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not the magistrate have a right to flog 'em into their doublets?" MAYO. "I think the magistrate Etat. 64. has no right to interfere till there is fome overt act." BOSWELL. "So, Sir, though he fees an enemy to the State charging a blunderbufs, he is not to interfere till it is fired off?" MAYO. "He must be sure of its direction against the state." JOHNSON. "The magiftrate is to judge of that.He has no right to restrain your thinking, because the evil centers in yourself. If a man were fitting at this table, and chopping off his fingers, the magiftrate, as guardian of the community, has no authority to restrain him, however he might do it from kindness as a parent. Though, indeed, upon more confideration, I think he may; as it is probable, that he who is chopping off his own fingers, may foon proceed to chop off thofe of other people. If I think it right to fteal Mr. Dilly's plate, I am a bad man; but he can fay nothing to me. If I make an open declaration that I think fo, he will keep me out of his houfe. If I put forth my hand, I fhall be sent to Newgate. This is the gradation of thinking, preaching, and acting: if a man thinks erroneously, he may keep his thoughts to himself, and nobody will trouble him; if he preaches erroneous doctrine, society may expel him; if he acts in confequence of it, the law takes place, and he is hanged." MAYO. "But, Sir, ought not Chriftians to have liberty of confcience?" JOHNSON. "I have already told you fo, Sir. You are coming back to where you were." BOSWELL. "Dr. Mayo is always taking a return post-chaise, and going the stage over again.


Ætat. 64.

He has it at half price." JOHNSON. "Dr. Mayo, like other champions for unlimited toleration, has got a fet of words. Sir, it is no matter, politically, whether the magiftrate be right or wrong. Suppose a club were to be formed, to drink confusion to King George the Third, and a happy restoration to Charles the Third; this would be very bad with respect to the State; but every member of that club must either conform to its rules, or be turned out of it. Old Baxter, I remember, maintains, that the magistrate should tolerate all things that are tolerable.' This is no good definition of toleration upon any principle; but it fhews that he thought fome things were not tolerable." TOPLADY. "Sir, you have untwisted this difficult. fubject with great dexterity."

During this argument, Goldfmith fat in reftlefs agitation, from a wish to get in and fine. Finding himfelf excluded, he had taken his hat to go away, but remained for fome time with it in his hand, like a gamefter, who at the clofe of a long night, lingers for a little while, to fee if he can have a favourable opening to finish with fuccefs. Once when he was beginning to fpeak, he found himself overpowered by the loud voice of Johnson, who was at the oppofite end of the table, and


Dr. Mayo's calm temper and steady perfeverance, rendered him an admirable fubject for the exercife of Dr. Johnson's powerful abilities. He never flinched; but, after reiterated blows, remained feemingly unmoved as at the first. The scintillations of Johnfon's genius flashed every time he was ftruck, without his receiving any injury. Hence he obtained the epithet of THE LITERARY ANVIL.

did not perceive Goldsmith's attempt. Thus difappointed of his wish to obtain the attention of the company,Goldfmith in a paffion threw down his hat, looking angrily at Johnson, and exclaiming in a bitter tone, "Take it." When Toplady was going to speak, Johnson uttered fome found, which led Goldsmith to think that he was beginning again, and taking the words from Toplady. Upon which, he feized this opportunity of venting his own envy and spleen, under the pretext of fupporting another perfon: "Sir, (faid he to Johnfon,) the gentleman has heard you patiently for an hour; pray allow us now to hear him." JOHNSON. (fternly,) "Sir, I was not interrupting the gentleman. I was only giving him a signal of my attention. Sir, you are impertinent." Goldsmith made no reply, but con- . tinued in the company for fome time.


Ætat. 64.

A gentleman prefent ventured to afk Dr. Johnfon if there was not a material difference as to toleration of opinions which lead to action, and opinions merely fpeculative; for inftance, would it be wrong in the magiftrate to tolerate those who preach against the doctrine of the TRINITY? Johnfon was highly offended, and faid, "I wonder, Sir, how a gentleman of your piety can introduce this subject in a mixed company." He told me afterwards, that the impropriety was, that perhaps fome of the company might have talked on the fubject in fuch terms as might have fhocked him; or he might have been forced to appear in their eyes a narrow-minded man. The gentleman, with fubmiffive deference, faid, he had only hinted at the question from a desire to hear Dr. Johnson's opinion

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opinion upon it. JOHNSON. "Why then, Sir, I think that permitting men to preach any opinion contrary to the doctrine of the established church, tends, in a certain degree, to leffen the authority of the church, and, confequently, to lessen the influence of religion." "It may be confidered, (faid the gentleman,) whether it would not be politick to tolerate in fuch a cafe." JOHNSON. "Sir, we have been talking of right: this is another ques tion. I think it is not politick to tolerate in fuch a cafe."

Though he did not think it fit that so aweful a fubject should be introduced in a mixed company, and therefore at this time waved the theological queftion; yet his own orthodox belief in the facred mystery of the TRINITY is evinced beyond doubt, by the following paffage in his private devotions: "O LORD, hear my prayer, for JESUS CHRIST'S fake; to whom with thee and the HOLY GHOST, three perfons and one GOD, be all honour and glory, world without end, Amen'."

BOSWELL. " Pray, Mr. Dilly, how does Dr. Leland's Hiftory of Ireland' fell?" JOHNSON. (bursting forth with a generous indignation,) "The Irish are in a most unnatural state; for we see there the minority prevailing over the majority. There is no instance, even in the ten perfecutions, of such severity as that which the Proteftants of Ireland have exercised against the Catholicks. Did we tell them we have conquered them, it would be above board: to punish them by confifcation and other

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penalties, as rebels, was monstrous injuftice. King William was not their lawful fovereign: he had not been acknowledged by the Parliament of Ireland, when they appeared in arms against him.”

I here fuggested fomething favourable of the Roman Catholicks. TOPLADY. "Does not their invocation of faints fuppofe omniprefence in the faints?" JOHNSON. "No, Sir; it supposes only pluri-prefence; and when fpirits are divested of matter, it seems probable that they should fee with more extent than when in an embodied state. There is, therefore, no approach to an invasion of any of the divine attributes, in the invocation of faints. But I think it is will-worship, and prefumption. I fee no command for it, and therefore think it is fafer not to practise it."

He and Mr. Langton and I went together to the Club, where we found Mr. Burke, Mr. Garrick, and fome other members, and amongst them our friend Goldfmith, who fat filently brooding over Johnson's reprimand to him after dinner. Johnfon perceived this, and faid afide to fome of us," I'll make Goldsmith forgive me ;" and then called to him in a loud voice," Dr. Goldfmith,-fomething paffed to-day where you and I dined; I ask your pardon." Goldfmith answered placidly, "It must be much from you, Sir, that I take ill." And fo at once the difference was over, and they were on as easy terms as ever, and Goldsmith rattled away as usual.

In our way to the club to-night, when I regretted that Goldsmith would, upon every occafion, endeavour to fhine, by which he often expofed him




Etat. 64.

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