MAIL BAGS- Continued. Labeling of; disposition of defectives.. Loose fasteners and label holders_. Report improper use of___ Restriction in use of___. Return to foreign countries__ MAIL CATCHERS AND CRANES, regulations regarding_ MAIL CRANE, report when out of repair___ MAIL KEYS: Disposition of, when received from irregular source. Loss of, to be reported__- Not to be repaired. Sec. 1442 1445 1446 1434 1444 556 556 1514 1512 1464 1466 Surplus rotary, double star, and LA, not to accumulate. 1454 Use of, restricted____ 1448 What term includes 1447 MAIL MATTER: Address, clerks shall not change or make indorsement on---- Catcher pouches, arrangement of mail in; hanging of______ Classes not mailable in R. P. O. cars or depot letter boxes___ 521 Congressional documents, free; by whom; when_. Liquids, paste, salves, butter, eggs, meats, packing of.. 463 disposition to be made of 1557 Loss, damage, improper treatment of, must not make settle- 634 Opened by mistake Packages, manner of wrapping-. Payment of postage on___ Personal and unofficial indorsements prohibited. 1633 503 575 453 378 555 Postage due, not to be stopped in transit.. 563 Postal conventions, special, between United States, Canada, 501 Private mailing cards (post cards), authority for 382-386 United States war vessels, postage on matter to and from... 502 Law relating to retaining or destroying----- 1624 OFFICIAL ENVELOPES, who may use; penalty for misuse.. 485 OFFICIAL NOTICES, where posted. 1522 OFFICIAL TELEGRAMS, form of, when to be sent__. 1525 Disposition to be made of by clerks when brought to car for 1557 POSTAGE, DUE MATTER not to be stopped in transit... 563 1529 Presence of post-office inspectors and officials in___. 1532 1584 Entitled to free transportation on electric or cable lines.. 1304 1279 POSTAL UNION MAILS, classification; postal rate and regulations_ 498 Responsibility when mail arrives at late hour of night 1291 1293 Mail that may be accepted at; from whom mail bearing canceled stamps may be received__ To be examined on entering and before leaving. Carrying mail, must not contract for___ Civil Service classes, shall not instruct_ Classification, rules governing___. Clerks in charge, duties of-- Conduct of Correspondence, order of handling. Debts of ____ Shall not contract_. Directories, compiling of Discharged clerks 1264-1536 1502 66 338 1484 1504 1530 1504 1499 57 57 1492 |