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cation, x, 773; salt, x, 773; xi, 833; consti- | Varick, Theodore Romeyn, obit., xii, 618.
tutional convention, xii, 788; prosecutions Varna and Dijmphna, loss of the, viii, 383.
for bigamy, 789.

Utes, attack upon the, xii, 143.

Utica, N. Y., growth of, xi, 188.

Uvura, ix, 347.

Uzbecks, x, 2, 8.

Vaccination with disease, vi, 347.

Vail, Aaron S., obit., vi, 689.

Varroy, Henri A., sketch, iv, 386.
Vassali Bey Luigi, obit., xii, 634.
Vassalot, Count de, x, 135.

Vatican, the, mission from, to China, x, 170;
conspiracy of the, xi, 454; illustration, i,
704; relations of, with governments. See

Vatican Library open to historians, viii, 692.

Vakkan, province of, x, 2; its submission to Vaucanson, invention by, x, 613.

Russia, xi, 5.

Valdau, G., xi, 373.

Valence, theory of, x, 149.

Vaughan, Victor C., xii, 106.

Vaughn, O. A. J., obit., i, 625.

Valerii, palace of the, ix, 26.

Vallès, Jules, obit., x, 670.
Valparaiso, illustration, ii, 99.

Valuation and taxation in the States, vii, 409.

Vambery, Arminius, ii, 5; iii, 3.

Vanadium compounds, new, x, 154.
Vanata, Aloysius, obit., i, 625.
Vanatta, Jacob, obit., iv, 697.
Van Bokkelen, Mr., x, 468.
Van Brunt, Henry, x, 361.

Van Buren, William H., obit., viii, 596.
Van Camelbeke, Bishop, x, 31.
Vance, Albinus, v, 552.

Vanderbilt, Cornelius, sketch, ii, 756.
Vanderbilt, John, obit., ii, 589.

Vanderbilt, William H., obit. and portrait, x,

774; gift of, to New York city, ix, 595.

Vanderbilt University, gift to, x, 775.

Vaux, W. S. W., obit., x, 671.

Vedder, Alexander M., obit., iii, 647.

Vedder, Elihu, ix, 249.

Vierzon, strike at, xi, 359.

Vega, Count de la, x, 141.

Vega, the, voyage of, iv, 411; entrance into
Behring Strait, 415; in Yokohama, 416; x,

Vegetable analysis, vi, 95.

Vegetable chemistry, vii, 92.

Vegetable physiology, ix, 660; x, 695.
Veintemilla, Gen., made dictator in Ecuador,
iii, 260; government of, iv, 328; v, 231; de-
feat and flight of, vii, 225; viii, 287.
Veitch, obit., x, 671.

Venezuela, i, 795; vi, 860; viii, 812; ix, 793;
X, 775; silk, ix, 794; rebellion, x, 776; xii,
789; tariff changes, 790; national museum,

Van der Heyden, Gen., honors to, vi, 625; ix, Venice, aqueduct at, x, 332.

558; x, 625.

Van der Hoeven, Pruis, x, 625.

Vanderpoel, Aaron J., obit., xii, 618.
Vanderpool, Dr. James, obit., i, 625.
Van der Weyde, invention by, ii, 498.
Van Diebble, Cornelius, invention by, x, 614.
Van Dyke, Anton, sale of pictures by, x, 360,
366; xii, 277.

Van Dyke, John, obit., iii, 647.

Van Gèle, Capt., explorations by, xii, 303.
Van Heurck, Dr., experiments by, ix, 515.
Van Malderen, invention by, iii, 275.
Van Marcke, x, 367.

Van Niekirk, P. J., ix, 112, 113; x, 86, 87.
Van Nostrand, David, obit., xi, 705.
Van Oeckelen, invention by, x, 613.
Van Raust, Lydia, obit., xi, 705.
Van Swieten, Gen., ix, 557; x, 625.

Van Zandt, Charles C., ii, 675; iii, 728; iv,

Vara, Giovanni B., obit., ix, 623.

Venosta, v, 408.

Venusti, sale of a, x, 366.

Ventilation, v, 361.

Venus, diameter of, ii, 43; transit of, ibid.,
vii, 35; viii, 20; ix, 49.

Vera Cruz, illustration, ii, 514.
Veraschagin, picture by, x, 712.
Verbeck, Mr., x, 401.
Verboeckhoven, E., obit., vi, 697.
Verdi, ovation to, xii, 522.
Vereschagin, Basil, xii, 277.
Verme, Count L. dal, xi, 380.
Vermilye, Washington R., obit., i, 625.
Vermont, statistics, State government, election
returns, etc., in each volume; celebration of
the centennial of the battle of Bennington,
ii, 757, 758; investigation of the reprieve of
a sentence for murder, ii, 758; iii, 818; Red-
field Proctor elected Governor, iii, 816; re-
vision of statutes, 817; v, 708, 709; bequests,
iii, 818; vii, 827; relative profits of farming


in, compared with those in the West, iv, 840,
841; sorghum sugar, 841; railroad monopo-
lies, 841; a famous law-case, iv, 842; elec-
tion case, 842; election of Governor Roswell
Farnham, v, 707; re-election of Senator Ed-
munds, v, 707; xi, 839; act to equalize taxa-
tion, vi, 863; duties of State school superin.
tendent, 864; revenue bill, vii, 823; schools,
826, 827; xii, 791; election of Governor
John L. Barstow, vii, 827; of Governor Sam-
uel E. Pingree, ix, 795; forestry, ix, 796;
maple-sugar, x, 777; Ebenezer J. Ormsbee,
xi, 833.

Véron, Madame, xii, 294.
Verona, bridge at, x, 330.

Vessels, iron-turreted, xii, 229.

Vestal virgins, house and statues of the, ix, 26.
Vetromille, Eugène, obit., vi, 689.
Vetulovia, site of, xi, 35.

Veuillot, Louis, sketch, viii, 815.
Veyressat, J. J., x, 363.

Viardot, Louis, obit., viii, 605.

Vibert, G. J., xi, 347.

Vibriones, ix, 498.
Vickovich, x, 1, 2.

Vicksburg, siege of, x, 424, 426.

Victor Emanuel II, King of Italy, iii, 819.
Victoria, Queen, power of, to cede Indian ter-
ritory, iii, 438; attempt on the life of, vii,
369; portrait, iii, 819; jubilee of the fiftieth
year of her reign, xii, 791.

Victoria, Apache chief, v, 27.

[blocks in formation]

759, 761, 762; vi, 870; constitutional amend-
ments, i, 800; stationing of troops at Peters-
burg, i, 800, 801; sympathy with South
Carolina, 802; gifts to the University, 802;
the Moffat register law, ii, 758; election of
F. W. M. Holliday Governor, and sketch, ii,
762; the State debt, iii, 820, 821; iv, 842,
843, 844; v, 709; decision under the civil-
rights act, iii, 825; the Readjustment party,
iv, 843, 844; colored juror question, 845;
the Governor's veto of the repudiation bill,
v, 709; the Yorktown centennial, vi, 869;
diagram and description of the proposed
monument, 870, 871; William E. Cameron,
Governor, vii, 827; Riddleberger bill, 828,
829; election riot, viii, 816; acts passed over
the veto, ix, 797; bond cases, x, 268; the
oyster interest, x, 777; Fitzhugh Lee elected
Governor, xii, 792.

Virginia City, growth of, xii, 133.

Vischer, Friedrich Theodor, obit., xii, 639.
Vitale, Count Luigi, obit., i, 644.

Vital force, doctrine of, ix, 808.

Viticulture, in United States, vi, 353; viii, 79;
in Ecuador, 288; in Mexico, 537.
Vitu, Sultan of, x, 796.

Vivarez, Henri, x, 578.

Vivisection, regulations for the practice of, i,
360; bill to prohibit, iv, 457; licenses, 457.
Vizier, the grand, office of, abolished, iv, 833.
Voconius, Pollio, palace of, ix, 26.
Vodges, William, obit., xi, 705.

Victoria, province of. See under Australia, in Vogel, H. C., observations by, vii, 37; star
each volume.

Victoria Nyanza, mission at, iii, 362.

catalogue by, viii, 28.
Vogel, H. M., ix, 122.

Victoria Station, explosion at, ix, 377; x, 454. Vogt, C., discovery by, vi, 303.

Viel-Castel, M. de, obit., xii, 638.

Vieille, x, 151, 154.

Voice, physiology of the, viii, 636.
Voigts-Rhetz, Gen., ii, 613.

Vienna, fire in, iv, 51; views in, opera-house Volapük, structure of, xii, 794; derivation of

and cathedral, ii, 58, 59.

Vieuxtemps, Henry, obit., vi, 697.

Vigilant, the, lost whaler, vi, 323.
Vigorite, x, 345.

Vilain, Vicomte, obit., iii, 662.

Vilas, William F., sketch, x, 757; portrait, 762.
Vincent, C., discovery by, iv, 75.

Vincent, Edward, x, 311.

Vincent, Mary A. Farley, obit., xii, 618.

Vines, S., experiments by, iv, 36.

words, 795; adoption of, 797; meeting of
societies, 797; bibliography, 798.
Volcanic eruptions, of Cotopaxi, ii, 268; ix,
28; in Patagonia, iii, 365; of Etna, iv, 527;
in Ecuador, vi, 331; of Krakatoa and oth-
ers, viii, 526; ix, 53; x, 400; in Hawaiian
Islands, ix, 389; atmospheric effects of,
viii, 526; of Ometepe, viii, 582; of Momo-
tombo, xi, 66, 653. See Earthquakes, etc.,
viii, 284.

Virchow, Rudolph, theory of, vi, 550; xii, 669. Volcanoes, ix, 389, 541; colored chart show-

Virgin Mary, insult to the, x, 713.
Virginia, article on, in every volume, giving
statistics, State government and legislation,
election returns, etc.; views in, i, 801; ii,

ing the principal volcanoes, seismic areas,
and coral reefs, xi, 296; Irazu, x, 398; Jo-
rullo, illustration, ii, 511; Asama-jama, xii,
311; Krakatoa, x, 400; a new, 400.

[blocks in formation]


Wallace, Mackenzie, ix, 279.

Wallace, W., inventions by, iii, 272; ix, 306.
Wallace, William Ross, obit., vi, 689.
Wall-decoration, ix, 250.

Waller, Augustus D., experiments by, xii, 674.
Waller, Thomas M., vii, 173.
Wallis, Robert, obit., iii, 662.
Wallner, Franz, obit., i, 644.
Wallo Galla, ii, 2.

Walloon Churches, vii, 709.
Wall-paper, viii, 615; ix, 247.
Walmsley, W. H., ix, 521.

Walpole, Frederick, obit., i, 644.
Walpole, Sir Robert, obit., i, 644.
Walrand, M., ix, 473.

Walsh, Archbishop, appointment of, x, 455.
Walter, M., engineering work of, x, 332.
Walter, Thomas Ustick, obit., xií, 619.

Waddington, William H., sketch, ii, 320; Cabi- Walther, Carl Ferdinand Wilhelm, obit., xii,

net of, iv, 386; ix, 290.

Wade, Benjamin F., sketch, iii, 825.
Wagner, A., process for water-examination,
vi, 94.

Wagner, Moritz Friedrich, obit., xii, 639.
Wagner, Rudolf J. von, obit., v, 604.
Wagner, Richard, music of, i, 571; festival at
Baireuth, 572; Ring des Nibelungen, i, 573;
sketch, portrait, viii, 816.

Wahala, Bishop, obit., ii, 613.

Wahl, W. H., x, 159.

Wailes, J. W., xi, 536.

Waitangi, treaty of, x, 66, 67.

vii, 126.

Waitaipu Mount, ix, 540.


Walworth trial, the, ix, 627.

Ward, Captain, invention by, iii, 766.
Ward, Durbin, obit., xi, 705.
Ward, Edward M., obit., iv, 701.
Ward, George Cabot, obit., xii, 619.
Ward, John Q. A., x, 361, 367.

Ward, L. F., quotation from, vi, 241; x, 404.
Ward, R. H., ix, 507.

Ward, W. Hayes, ix, 19; xi, 25.

Wardell, Daniel, obit., iii, 647.

Ware, Jairus, obit., ii, 590.

Ware, J. F. W., obit., vi, 689.

Waite, Morrison R., sketch, vii, 831; portrait, Waring, George E., ix, 723, 724, 728.

Waitz, George, obit., xi, 728.

Wakkan. See Vakkan.

Walad Denkal, ii, 2.

Walcott, C. D., x, 404.

Walcott, Charles F., obit., xii, 619.

Walda, Michael, revolt of, i, 4, 5.
Waldeck-Rousseau, P. M., viii, 357, 367.
Waldegrave, Countess, obit., iv, 701.
Waldensians, ii, 762; vi, 771.
Waldo, L., observations by, v, 36.
Waldstein, M., xi, 32.

Walenn, inventions, ii, 533.

Wales, Agrarian agitation in, xi, 404.

Wales, Prince of, in India, i, 44, 401.
Walker, Sir Baldwin W., sketch, i, 802.
Walker, Jonathan, obit., iii, 647.
Walker, J. T., x, 47.

Wallace, A. R., xii, 670.

Wallace, J., invention by, i, 91.

Warington, experiments, vi, 98.

War-levy, on Southern States, iv, 429, 835.

Warner, Hiram, obit., vi, 690.

Warner, II. H., xi, 54, 57.

Warner, Olin L., x, 361; xi, 347.

Warner, Susan, obit., x, 654.

Warner Observatory, the, v, 36; vii, 41.
War Records of the Rebellion, iii, 32.
Warren, Sir Charles, ix, 114; x, 86 et seq.
Warren, Edward J., obit., i, 626.

Warren, Fitz-Henry, obit., iii, 647.

Warren, Lieut. G. R., x, 401.

Warren, H., xii, 483.

Warren, Henry J., obit., i, 626.
Warren, John C., ix, 641.

Warren, J. W., xii, 672.

Warren, Joseph, sketch, i, 802.
Warren, Samuel, obit., ii, 613.
Warren, Susanna, obit., xi, 706.
Warrington, pen-name of William S. Robin-
son, q. v.

[ocr errors]


Warrington, R., experiments by, x, 157.
Wars, Revolutions, and Insurrections in Turkey,
see Turko-Russian War, ii, 725; iii, 793; vii,
804; in Roumelia, v, 236; in Montenegro, v,
543; vi, 842; viii, 549; in Servia, viii, 43;
in Croatia, 49; in Crivoscia and Herzegovi-
na, vii,
in Spain, see Carlist War; in
Crete, iii, 411; in Candia, i, 2; in Greece,
vii, 370; in Afghanistan, see Afghan War; in
Beloochistan, i, 73; in Kurdistan, v, 623; vi,
731; in Kashgaria, see Kashgaria; in Turkis-
tan, see Turkomans; in Persia, vii, 681; in
Japan, i, 428; ii, 413; in Corea, vii, 176; in
China, i, 110; ii, 101; iii, 98, 101; iv, 143; in
India, ii, 394; iv, 494; v, 388; vii, 415; in Ton-
quin, viii, 370; in Madagascar, iii, 41; viii,
370, 507; in Sennaar, viii, 299; in Egypt, see
Egyptian War; in the Soudan, see Soudan;
in South Africa, see Zulus and Cape Colony;
in Abyssinia, see Abyssinia; in Algeria and
Morocco, i, 9, 20; iv, 27; vi, 311; in West
Africa, vi, 4; in Sumatra, see Sumatra; in
Dahomey, i, 8; iv, 15; in Feejee, i, 53; in
New Caledonia, iv, 58; in Chili and Peru,
see Chilian War; others in South America,
i, 22, 118, 240, 662; ii, 72, 266; iii, 21, 261;
iv, 29, 82, 149; v, 117, 625; vii, 225; viii,
287; in Mexico and Central America, i, 22,
213, 545; ii, 229; vi, 663; in Cuba, see
Cuba; in Hayti, viii, 429; between Bulgaria
and Servia, ix, 102, 733; x, 109, 112, 727;
xi, 100; xii, 734; in North America, see

War-vessels, new British, x, 444.
Washburn, Emory, sketch, ii, 762.
Washburn, Israel, the elder, obit., i, 626.
Washburn, Israel, the younger, obit., viii,

Washburn, William Barrett, obit., xii, 619.
Washburne, Elihu B., sketch and portrait, xii,

Washburn Observatory, vii, 41.

[blocks in formation]

819; ix, 801; x, 780; xii, 800; Indians, viii,
819; ix, 801; x, 780; xii, 800; statehood,
viii, 819; Northern Pacific Railroad, 819;
products, commerce, banks, railroads, news-
papers, churches, ix, 799-801; territorial
government, x, 779; Chinese in, x, 780; coal,
780; anti-Chinese disturbances, xi, 836; re-
sources and development, 837; iron in, 837;
hop-culture, 837; xii, 800; census, xii, 799;
mining and lumber industries, 800; exports,

Wasserfuhr, invention, x, 345.
Wasson, David Atwood, obit., xii, 620.
Wassum, Herr, observations by, xi, 534.
Watch-springs, new method of tempering, xii,

Water, analysis of, iii, 91; iv, 136, 628; vii, 9;
viii, 111, 118; loss of oxygen in electrolysis
of, iii, 93; purification of, v, 94, 367; chemi-
cal analysis insufficient, iv, 135; purity of,
ix, 125; composition of ocean, 126; to heat
rapidly, xi, 742.

Water-gas, processes, viii, 373.
Waterhouse, J. W., pictures by, x, 365; xi, 345;
xii, 276.

Water-motor, the, vi, 871; xi, 742; illustra-
tion, 742.

Water-shed of South Africa, iv, 405.
Water-spaniel, the Irish, ix, 257.
Watertown, N. Y., recent growth of, xi, 188.
Watkins, Alice, obit., xii, 620.
Watkins, Gen. N. W., obit., i, 626.
Watrin, murder of, xi, 359.

Watson, J. C., discoveries by, i, 46; ii, 44; iii,
33; v, 34; obit., v, 597; prize to, ix, 55.
Watson, Jean L., obit., x, 671.

Watts, George Frederick, pictures by, x, 361,
365; xi, 345; xii, 277.

Watts, Henry, obit., ix, 623.
Watts, Sir James, obit., iii, 662.

Watts, W. L., explorations in Iceland, ii, 324.
Waugh, William B., obit., ii, 590.

Washington, city of, its recent growth, xii, 133; Wauters, A. J., x, 393.

views in, i, 788; ii, 751, 753.
Washington aqueduct, ix, 316.
Washington, Treaty of, xii, 282.
Washington Territory, articles giving statistics,
government, etc., in volumes ii, viii, ix, x, xi,
and xii; progress in wealth and population,
ii, 763; x, 779; finances, ii, 763; viii, 849;
ix, 799; xii, 798; tide-lands, ii, 763; salmon
and other fisheries, 763; coal and lumber,
ii, 763; ix, 800; x, 780; xi, 837; Gov. Will-
iam A. Newell, viii, 819; education, viii,

Wave-power, utilization of, with illustration,
xi, 743.

Waynesboro, engagement at, x, 429.
Weather, the instrument for forecasting, iv,
808; affected by forests, viii, 350; influence
of the moon on, xii, 487; popular signs of,
Weather Bureau, maps, observations, and re-
ports. See Signal Service, iv, 797.
Weather indicator, illustration, iv, 804.
Weaver, Archibald J., obit., xii, 620.




Weaver, Gen. J. B., acceptance of presidential | Westbrook, T. R., charges against, vii, 602.

nomination, v, 699.

Webb, George James, obit., xii, 620.
Webb, James Watson, obit., ix, 613.
Webb, Matthew, obit., viii, 606.
Webb, Thomas W., obit., x, 671.
Weber, Karl P. von, obit., vi, 697.
Webster, experiments by, viii, 524.
Webster, Albert F., obit., ii, 590.
Webster, Caroline L. R., obit., vii, 644.

Webster, Daniel, centennial of, vii, 520; statue
of, xi, 347, 619.

Webster, J., invention by, vii, 531.
Webster, John A., obit., ii, 590.
Webster, Joseph D., obit., i, 626.
Webster, Thomas, obit., xi, 729.
Wedenskii, experiments by, x, 690.
Weed, Thurlow, sketch, vii, 833.
Weeds, germination of, ix, 129.
Weekes, Henry, obit., ii, 613.
Wehrenpfennig, E., experiments by, x, 575.
Weidenheim, Baron Korb, iv, 60.
Weilenmann, invention by, iii, 545.
Weiler, Lazare, xi, 538.

Weimer, Dr., v, 665.

Weinstein, Dr., observations by, xi, 545.
Weir, John F., x, 361.

Weir, Col. Thomas B., obit., i, 626.

Weiske, Julius, obit., ii, 613.

Weld, Mason Coggswell, obit., xii, 620.

Weldon, Walter, obit., x, 671.

Western, Lucille, obit., ii, 590.

Weston, E., invention by, viii, 303; ix, 305; 1,


West Indies, the, in vols. viii, ix, x, and xii.
Westminster Abbey, illustration, ii, 363.
Westminster Hall, explosion at, x, 454.
Westmoreland, Greek inscription in, ix, 22.
West Point hazing case, v, 30.

West Virginia, article on, in every volume,
giving statistics, government, election returns,
etc.; view in, ii, 764; impeachment of public
officers, i, 802; H. M. Mathews elected Gov-
ernor, 803; disagreement with Virginia as
to the debt prior to 1861, iii, 827; improve-
ment in the Kanawha, 827; opposition to
Normal schools, iv, 845, 846; vi, 872, 873;
proposed constitutional amendments, iv, 846;
v, 714; disorders in Wetzel County, 846,
847; estates of married women, 847; ferry
privileges at Harper's Ferry, 847; case of
Strander, 847; Jacob B. Jackson chosen
Governor, v, 714; University, vi, 873; land-
titles, vii, 835; the land league, 835; John
G. Kenna elected Senator, viii, 821; election
of Charles P. Snyder, 822; election irregu-
larities, ix, 806; the capitol building, 806;
E. Willis Wilson governor, 806; settlement
of boundary, xi, 839.

Wetmore, Prosper M., obit., i, 626.

Weyher, C. L., musical telephone of, iii, 588.

Welle River, conjectures concerning, iii, 363; Weyprecht, K., plan for polar stations, vi, 325;

[blocks in formation]

Werthheimer, Joseph, Ritter von, obit., xii, Whipple, George, obit., i, 627.


Wesleyans. See Methodists, in each volume.
West, Stephen W., obit., i, 626.

Whisky-tax in England, the, x, 447.

Whitall, Henry, obit., xii, 620.

White, Dr. C. A., x, 404.

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