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The following list will show the locations and rents of all armories February 1, 1903, in charge of this department:

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The following list will show the location of the various ward-rooms in this city, and whether in city buildings or in hired buildings, and rent paid for same :


Ward. | City or Rent. Name of Building. Location. 1. . . . . . City building. Emerson school-house. . . . . . . . . . . . . Saratoga St. 2. . . . . . & & { { Armory building. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Maverick St. 3. . . . . . £ 4 & 4 Old Winthrop school-house... . . . . . JBunker Hill St., Charlesto WIm. 4.. ( & $ 4 I3unker Hill Grammar school-house Baldwin St., Charlestown. 5. . . . . . & 6 § { Harvard Grammar school-house... Devens st., Charlestown. 6. . . . . . § { £ 4 Ware Primary school-house....... North Bennet St. 7. . . . . . { % 4 & Pierpont School-house. . . . . . . . . . . . . Hudson St. 8. . . . . . £ & & New municipal building. . . . . . . . . . 17 Blossom st. 9. . . . . . & 4 & 8 Old Franklin school-house......... Washington St. 10. . . . . . { { { % Rice School-house. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Appleton St. 11. . . . . . s & 6 t Prince School-house................ Exeter St. 12. . . . . . { % { % School-house. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . West Concord St. 13. . . . . $811.67 per yr. Spelman Hall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . West Broadway. 14. . . . . . $400 per year. Gray’s Hall. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . East Broadway. 15. . . . . . City building. Court-room, South Boston . . . . . . . . . L)Orchester a n d We St FOurth Sts. 16. . . . . . $350 per year. Winthrop Hall. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Upham’s Corner. 17. . . . . . City building. Old Church building. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dudley st. 18. . . . . . { { & & New Roxbury Court House........| Roxbury st. 19. . . . . . { { & 4 Old pumping-station. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Elmwood St. 20. . . . . . & 4 { { Ward-room building. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Meeting IIouse Hill. 21. . . . . . $600 per year. Dudley-street Opera IIouse . . . . . . . . Dudley st. 22. . . . . . $800 “ “ | Tomfonróle Hall. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Boylston Station. 23. . . . . . $600 “ & 4 Milnton Hall. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Forest Hills Station. 24. . . . . . g $675 “ ‘‘ | DOrchester Hall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fog's Corner, Dorches25. . . . . . s City building. Old Town Hall. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Washington St., Brighton.

City Scales, as follows, viz.:
North Scales, Haymarket square.
South Scales, City Stables yard, Albany street.
Roxbury Scales, Eustis and Mall streets.
East Boston Scales, Liverpool street.
West Roxbury Scales, Centre and La Grange streets.
Jamaica Plain Scales, Centre street and Starr lane.

City Pound, located as follows, viz.:
East Boston, Ashley avenue.

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DORCHESTER, February 1, 1903.

Mayor of the City of Boston :

DEAR SIR, - In compliance with the Revised Ordinances I here with submit my annual report of the expenditures of the Public Grounds Department for the year beginning February 1, 1902, and ending January 31, 1903. I remain, Your obedient servant,



Salary, Superintendent so o . $4,000 00
Salary, Assistant Superintendent . 2,000 00
Hay, grain and oats for seven

horses . te so . $992 68 Shoeing, etc., for seven

horses . to o . 517 75

Carried forward . $1,510 43 $6,000 00


Brought forward . $1,510 43 $6,000
Veterinary services and medi-
Cines . e o o 101 55
1 new Goddard buggy . $300 00
1 new wagon . © © 250 00
1 new express wagon • 50 00
Repairs on harnesses and
vehicles . e © . 388 37
3. 988
Flower pots, boxes, etc. 861
Tools and repairs o 856
Teaming plank walks . o e © 600
Car tickets for employees . $400 00
Travelling expenses . e 174 41
Teaming and repairing settees . o 305
Photographs and photograph materials, 269
Paints and small supplies o 258
Hardware . 246
Rubber hose 209
Telephone services 176
Lawn mowers and repairs 142
Rent of playgrounds . 100
Food for animals e 46
Freight, express charges, etc. 45
Advertising o o e e 24
Removal of snow from parks and
Squares . e 4,798


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Clerk-hire . o • e o . $1,550 00
Stationery, periodicals and printing 409 46
Typewritten work 371 99
Revising statistics 172 00
Cleaning office 80 00
Secretary and indexes 20 12
2 fan motors, electric . 12 00
Repairing typewriter . 9 75
Clean towels 6 00
Repairing clocks 2 00
*-* -os- 2,633 32
* Greenhouses.
Labor s e o e ge . $7,864 14
Teaming . se o o 558 81
Lumber, sand, lime, etc. 416 06
Carried forward o e . $8,839 01 $20,749 28

JBrought forward o o . $8,839
Plants and seeds & e o o 261
Loam te e e e e e 248
Manure . so to e e © 242
Ashes e o e o o o 202
Grates and repairs on heating appa-
ratus . o o e o O 157
Cellar drainers . o e e e 75
2 new smoke stacks . e o e 59
Glass e g e e o e 54
Electric lighting o e o o 54
Sod . ge o e e e © 32
Repairs on electric fixtures. o o 30
Repairs on conductors and gutters o 30
Coal . * e e e e o 29
Ice . & e o e e o 21
Freight e o & 9
Paint o e e o e o 6
Hoop iron and whale oil soap . o 6
Clean towels e o o © 6
Charcoal 6

Nursery and Cold Frames.

Labor s o e o o . $1,840
Rent of land . © © o o 300
Teaming . to e o o e 122
Manure . o e & e e 108
Loam so e * e e © 82
Trees & e o e e e 47
Hay for covering o o e * 45

Preservation of Trees.

General care :

Labor . e © . $10,730 01
Purchase of young trees . 1,393 80
Loam e e e e 976 83
Teaming . o e o 305 50
Manure . o e e 106 63
Freight charges. o © 35 00
Tree-guard and bolts © 11. 87
Damage to Wagon . o 8 70
Mico-dissecting glass o 3 25
Sand e o e e 1 75

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Carried forward . o . $13,573 34 $33,670 28

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