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about as long and as thickly spread as it usually is on a man's arm." When she was eight years old, it was two inches long, and at the time Dr. Chowne saw her during the early part of the present year, the beard and whiskers were, he says, "what would be called very abundant, full, and strong, exceeding in quantity even that of the beard and whiskers of men generally in this country, " and growing on the parts covering the cheekbones, under the eyes. The colour of the whiskers and beard is dark brown, and they are thickly set, rather coarse, and strong; the length of the hair forming them varies from one to four inches, and they do not require cutting. A woman having a soft yellow beard, and long tufts of yellowish hair hanging from her ears, was exhibited in the year 1665, and many other instances of exuberant growth might be adduced. In addition to the several recorded cases of early growth of hair, we have some authenticated instances of the hair of old persons growing again, and one of them was a man seventy years of age. 36. The hair may become irregularly thin and fine; or too stiff and thick. It may also be found knotted in some parts; thinner in one place and thicker in another; and sometimes the ends of the hair are split.

37. The hair sometimes alters in its direction, and hence we find that an attack of gout in the head, has caused the hair to curl, and that the eyelashes sometimes turned in.

38. The hair may become atrophied, or cease to grow. In this case it becomes thin, rather lighter coloured than usual, dry, and finally falls off, and is not replaced. This may be caused by diseases of the skin, or may depend upon constitutional causes.

39. The colour of the hair is subject to many changes, independent of climatal influence (§ 22) and age.


40. White hair is necessarily a disease of the hair, whether it be hereditary or otherwise, because there cannot be doubt that it is not the natural colour of the hair. We might as well say, because we saw a white crow with three young white crows, that it was usual for crows to be white. We cannot doubt-nay there are few who would argue to the contrary

that crows are usually black, and that a white one is unusual. Therefore when we see a white crow, it necessarily follows, that if it has young ones of the same colour, that they are hereditarily white. Let us state another case. A person about the prime of life with dark hair, observes that it suddenly becomes discoloured; we say that it is the result of violent emotions; if it became gradually discoloured, we should say that it was the result of disease. This person has a son, and afterwards a grandson, both of them possessing the same peculiar coloured hair. Here then is a proof that discoloration of the hair is a disease, whether it be hereditary or not; because if we regard the discoloration of the hair of the grandfather as a disease, we must also consider the colour of the hair of the grandson to be disease hereditarily transmitted, the same as many other diseases.

41. The discoloration of the hair may be only partial, occurring in small spots of skin that have lost their colour, or may affect even a large surface. Schröter mentions the case of a young officer with black hair, but who had a white lock in the midst of it.

42. As persons become advanced in years, the hair of the whole body becomes discoloured; sometimes turning gray, at others, white. When this hair is analysed, it is found to contain more calcareous matter than usual, and consequently superabundance of lime in the hair may be the cause of this form of discoloration, particularly as we know that the more we advance in years, the greater is the proportion of calcareous matter in our bodies; hence, brittleness of the bones, ossification of the blood-vessels, &c.

43. Hair that has turned gray, has, under peculiar circumstances, been known to resume its original colour.

44. Hair sometimes changes suddenly to gray or white, in consequence of extremely depressing affections of the mind. It is related that a philosopher suddenly became gray, on losing, in a storm at sea, an ancient manuscript which he had recently discovered; and a case is recorded in the "Encyclopædia Metropolitana," of a banker's hair becoming gray in three days during the panic of 1825. Lad

Byron alludes to the sudden discoloration of the hair, in the following lines:

"My hair is gray, though not with years;
Nor grew it white
In a single night,

As men's have grown from sudden fears."

It seems clearly proved by many examples that sudden alarm or great distress will, as Sir Walter Scott has it, "blanch at once the hair." The hair of Ludwig, of Bavaria, who died in 1294, on his learning the innocence of his wife, whom he had caused to be put to death on a suspicion of infidelity, became almost suddenly white as snow. The same thing happened to Hellenist Vauvilliers, in consequence of a terrible dream; to Sir Thomas More, and also to the French comedian Blizard, who, having fallen into the Rhone, remained for some time in imminent danger of his life, clinging to an iron ring in one of the piles of a bridge. A like change was brought about in the case of Charles I., in a single night, when he attempted to escape from Carisbrook Castle; and Mary, queen of Scots, and Marie Antoinette also suffered in a similar manner. The unfortunate queen of Louis XVI. found her hair suddenly changed by her distress, and gave her portrait to a faithful friend, inscribed "Whitened by affliction." The beard and hair of the Duke of Brunswick whitened in twenty-four hours, upon his learning that his father had been mortally wounded at the battle of Auerstadt. Numerous other examples might be cited to prove that the passions cause the hair to become suddenly discoloured, but sufficient have been already adduced.

45. The cause of the sudden blanching of the hair is the absorption of the fluid of the small capillary vessels. Feuchtersleben says, that the sudden change "indicates an extreme sinking in the process of vegetation, because by the perishing of the vascular rete * nothing but the gray-white outer covering of the hair remains." We know that the texture and properties of the hair remain unchanged; it still continues a bad conductor of heat, and its nature is the same.

46. As in the case of hair which has

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become discoloured by age (§ 42), so in this (§ 45), we discover an unusual proportion of lime in the hair, particularly the phosphate of lime, while the sulphur is proportionably diminished. Here, then, is another argument in favour of the opinion that white hair is a diseased condition of that structure (§ 40.) Let us ask ourselves the question, how many persons have experienced extremely depressing affections of the mind, without the colour of the hair being thereby affected? Undoubtedly very many, and therefore we may assume that a superabundance of calcareous matter must necessarily be present in the system of such persons as undergo a sudden blanching of the hair from grief, fear, or other violent sudden emotions.

47. The superabundance of calcareous matter in the system may arise,- and most probably does-from the use of particular food, and hard water, which thus supplies the body with more calcareous matter than is necessary and usual.

48. Another and still more uncommon form of discoloration of the hair is where the one half of it becomes white, whilst that nearest the root remains black.

49. Sometimes the hair undergoes an actual change of colour, or assumes a deeper shade than natural, and when this occurs, a constitutional disturbance is the cause. Isouard relates an instance of a woman having blond hair, that always became reddish as often as she had fever.

50. Finally as regards colour-it is known that the hair can be rendered black, violet, blue, and green, either purposely or accidentally.

51. It is well known by persons who have observed closely, that the hair sympathises with the body in disease. Hence we frequently find that it becomes lank and damp, dry and thin, loses its gloss, and frequently falls off.

52. Diseases of the structure and consistence of the hair are comparatively rare, and may be classed under two heads, either an unnatural dryness and stiffness of the hair, or the very reverse. The former causes the hair to split, break, and fall out, and the latter causes it to mat or tangle; but this form of disease we are happy to say is rare in this country,

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54. When the skin is too much con

stricted, it may either strangulate the hairs and thus make them perish, or else cause them to break off at the surface.

55. Constriction of the skin may be caused by fever, congestion, cold, and many other influences.

56. When the baldness arises from relaxation of the skin, the hair falls off, and comes out freely whenever it is combed, brushed, or the hand passed over its surface, and the patient perspires on the most trifling exertion; therefore, the relaxation continues, and the disease in


57. When the baldness occurs in the decline of life, it arises from the bulbs of of the hair losing their vitality; and as a plant withers when its root decays, so the hair withers and falls off.

58. Baldness may be temporary or per


59. Temporary baldness may arise from constriction of the apertures through which the hairs make their exit, without any constriction of the skin. This is frequently caused by uncleanness, or dandriff collecting around the hairs in some situations, and thus preventing the ascent of the nourishing fluid of the hair.

60. When the scalp becomes red from friction with the hand, it is almost certain that the baldnes is only temporary; but when it remains unaltered, there is little hope of being able to restore the hair.

(To be continued.)

ABUSES.-There is a time when men will not suffer bad things because their ancestors have suffered worse. There is a time when the hoary head of inveterate abuse will neither draw reverence nor obtain protection.—Burke.


BAYARD TAYLOR in his last letter, published in the New York Tribune, gives the following account of his first impression of the Holy City :

"But when I climbed the last ridge, and looked ahead with a sort of painful suspense, Jerusalem did not appear. We were 2,000 feet above the Mediterranean, whose blue we could distinctly see far to the west, through notches in the chain of hills. To the north, the mountains were gray, desolate and awful. Not a shrub or tree relieved their frightful barrenness. An upland tract covered with white volcanic rock, lay before us. We met peasants with asses, who looked (to my eyes), as if they had just left Jerusalem. Still forward we urged our horses, and reached a ruined garden, surrounded with hedges of cactus, over which I saw domes and walls in the distance. I drew a long breath and looked at Francois. He was jogging along without turning his head; he could not have been so indifferent if that was really the city. Presently we reached another slight rise in the rocky plain. He began to urge his panting horse, and at the same instant we both dashed on at a break-neck gallop, round the corner of an old wall on the top of the hill, and lo! the Holy City! Our Greek jerked both pistols from his holsters, and fired them into the air as we reined up on the steep.

"From the description of travellers, I had expected to see in Jerusalem an ordinary modern Turkish town; but that before me with its walls, fortresses and domes, was it not still the City of David? I saw the Jerusalem of the New Testament as I had imagined it. Long lines of walls crowned with a notched parapet, and strengthened by towers; a few domes and spires above them; clusters of cypress here and there; this was all that was visible of the city. On either side the soil sloped down to the two deep valleys over which it hangs. On the east, the Mount of Olives, crowned with a chapel and mosque, rose high and steep, but directly over the city, the sight fell far away upon the lofty mountains of Moab, beyond the Dead Sea. The scene was grand in its simplicity. The prominent colours were the purple of those distant

mountains of the hoary gray of the nearer hills. The walls were of the dull yellow of weather-stained marble, and the only trees the dark cypress and moonlit olive. Since we arrived, I have looked down upon the city from the Mount of Olives, and up to it from the valley of Jehoshaphat, but I cannot restore the illusions of the first view.

"We allowed our horses to walk slowly down the remaining half mile to the Jaffa gate. An Englishman, with a red silk shawl over his head, was sketching the city, while an Arab held an umbrella over him. Inside the gate we stumbled against an Italian shop with an Italian sign, and after threading a number of intricate passages under dark archways, and being turned off from one hotel which was full of travellers, reached another, kept by a converted German Jew, where we found Dr. Robinson and Dr. Ely Smith, who both arrived yesterday. It sounds strange to talk of an hotel in Jerusalem, but the world is progressing, and there are already three."

pression of a leaf, showing the perfect outlines, together with an accurate exhibition of the veins which extend in every direction through it, more correctly than the finest drawing. And this process is so simple, and the materials so easily obtained, that any person, with a little practice to enable him to apply the right quantity of smoke to the oil-paper, and give the leaf a proper pressure, can prepare beautiful leaf impressions, such as a naturalist would be proud to possess.

There is another, and we think a better method of taking leaf impressions, than the preceding one. The only difference in the process consists in the use of printing ink, instead of smoked oil. paper.

LEAF PRINTING.-After warming the leaf between the hands, apply printing ink, by means of a small leather ball containing cotton, or some soft substance, or with the end of the finger. The leather ball (and the finger when used for that purpose), after the ink is applied to it, should be pressed several times on a piece of leather, or some smooth surface, before each application to the leaf, that the ink

DIRECTIONS FOR TAKING LEAF may be smoothly and evenly applied.


HOLD oiled paper in the smoke of a lamp, or of pitch, until it becomes coated with the smoke; to this paper apply the leaf of which you wish an impression, having previously warmed it between your hands, that it may be pliable. Place the lower surface of the leaf upon the blackened surface of the oil paper, that the numerous veins, which are so prominent on this side, may receive from the paper a portion of the smoke. Lay a paper over the leaf, and then press it gently upon the smoked paper, with the fingers, or with a small roller, (covered with woollen cloth, or some like soft material), so that every part of the leaf may come in contact with the sooted oil-paper. A coating of the smoke will adhere to the leaf.

Then remove the leaf carefully, and place the blackened surface on a sheet of white paper, not ruled, or in a book prepared for the purpose, covering the leaf with a clean slip of paper, and pressing upon it with the fingers, or roller, as before. Thus may be obtained the im

After the under surface of the leaf has been sufficiently inked, apply it to the paper, where you wish the impression; and, after covering it with a slip of paper, use the hand or roller to press upon it, as described in the former process.

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EARLY RISING. Dr. Wilson Phillip, in his "Treatise on Indigestion," says; 'Although it is of consequence to the debilitated to go early to bed, there are few things more hurtful to them than remaining in it too long. Getting up an hour or two earlier, often gives a degree of vigour which nothing else can procure. For those who are not much debilitated and sleep well, the best rule is to get out of bed soon after waking in the morning. This at first may appear too early, for the debilitated require more sleep than the healthy; but rising early will gradually prolong the sleep on the succeeding night till the quantity the patient enjoys is equal to his demand for it. Lying late is not only hurtful, by the relaxation it occasions, but also by occupying that part of the day at which exercise is most beneficial."



Oft as the broad sun dips

Beneath the western sea,

A prayer is on my lips,

Dearest! a prayer for thee.

I know not where thou wanderest now,
O'er ocean wave, or mountain brow-
I only know that He

Who hears the suppliant's prayer, Where'er thou art, on land or sea, Alone can shield thee there.

Oft as the bright dawn breaks
Behind the eastern hill,
Mine eye from slumber wakes,

My heart is with thee still--
For thee my latest vows were said,

For thee my earliest prayers are pray'd-
And oh when storms shall lour
Above the swelling sea,

Be it thy shield in danger's hour,
That I have pray'd for thee.



The wind is sweeping o'er the hill;
It hath a mournful sound,
As if it felt the difference

Its weary wing hath found.

A little while that wandering wind
Swept over leaf and flower;
For there was green for every tree,
And bloom for every hour.

It wander'd through the pleasant wood,
And caught the dove's lone song;
And by the garden-beds, and bore
The rose's breath along.

But hoarse and sullenly it sweeps;
No rose is opening now-

No music, for the wood-dove's nest
Is vacant on the bough.

Oh! human heart and wandering wind,
Go look upon the past;

The likeness is the same with each-
Their summer did not last.

Each mourns above the things it loved-
One o'er a flower and leaf;

The other over hopes and joys,
Whose beauty was as brief.


Oh! lightly, lightly tread!
A holy thing is sleep,
On the worn spirit shed,

And eyes that wake to weep:

A holy thing from heaven,
A gracious, dewy cloud,
A covering mantle, given
The weary to enshroud.
Oh! lightly, lightly tread!
Revere the pale, still brow,
The meekly-drooping head,
The long hair's willowy flow.

Ye know not what ye do,

That call the slumberer back From the world unseen by you. Unto Life's dim faded track. Her soul is far away,

In her childhood's land perchance, Where her young sisters play, Where shines her mother's glance.

Some old sweet native sound
Her spirit haply weaves;

A harmony profound

Of woods with all their leaves:

A murmur of the sea,

A laughing tone of streamsLong may her sojourn be

In the music-land of dreams! Each voice of love is there,

Each gleam of beauty fled, Each lost one still more fairOh! lightly, lightly tread!



Langsyne-how doth the word come back With magic meaning to the heart,

As Memory roams the sunny track,

From which Hope's dreams were loath to part!

No joy like by-past joy appears;

For what is gone we peak and pine.
Were life spun out a thousand years,
It could not match Langsyne!

Langsyne! the days of childhood warm,
When tottering by a mother's knee,
Each sight and sound had power to charm,
And hope was high, and thought was free.
Langsyne!-the merry schoolboy days-
How sweetly then life's sun did shine!
Oh! for the glorious pranks and plays,
The raptures of Langsyne!

Langsyne!-yes, in the sound I hear

The rustling of the summer grove,
And view those angel-features near,
Which first awoke the heart to love.
How sweet it is in pensive mood,
At windless midnight to recline,
And fill the mental solitude

With spectres from Langsyne!

Langsyne!-ah, where are they who shared
With us its pleasures, bright and blithe?
Kindly with some hath fortune fared;
And some have bow'd beneath the scythe
Of death while others, scatter'd far,
O'er foreign lands at fate repine,

Oft wandering forth 'neath twilight's star,
To muse on dear Langsyne!

Langsyne!-the heart can never be
Again so full of guileless truth-
Langsyne!-the eyes no more shall see,
Ah, no! the rainbow hopes of youth.
Langsyne!-with thee resides a spell
To raise the spirit, and refine.
Farewell!-there can be no farewell
To thee, loved, lost Langsyne!

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