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No. I


F course it takes an optimist to cheer up under some conditions, but after all, optimism is very much a matter of habit. The man who makes it a point to look cheerful even when

he feels downcast will soon be affected by his own external looks and will find himself feeling habitually cheerful. Likewise the man who, no matter how many clouds obscure his horizon, acts as if all was right with his world, will soon find that all is right. The man who lacks the ambition to arouse himself from his downheartedness, may be more inclined to do so when he realizes that there is more money in it than in anything else he can do. It pays to cheer up.

A Success Maker.

One of the things that business depression is not generally supposed to do is to make success, but it is one of the greatest success makers known. Many a man now at the top of the ladder is there because general business depression sometime made it necessary for him to arouse himself and use his ability instead of taking things easily as they came. Nothing

will so quickly put a damper upon ambition as what is called good luck. The man to whom things come easily will never stir himself to see how much better he might do. He will take what comes and let it go at that. When things begin to go the other way and he finds that his income is slipping away, he will quite like ly be aroused to strenuous endeavors by the necessity for saving his financial life, and once his energy is under way it will carry him on to real success. Business depression puts the weak ones under but it pushes the strong to the top.

Heading Advertisements.

Some advertisers have the idea that the kind of a head for an advertisement to bear if it would be successful, is one that will arrest attention, no matter how it does it. That is to say, that the way to gain a man's attention for a moment is by slapping him in the face if nothing less will do it. As a matter of fact, all the goods one could sell to a man whose attention had been arrested by a slap in the face would not be many. The sensational heading which has no real reference to the subject matter of the ad is worse than useless. The reader who stops at "Terrible Accident!" only to find that he is expected to read a cough cure advertisement, will be disgusted and will carry away an unfavorable opinion of the goods and the store. The right kind of a heading is one which suggests the line of goods described beneath it, sug gests it in catchy form but without a deception of any sort. There is no use. in attracting to your ad the attention of a man who has no use for the goods. You

could not make money getting sound men to read advertisements of cork legs. Make the heading right and it will get the attention of everyone whose interest in the goods is worth while. A study of the headings of the news paragraphs in the papers would help one to know how to head advertisements. The news heads are made up by men who are experts at the work.

Show Cards.

Theoretically every druggist knows the value of show cards as advertising matter and as salesmen. He knows it but he doesn't make proper use of his knowledge. A good show card is a salesman who draws no pay and makes many sales. He is on duty every minute and always polite. A tactful clerk may often call attention to a special line of goods without giving offence. Still there are many, probably a majority of times when he must not do it. Customers are sometimes offended by suggestion that they buy things not asked for. A show card never gives offence and it suggests alike to all classes of persons. It stands in no awe of the richest and it is never afraid of calling a poor man's attention to something high priced. The show card tells the quality and the price at a glance. It doesn't wait to be asked. It volunteers its information. To produce the right effect a show card should tell its story in the least possible words and the plainest lettering, and it should not be so fancy that the observer will notice what a pretty card it is and forget about the goods. It is the goods that are to be. sold, not the card.

Get Your Money's Worth.

A good many advertisers fail to get their money's worth out of their advertising because they do not get the cumulative effect they should have. They advertise here and there, now in this style and now in that, with a constantly changing program and with no resemblance between the ad of today and that of a week from today. As a result each advertisement stands alone. It has the pulling power of its own merit and lacks almost entirely the ability to pile up cumulative effect for the store. To get the most of this accumulating value one should carry through all advertising a similar line of policy and a somewhat similar typographical effect. The makeup of the various circulars sent out from time to time should bear a mechanical resemblance and the store name should be the same in all advertising, not Smith's Drug Store this time and The Corner Pharmacy next time. Keep hammering one main idea into people's minds all the time and in addition to the value of each individual ad there will be a growing effect as that one idea becomes more and more generally known.

Advertising Appropriation.

The per cent which a drug store should devote to advertising depends upon many things. It depends upon location and isolation, upon competiton, population, neighborhood, etc. As a safe average it may perhaps be said that three per cent of the total sales of the store for one year ought to be used for an advertising appropriation the following year. The small appropriation will of course bring

small results. Any appropriation steadily used year after year will bring steady results and up to a reasonable amount the results will be in proportion to the size of the appropriation. In case of a neighborhood store which has no direct competitor and has only to keep the local trade from going " down town," the advertising needs mainly to be direct and can stop with the necessary cost of going right to the accessible families once or twice a month. There are few stores, though, where there is not a chance to branch out if the proprietor looks around. The best trade is that which comes back year after year. But such families are constantly changing more or less and there must be

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a steady effort to get new ones to take the places of those which drop out. A little experimenting is valuable in determining how much you yourself can afford to pay for advertising. Suppose, for instance, you take a chance next year and instead of adhering to the sum you have judged sufficient annually for publicity, you double that sum, or at all events use a sum which seems to be too large for the size of your receipts today. Call it a gamble if you will. It is pretty certain that at the end of the year, if your money has been expended wisely, you will find that it has been the best investment you ever made in the way of new trade and

increased demands. Advertising has an element of gambling in it and it is worth while to take a chance once in awhile, that you can afford to take. Just because you are going to go a little further than usual though, do not be beguiled into spending that extra money foolishly. Use it along the lines that are conceded to be good advertising. Don't take flyers into untried advertising fields and don't put the whole of the extra appropriation into something like calendars, which have practically NO advertising value for the retail druggist beyond the small amount of good-will they get for him.


Grass Matches.

The fact that lumber for the making of matches is becoming scarce in this country lends special interest to a report from British India, that a grass is being successfully used for match sticks. At Sholapur, India, according to the Technical World, there is a factory which is making matches from a growth called Surya grass, which is abundant in some parts of India. The grass is cut into two-inch lengths, winnowed and screened to obtain uniform size and then boiled in paraffin for five minutes and dried in a revolving drum. Twenty-four pounds of Burma paraffin is sufficient for 7,000 boxes of matches. Shaken through a horizontal sifter they are deposited in horizontal layers, which are secured in a frame for the dipping of the ends, and dipped in a solution of chlorate of potash, sulphate of arsenic, potash of bichloride, powdered gypsum and gum arabic. Six pounds of this mixture provide for the 7,000 boxes of eighty matches each. By ingenious contrivance some of the closely packed stems are forced forward in the dipping so as to avoid the sticking together of the compact mass. After drying, the matches are packed in cardboard boxes. Materials are so cheap that matches sell for twenty-six cents per gross.

I can't do business without THE SPATULA. Waterloo, N. Y., July 29, 1908. J. SIMPSON.

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