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lides, refuses to give up his guns,
146; they are carried off by the
people, 148

Sombreuil, a young officer, goes
into the Palais Royal to defy the
crowd, 133

Sovereignty, the first act of the na-
tional, 79

Spirit of exclusion in the French
Revolution, 5

Staël, Madame de, present at the
opening of the National Assembly,
5th May, 1789, 88; her emotion
on the return of her father,
States-General, motives of Necker,

the queen, and others for sum-
moning, 74; the convocation de-
layed, 78; eminent names, 79;
procession and opening, 84, 88;
question of the separation of the
orders, 91; the Third Estate in-
vites the others to unite with it,
92, 95; takes the name of the
National Assembly, 98
Sufferings and legends of the Middle
Ages, 23

Suffren, Admiral-his death, 338
Swiss regiments in the French ser-
vice, 462; tyranny of their
officers, 462

TALLEYRAND-his appearance, 412;
administers the oath in the Field
of Mars, ib.

Target, a legist of Paris, reproaches
Mirabeau with equivocation, 100;
approves of the pamphlet De la
Lanterne, 179

Tennis Court, Jeu de Paume, the
National Assembly meets in the,

Terror, Reign of, at Paris-its com-
mencement, 487; its originators,
534; the press, 550; opposition
of Mirabeau, 551
Terrorists explanation of their
proceedings, 181; royalists, 488;
Jacobins, ib.

Theological dogma, imitation of the,
by the civil world, 25

Theory, monarchical, of Dante, 35
Théroigne, Mdlle., the Amazon of
Liége, gains over the regiment of
Flanders, 268; her personal ap-
pearance, 519; her visit to the
Club of Cordeliers, 520

Third Estate represented by Necker
and others as feeble, timid, and
subservient, 75; invites the
other orders to join with it, 92;
last summons of the, 95; as-
sumes the name of Communes, 97
Thouret of Rouen reproaches Mira-
beau with equivocation, 100;
opposed to Sièyes by the Court
as President of the National As-
sembly, 209; retires from the
contest, 210

Thuriot summons De Launey to
surrender the Bastille, 149
Titles, abolition of, 409
Tithes, suppression of, 222
Tourzel, Madame de, her folly, 594
Trèves, the emigrant establishment
at, 347

Triumgueusat, its meaning, 483
Turgot on the Revolution, 56
Tyranny, regal and popular anar-
chy, employed indifferently by
Rome, 29

UNIFORM, why proposed for the
National Guard, 527

Uzès, Bishop of, his speech in the
National Assembly, 216

VALORY, M. de, assists the King's

flight to Varennes, 595; his im-
prudence, 598

Varennes, arrest of the King and
Queen at, 599

Vaudois regiment, persecution of
the, 462

Vaudreuil, Count, leaves France,

Vermond, the abbé de, distrusted
by Louis XVI., 318


Verrières, a lawyer, at Versailles,
Versailles, state of, on the 14th of
July, 161; the women march to,
260; the Château stormed by the
people, 275

Veto, long discussion in the Na-
tional Assembly on the, 233;
agitation in Paris on the question,

Village associations, their objects,

Violence, few acts of, in the early
part of the French Revolution,

Virieu, Count de, his speech in the

National Assembly, 215
Volney proposes to dissolve the
National Assembly, 246
Voltaire expelled the Court, 47;
the martyr and apostle of justice,


51; commences the Revolution,
54; honours decreed to, by the
National Assembly, 582
Vrillière, La, keeper of the state
prisons in the Bastille, 63

WAR, debate in the National As-
sembly on the right of making,

Women, sufferings of the, in France,
256; their generous compassion,
257; they invade the Hôtel de
Ville, 259; march to Versailles,
260; appear before the As-
sembly, 263; received by the
King with kindness, 265; they
gain over the regiment of Flan-
ders, 268; in the hall, 271; the
return from Versailles, 281; Jaco-
bin women, 478; their part in
the counter-revolution, 580



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