Do...... Dec. 8 Case of the Shenandoah. Prosecution of listment act. Mr. Seward to Mr. Dec. 8 Movements of the Georgiana....... Burnley. 10 Do......... Dec. 14 Release of S. E. Lackey and others, charged Do......... Dec. 15 Schemes of the insurgents in Canada against 15 Mr. Burnley to Mr. Dec. 16 Order telegraphed by Major General Dix on the occasion of the outrage at St. Albans. Do......... Dec. 16 Alleged enlistment of deserters from the Do......... Dec. 19 Intercepted correspondence showing the use of the British provinces by the insurgents. Do......... Dec. 21 Alleged organization at Halifax for seizing United States vessels on the lakes border- Mr. Burnley to Mr. Dec. 21 Intercepted correspondence showing the use Do....... Dec. 21 Alleged organization of insurgents at Halifax Do......... Dec. 22 Cessation of Japanese hostilities. Future pol- 23 |