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Contents of the four former Volumes of this Work,
either or all of which may be had, Price HALF A
GUINEA each, in Boards, of all Booksellers.

The Earl of Moira
Sir John Sinclair
Mr. Rofcoe

The Earl of Liverpool
Mr Abraham Newland

Mr Fox
Mr. Pitc

Dr. Dar wia

Lord Hood

Sir G. L. Staunton
Mr. Thomas Taylor
General Melville
The Bishop of London
Dean Tucker
Lord Duncan
The Bishop of Rochester
Mr. Justice Buller
Dr. Wolcot

The Abp. of Canterbury
Mr. Arthur Murphy
The Earl of Dartmouth
The Bishop of Durham
Mr. King (the Comedian)
The Bishop of Winchester

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VOL. I. for 1798-1799.

Mr. Jackfon, of Exeter
Lord Malmbury
Dr Jofeph White

The Bishop of Worcester
The Eari of Buchan
Mr. Northcote

The Bishop of Llandaff
Mr. Henry Erfkine
Lord Charlemont
Mr. Grattan

Sir W Sydney Smith
Dr. Thomas Haweis
Mr. Dundas
Lord Kilwarden
Mr. Curran
Lord Monboddo

Mr. Daines Barrington
Dr. O'Leary
Lord Yelverton
Mr. Ifaac Corry
Mr. John Beresford
Mr. John Forster
Dr. Burney
Dr. Herfchel

Mr. Juftice Grofe

Mr. Kemble

Mifs Seward

The late Lord Chancellor of

Mr. Cumberland

Sir Archibald Macdonald

Mrs. Siddons

The Bishop of Salisbury
Lord Eldon

The Duke of Norfolk

Dr. Towers

Lord Thurlow

The Marquis Cornwallis
Dr. Priestley

Mifs More

Mr. Alderman Boydell
Mr. George Dyer
Mr. D'Ifraeli

Mr. David Williams
Mr. Gilbert Wakefield
Mr. Opie
Lord Rokeby

Lord Nelfon

VOL. II. for 1799-1800.

¡Sir John Parnell

Mr. Southey

Dr. Duigenan

Mr. George Fonfonby
Mr. Granville Sharpe
Mr. Pelham

The Duke of Grafton
Mr. Secretary Cooke
Major Cartwright

The Duke of Leinster
Mrs. Inchbald
Earl Fitzwilliam
Mr. William Godwin
The Rev. Mr. Greaves
Mr. Shield

The Marquis of Lanfdown/Sir George Younge

Mr Matthew Boulton

Profeffor Porfon
Mr. Pinkerton

Mr. Wilberforce
Mrs. Charlotte Smith
Sir Ralph Abercromby
Lord Dorchester

Dr. Garnett
Lord Dillon
Lord Castlereagh
Dr. Adam Ferguffon
Mr. William Hayley
The Countess of Derby
Mr. Pratt
Dr. Harrington

The Duchefs of Gordon
Dr. Currie

Mifs Linwood

Mr. William Cowper

Lord Kenyon

Mr. Haftings

The Duke of Bedford

VOL. III. for 1800-1801.

Earl Stanhope
Dr. James Gregory

The Duke of Bridgwater
Dr. William Mavor
Mr. Robert Ker Porter
Mr. John Thelwall

Mr. Bushrod Washington
Or. John Gillies
Lord Hobart

Mr Bidlake

Lord Loughborough
Mr. Dugald Stewart
Dr. Hugh Blair

Mr. Barry

[blocks in formation]

Critical Opinions upon the preceding Volumes.

"This work excites much curiofity because it profeffedly treats of living characters, and we infer that its information is impartial and correct. It is but justice to own that we have been altogether amused by the publication.—British Critic.

"A fpirit of candour and moderation evidently pervades the present publication. Some of the characters are drawn with great difcrimination, and difplay an acuteness of powers, and a felicity of expreffion, not to be found in the fleeting productions of the day. In short, the work abounds in moral and critical obfervations that evince correctness of judgment, and delicacy of tafte." London Review.

"This work discovers refpectable traits of difcrimination, and has the merit of being uncontaminated by the virulence of party fpirit." Critical Review.

"The memoirs contained in these volumes are full and accurate in point of information; judicious in their literary and critical strictures; and exhibit well drawn and appropriate characters of their respective fubjects. They are not written under the uniform influence of any particular theological or political bias.---New Annual Register.

"This work proceeds according to its first defign, and it seems to improve as it advances with time. The Volumes contain a confiderable number of memoirs of perfons, our contemporaries, who figure in the moral, the political, and the scientific walks of fociety. The difcuffion of living characters is a difficult and delicate task, but in the execution of it, the authors of this work have acquitted themselves with as much fuccefs as can reasonably be expected." Monthly Review.


Published by R.Phillips N71 $Pauls Church Yard. London.


OF 1802-3.


HE times in which we live have been peculiarly


marked by party divisions, feuds, and animosities; attended by more virulence and rancour, more personality and abuse, than good men would have wished to have witnessed, especially when great characters were engaged in a struggle for popularity and power: and the public pulse has been so much irritated and inflamed by these contests, that the fever of party cannot be presumed to have sufficiently subsided, to make it fit for a casual biographer to discuss them; let him be ever so impartial he would necessarily be liable to be charged as a writer influenced by some prejudice personal or political. If, therefore, in the following memoir of a nobleman, who certainly has not been an inactive spectator of the great events of his own times, we have refrained from entering at large into his political conduct and character, it is because we deem it, at once, more prudent and more becoming to leave such topics to the candid pen of the future historian, and to the cooler judgment of posterity.

William Lord Auckland, LL.D. and F. R. S. is




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