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but sleepless eyes, the uninvited, awaiting the return of invited guests from some party or masquerade; in brief, spending and being spent in the service of perhaps a sister, a cousin, or a niece, whose return for untiring, disinterested affection, is the selfish love that considers its recipient invaluable, not as a gentle, unpretending associate, but as a reliable convenience!

getting religion now that she can't get a husband?” But it is the inspired Apostle who says, "The unmarried woman careth for the things of the Lord, that she may be holy both in mind and in spirit." Thus do we see oftenest in the single woman that perfect love to God, which manifests itself in love to all his creatures.

For our part, we venerate the name of But let us look at the causes, as well as Old Maid-its heroism, its benevolence, effects, of single life in woman. If the its piety! Ye, who are blessed with an histories of all old maids were written, Aunt Fanny, an Aunt Polly, or an Aunt what disclosures of female heroism would Betsy-names too venerable to be spelled be made! In how many cases could with the modern ie, which in your own, celibacy be traced, not to want of per- perchance, is substituted for the oldsonal or mental attractions; nor of ad-fashioned y- do you ever think that, miration or love; but to that heroic nature though unwedded, she has a heart alive which, though capable of the deepest and with all human sympathies? Ah, you most enduring passion, has the fortitude cannot but feel this in her countless to live alone, rather than be bound, not ministrations for your comfort. But do united, to an uncongenial being. And if you ever realise that she feels, not loved "He that ruleth his spirit be greater than for herself in return, but for her deeds, and he that taketh a city," surely she that weeps silently under the consciousness ruleth her heart is greater than she that that when her lonely, loving life ceases on taketh a name for the sake of a name; or earth, not she, but her offices of kindness to avoid one stigmatised indiscriminately. will be missed and mourned for? Love is the instinct of the female heart; almost every woman who has lived to see thirty years, has felt the outgoings of affection's well-spring; but hers is not often the power of choosing, though it is of refusing. Who may tell the inward conflicts, the unuttered agonies, the protracted soul-sickness of conquered passion? But when a true woman once triumphs over an inexpedient or unreciprocated attachment, she triumphs over self, and becomes, that noblest of feminine spirits the disinterested friend of mankind! Be sure that the scandal-monger, the tart-mouthed old maid, is one whose inner heart has never felt the wound that opens a passage for human sympathies to flow out; but is smarting under superficial mortification, that, like poison introduced only skin-deep, festers and irritates continually. Rare are such cases, and yet few as they are, they infect the general mind, so that old maid, thus considered, is a noun of multitude, including all who choose or who are destined to live single lives. And how many unhappy marriages are the consequence of this opprobrium ! Even the single-hearted piety of unmarried females is derided. Who has not heard such ribaldry as this, "O, she's

Such are some of the obscurer subjects of the vulgar prejudice against "Old Maids;" and if these noiseless, yet immortalized individuals, "whose names are written in the Book of Life," are such invaluable members of the household and of society, what shall we say of Hannah More, of Joanna Baillie, of Maria Edgeworth, of Jane Taylor, and a host of others, whose names are written in the universal heart; some of whom "do rest from their labours," and all of whose works shall live after them? For ever honoured, and through these renowned, be the sisterhood of Old Maids.

EDUCATION BEGINS WITH LIFE.-Before we are aware the foundations of the character are laid, and no subsequent instruction can remove or alter them. Linnæus was the son of a poor Swedish clergyman. His father had a little flowergarden, in which he cultivated all the flowers which his means or his taste could select. Into his flower-garden he introduced his little son from infancy, and this little garden undoubtedly created the taste in this child which afterwards made him the first botanist and naturalist of his age, if not of his race.



This nobleman was as much distinguished for his kindness of heart as for his riches, uniting real nobility of character to that of rank and station in the community. The following account is copied from the Glasgow magazine :Some time ago, the Duke of Buccleugh, in one of his walks, purchased a cow from a person in the neighbourhood of Dalkeith, and left orders to send it to his place the following morning. According to agree ment, the cow, was sent, and the Duke, happening to be in deshabille, and walking in the avenue, spied a little fellow ineffectually attempting to drive the animal forward to its destination. The boy not knowing the Duke, bawled out to him, "Heh, mun, come here and gie's a han' wi' the beast."

earnestness: as sure as death that's a' I got; and d'ye no think it's plenty?"

"I do not," said the Duke, "there must be some mistake: and as I am acquainted with the Duke, if you'll return with me, I think I'll get you more."

The boy consented, back they wentthe Duke rang the bell and ordered all the servants to be assembled. "Now," said the Duke to the boy," point out the per son that gave you the shilling." ..."It was that chap there wi' the white apron," pointing to the butler.

The delinquent confessed, fell on his knees, and attempted an apology; but the Duke interrupting him, indignantly ordered him to give the boy the sovereign and quit his service instantly.

“You have lost," said the Duke, “your shilling, your situation, and your character, by your covetousness; learn, henceforth, that honesty is the best policy."

The boy by this time, recognised his The duke saw the mistake and deter- assistant in the person of the Duke, and mined on having a joke with the little the Duke was so delighted with the sterfellow. Pretending, therefore, not to un-ling worth and honesty of the boy, that he derstand him, the Duke walked on slowly, ordered him to be sent to school, kept the boy still craving his assistance; at there, and provided for, at his own exlast he cries in a tone of apparent distress, pense.bod "Come here, mun, and help us, and as sure's onything, I'll gi'e you the half o' what I get."

This last solicitation had the desired effect; the Duke went and lent a helping hand

"And now," said the Duke, as they trudged along, "how much do you think you'll get for this job!"

"Ou, I dinna ken," said the boy, "but I'm sure o' somethink, for the folk up by at the house are gude to a' bodies."

As they approached the house, the Duke darted from the boy, and entered by another way. He called a servant, put a sovereign into his hand, saying

"Give that to the boy that has brought the cow."

The Duke returned to the avenue, and was soon rejoined by the boy.

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SLEEP. There is no better description given of the approach of sleep than in one of Leigh Hunt's papers" It is a delicious movement, certainly, that of being well nestled in bed, and feeling that you shall drop gently to sleep. The good is to come, not past; the limbs have been just tired enough to render the remaining in one posture delightful; the labour of the day is gone. A gentle failure of the perception's creeps over you; the spirit of consciousness disengages itself more, and with slow and hushing degrees, like а mother detaching her hand from that of her sleeping child, the mind seems to have a balmy lid closing over it, like the eyetis closed. The mysterious spirit has gone to take its airy rounds."


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"Well, how much did you get?" said MARRIAGE is Divine in its institution the Duke. ཉམདོ་ ༢ ཛཱརཧཱ བྷི wa toft sacred in its unionholy in the mystery "A shilling," said the boy and there's sacramental in its signification-honourthe half o't t' ye."brood so fatobias acable in its appellative-religious in its "But surely you got more than a shil ling?said the Duke.

"No," said the boy with the utmost

employments: it is an advantage to the societies of men, and it is "holiness to the Lord?" -Jeremy Taylor.

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MILK AND ITS ADULTERATIONS, of the body. In some cases where fatty Svingly ati didt on syth bus ;102 matter is

MANY infants subsist entirely upon the consequsual state cannot


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Butter-milk approaches skin-milk in its composition, but contains a still smaller quantity: of fat; as an article of diet for poor persons, it has the recommendation of cheapness volt) eft mort beigos zi


Fotatoes and buttermilk, as is well known, taken together, form a very con siderablel portion of the diet of the pea santry of Irelandi; bthe butter-milk con stitutes an essential part of such a diet, it supplying the introgenized matter, necessary for the growth of the body, and of which the potatoes themselves are deficiented orb of gaitquette yllem toInveontradistinction to these, boream consists almost entirely off the fat with a very small quantity of casein, sugar, and the other constituents of milkjarsd on

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Butter differs little from cream, but is more completely separated from the sugar, cheese, and saits; and the fat globules! in place of being free and distinet have all run together, so as to form a semi-solid substance.


and where in als that uutritious fluid be taken without inconvenience, skimusually forms a large portion of milk may be substituted with advantage. the diet of most young children, and in eshape, or other enters into the aily food af slugst every adult: it, thereof almo fore becomes a matter of primary importance to determine whether milk as supplied for the consumption of the public, especially the inhabitants of this great city, is in a genuine state or not. Horqs If the testimony of ordinary observers, and even of many, scientific witnesses, is to be credited, there are but few articles of food more liable to adulteration (and this of the grossest description) than milk We will now proceed to ascertain to what extent this testimony may be relied upon but before referring to the adulteration of milk, it will be proper to treat of the com position of that fluid aids yd god 9dT From the fact that persons may be entirely sustained upon a diet of anilk for an indefinite period, it may be con cluded that that fluid, must contain all the elements necessary for the growth and sustenance of the human body, a view the correctness of which is fully established by chemical research. qani? Milk consists of water holding in solution casein or cheese, sugar, of milk, various salts, and in suspension fatty matter, in the form of myriads of semiopaque globules to which the colour and opacity of milk is due. dil on; 12sq to. Skim-milk, butter-milk, cream, butter, curds and whey, cream-cheese and ordinary cheese, are mere modifications of milk, differing only from each other either in the abstraction of one or more of its constituents, or else in the variation of their proportions. 1 guidontal tom The first of these, skim milk, differs from ordinary milk in containing a less quantity of fatty matter, a portion of this having been removed with the cream; it still, however, contains nearly all the cheese, the sugar of milk, some butter, and the salts of milk; it is therefore scarcely less nutritious than new milk, but in con sequence of the diminished amount of fat, is less adapted to occasion the develop ment of that substance, and, to the main tenance of the respiration and temperature

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Curds and whey are made up of all the elements of milk, but the form in which they exist is altered; the cheese is thrown down by rennet, or by the addition of au acid, as acetic acid, and in its descent carries down the greater part of the butter, the two forming together the curd, while the whey or serum consists entirelyboft water, the sugar, and the salts. 19 oy

Cheese is made from skim milk, entire milk, or cream; it consists of the casein, and butter. The cheese prepared from skim-milk containing the smallest quantity of butter; that from entire milk, as Chel shire cheese, a larger quantity, and that from cream, as Stilton cheese, the most of allword and rei's god sit of duet vit

The relative proportions of the different! constituents of cows milk, especially the fatty matter, are subject to very great variation. The age of the cow, the time after calving, food, temperature, and the time and frequency of milking; all occasion considerable differences in the quantitzeit and quality of milkon woy vlerë tud

To certain of these modifying causes weil will now refer. The natural food" of the

cow is evidently that derived from pastures, namely grass. The milk obtained from cows fed upon this, being of excellent quality, and sufficiently rich for all purposes.

The next most natural food is dried grass, or hay, which is given largely to cows in winter, the milk being nearly the same in quality as from grass.

Beet-root and carrots being very nutritious are also usually given to cows in the winter time with advantage. But, as is well known, the system of feeding the greater number of the cows which supply London with milk, is altogether artificial and unnatural, grains and distillers' wash form the chief part of their food; these stimulate the animals unnaturally, and under the stimulus, large quantities of milk of inferior quality are secreted, the cow becoming quickly worn out and diseased in consequence.

In reference to the effect of grains on cows, Mr. Harly makes the following remarks:

"Brewers' and distillers' grains make the cattle grain-sick, as it is termed, and prove injurious to the stomach of the animal; it has been ascertained that if cows be fed upon these grains, their constitutions become quickly destroyed." *.

The Veterinary Record for 1850, publishes the annexed extract from a New York paper, which shows the effect of distillers' wash on cows:

"There exists on Long Island, near Brocklyn, several manufactories of milk, the process of conducting which should be known. One of these dairies covers 300 feet front, by 300 feet deep, carefully fenced in so as to be as private as possible; the business of the people being to drink the milk, not to know how it is made; in which enclosure 400 cows are kept the whole year round. These cows are fed on the refuse slop of whiskey distillers, and it is given to them warm. Such is the fondness of cows for this vile compound, that having fed upon it for a week or more, their appetites become so depraved that they will take no other food; the result is, their milk-producing organs are stimulated to a wonderful degree; they yield enormously, but soon become diseased, their gums ulcerate, their teeth

"Harleian Dairy System," pp. 73, 74.

drop out, and their breath becomes fetid Though thus diseased, they do not fall away in flesh, but on the contrary puff up and bloat to an appearance of great fatness; their joints become stiff, so that they cannot with ease lie down, and they rarely or never come out alive. Bad as this is, their milk is afterwards mixed with molasses, water, and whiting, and thus sold to the public of New York for pure milk.”

But the greater part of the London cows have the quality of their milk deteriorated not only by improper feeding, but by the manner in which they are housed and confined. The Hon. F. Byng, in a pamphlet on the sanitary condition of St. James's, Westminster, thus describes the actual condition of some of the cowsheds which he visited:

"Two of these sheds (of which there are fourteen in the parish) are situated at the angle of Hopkins and New-streets, Golden-square, and range one above the other, within a yard of the back of the houses in New-street. Forty cows are kept in them, two in each seven feet of space. There is no ventilation save by the unceiled tile roof, through which the ammoniacal vapours escape into the houses, to the destruction of the health of the inmates. Besides the animals, there is at one end a large tank for grains, a storeplace for turnips and hay, and between them a receptacle into which the liquid manure drains, and the solid is heaped. At the other end is a capacious vault, with a brick partition,-one division of which contains mangel-worzel, turnips, and potatoes; and the other a dirty, yellow, sour-smelling liquid, called brewers' wash, a portion of which is pumped up and mixed with the food of the cows. The neighbours are subject, also, to the annoyance of manure-carts, which frequently stand some time in front of their houses; and when the mouth of the vault is opened to admit the ingress of the brewers' wash, a burning sour smell is described by them as pervading their dwellings. After the buildings have remained closed for the night, the atmosphere within becomes heated, foul, and unwholesome. In summer time the smell is most offensive. Decomposition of the vegetable matter in the vault is also

stated to be frequent, and the stench thence arising insufferable."

"At the opposite side of the houses in the same street is another shed, with even less possibility of ventilation than in those just described, thirty-two cows stand side by side, two in each space of seven feet, as above.

"In this atmosphere, reeking with all these pestiferous effluvia, the poor creatures are kept close shut up, night and day, till their milk failing they are consigned to the butcher."

Thanks, however, to our railways, a considerable portion of our supplies of milk are now obtained from the country, and hence it is to be hoped that, ere long, the practice of housing and confining cattle in London will entirely cease.

With regard to the quality of milk, as affected by the time and frequency of milking, morning milk is said to be better than that obtained in the afternoon; the milk of cows, when milked but once a day only, is richer than either. It is also the common belief that the last portion of the milk obtained at any milking is richer than the first. We have ascertained that this belief is well founded, and that the milk last abstracted, usually contains three times as much cream as the first. This fact is not without practical importance. It is a common practice for invalids and others to procure their glass of milk direct from the cow; we thus perceive that in this way they seldom obtain the proper proportion of butter,-a circumstance which may be of advantage in some cases, and a disadvantage in others.

Now although the casein and sugar of milk, as well as the butter, vary in quantity in different cases, yet, ordinarily, the quality of milk is estimated by the amount of cream which it yields.

For the determination of the quality of milk, it is however requisite not only to ascertain the amount of cream which it yields, but also to take the specific gravity or density of the milk.

In estimating the specific gravity of any liquid, distilled water is taken as the standard, being reckoned at 1,000. Now milk, holding as it does in solution a large quantity of sugar, casein, and salts, is of course much heavier than water;

and it is stated that milk of good quality should have a specific gravity of about 1,031. But milk, as we have seen, contains also a large proportion of fatty matter, and which, being much lighter than distilled water, serves, when equally suspended through the fluid, to decrease its density.. The larger therefore the quantity of cream, the lower will be the specific gravity. Some milks, owing to the large quantity of cream contained in them, possessing a density of only 1,020, or even less.

Now this effect of the presence of cream in great amount, in decreasing the density of milk, was not sufficiently appreciated until the recent reports which have appeared in the Lancet, in which it was shown that the specific gravity tests as applied to new milk, was entirely fallacious, for by it those milks, the richest in cream, would be deemed inferior; applied however to the milk after the separation of the cream, it affords valuable indications.

The specific gravity of milk is usually determined by means of an instrument termed an hydrometer. This is a graduated glass tube, weighted so as to float upright when immersed in any fluid, sinking deep in liquids of low specific gravity, and but little in those of high density; the scale serves to show the exact density in degrees, contrasted with distilled water. In estimating then the quality of milk, this instrument should be used for determining the density of either skim milk, or, what is better still, the serum of milk; for numerous observations have shown that the density of these, when pure and genuine, the first ranging between 1027° and 1031°, and the second between 1025° and 1028°.

The amount of cream is determined by an instrument, invented by the late Sir Joseph Banks, termed a lactometer. This consists of a glass tube, usually eleven inches long, and half an inch in diameter; ten inches of this are graduated in tenths of an inch, that is, in hundredths of the whole; the tube is to be filled with milk and set aside for twelve hours. The cream ascends to the surface, and its amount is determined by the thickness of the stratum formed, as shown by the number of degrees or tenths through which it extends.

Cream forms more quickly in warm

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