account of the Customs, Manners, and Habits of the various Nations, and descriptions of People which inhabit this vast Globe, including also the varied beauties of the Creation: (these subjects will be occasionally illustrated by En |