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He shall assign a bed to each patient on admission, subject to the approval of the physician or surgeon in attendance.


As soon after their election as possible, the Physicians and Surgeons shall be notified by the Trustees to meet for the purpose of arranging their term and order of service, which arrangement shall be made subject to the approval of the Trustees.

They shall weekly, or oftener, report the names of such patients as they think should be discharged, and shall make any suggestions or remarks which may tend to promote the interests of the Hospital or its inmates.

They shall keep or shall cause to be kept by the resident graduates in permanent volumes, in such form as may be provided by the Trustees, full records of the cases and treatment of all patients in both medical and surgical departments. No volume of such records shall be taken from the premises, and no extracts shall be made from them by persons not connected with the Hospital.

If any Physician or Surgeon shall be prevented from attending in his term, he shall procure one of the other Physicians or Surgeons to attend in his stead. The regular morning visit to patients shall be made between the hours of eight and eleven. Except in case of emergency, no capital or important operation shall be performed without a previous consultation, of which all the Surgeons shall have due notice.


Students and other persons shall be admitted to the wards and the amphitheatre of the Hospital, in such numbers and with such restrictions as the Trustees may from time to time deem expedient.


The Resident Graduates shall be chosen on the nomination of the Board of Visiting Physicians and Surgeons, whose duty it shall be to report such nomination to the Trustees on or before the first day of April in each year. The names thus reported shall be those of the four persons who, in the opinion of the said Board, after a rigid examination in the various branches of medicine and surgery, shall seem most competent to fulfil the duties required of them.

Two of the Resident Graduates shall reside constantly at the Hospital, and shall not absent themselves without the consent of the Superintendent, and in no case shall both be absent from their posts at the same time. The year shall be divided among them as shall be agreed upon by themselves, subject to the approval of the Trustees.

Their duties shall be assigned them by the visiting physicians and surgeons, who shall, in the case of absence of either of them by sickness or other causes, appoint a temporary substitute, subject to the approval of the Visiting Committee.

If more than four Resident Graduates be required, the Trustees may appoint the same and permit them to reside on the premises or elsewhere.

They shall in no case make an exchange of their respective departments without the consent of the visiting physician or surgeon under whom they serve, and the sanction of the Visiting Committee.

They shall accompany the superiors in their daily visits, shall make the necessary record of treatment and diet of patients, and shall see that their directions are complied with. They shall, when requested by the physician or surgeon, make autopsies and other pathological examinations; and the Resident Graduate in the Surgical Department shall take charge of the instruments and apparatus, none of which shall be taken from the Hospital without the consent of the Superintendent.

The Resident Graduates shall not engage in private practice during their term of service.

They shall, when requested by the Superintendent or Visiting Committee, investigate the claims of applicants for admission, whether made at the Hospital or from the City.

They shall attend to patients on their admission, and give the necessary directions for their comfort, before they are seen by their regular medical attendant, and shall make a daily evening visit to each patient.


The Librarian shall have the charge of all books belonging to the Hospital, and of the casts, models, anatomical preparations, and prints, under such regulations as may be prescribed by the Trustees.


The Apothecary shall reside on the premises, and shall not absent himself except at such hours as may be authorized by the Superintendent. He shall purchase all medicines under the direction of the Committee on the Medical Department, and shall keep exact accounts of quantities, qualities, and prices. He shall compound medicines, prepare prescriptions, perform chemical analyses, and such other duties as may be prescribed by the Trustees or the Superintendent.


The Trustees may establish a dispensary department for outdoor patients who are unable to pay fees for medical attendance at their houses, with such restrictions and under such regulations as they may from time to time deem expedient.


The Matron shall have the general direction of all female nurses and servants, see that they perform their several duties, and report all instances of inattention and neglect of duty. She shall be responsible for the neatness and order of every part of the establishment; shall superintend the kitchen and laundry, and cause to be kept an accurate account of bedding, clothing, table, and other furniture. She shall perform such other duties as may be required.


The Chief Nurse of each ward, under the direction of the Matron, shall have charge of the same, with the convalescents' room attached thereto. She shall keep a ward book containing a list of patients, and an inventory of furniture, bedding, and other articles, and on each Tuesday shall make a return to the matron of all occupants of the ward during the week. She shall keep, in a suitable book, a list of all parcels or property belonging to patients in her ward not in use, which property shall be deposited in a suitable room, under the charge of the Superintendent. She shall also keep a list of all articles sent to the laundry, and if not returned in good condition, report the same to the matron. She shall perform such other duties as may be required.


The Gate Keeper shall allow no one to enter or leave the premises, unless duly authorized.

He shall examine all permits, and, when so instructed record the names of persons passing the gate. He shall keep in good order the grounds, walks, and borders surrounding the Hospital, shall take care of horses and vehicles in the sheds, and shall perform such other duties as may be required of him.


Applications for admission of patients shall be made at the Hospital on each day of the week, excepting Sunday, at such hours as the Trustees may appoint.

Whenever able, the patient should apply in person. When not able to appear in person, application may be made by a friend, and the patient shall be visited by one of the resident graduates, or by some physician designated by the Trustees.

Ang Trustee or either of the physicians or surgeons in attendance may, in case of emergency, send a patient in the first instance to the Hospital by written permit, and the Visiting Committee shall, on the certificate of one of the medical officers designated for the purpose, decide as soon as may be afterwards whether such patient shall remain.

Persons accidentally wounded or otherwise disabled or injured, shall be received at all hours, subject to such rules as the Trustees may from time to time enact.

Permits for admission shall be subject to the approval of the Visiting Committee for the time being, or, in their absence, to that of the Superintendent.

The Visiting Committee, however, shall have the power at any time to require the Superintendent to report to them the names of applicants before admitting them, and may dismiss any patient whom they think improperly admitted.

Patients discharged on the recommendation of the Physicians or Surgeons, shall be provided with a certificate stating their condition at the time of discharge, whether cured, relieved or not relieved, which certificate shall be signed by the Superintendent.

In case of the decease of any patient, the Superintendent shall sign a certificate to that effect, and shall furnish the City Registrar with a copy of the same. He shall also state the time and cause of death, the disposition made of body, whether delivered to friends or buried from the Hospital. In the last case he shall mention the place of interment.

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