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" Jurisdiction whatever: For as I am, in reality, the Founder of a new Province of Writing, so I am at liberty to make what Laws I please therein. "
The history of Tom Jones - Page 62
by Henry Fielding - 1832
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The History of Tom Jones: A Foundling, Volume 1

Henry Fielding - 1749 - 294 pages
...liberty to make what Laws I pleafe therein. And thefe Laws, my Readers, whom I confider as my Subjecls, are bound to believe in and to obey \ with which that they may readily and chearfully comply, I do hereby aflure them that . I fhall principally regard their Eafe and Advantage...
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The Works of Henry Fielding, Esq;: The history of Tom Jones

Henry Fielding - 1766 - 396 pages
...liberty to make what laws I pleafe therein. And jthefe laws, my readers, whom I confider as my fubjefts, are bound to believe in and to obey ; with which that they may readily and chearfuHy comply, I do hereby aflure them, that I fliall principally regard their eafe and advantage...
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The Works of Henry Fielding, Esq: With the Life of the Author, Volume 7

Henry Fielding - 1771 - 404 pages
...liberty to make what laws I pleafe therein. And thefe laws, my readers, whom J confider as my fubjeils, are bound to believe in, and to obey; with which that they may readily and chearfuJly comply, I do hereby aflure them, that I fhall principally regard their cafe and advantage...
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The novelist's magazine

1781 - 778 pages make what laws I pícale therein. And thefe laws, my readers, whom I cuntida as my iubjiiU, arc bound to believe in and to obey ; with which that they may readily and chearfully comply, I do hereby aflure them, that I (hall principally regard their eafe and advantage...
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The History of Tom Jones: A Foundling. By Henry Fielding, Esq; In Four ...

Henry Fielding - 1791 - 368 pages
...liberty to make what laws I pleafe therein. And thefe laws, my readers, whom I confider as ray fubjects, are bound to believe in and to obey; with which that they may readily and chearfully comply, I do hereby affure them, that I fhall principally regard their eafe and advantage...
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The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling, Volume 1

Henry Fielding - 1809 - 578 pages
...on myself as accountahle to any court of critical jurisdiction whatever : for as I am, in reality, the founder of a new province of writing, so I am at liherty to make what laws I please therein. And these laws, my readers, whom I consider as my suhjects,...
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The novels of Henry Fielding ... complete in one volume. To which is ...

Henry Fielding - 1821 - 846 pages
...on myself as accountable to any court of critical jurisdiction whatever ; for as I am, in reality, the founder of a new province of writing, so I my subjects, are bound to believe in and to obey ; vi tii which that they may readily and cheerfully comply, I do hereby assure them, that I shall principally...
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The novels of Henry Fielding ... complete in one volume. To which is ...

Henry Fielding - 1821 - 850 pages
...on myself as accountable to any court of critical jurisdiction whatever ; for as I am, in reality, the founder of a new province of writing, so I am at liberty to make what kws I please therein. And these laws, my readers, whom I consider as my subjects, arc bound to believe...
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The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling, Volume 1

Henry Fielding - 1836 - 454 pages
...on myself as accountable to any court of critical juris- ; diction whatever ; for as I am in reality the founder of | a new province of writing, so I am at liberty to make,' what laws 1 please therein ; and these laws my readers, ;. whom I consider as my subjects, are bound to believe'...
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The writings of Henry Fielding, comprising his celebrated works of fiction ...

Henry Fielding - 1872 - 748 pages
...look on myself as accountable to any court of critical jurisdiction whatever: for as I am, in reality, the founder of a new province of writing, so I am...laws my readers, whom I consider as my subjects, are beund to believe in and to obey; with which that they may readily and cheerfully comply, I do hereby...
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