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apparently reconciled to the peo-
ple, 126; procures the dismissal
of Necker, 130; encourages the
troops to attack Paris, 162;
Breteuil, her confidant, 233;
looking forward to flight and
civil war, ib.; is looked to by
the aristocracy to save the mo-
narchy, 251; entertains the regi-
ment of Flanders, 253; her
danger at Versailles, 273; ap-
pears before the people, 278; her
want of prudence, 313; not a
bigot, 317; her hypocrisy, 322;
her appearance, 335; interview
with Mirabeau, 336; appears on
the Field of Mars, 411; fears the
emigrant princes more than the
Revolution, 584; her share in
the ruin of the king, 591; the
flight to Varennes, 593; her
conduct there, 600, 602, 605
Marriages, great increase of, in
1789, 417

Mars, the Field of, labour of all
classes in preparing, 407; taking
of the oath to the Constitution,
Massacre of St. Bartholomew, the,

Maury, the Abbé-his ridicule of
Robespierre, 499

Memmay de Quincey accused of
murder, 199

Mercy, M. de, the Austrian am-
bassador-his unwise solicitude
for the safety of the queen causes
her ruin, 591
Mericourt, Mulle. Théroigne de,
gains over the regiment of Flan-
ders, 268

Merlet, the framer of the law

against suspected persons, 559
Middle Ages, legends of the, 23;
resignation exemplified in the,

Mirabeau, present at the opening

of the States-General, 86; dis-
plays irritation, his speech, 100;


speech of, after the king's
declaration, 116; proposes an
address to the Parisians, advising
them to be orderly, 128; pro-
poses an address for the removal
of the troops from Paris, 129;
opinions of, 222; his discordant
principles, 236; uneasiness of,
about the Veto, 262; at the As-
sembly, 271; refuses to speak,
272; joins with Lafayette, 287:
reconciled to Lafayette, 315;
equivocal conduct of the Court
to, 327; his eloquence at the
Convention, 330; his character,
333; his interview with the
queen, 335; his character of the
Jacobins, 483; his opinion of
Robespierre, 498; his quarrels
and reconciliations with the peo-
ple, 527; his appeal to the Jaco-
bins, 528; his opposition to the
first step of terror, 551; opposes
the proposed law against emigra-
tion, 561; his danger, 562; at-
tacked by Lameth, 564; his death
and funeral, 568; varying judg.
ments of him, 569; his real
transgression, 570; removal of
his remains from the Pantheon,

Misery and mourning in Paris after
the taking of the Bastille, 166
Molleville, Bertrand de, a royalist,

Monarchy, the Ancient-its cha-
racter, 35
Monsieur, Count de Provence-his
share in the ruin of the king,
591; his escape from France,


Montagne, the, alluded to, 525
Montauban, counter-revolution at,

Montbarrey, Prince de, an old

minister, saved from the fury of
the people by the Marquis de la
Salle, 160
Montélimart, confederation of, 308

[blocks in formation]

Montemart, M. de-his altercation

with M. de Foucault, 214
Montesquieu-his opinion on jus-
tice, 50; his political romance,
Montfermeil, Marquis de, borrowed
money to relieve his vassals,

Montmorency advocates the imme-
diate abolition of class privileges,

Montmorin, his intrigue with the
Lameths, 575

Montpellier, Bishop of, his speech

in the National Assembly, 216
Monuments of the Revolution, none
remaining, 2

Moreau de Saint- Mèry recom-
mends Lafayette as general of the
Parisian army, 138
Mounier proposes to invite the

clergy and nobility to take their
seats with the Third Estate, 92
Mourning and misery in Paris after
the taking of the Bastille, 166

NANCY, massacre at, 469

Bishop of his speech in the
National Assembly, 215
National Assembly, name taken by
the Third Estate, 97; assembles
at the Tennis Court on the closing
of their hall by the king, 107;
declines to separate, 117; applies
to the king vainly, 136; the king
goes to the, 165; deputation of
the, 167; embarrassment of the,
190; demands the confidence of
the people, 192; distrust of the
people, 193; critical position of,
208; declares the secrecy of let-
ters inviolable, 209; opposition
of the Court to the Assembly,
209; defeat the Court, 210;
speeches on the 4th of August,
213; the Assembly is required to
be renewed, 235; ambiguous con-
duct of, 245; proposal to dissolve
the, 246; its impotency, 247;

receives warning, 261; Maillard
appears with the women before
the, 262; the women pass
the night in the hall, 271; en-
treated by the king to meet at
Versailles, 279; hesitation of the,
280; refuses to quit its usual
place of meeting, 281; the As-
sembly is well disposed towards
the king, 287; projects of the,
290; wishes to bestow pensions,
291; suspends the pronouncing
of ecclesiastical vows, 293; de-
cides nothing for the comedians
nor for the Jews, 294; decrees
that no one could be an elector
unless he paid a certain amount
of taxes, 298; decrees that the
estates of the clergy were at the
disposal of the nation, 300; par-
dons the parliament of Metz,
303; power of the, 305; resist-
ance of the parliaments conquered,
307; the king presents himself
before the Assembly, and makes
a speech in its favour, 321;
enthusiasm manifested by the,
322; confides only in the muni-
cipalities, 323; question about
its dissolution, 329; decreed
that there should be no elections
till the Constitution was finished,
330; the king intimates that he
is arming ships, 332; the army
tries to intimidate by duelling,
338; a new explosion in a libel
issued devoting it to the hatred
of the people, 346; about de-
crees presented for the royal
sanction, 347; accused of wishing
to have no kind of religion, 350;
debates on religion, 352; wishes
that the clergy should be in future
the elect of the people, 372;
Avignon sends a deputation to
the, 379; address of Chavignon,
386; abolishes hereditary no-
bility and titles, 409; receives the
"deputies of the human race,"


thanks Bouillé for the mas-
sacre of Nancy, 470; its weak-
ness, 524; afraid of the people,
527; its decree against the clergy,
531; debates on the emigration,
559; decrees that the king shall
return to Paris, 605
National cockade, insults offered to
the, 254

National Guard, suspected, 472;
scheme to reduce their number,
527; protest of Robespierre, ib.
National sovereignty, first act of
the, 79

Nations, sympathy of, with the
Revolution, 403

Navy, conduct of the officers of the,

Necker, his character, 75; dis-

misses M. de Sartines, 69; his
speech at the opening of the
National Assembly, 90; persuades
the king and some of the ministers
that his project is the only means
of salvation, 106; wishes to quit
office, but is requested to remain
by the king, 118; removed from
office, 130; the queen's party
wish to arrest him, ib.; the king
writes to, engaging him to return,
171; returns, 210; makes his
confession to the Assembly, 246;
his flight, 487

Newspapers, royalist and revolu-
tionary, their emulation in vio-
lence, 551

Nicolas, a ruffian at Versailles, 277
Nismes, counter-revolution at, 305;
outbreak at, 375

Bishop of, his speech in the
National Assembly, 216
Noailles, Viscount de, offers exemp-

tion from feudal rights, 213
Nobles, old and new, fury of the, 198
Nobles and clergy, contests of, 345
Nuns, cruel treatment of some, 580,

OATH taken at the Jeu-de-Paume, 108


Oath to the Constitution, decree of
the Assembly for taking it, 531;
refused by the clergy who are
deputies, 533

Obscurity, a main feature of the
old tyrannical system, 384
Orangerie at Versailles, 250
Orateur du Peuple, a newspaper, 239
Orders, question on the separation
of the, 91

Ormesson, Lefebvre, l'Abbé, guards
and distributes gunpowder among
the people, 140; narrowly escapes
being hanged, 260

Orleans, the Regent Duke of, in-
crease of the national debt under,
41; his avarice, 554

duke of, intrigues of his
partisans, 122; his pretended
fears, 142; his conduct, 280;
goes to London, 287; renewed in-
trigues, 554; he falls into dis-
repute, 555; the idea of Re-
public instead of a Monarchy sug-
gested by his baseness, ib.

PACIFIO principles of the French
Revolution, 3

Palais-Royale, agitation in the, 121
Paris, delay of the elections, 78;

the city desires to be prepared
for war, 129; danger of, 132;
insurrection in, 133; the people
take up arms, 135; mourning
and misery in, 166; fears of,
194; the city abandoned to itself,
226; no public authority, 227;
difficulty of procuring provisions,
230; agitation about the question
of the Veto, 237; the king brought
to, by the people, 249; irritation
in the city, 255; the king again
at Paris, 282

Parliaments, the, annulled by the
National Assembly, 300
Patriote Français, a newspaper, 238
Patriotic donations, 229
Patriotism, unity of, 390
Peace, a hollow, made, 169

[blocks in formation]


Philanthropy of revenue farmers, 61
Place Maubert, the ladies of the,

put the Revolution under the pro-
tection of Saint Geneviève, 173
Point du Jour, a newspaper, 238
Polignac, Count, goes into the Palais

Royal to defy the crowd, 133
Polignacs, the, leave France, 175
Politicians and devotees, 15
Pompadour, Madame de (née Pois-

son), gains an ascendancy over
Louis XV., 47

Pope, the, denounces the Revolu-
tion, 581

Popular judgments on the ancient
monarchy, 176

Populus, M., his speech in the Na-
tional Assembly, 94
Power, judiciary, the people have

no confidence in the, 177
Press, increase of the, 239; power
of the, 424

Priests, power of the, 425; their
triumph over the Voltairian law-
yers of the Assembly, 534

the lower order of, their
numbers, 507; how attached to
the Revolution, ib.
Princesses, the (aunts of Louis

XVI.), emigrate, 558; stopped
on their journey, ib. ; allowed to
proceed, 559

Principles of the Revolution emi-
nently pacific, 3

Privileged classes, attempts to
frighten them by calling on the
people, 74

Privileges, class, given up, 215
Protestants, relief granted to, by
the National Assembly, 294; con-

dition of, in the South of France,
357; plots against them, 361 ;
their terror, 363
Provinces, alarm of the, 195; the
privileges of, abandoned, 217
Provincial distinctions renounced
by the peasants of Dauphiné, 308
Provisions, difficulty of procuring,
in the summer of 1789, 2, 31
Public Charities, the Court attempts
to get possession of, 211
Punishments, barbarous, their evil
effects, 180


Puységur, a commander of the
foreign troops in the French ser-
vice, 131

QUEEN. See Marie Antoinette.
conference to unite the three
orders, 92; the motion carried,
ib.; becomes President of the
National Assembly, 295

Ramus, fanatical acts of violence
against, 31

Reconciliation of the past and the

present, impotent efforts for, 219
Red Book, the, its character, 58,347
Regal tyranny and popular anarchy,
employed indifferently by Rome,


Religious liberty acknowledged by
the National Assembly, 224
Religious tyranny, strange league be-

tween, and the friends of liberty, 4
Republic, first idea of a, by whom
originated, 555

Resignation of the Middle Ages, 24
Resistance of the Parliament to the

National Assembly, 300, 304
Réveillon riot, the electors embar-
rassed by the; 80; interested
parties, 82

Revenue farmers, philanthropy of;

Revocation of the edict of Nantes,
the model of the code of terror, 559
Revolution, no monuments remain-


ing of the, except the Champ de
Mars, 2; its principles eminently
pacific, 3; strangely leagued with
religious tyranny, 4; becomes ex-
clusive, 5; fraternity one of the
principles of the, 6; no egotism
in the French Revolution, 7; uni-
versal love, the glorious error of
the, 8; character of the, 14;
is the Revolution the fulfilling of
Christianity? 17; desired by all
to a certain limit, 56
Revolutions de Paris, Les, a news-
paper, 238; the Court plot
printed in it, 243

Right, feudal, offers to abandon, 212
Rights of Man, declaration of the, 520
Riom, Albert de, a naval officer,

conduct of, 339

Robespierre, Maximilian, speaks at
the National Assembly, 94;
wishes the intercepted letters to
the Count d'Artois to be opened,
209; his origin, and appearance
of, 492; an orphan, 494; lite-
rary attempts, 495; criminal
judge, 496; member of the States-
General, 497; conspiracy to make
him ridiculous, 498; his solitude
and poverty, 499; quarrels with
the Lameths, 500; trusted by
the people, 505; gains ascendancy
at the Jacobin Club, 506; pro-
poses to allow the marriage of
priests, 507; his prudence, 508;
takes a lead in the Assembly,
527; against forcing the consti-
tutional oath on the clerical de-
puties, 532; his self-denying
proposal, 573; succeeds the La-
meths as the organ of the Jacobins,
574; attacked by Duport, 576
Robin, Jean, an aged pilot, honours
paid to, 340

Rochefoucault, Cardinal de la, im-
plores the king to dismiss the
National Assembly, 105; in the
name of the clergy relinquishes
the tithes, 223

Rochefoucault, M. de la, demands
an amelioration of negro slavery,

Rohan, the philanthropist, 67; en-
deavours to obtain the pardon of
Latude, 68

Romme, the mathematician, pre-
sides at a patriotic banquet, 524
Rousseau, 50; commencement of
his career, 51; acts by sentiment
and melody, 53

Royal comedy of the States-Gene-
ral and the Parliament, 37
Royal incarnation, Louis XIV. the,

36; the dogma has perished, 46
Rural districts, terror of the, 199

SABBAT, the, agents of the Jacobins,
Saint-Fargeau, Lepelletier, advo-
cates the abolition of class pri-
vileges, 215

Salle, Marquis de la, second in
command in the Parisian army,
128; saves the life of the Prince
de Montbarry, 160
Salvation and crime, the theological
dogma, 19

Santerre, a brewer, proposes to burn
the Bastille, 151

Saône, confederation of the, 309
Sartines, M. de, 66; dismissed
from office by Necker, 69

Sauce, M., the procurator of the
commune of Varennes, 600
Sensitiveness, over, what it may
become, 514

Sièyes, the Abbé, absent on the open-
ing of the States-General, 86;
present at the National Assembly,
95; proposes to summon the
clergy and nobility for the last
time, 96; his speech in the Na-
tional Assembly, 117; present
at the Hôtel de Ville, 167; pro-
posed as President of the National
Assembly, 209; opinions of,


Sombreuil, governor of the Inva-

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