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The Animated Feather.-Electrify a smooth glass tube with a rubber, and hold a small feather (or piece of leaf gold) at a short distance from it. The feather will fly to it, and adhere to it for a short time, and then fly off,-and the tube can never be brought close to the feather, till it touches some body that communicates with the ground; the same side of the feather will be constantly opposite the tube.


I boast of no exalted birth;
Yet, far among the sons of earth
Have reach'd a station half so high
As that I sometimes occupy.
When richly dress'd, I take the air,
Almost with awe the people stare;
Yet, strange to say, look not on me-
My splendid dress alone they see!
In humbler guise my course proceeds,
When I am bent on useful deeds.
Through dark and tortuous paths I stray,
That others may not lose their way.
I lend to science, and to trade,
To pleasure and devotion aid;

Of fraud and wrong the enlighten'd foe,
I oft men's wicked plots o'erthrow.
And though my character is light,
My course, its end at least, is bright.
Thousands my benefits respect,
But if I'm wrong'd by gross neglect,
The treatment loudly I resent,
Ard oft with fearful punishment.

H. B.



-First the deceitful Countess bring,
Who kept conceal'd the fatal ring,
Elizabeth to Essex gave,

That by it he might mercy crave.
-Th' unhappy man who was destroy'd,
To glut a woman's guilt and pride;
Who, while a prisoner of state,
Was poison'd by the vicious great.
-Let him who gain'd Virginia's land,
Unto his maiden Queen's command,
Appear, to prove no worth can save,
From enemies, the good and brave.
-Next him whose insolence became
The object of a nation's blame;
And made his angry monarch say,
He wish'd him from the world away.
-The man who, for his country's good,
Wrong and oppression firm withstood;
And Charles repell'd with all his might,
When trenching on his subject's right.
-That German General bring near,
Who once in England did appear,
Who conquests in this Island gain'd,
And o'er the Anglo-Saxons reign'd.
-Name him who, when in pomp and state
As High Lord Chancellor he sate,
Low bent his knee, and from his sire
A parent's blessing did require.
-Then him whose early wit appear'd
To please the court where he was rear'd,
And made Elizabeth declare,

His rising worth should be her care.

-A gallant Nobleman of fame,

I wish you now would strive to name; Who from his queen's impassion'd hand An angry blow did once command. -Let the Physician now be seen, Who boldly of a Royal Queen* Said, vapours were her only ill, And they were far beyond his skill. -Next a great Earl, a courtier keen, Much favor'd by a virgin Queen; But who was, for offending her, Forbid from Kenilworth to stir. -He who taught Latin to a Queen, Is now the person to be seen; Who grateful took upon himself A place of honor, more than pelf. -The surname now I would be told Of Warwick's Earl, well know of old, For raising up and putting down The Kings who claim'd the English crown. -Last let a Cambrian Prince have place, Whose brother, of Llewellyn race, Wore the Welsh crown, and did maintain His right till by the English slain. -Now all these characters unite, And if you can but place them right, You will perceive a County named, For coals and salmon highly famed. * Anne.

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PROBLEM NO. VII.-By G. A. M'COMBE, Esq.-White to move, and mate in six moves, with the P. that occupies Kt. 2nd square.

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Lieutenant Beresford held a commission in one of the regiments of infantry. He was the youngest son of an aristocratic family, from whom he inherited habits of pride and extravagance, with but little wealth to support either. Like many who had never seen active service, he boasted of a valorous disposition, and every day, over the pages of the morning newspaper, he discussed the prospects of and necessity for war, and complained of the inactivity of the home service. Notwithstanding this show of courage, there were many who doubted the sincerity of his desire for the dangers of the battle-field, and his ability to reap laurels, were he ever to be called upon for active service.

His marriage with the sister of Mr. Lyndhurst was a matter of sudden impulse, and resulted in the full amount of misfortune commonly attendant upon hasty and ill-assorted unions. Miss Lyndhurst was a young lady of superior intellect, and her natural qualifications had been enriched by a liberal education. Her marriage with Mr. Beresford was brought about in the following manner. She had a younger brother, who was also a Lieutenant in the regiment with Mr. Beresford. And it was her letters to him, breathing the ardent affection of an intelligent sister, which were read in moments of confidence by Lieut. Lyndhurst to Lieut. Beresford, that excited an interest towards her in the romantic and wayward mind of the latter. He expressed a strong desire to see the girl that could breathe such touching sentiments, and Lieut. Lyndhurst, who had obtained his commission but a short time, felt proud of the intimacy of an elder officer than himself, and was especially gratified at the interest which he expressed in his sister. Accordingly he took an early opportunity of arranging an interview. Aware that his sister's natural prudence would render the matter difficult, he contrived it in the following manner :



Ellen, my dear!" he said to her, early one morning, "the breath of the Spring is quite invigorating. Suppose we ride a few miles in the country upon horseback -what say you?"

"I shall be delighted," she replied. "I have not been upon the saddle for more than six weeks, and Jessie has had only walking exercise the whole of that time. She must be as frolicsome as a kitten."

"Not more frolicsome than her rider," replied her brother.

"Indeed, Arthur," said Ellen, "I was not aware that I had a reputation of that sort."


"I merely mean," said Arthur, laughing, "that frolicsome as Jessie may be, she will find her mistress upon the saddle-a good horsewoman, who is never unseated by the capers of a fresh steed."

"That's quite another matter," said Ellen. "She's a good creature though, and never plays me any pranks."

The ride being thus arranged, Lieut. Lyndhurst immediately despatched a messenger to Lieut. Beresford, stating the hour when they would mount; and the road they would take, and suggested that Mr. Beresford should meet them, as by accident.

The time came; and Miss Beresford, mounted upon a tall, thoroughbred bay mare, galloped off, with her brother by her side. Jessie was indeed fresh, and pranced about, and pawed the air as if longing to give vent to her gladness at release from long confinement.

They had not proceeded far, when, as had been contrived, they met Lieut. Beresford coming towards them with an easy trot. Upon recognising them he broke into a canter, and was soon near enough for the introduction.

"Ah, ha! Beresford," exclaimed Arthur; "Lieut. Beresford, my sister!"'

Mr. Beresford raised his hat and said, "I have often had the pleasure of hearing of you, from your enthusiastic and admiring brother, Miss Lyndhurst, but never the pleasure of meeting you till now.

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He's a foolish boy," said Ellen; "talks of me everywhere, and raises expectations never to be realized. Such is a common error of brothers."

"What say you to join our ride?" said Arthur.


"With Miss Lyndhurst's permission I shall be most happy," said Mr. Beresford. Of course the lady complied; and away went the party, Ellen keeping her place between them, and about half-a-neck ahead.

As they proceeded, a lively conversation was kept up, and served to distinguish the lady as being not only the leading equestrian, but the leading mind of the party. Mr. Beresford, though he could scarcely appreciate this, could not fail to notice it. But the circumstance of the day which struck him most was the manner in which she acquitted herself upon the occurrence of a trifling accident.

As they were proceeding along the road, a boy, who was frightening birds from some young crops, fired a gun, which startled Jessie so that she plunged ahead, and made a clear leap over a gate which stood a little way down the hill. The two horsemen immediately pulled up, knowing that it would be unwise to follow the affrighted animal; they therefore had a full view of the admirable manner in which Miss Lyndhurst kept her seat and managed her steed. The gate was cleared in prime style, and Jessie galloped half across a large meadow before she could be reined in.

"Admirable! admirable!" exclaimed Mr. Beresford; "I've never seen anything to equal it. She has a splendid seat."

"She's a good horsewoman," said Arthur, "delights in the exercise, and has had plenty of practice."

"Good! Superb is the word!" said Mr. Beresford, "the best seat in the country." By this time they had reached the gate, up to which Ellen had trotted Jessie, while the latter was snorting and pawing the ground, as if in exultation at her achievement. Mr. Beresford renewed and enlarged his eulogies, and it is not improbable that the flattery had some effect upon Miss Lyndhurst's feelings.


Let me open the gate for you?" said Mr. Beresford.

"No, thank you!" exclaimed Ellen. "She jumped in for her pleasure, she shall now jump out for mine!"

Almost before the gentleman had time to clear the way, she had reached the middle of the meadow, and riding up at a smart pace, cleared the gate again in gal

lant style. This little incident, trifling an evidence of character, was sufficient impress Mr. Beresford, who thenceforw looked upon Ellen as the most spirited a fascinating creature he had ever beheld.

From the intimacy thus commen originated closer ties, until at last El Lyndhurst became Mr. Beresford's w That she loved him much there can be question; but that her choice was a m taken one, and was influenced chiefly the first instance by the intimacy betwe Mr. Beresford and her brother, of whoms was doatingly fond, is equally certai Arthur Lyndhurst was a young and wan hearted fellow, who knew too little of t world to discover Mr. Beresford's failing He regarded him as a perfect hero, and a man of honour, who would one day w for himself a glorious renown; he ther fore promoted, to the utmost of his pow the intimacy between Mr. Beresford a his sister.

Arthur was a young man of delic: health. Two or three times he had be laid down by severe illness; and soon afi the above meeting, he was taken serious ill, fell into a decline, and died at the e of three months. Thus bereaved of h fond brother, and having at home only aged mother who could not long survi the grave, her heart became increasing attached to Mr. Beresford, whom she lov to a great degree as her brother's frien Her elder brother, tlie present Mr. Lyn hurst, was at this time married, and resic ing far from home. Having no particula desire for society, she was left compara tively alone in the world. Twelve month after her brother's death she gave birth 1 a son, named Alfred, whose acquaintan we have already made.

Before this time, however, she h learned that the dreams which she h cherished of bliss in the married sta were not to be realised. The man wi first admired her because she was a go horsewoman, as soon as he had walked t usual course of fashion, and boasted his conquest over a lovely girl, grew co and heartless. Unequal to her in intelle he soared far above her in pride and arist cratic feeling. Her education, he thoug fitted her for a governess, but she lack those marks of finish and refineme essential to a lady in the higher walks

life. This was his excuse to her friends for the neglect of which she complained; but the truth was that he had always been an idle and dissipated man, devoted to wine, and to the card-table. He therefore frequently absented himself from home, and in a few months squandered in luxury, or lost in gaming, the sum which constituted her marriage dowry. For a long time Mrs. Beresford was utterly prostrated, by seeing her hopes so speedily blighted. At length the birth of her child brought a solace without which she might have sunk into the grave.

When her boy was about six months old, a circumstance occurred which, whilst it freed her from the union that from the first was undesirable, proved a great shock to her feelings.

Lieut. Beresford was engaged at midnight with a card-party at his club, when a quarrel ensued upon a trivial question arising out of the play. Heated with wine, and roused by strong excitement, he called a fellow officer by an insulting name, and having provoked some severe charges in reply, he gave a challenge upon the spot, and was afterwards obliged to maintain the position he had assumed in one of those barbarous transactions denominated an "affair of honour.”

The meeting took place upon a common about two miles from the house where Mrs. Beresford lived. At an early hour in the morning two carriages rattled along the narrow cross roads which led to the common, and five gentlemen alighted and proceeded at once to hostilities. The party consisted of the principals, their seconds, and a medical gentleman. On the first shot, Mr. Beresford was wounded on the left side of the breast, and this was deemed sufficient satisfaction.

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peated loss of blood. Mrs. Beresford continued to attend him to the last moment with exemplary care; her tears and prayers were alike frequent, and when at last she knew him to be no more she yielded herself to the utterance of grief which to that moment had been pent up in her bosom. Thus Lieut. Beresford, having injured a lovely girl, and wronged his only child by gambling away their small estate, died in an "affair of honour," which originated in a discreditable and drunken quarrel. It was not until several months after Mr. Beresford's death that its true cause was made known to his wife.



THE present Ellen Lyndhurst,-the heroine of our future story,—was named after Mrs. Beresford, whose painful history has just been narrated. It has been seen that Mr. Lyndurst was left a widower with an only daughter, and his sister a widow with an only son. The youth, having been the sole object of his mother's care during his whole life, had become greatly attached to her, and seemed wise beyond his age. He had received a good, though not a classical, education, and, as we have already hinted, was now about to enter the world and become the architect of his future fortune.

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"Well, Alfred," said Ellen to him one morning, so you've made up your mind to become a man, and to do something in this great world?"

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