Page images

Lions, in marble, by Louis St. Gaudens, 160

Little, James L., of ENanmining Committee, li. 75. Little, Samuel, Trustee, ll. 72. Lloyd, William, lecture, ll. 22. Loans recorded, slip system adopted, Niv. 46; l. 155. Local history, American, in historical collections, Index to, by A. P. C. Griflin, \\ XVIll. 13. Lockwood, Bessie S., gift of the Hiland Howood collection of books, N. lv.24; . 163. Lodge, Mrs. John Ellerton, gift of marble copy of the Venus de Metlich, l. 162. Lombard, Prof. Joslala L., of E \amin1ng Committee, ll. 75. London Gazette, purchase of, Nxxii. 19. London Times, glft from William C. • Todd, xlvi. 28. Longfellow Memorial Collection, gift of Miss Victorine Thomas Artz, N1 v. 5, 16, 24, 120; \ly 1. 18; 1. 163. Loring, IIon. Charles G., of E\amining Committee, li. 75; memolittl fund, \ll v. 14; l. 161 ; li. 53. Loring, John G., gift, l. 156. Losses of books, v1. 33; W 11. 30; viii. 6; \l V. 38, Nvul. 60; xx. 27; xN v. 39. See yearly statements in Appendl Nes. Lothrop, Loring, of Examinling Committee, ll. 75. Lowell, A. Lawrence, of EXà mln kng Committee, ll. 75; address, NIV isi, 35; lecture, l. 35. Loweli, Augustus, of E\amining Committee, ll. 75. Loweli, Daniel O. S., of Examining Committee, ll. 75. Lowell, Edwald J., of Examining Committee, li. 75. Lowell Institute lectures, Xlix, 17; l. 17; 15

ll. 15. Lower Isall, Boylston street building, v1. 11 : catalogue, vi. 11, 19, 29, iN. 7 ; X NY will. 1S, l. 154, 155, Opening Of reading room, September 17, 1858, vi. 29, vii. 6, 1. 154, books given to readers, December 20, 1858, Vll. 6, 26. character of reading in Lower II all, X v. 46, \l X. 30; use of, X v1. 47; NVll. 53, character of the collection, XVil. 18, outside clerk appointed, NY 11. 34; classification of reading, NV il. 57; inadequacy of, Ni N. 2S, alterations 11), N N. 17. Note. — Statistics of the evtent and Classification Of thIs ("Ollection are 1In the Appendl Nes of the yearly reports of the Library. Lower Hall Funding lists, Niv. 52, \vi. 72, NV 11. 63; Ni N. 37; N \. 32, XXIX. 31, NNN. 21, poetry and drama, XVIil. S, 22, XN1 N. 31 ; arts and Sciences, NYIN. 3 l ; foreign languages, xxi \. 3 l ; N N N. 21, history, biography, and travel, annotated by Justin W Insor, destroyed in part by fire, reedited and published, xxi. 29, x \li. S, 16, 27; N \ll1. 30, \ll. 21; l. 156. Lower Mills, Dorchester (Station A), Reading Room, X\iv. 17, XXXIi. 20; 1. 15S. Lunt, Hon. George, of Examining Comm1ttee, li. 75. Lyman, George H., M.D., of Examin1ng Committee, ll. 75. Lyon, Prof. David G , lecture, N1ix. 30. McCleary, Samuel F., of Examining Committee, li. 75. McGuffey, Miss Margaret D., Chief of the Issue Depal tument, N liv. 34. McKim, Mead and White, appointed

architects, XXXVi. 4; plans submitted, N \ NVli. 6, l. 159. Macmonnies’. Bacchante, gift of C. F. McIVlm, N. lv. 11; xlvi. 10. TicMulty, Rev. John J., of Examining Committee, li. 75. Macurdy, Miss Theodosia E., Chief of the Ordering Department, xll v. 96. Manchester, England. Public free libraries, NV. 40, 42. Manning, Jacob M., D.D., of Examining Committee, li. 75. Tianuscripts, NIVlii. 33; xlix. 25; l. 28, 165, ll. 3, 24. See Chamberlain Collection; Brown, John; Griswold, Rufus W.; John Adams Library, Prince Collect lon. Manuscripts, historical, publication of, i". 33; xll X. 18, l. 4, 19, 45, 165; l. 16. Manuscripts, illuminated, l. 9, 166. Maps, XV11, 47; N lvlil. 33. Mason, Rev. Charles, Committee, li. 75. Mason, Miss Ellen F., of Examining Committee, ll. 75. Mason, Frank S., of Examining Committee, ll. 75. Mason, Robert M., of Examining Committee, li. 75. Mason street building, See Preliminary report, 1852, p. 23; ii. 4, 13; Reading Room and Llbrary, Opened, March 20, May 2, 1854, closed, June 30, 1858, Vl. 17 ; l. 154. Massachusetts libraries, statistics, Nvii.

of Examining

112. Massachusetts Bay, Court books of the Governor and Secretary, xxxix. 9. Massachusetts Twentieth Regiment ASsociation, gift of $5,000, N) v. 26 ; NIv1. 2, 2). 21, 137; }. 163. Mathematics. See Bowditch Library. T1 attapan Reading Room (Station D), x \x. 25, N liv. 21; l. 158. T1attapan Literary Association, gift of Its collection of books to the South Boston Brauch Library, xx. 6; l. 156. Maxwell, J. Audley, of E Naimlning Committee, 11. 75. neo, Charles, fund, N. lv. 16, 24, 29; l. 158; 1. 53. Medals, Dublé collection, XXX vii. 20; Washington medal, NN1 v. 6, 23, 1. 156; gift of George B. Knapp, l. 166; 11, 89, Medical books, gift of, li. 6; inedical books in the Library, report of Dr. Harold Williams, X x\ix. 21 Mercantile Library of Boston, gift of Its books, NNV. 32; XXVi. 7; l. 157. Mercantile Library of Brooklyn, catalogue, XX w. 42 Mercantile Library of New York, xv. 41. Messinger, George W., Trustee, li. 72. Metcalf, Rev. Theodore A., of Examining Committee, li. 75. Mexico, Republic, gift, l. 160 Military Library (20th Regiment M. V. I.), gift. See Twentieth Regiment AsSOC latl Ol). Military science, books on, gift by Gen. Sylvanus Thayer, xx. 21, Milmore, Martin, bust of George Ticknor, Yvi. 8, 20; l. 155; bust of Wendell Phillips, l. 165. Minns, Thomas, of Examining Committee, ll. 75. Minot, Francis, of Examining Committee, li. 75. Molière, books about, gift of George Tickmor, x. 40. Monthly Bulletin. See Bulletin. Mooney, George V., Custodian of the Stock Rooum, Xlv i. 123.

[blocks in formation]

Newspaper Reading Room, shelves, xlv. 19; 1. 163.

Newspapers, NNiii. 35; xliv. 119, and later reports; coöperative list of, Xlv. 30; Xlvi. 3, 31; ). 164, gift ot William C. Todd, of $50,000, Nhi. 4, 7 : xlvi. 2, 20; l. 161 ; bound newspapers used # the room vacated by the bindery, i. 6, 27. Newton, Jeremlah L., Trustee, li. 72. Nichols, Miss Adelaide A., Auditor, reports. See Appendixes to the annual reports. Nichols, Mrs. R Anne, gifts, Nxxii. 42; and later gift lists, l. 157. Nieders uer, Henry, tools. See annual report of the LiTour V. Nightingale, James, gift, ii. 19, l. 153. Niles, Stephen R., Trustee, li. 72. Noble. John, of ENamining Committee, i. 75. Non-resident tax payers ask to take books from the Library, N, 46. Norcross, Otus, of Examining Committee, li. 75. North Bennet Street Industrial School (Station W), li. 32. North Brighton Reading Room (Station L), opened, l. 160. North End Delivery Station at Hancock school-house, Nix N. 26; xxxiii. 6; xl. 13; Xlv. 20; l. 15S, 159.

* Chief Engineer,

Numismatics, Boston Numismatic Sojo 1. 164; Knapp, Arthur M., gift, o 166.

O’Brien, Hon. Hugh, Trustee, li. 72; of Examining Committee, li. 75; bronze bust by Donoghue, l. 159.

O’Callaghan, John J., of Examining Committee, 11. 75.

Old South Church deposits the Prince Library in the Boston Public Library, xiv. 7, 30; l. 155.

Old State House, painting of, by Salmon,


Olmsted, Frederick L., Jr., lecture, li. 27. Open shelves, Xliv. 3, 29; 1. 47; at the branches, N. lvil. S1. Ordering Department, Yl. 11; room enlarged, xlvii. 18; 1 164. Note. — The annual statements Of the Chief of this department are 1ncluded in the reports of the Library. Ordinance of Library, first, passed, 1.153; ordinance relating to Library modified, l. 154. O’Reilly, John Boyle, of Examining Committee, li. 75 : collection of books, l. 163; bust, xlvi. 15; 1. 164; memorial fund, from Papyrus Club, xlvi. 2, 20, 138, l. 163; li. 53. O’Reilly, Miss Mary Boyle, of Examining Committee, li. 75. Orient Heights Reading Room (Station Z), opened, l. 166. Otis, George A., of Examining Committee, li. 75. Otis Margaret S., gift of a copy of the bust of Powers’ Greek Slave, l. 163.

Pacific Mills, Lawrence, gift of original painted designs of the patterns used, X liv. 128. Paddock, Benjamin H., D.D., of ENamIn 1ng Committee, li. 75. Paige, John C., bequest, N. lvi. 2, 21, 139. Paifrey, Gen. Francis W., books given from his library, 1 160. Pallas Club. lecture, 1. 27. Pamphlets, lx. 35; Yv. 26, xvi. 19, 29, 41; xv.11. 44; xiv. 25; NXV. 44, XXXV 11 i. 14. Panizłł. Sir Antonio, chair and table, . 157. Papyrus Club, gift of John Boyle only fund, \lvi. 2, 20, 18S : ]. 163; i. 53. Paris, parks and public works, illustrations of, gift, with gift in return from the City of Boston to the City of Paris, NYX11, 17; l. 15S. Paris Exposition of 1876, Nxy. 49. Parker, Charles Henry, of Examining Committee, li. 75. Parker, Lydia D. (Mrs. Theodore Parker), gifts, viii. 9, 33; Nixx. 32, portrait, N. N. N. 32. Parker, Theodore, bequest, vili. S, 14; ix. 10, 23; l. 154; bust, by W. W. Story, NYX. 32; portrait, by Cheney, xxY. 32. Parker, William L., of Examining Committee, ll 75. Parker, Mrs. William L., of Examining Committee, li. 75. Parker Library, xxx. 31; report by T. W. Higginson, X.Nxi, 19. Parkman, Henry, of Examining Committee, li. 75. Parks, Hew. Leighton, of Examining Committee, ll. 75. Partridge, William Ordway, gift of bust of Whittier, l, 163. Patent Library (Boylston street building), XXV. 37; XXNiN. 13; Nli. 12; report by Causten IBrowne, Nol. 27; transfer, N \XV il. 25, Nil. 3. Patent Library (Uopley square lyuuldIng), removal ot, xlvii. 16, xlviil, 30, l. 164; ll. 6, 26; picture of, ll. 26. Patents, purchase of drawings and specifications of lackling American batents, xlvi. 19, xlvill. 3), l. 34. Patents, British. See Great Britain, Commissioner of Patents Patents, German. See Kais rliches Patentalmt. Peabody, Francis G., D.D., lecture, 1.35. Peck, Arthur IV., lecture, 1. 27 ; ll. 22. Periodical Room (Boylston street build1 ng), NI V. 43, 71, Sunday openlng, NX1. 8, 29, X.Nill. 25. Periodical Room (Copley square building), enlargement of, xly 11. 15; l. 164. Periodicals, use of, XV, 60, 80, report, ll. 14, 26, and preceding reports; L1st of serial publications currently received in the libraries of Boston and vicinity, xlv. 30; Xlvi, 3, 31; l. 164; irregularities of Serlal issues, \ \. 23; classed, Nxi. 68; scientific periodicals, cooperative list of, \ly 1. 34, and later numbers. Perkins, Challes C., of Examining Committee, li. 75. Perkins, Frederic B., Oslice Secretary, XXili. 91, List of Works on American local history, NY1 v. 20. Perkins, William E., Trustee, li. 72. Perry, Lyman, Trustee, li. 72. Perry, Thomas S., report on French literature in the Llbrary, xxxi. 29; of Examinling Committee, ll. 75; reeommendation of books for purchase, xll N. 13; l. 15; ll. S, 114. Philadelphia Exhibition, 1876, catalogues, etc., of the Boston Public Ll brary, \x1 v. 24; X w.v. 47, 52. Phillips, John C., of Examunung Committee, li. 75. Philiips, Jonathan, gust of $10,000, li, 19; l. 153; bequest, v iii. 7 ; }. 154; li. 50, called the founder of the Library, V111. 7 ; of Examining Committee, li.

| O.

Phillips, Wendell, bronze bust, by Milho glft by A. Shuman, Xlv 111. 10; . 16.5.

Photographs, Graupncr collect on, xlv. 25; 1. 163; Subscription for photographs, \ly 1. 21, l. 164. report.S.

Pick-up carrier in Delivery Room, Nivii.

See yearly

s a Pierce, Hon. Henry L., of Examining Committee, h. 75, gift of $5,000, xxlm. 30, l. 156; 11. 50. Pierce, Phineas, Trustee, xliii. 1, li. 72; resolution on his retirement, \llil. 15. Pike, Miss II arriet N , report on the Ordering Department, xxix. 35. Pin gree, Miss Lalia B., of ENamining Committee, 11. 75. Plummer, Farnham, Trustee, li. 72. Pneumatic and Suction tubes, in IDelivery Room, N. lv. 11. 10. Political economy, report by Carroll D. Wright, xxvii. 10. Pond, M1ss Clara B., Custodlan of East Boston Branch Library, xlv. 74. Toole’s Index to periodical literatul e, X \ W. 59. Pope, Richard, Trustee, 11. 72. Portuguese library of George Ticknor. See Ticknor Library. Powers, Hiram, Greek Slave, gift from Mrs. Margaret S. Otis, xlvi. 16, 139; l. 163. Powers, Preston, bust of Whittier, l. 158. Pratt, Charles E., Trustee, li. 72.

Prescott, William II., of Examining Committee, li. 72. Price, MI1ss Henrietta C., Custodian of the Roxbury Branch Library, x x1. 74, Prince, Hon. Frederick O., of Examin1Ing Committee, ll. 72; President of Trustees, 1, 162; li. 72; resignation, 1. 164; death of, xlvili. 2; l. 165. Prince, Thomas. See Prince Library. Prince Library, deposited in the Boston Public Library by the deacons of the Old South Church, xiv. 7, 30, 65; xvi. 17; manuscripts in, NY 11. 63, l. 155; catalogue, Nvil. 63; xv.1ii. 22, titles in catalogue inserted in card catalogue, X N. 32. Printing, by city printers, xviii. 8; Library to do its own printing, xviii. 8; N \vili. 23; department moved to Stanhope Street, li. 3, 17. See yearly report of the Printing Department. Provençal literature, xii. 23; l. 155. Pseudonyms, XV11. 64. Public Garden, plan for placing the Library there, ii. 8. Public invited to coöperate with the Library, ii. 6. Publications issued. See reports of the Catalogue Department and the Editor Of Library publications. Putnam, George, D.D., Trustee, 11. 72; of Examining Committee, li. 75. Putnam, George, of Examining Committee, li. 75. Putnam, Herbert, Librarian, xliv. 7; l. 161; resignation, xlviii. 1,6; 1. 164; reports as Librarlan, xliv-xlvii. Putnam, IIon. John P., of Examining Committee, ll. 75. Putnam, William L., of Examining Committee, li. 75. Puvis de Chavannes, mural decorations, x}l v. 19; xlv. 10, 20. Pyle, Howard, paintings presented to the Library, xlvi. 15, 145; l. 163.

Quincy, Hon. Josiah (born 1772), gift of
public documents, xv. 66, l. 153.
Quincy, Hon. Josiah (born 1859), address,
Xlv lli. 35.
Quincy, Mass., Public Library, Catalogue,
XXV. 42.
Quincy Schoolhouse, Tyler street, store-
room for books, iii. 12, 1 V. 5.

Ramsay, Allan, library of, See Preliminary report, 1852, p. 11. Randali, Charles M., M.D., of Examining Committee, ll. 75. Readers, classes of. Note. — Tables of applicants for books, by classes, are found yearly in the Appendl Nes. Reading, character of, xv. 44, 46, 48; X \l. 63. Reading Committee of works of fiction. See Flotion. Recommendations, by the public, Of books for purchase, il. 6; ix. 17; NiV. 16; xv. 33; xvi. 16, xvii. 5; xxv.

10, 37.

Reed, Mrs. Elizabeth T., Custodian of the Dorchester Branch Library, xlly. 101

Reed, Henry R., of Examining Committee, li. 75. Reed, Sampson, Trustee, li. 72. References given by borrowers of books, Xi \. 7. Registration of applicants, xvi. 42; xvii. 35; xix. 20; xxv. 37; xxxvi. 28; xxxvii. 27; xl. 9, xll v. 27. See statements in the annual reports.

Resignations of members of the Library staff, list, x] will. 57; XIIx. 49; l. 53; 11. 36. Rice, Hon Alexander H., of Examining Coimmittee, li. 75; address, I. 154. Rice, Edwin F., report on registration, XXXvi. 28. Rice, Miss Harriet, Custodian of the T3righton Branch Library, xlv. 110. Richards, William R., Trustee, li. 72; resolutions on his retirement, xliv.

11. Ripley, Prof. , William Z., compiler of Bibliography of the anthropology and ethnology of Europe, Xlvi. 35; xlvi.11. 18; 1. 165. Robbins, Elliott, M.D., of Examining Committee, li. 75. Roberts, Rev. W. Dewees, of Evamining Committee, ll. 75. Roberts's Egypt and Nubia, and Holy Land, gift, l. 157. Robinson, Miss Alice M., Custodian of the South Boston Branch Library, l. 100. Robinson, Edward, address, xlviii. 35. Roche, James Jeffrey, of Examining Committee, li. 75. Rockweli, Miss Maud M., of Examining Committee, li. 75. Rogers, Prof. William B., of Examining Committee, ll, 75. Rollins, J. Wingate, of Examining ComIn Ittee, ll. 75. Rollins. Miss Mary H., Editor of Bibliography of the higher edu, ation of women, and other special lists of books, xlvi. 31 ; 1. 163. Ropes, John C., letter, N lyi. 137; of EXanmining Committee, ll. 75. Roslindale Reading Room (Station B), xxvii. 17; Xll x. 30, 46; l. 165; 11. 32. Rotch, Benjamin S., of Examining Committee, li, 75. Roxbury Athenaeum Library, purchased by Fellowes Athenaeum, l. 159. Roxbury Branch Library, XXi. 24: XXii. 22, 24; xxiv. 21; x\v. 42; \xxiii. 8; plans, Nix. $4; 1. 156; contract with the Trustees of the Fellowes Athen eum, N. N. 19, S0; photograph, X] wi. 64. Roxbury Crossing Reading Room (Station S), Nil N. 46; l. 163. Ruckstuhl, F. W., lecture, li. 27. Runkie, Prof. John D., O Í Examining Committee, h 75. Russell, Charles G., Librarian’s Secretary, death, NlY. 45. Russell, Samuel H., of E\laminling Committee, li. 75. Ryder, Frank, Chief of the Bindery Department, xxxvi. 76.

St. Gaudens, Augustus, group for pedestals outside of the Copley square building, Nll v. 20. St. Gaudens, Louis, lions in marble, placed in the Copley Square bullding, Nl. 19, 1. 160. Sales of books, and fines, etc., proceeds of, should be allowed to the Library, Nlvii. 2, 9; and in later reports. Sampson, Oscar H., of ENamlining Committee, li. 75. Sanborn, Miss Clara E., Custodian Of the Boxbury Branch Library, NNW. 114. Sanger, Hon. George P., Trustee, li. 72; of Examining Committee, ll. 75. Sargent, John S., paintings, Nlly. 19, 20, 129, 1, 162; li. 7. Savage, Philip II., Librarian’s Secretary, Niv. 45; death, Nily lil. 1; l. 164. Scandinavian literature, \ly i. 19. Schmidt, Anna Seaton, lectures, l. 2 li. 22.

Scholfield, Arthur, bequest, xxxii. 6; }. 158; 11. 52. Scholfield, Joseph, bequest, x \xix. S; 1. 160; li. 52. School book publishers, gift of textbooks used in Boston, xlix. 106. Schools, cooperation of Library with, XXVli. 6, 15, 24; xxviii. 19; xlix. 42; 1. 46, 162; 11. 30. Scientific periodicals, coöperative index to, xlvi. 34, and in later reports. Scientific works in the Library, report by John Heard, Jr., xxxvii. 15. Scott, Sir Walter, bust, gift from Westn in Ster Committee on the Scott Memorial, Xlvil. 5, 15, 21, xlv.11í. 35, 1. 104. Searle, Charles P., of Evan ining Committee, li. 75. Sears. Phillp H., Trustee, ll. 72. Seaver, Hon Benjamin, Trustee, 11. 72. Seaver, Edw 1 m P., of Examining Comn]]ttee, 11. 75. Seaver, M1 S. Lillian F., work on Historical Fiction List, xlvi. 33. Second and Twentieth Massachusetts In 1antry -Associations, gift of lions in marble, by Louis St. Gaudens, x]. 19; l. 160. Sedgwick, Prof William T., lecture 1. 3.5

Serials, List of, currently received in the libraries of Boston and vicinity, Xlv). 3, 31; l. lt 4. Seven=day bo ks, x]ix. 21. Shakespeare, Justin Winsor’s notes on, xxv. 57, Catalogue of works of and , allout Shakespeare in the Barton Collection. See Barton Collection. Shattuck, Lemuel, gifts. v. 0. Shedlock, Miss Marie, lecture, li. 22. Sheffield, Mrs. Gertrude P., in charge of the Children’s Room, xlv. 45, extract fo report, N17 li. 72, resignation, 1. 25. Sheff Department. Note. — Reports of this department are included in the annual reports of the Library Shepard, Hon. Harvey N., Trustee. li. 72; of Examining Committee. li. 75. Shepard, Mrs. Sally Inman Kast, gift of $1,000, lii. 5, l. 154. Sheridan, Miss Margaret A., Custodlan of the South End Branch Library, X X \ Wi. 7S. Sherwin, Mrs. Thomas, of ENamining Committee, ll. 75. Shuman, A , gift of bust of Wendell Phillips, Nly 111. 10. l. 165. Shurtleff, IIon Nathaniel B., Trustee, li. 72, of Examining Committee, 11. 75 Smith, Azaliah, of ENamining Committee, li. 75. Smith, Charles C., of Examining Com mittee, li. 75. Smith, Mrs. Charles C., of E Nahmining Committee, li. 75. Slavic literature, Niv i. 19. smith, Joseph Lindon, fresco, xliv. 19, . 162. Smith, Miss Minna, of Examining Committee, l. 75. Social libraries. See Preliminary report, 1852, p. 12. social reform, List of books on, \ly 1. 35, . 164.

Sola, Antonio, bust of Cervantes, l. 159.

Somerset street, land purchased on, but given up, 11. S.

South Boston Branch Library, Y No. 6, 18, N.N. i. 15, 23 : NN11. 24. NX Wil. 7, 9, NNY 35. NNNiil. 7 ; N1. 14, l. 156, 157, 158; fund, li. 53.

[blocks in formation]

livery Station. Station Y. See Andrew Square Read1ng Room. Station Z. See Orient Heights Reading Room. Stations, use and cost, 11. 31 ; and preceding reports. Statistics, Department of, NJ Wii. 4, 39, 64, xlviii. 40; Xllx. 32; l. 28, 38, 164; ll. 23. Stebbins, Solomon B., Trustee, li. 72. Stedman, C. Ellery, M.D., of Examining Committee, 11. 75. Stevens, Oliver, of ENamining Committee, li. 75. Stevenson, IIon. J. Thomas, of Examining Committee, li. 75. Stevenson, Robert Louis, Wood engraylings (original blocks) by him, gift, Vlvii. 5, 159; 1.165. Stock-room, xlvii. 18, and later yearly reports.

Stockwell, Stephen N., of Examining
Committee, li. 75.
Stoddart, J. L., gift, l. 155.
Stbne, Col. Henry, of Examining Com-
mittee, li. 75.
Storrow, Mrs. James J., of Examining
Committee, li. 75.
Story, Joseph, Trustee, vi. 14, 25, 26; vii.
14; li. 72; of Examining Committee,

li. 75. Story, William W., Arcadian shepherd boy, vi. 11; l. 154; bust of Theodore Parker, xxx. 32; l. 154. Sturgis, R. Clipston, lecture, li. 27. Sullivan, Richard, of Examining Committee, li. 75. Sully, Thomas, portrait of George Ticknor, xlv. 20; l. 163. Sumner, Charles, portrait by M. Wight, gift, l. 156. Sumner Library Association of East Boston, gift of its books, Xix. 22; 1. 99). Sunday opening of the Library, xxi. 8, 29; xxii. 10; xxlii. 6, 18, 36; xxxix. 7, 12; xlv. 38. See also Bates Hall, Branch Libraries. Sunday service of employees, xliv. 98, and Appendixes of succeeding reports. Superintendent, ofico established by the City Council, vi. 6; xxv. 13; salary, XXV. 21; l. 154. Superintendent and Librarian, election of given to the Trustees, xiii. 36; XXV. 11. Supervisor of Branches and Stations, xlv. 46; and later yearly reports of this Officer. Swain, Miss Mary P., Custodian of the hours Plain Branch Library; xliv. 102. Swift, Lindsay, Editor of Library publications, xlv. 32; lecture, xlix. 39. Sykes, Joseph, Keeper of Bates Hall, X Wiii. 60.

Taunton, Mass., Public Library, reading at, in 1870, Nix. 33.

Teachers’ cards, xlv. 44.

Teachers’ Geography Club, xlix. 31.

Technological books in the Library, report by John IIeard, Jr., xxxvii. 15

Teele, John O., of Examining Committee, ll. 75. Tetlow, Mrs. John, of Examining Committee, ll. 75. Thaxter, Adam W., of Examining Connmittee, 11. 76. Thayer, Alexander W., selects musical library, vii. 24. Thayer, Miss Caroline C., bequest, XI.

, I. 18) ( . Thayer, Miss Eliza Mary, bequest, xxvi. ; l. 157. Thayer, Rev. George A., of Examining Committee, li. 76. Thayer, Sylvanus, gift of books on military science, XX. 21. Thayer, Rev. Thomas B., of Examining Jommittee, li. 76. Thayer collection, catalogue of, Xliv. 26. Thomas, Hon. Benjamin F., Trustee, li. 72; of Examining Committee, li 76. Thomas, Seth J., of Examining Commit. tee, li. 76. Thornton, J. Wingate, gift of original manuscript of parole of Generals Burgoyne and Riedesel, xiii. 40. Ticknor, Miss Anna E., of Examining Committee, li. 76; gifts, l. 162, 163. Ticknor, Anna [E.] Library Association, gift of its books, li. 34, 87.

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