be determined by measurement when mutually agreed to by the carrier and the department. 5. Service partly by railroad and partly by steamboat.Where service is operated by a railroad company partly by railroad and partly by steamboat and a railway postal clerk accompanies the mail over the entire run, the car-mile rate allowable on the rail mileage shall apply on steamboat mileage. If clerk does not accompany mails over the water part of the route, that part of the route shall be stated as closed-pouch service. 6. Storage space (regular or emergency) in oversize railway post-office car.-(a) Where a full or apartment railway post-office car and a unit of storage space are authorized in a train, and the space in the railway post office car operated exceeds the authorized railway post office unit by one linear foot or more, both sides of the car, the available excess space in the railway post-office car may be used for the carriage of all or a part of the mail due to be accommodated in the storage unit, with the understanding that no pay will be allowed for the unused excess space in the return movement. (b) Where storage space is needed in the train in the return movement, compensation will be allowed only for such storage unit as may be actually required for the accommodation of the mails. (c) Lesser storage units which are accommodated in the excess space in an oversize full or apartment car shall be determined by count of sacks except as provided in paragraph (f), but in no case shall payment be allowed for more than the actual length of the car. (d) Where the mail due to be transported in an authorized storage unit can not all be accommodated in the available clear storage space in an oversize full or apartment railway post office car, and a part of the storage mail is carried in such available space in the railway post-office car and the remainder in the baggage car, payment will be allowed for the full storage unit in the outbound movement, and in the return movement for the equivalent of that portion of the storage unit carried in the baggage car on the outbound trip, provided that no part of the car in which the unit is claimed, was used by the carrier in the return movement. (e) Where an oversize full or apartment car is furnished to satisfy an authorized unit of railway post-office space, the clear storage space due under an authorization for a 60-foot car shall be determined by actual measurement and considered as 13 feet; and for 30-foot and 15-foot apartments, the clear storage space due shall be determined by count of sack as follows: For 30-foot apartment 135 sacks and for 15-foot apartment 48 sacks. (The space indicated represents the average in standard cars with and without stove.) (f) Where a 70-foot, 60-foot, or 30-foot standard railway postoffice car is operated to fill an authorization for a 60-foot railway post office car or a 30-foot or 15-foot apartment car, respectively, and the available storage space in the car in addition to that provided under the railway post-office car authorization is used to capacity for the handling of storage mails, the available storage space in a 70-foot car when used to fill an authorization for a 60-foot car shall be considered as 10 feet (measurement basis); in a 60-foot car when used to fill an authorization for a 30-foot car as 18 feet (measurement basis); and in a 30-foot car when used to fill an authorization for a 15-foot car as 12 feet (measurement basis). In cases where the authorization provides for a 30-foot or 15-foot apartment car, all racks which are not due under such apartment car authorization shall be placed in nonuse position to provide storage space. (g) Where storage mails are carried in an oversize full or apartment car in a train in which a deadhead unit is authorized, the appropriate unit to cover such mails shall be considered in lieu of the deadhead authorization and not as emergency service. 7. Nonstandard and old-style full and apartment cars. (a) Where the railroad company is unable to furnish a standard full railway post-office or apartment car but operates in lieu thereof a nonstandard car which does not provide as much storage space as a standard car, pro rata pay will be allowed for the nonstandard car based on the storage space furnished as compared with the storage space due in a standard car of the unit authorized: Provided, That full payment may be allowed when the entire deficiency in storage space is made up, when necessary, in another part of the train. (b) When a car smaller than the unit authorized is furnished and such car provides sufficient distribution facilities for the particular run of the car, payment will be allowed pro rata, based on the length of the car furnished as compared with the length of the unit authorized. If such car is deficient in storage space as compared with a standard car, full payment may be allowed on the basis of the length of the car furnished, provided the entire deficiency in storage space is made up, when necessary, in another part of the train. (c) Where a unit of storage space is also needed in a train in which a nonstandard full railway post office or apartment car is operated, the deficiency in storage space in the postal car, if any, shall be taken into account in determining the size of the storage unit to be authorized. (d) In determining the inside length of full railway post office and apartment cars as the basis for payment, fractions of a foot shall be disregarded, if six inches or under, and credit given for a full foot, if over 6 inches. (e) Where there is a deficiency of distributing facilities in the car, the company will be required to install at least such additional facilities as are needed on the particular run of the car or cars involved. 8. Passageway or part-width apartment cars. Where a passageway or part-width apartment car is operated to fill an authorization for a standard apartment car, full payment will be allowed for such car: Provided, That the number of square feet of floor space furnished is equal to or greater than the number of square feet provided in a standard apartment car of the size authorized, and pro rata payment on the same basis will be allowed where the floor space is less than that in a standard car. If such car is deficient in storage space as compared with a standard car, full payment may be allowed on the basis of the number of square feet of floor space furnished, provided the entire deficiency in storage space is made up, when necessary, in another part of the train. 9. Apartment cars on narrow-gauge lines. --Space in apartment cars on narrow-gauge lines will be paid for at full rates for standard width cars. The amount of storage space which should be required in narrow-gauge cars should be the amount provided by the standard plan of a narrow-gauge car and not the amount provided by the plan for a standard gauge apartment car. EMERGENCY SERVICE 10. General provisions.-(a) Emergency or excess service has reference to service which temporarily becomes necessary in a train where no unit of space is regularly authorized, or to additional service in a train where space is regularly authorized but which is inadequate to accommodate all the mail offered for dispatch by a particular trip. Such temporary service is performed under special requisition by a representative of the Railway Mail Service for additional space, or under the initiative action of railroad employees at points where no representative of the Railway Mail Service is located. (b) Railroad companies are not required to anticipate the need of emergency space in the regular consist of the train. Where there are mails and baggage or express or both to be loaded, and the available space is not sufficient to accommodate all, the mails must be given preference. Railroad companies will not, however, be required to unload baggage or express in order to provide space for the excess mail. Where there is no other available space in an all-mail train except that in an oversize car, the carrier must accommodate the mails in such space. (c) All units of emergency space shall be 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, or 30 feet without duplication or grouping. They shall be of the size needed to accommodate the excess mails carried and may be discontinued, increased, or decreased at any point where a fluctuation in the volume of mail carried requires a change from one unit to another. In cases where there is a lesser unit of space regularly authorized in the train, the emergency unit shall be in addition to such regular unit and not in lieu thereof except as provided in rule 15. (d) Where the regular authorization is for 3, 6, 9, 12, or 15 feet of closed-pouch space, emergency space of 15 feet or less shall be paid for at closed-pouch rates, but where the emergency service exceeds 15 feet payment therefor shall he made at storage rates. (e) Where the regular authorization is for storage units or for railway post-office or apartment car service, all emergency space will be paid for at storage rates. (f) The same rules that govern payment for deadhead return movements of regularly authorized lesser units of storage space shall govern payment for deadhead return movements of emergency lesser units of storage space: Provided, That where an emergency lesser unit of storage space and a regularly authorized lesser unit of storage space are accommodated in one car in the initial movement, the deadhead return of both units shall be claimed in the same car in the return movement. rule 30, par. (b).) (See (g) Where emergency mails are transported in two or more cars in a train, a single request form shall be issued for a unit of sufficient size to cover the entire excess mails carried. This rule is not to be considered as affecting the provisions of rule 15, which provides for the authorization of a 60-foot storage car in lieu of a closed-pouch or a lesser storage unit under certain conditions. (h) When a train arrives at its destination on a day following its departure from initial point, the date the train is due to leave the initial point of the railway post-office designation shall be used as the date of request for space. Each railway post-office division shall be considered separately in cases where it is divided into east, middle, west, north, and south divisions. The actual date shall be used on the requisition at the top of the form and the "train date" in the body of the form. 11. Mails not to be carried on trains on which no space is authorized except upon request.- (a) The railroad company shall not carry mails on a train upon which no space is regularly authorized unless it receives a requisition for necessary emergency space in such train from the proper officer of the Railway Mail Service. (b) Where conditions warrant, a postmaster may be authorized by a division superintendent, Railway Mail Service, to issue requests on proper forms for emergency service on unauthorized trains, the railroad company to be advised of the issuance of such authority. 12. Additional space in trains in which railway post-office car service is authorized. When a railway post-office car or a railway post-office car with an additional unit of storage space is regularly authorized in a train and the authorized space is inadequate to accommodate all of the mails offered for dispatch by a particular trip, the transfer clerk or the railway postal clerk in charge, at the point where the emergency occurs, may address a written notice, showing the number of bags of mail involved, to the railroad company requesting it to furnish the additional unit of space needed in the train, such notice to be made in duplicate, the original to be delivered to the conductor or baggageman of the train and the duplicate to be forwarded through usual channels to the division superintendent, Railway Mail Service. 13. Additional space in close pouch trains.-(a) When the regularly authorized spaced in a closed-pouch train is inadequate to accommodate all of the mails offered for dispatch by a particular trip, the transfer clerk or other postal representative at the point where the emergency occurs may address a written notice, showing the number of bags of mail involved, to the railroad company, requesting it to furnish the additional unit of space needed in the train, such notice to be made in duplicate, the original to be delivered to the conductor or baggageman of the train and the duplicate to be forwarded |