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intrinsic merit was preeminent, or which shed light on some great public transaction, or the character of some distinguished person. Scaliger thought it very impertinent in Montaigne to think the world cared which he liked best, white wine or red; but it is nevertheless true, an unfading freshness of interest hangs around these trivial details which brings us, as it were, into the familiar presence of famous men. And probably very few would sympathize with the sentiment of Wordsworth, that if records of Horace and his contemporaries, composed upon "the Boswellian plan," were unearthed from the ruins of Herculaneum, he would regret to hear it, "lest the beautiful ideal of those illustrious persons should be disfigured by incongruous features."

In the distribution of the letters, some have been found which could have been referred to either of several titles. An approximation, however, to an exact classification has, on the whole, seemed to the Editor much preferable to an arrangement on any other plan.

With one or two exceptions, no translations of foreign letters have been introduced. The principal exception has been in the case of Madame de Sévigné, whose letters have given equal pleasure to men of the world like Horace Walpole, and such scholars as Sir James Mackintosh. The selections have been made with the permission of the publishers, Messrs. Mason Brothers, from the American Edition, edited by Mrs. Hale. It is to be hoped that the promised additions to the "Library of Standard Letters" may be soon forthcoming.

NEW YORK, December, 1865.



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LETTERS IV., V. VI., VII.—Madame de Sévigné to Madame de Coulanges.—A Slip be-
tween Cup and Lip-Engagement of Mademoiselle, Daughter of the Duke of Orleans, to
Monsieur de Lauzun-Immense Sensation it excites-Preliminary Gifts and Honors
conferred upon Lauzun-Broken off by the King-Behavior of the Parties-Confes-
sions of the Lady to Madame de Sévigné,

LETTER VIIL-Mrs. Bradshaw to Mrs. Howard.-Life of a Lady of Fashion in the

Country, in 1722-Eating, Drinking (Ale), Dressing, and Flirtations-How a noble Cap-

tain came to dine in white Gloves,

. 16

LETTER IX.-Lord Chesterfield to the Countess of Suffolk.-Diary of a Man of Fashion

at Bath, in which the daily Life and Conversation of the Hon. Wm. Sawyer Herbert are

especially noted,

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24, 25

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LETTER XVII.-Horace Walpole to George Montagu.-Unceremonious Visit of the Duke
of York to Strawberry Hill-Walpole's Excitement-Embarrassment as to going to
Court-Young Keppel-The American “Rabbits,"

LETTER XVIII-Horace Walpole to George Montagu.-" Honeymoon" of the New

Reign-Funeral of George the Second-Hypocrisy of the Duke of Newcastle, 40

LETTER XIX.-Horace Walpole to George Montagu.-Bewildered by the Crowd of Vic-

tories-Dinner with Garrick and "young Mr. Burke,"


LETTER XX.-Horace Walpole to George Montagu.-Description of Lady Wortley Mon-
tagu-Visit to the Cocklane Ghost. Note.-Exposure of that Imposture,
LETTER XXI.—Horace Walpole to George Montagu.-Bon mots of Quin-Bishop War-
burton. Note.-Anecdote of Pope and Warburton-Character of the Latter,
LETTER XXII.-Horace Walpole to Lady Suffolk.-Illness of the Dauphin-Dinner at La
Borde's-Extravagant and tasteless Display,


LETTER XXIV.-Horace Walpole to H. S. Conway-Visit to Stowe, in Company of the

Princess Amelia, .


LETTER XXV.-Horace Walpole to George Montagu.-Beauty of the Richmond Fire-
Works-Display of Aristocracy-Anecdote of the Duchess of Queensbury-Of Mary
Queen of Scots-Of Fielding-Of Charles Townshend,
LETTER XXVI.-Bishop Warburton to Dr. Hurd.-Account of the Bishop's Visit to
Court-Mrs. Mason's Illness-Reflections,

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LETTER XXXIV.-Dr. Beattie to Sir William Forbes.-Life in the Week and on Sunday

In an English Country Parsonage-Behavior of the People at Church-Bishop Por-

teus-Rural Amusements,


LETTER XXXV.-Mrs. John Adams to Miss Lucy Cranch.-First Impressions of Paris-
Dinner at Dr. Franklin's, with Madame Helvetius-Disgust,
LETTER XXXVI.—Mrs. Adams to Mrs. Cranch.-Description of a London "Rout"-
Dissipation of fashionable Life,

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LETTTER XLL-Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton to Miss Burton.-Dinner with Rothschild
the great Banker; his career,


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. 127

LETTER VII.-Bishop of Rochester (Dr. Atterbury) to Mr. Pope.-Written from the
Tower-Message to Dr. Arbuthnot-Unaltered Regard for his Friends,

LETTER VIII.-Alexander Pope to the Bishop of Rochester.-In Answer-Protestations

of Sympathy, Affection, and grateful Recollection,

LETTER IX.-The Bishop of Rochester to Alexander Pope.-Written from Paris-In-
quiry as to his Pursuits-Feelings of an Exile,


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LETTER X.-Mrs. Penruddock to her Husband.-Feelings on the Eve of his Execution,
in bidding him Adieu,

LETTER XI.—Mr. Penruddock to his Wife.-Written in Reply to the preceding letter, 135

LETTER XII.-Lady M. W. Montagu to the Abbé.-Crossing the Channel in a Storm-

Amusing Account of a Lady trying to conceal Lace from the Custom-house Officers-

Happiness of those who have no Wish to leave Home,

. 136

LETTER XIII-Alexander Pope to Lady M. W. Montagu.-Two Rustic Lovers struck
by Lightning-Two Epitaphs by Mr. Pope,

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LETTER XIV.-Lady M. W. Montagu to Mr. Pope.-In Reply-Ridicules the Sentiment

of Mr. Pope-An Epitaph of her own,


LETTER XV.-Lord Chesterfield to Dr. Monsey.-Playful Allusions to the Faculty-His

own Disease incurable-It is "Time,"


LETTERS XVI., XVII., XVIII, XIX.-Correspondence between Mrs. Piozzi and Dr.
Johnson.-Announcement of her Marriage by Mrs. Piozzi-Vehement Reproaches of
Dr. Johnson-Vindication of Mrs. Piozzi-Mournful Adieu of Dr. Johnson. Note.-
Rogers's Estimate of Mr. Piozzi, .

LETTER XX.-Mr. Gray to Dr. Wharton.-Amusements in Town-Reflections on Riches

-Aristotle's Writings,


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