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of exchanges, and to discourage the practice of which have been judged essential to be adopted violating paroles in future.

I have the honor to be, with the greatest respect and esteem, your excellency's most obedient,

humble servant,

His excellency

Governor Rodney.


for co-operating with the armament expected from France and of their requisitions to the states in con. sequence. What the result of these has been I can. not determine, to my great anxiety, as no answers on the subjects of them have been yet received. The period is come when we have every reason to expect the fleet will arrive-and yet, for want of

[Only one person of Delaware was charged in the this point of primary consequence, it is impossischedule with having violated his parole.]



ble for me to form or fix on a system of co-operation. I have no basis to act upon-and, of course, were this generous succour of our ally now to arrive, I should find myself in the most awkward, 16th December, 1779. embarrassing and painful situation. The general SIR-The situation of the army with respect to and the admiral, from the relation in which I supplies, is beyond description alarming. It has stand, as soon as they approach our coast, will rebeen five or six weeks past on half allowance, and quire of me a plan of the measures to be pursued; we have not more than three days bread, at a and these ought of right to be and prepared, but third allowance, on hand, nor any where within circumstanced as I am, I cannot give them conreach. When this is exhausted, we must depend jectures. From these considerations, I bave sugon the precarious gleanings of the neighboring gested to the committee, by a letter I had the honor country. Our magazines are absolutely empty every of addressing them yesterday, the indispensable where, and our commissaries entirely destitute of necessity of their writing again to the states, money or credit to replenish them. We have never urging them to give immediate and precise inexperienced a like extremity at any period of the formation of the measures they have taken and of war. We have often felt temporary want from an the result. The interest of the states, the honor and accidental delay in forwarding supplies, but we reputation of our councils, the justice and gratitude always had something in our magazines and the due our allies, a regard to myself-all require that means of procuring more. Neither one nor the I should, without delay, be enabled to ascertain and other is at present the case. inform them what we can or cannot undertake. There is a point which ought now to be determin. This representation is the result of a minute ed, on which the success of all are future operations examination of our resources. Unless some ex-may depend, which, for want of knowing our prostraordinary and immediate exertions be made pects, I am altogether at a loss what to do in. For by the states from which we draw our supplies, fear of involving the fleet and army of our allies there is every appearance that the army will in circumstances which, if not seconded by us, infallibly disband in a fortnight. I think it my would expose them to material inconvenience and duty to lay this candid view of our situation be- hazard, I shall be compelled to suspend it, and the fore your excellency, and to entreat the vigorous delay may be fatal to our hopes. interposition of the state to rescue us from the danger of an event, which, if it did not prove the total ruin of our affairs, would at least give them a shock they would not easily recover, and plunge us into a train of new and still more perplexing embarrassments than any we have hitherto felt. I have the honor to be, with great respect, your excellency's most obedient servant,

His excellency

Governor Rodney.


Besides the embarrassments I have mentioned above, and upon former occasions, there is another of a very painful and humiliating nature. We have no shirts, from the best enquiry I can make, to distribute to the troops when the whole are in great want; and when a great part of them are absolutely destitute of any at all. Their situa tion too with respect to summer overalls, I fear is not likely to be much better. There are a great many on hand, it is said, at Springfield, but so indifferent in their quality as to be scarcely worth

Extract of a letter from gen. Washington, to congress, the expense of transportation and delivery. For dated head quarters, Springfield, 20th June, 1780. the troops to be without clothing at any time, is "The honorable the committee will have inform-highly injurious to the service and distressing to el congress, from time to time, of the measures our feelings: but the want will be more peculiarly

mortifying when they come to act with those of were wantonly violated by the British troops,

our allies. If it is possible, I have no doubt im mediate measures will be taken to relieve their distress. It is also most sincerely to be wished, that there could be some supplies of clothing fur nished for the officers. There are a great many whose condition is really miserable still, and in some instances it is the case with almost whole

state lines. It would be well for their own sakes and for the public good, if they could be furnish. ed. When our friends come to co-operate with us, they will not be able to go on the common routine of duty-and if they should, they must be held, from their appearance, in low estimation.


by ours they were respected. This distinction must, unhappily, now cease, and we must assume the odious character of the plunderers instead of the protectors of the people; the direct consequence of which must be, to alienate their minds from the army and insensibly from the cause.

but we have this day, but one day's supply in camp, We have not yet been absolutely without flour, between this place and Trenton. I shall be obliged and I am not certain that there is a single barrel

therefore to draw down one or two hundred barrels from a small magazine, which I had endeavor. ed to establish at West Point, for the security of the garrison, in case of a sudden investiture.

Head Quarters, near the Liberty Pole, From the above state of facts, it may be foreseen Bergen county, 27th August, 1780. that this army cannot possibly remain much longer SIR-The honorable the committee of co-opera- together, unless very vigorous and immediate meation having returned to congress, I am under the sures are taken by the states to comply with the disagreeable necessity of informing your excellen-requisitions made upon them. The commissary cy that the army is again reduced to an extremity general has neither the means nor the power of of distress for want of provision. The greater part of it has been without meat from the 21st to the 26th. To endeavor to obtain some relief, I moved down to this place, with a view of stripping the lower parts of the country of the remainder of its cattle, which, after a most rigorous exaction, is found to afford between two and three days' sup. ply only, and those consisting of milch cows, and calves of one or two years old. When this scanty pittance is consumed, I know not what will be our next resource, as the commissary can give me no certain information of more than 120 head of cattle expected from Pennsylvania and about 150 from Massachusetts-I mean in time to supply our immediate wants.

Military coercion is no longer of any avail, as nothing further can possibly be collected from the country in which we are obliged to take a position, without depriving the inhabitants of the last morsel. This mode of subsisting, supposing the desired end could be answered by it, besides being in the highest degree distressing to individuals, is attended with ruin to the morals and discipline of the army. During the few days which we have been obliged to send out small parties to procure provisions for themselves, the most enormous excesses have been committed.

It has been no inconsiderable support of our cause, to have had it in our power to contrast the conduct of our army with that of the enemy, and to convince the inhabitants that, while their rights

procuring supplies-he is only to receive them from the several agents. Without a speedy change of circumstances, this dilemma will be involved. either the army must disband, or what is, if possible, worse, subsist upon the plunder of the people. I would fain flatter myself that a knowledge of our situation will produce the desired relief: not a relief of a few days, as has generally heretofore been the case, but a supply equal to the establishment of magazines for the winter. If these are not formed before the roads are broken up by the weather, we shall certainly experience the same difficulties and distresses the ensuing winter which we did the last. Although the troops have, upon every occasion hitherto, borne their wants with too often to a repetition of the causes of discontent. unparalleled patience, it will be dangerous to trust I have the honor to be, with great respect, your excellency's most obedient,

State of Delaware.



The editor's friend, Cæsar A. Rodney, of Delaware, well known as a member of congress from that state, attorney general of the United States, &c. favored him with an opportunity of examining a great mass of papers left by his uncle, general Cxsar and his father, capt. Thomas Rodney, men celebrated for their devotion to the cause of li berty. Out of this extensive collection, the following articles have been gleaned, in the belief that each of them may go to establish some

point interesting to those who seek to ascertain, the town of Boston into the country, from whence the "principles and acts of the revolution." the inhabitants of the town are daily supplied: this pass is a narrow neck of land about 120 yards wide, at which he has placed a number of troops and 28 cannon; that the country people passing and repas.



Extract of a letter from Cæsar Rodney, to his brosing this place are suffered to be insulted by the ther Thomas, dated New York, Oct. 20, 1765. soldiery-and that the inhabitants feared, (from When I wrote to you last, I expected that con- those movements of the general), he had designs gress would have ended in eight or ten days from of apprehending and sending to England those per. that time; but, contrary to expectation, we have sons who have stood foremost in the great cause of li not yet finished. You and many others are sur-berty-that in consequence of his conduct, and those prised, perhaps, to think we should sit so long, their suspicions, the inhabitants of Suffolk sent (by when the business of our meeting seemed only te a committee appointed for that purpose) an adbe the petitioning the king, and remonstrating to dress to the general, enquiring the cause of his both houses of parliament: but when you consider stopping up and fortifying the pass, seizing and that we are petitioning and addressing that august securing the magazines, &c. and their disapprobabody, the great legislature of the empire, for redress tion of his conduct and that they had no intention of grievances,—that, in order to point out those to assault either him or his soldiers;-but that, if grievances, it was likewise necessary to set forth the he continued to block up the pass, and thereby liberty we have and ought to enjoy (as freeborn En-prevent them of the only means of supplying the glishmen ) according to the British constitution. This town with necessaries, they should look upon it as we are about to do by way of declaration, in the na-a commencement of hostilities: Upon the whole, ture of resolves, as a foundation to the petition and they sent an express to the general congress here address; and was one of the most difficult tasks lever for their instructions as to their future conduct. yet saw undertaken, as we had carefully to avoid any The congress met on that business this day, and infringement of the prerogative of the crown and have resolved thereon-which you will see in the the power of parliament-and yet in duty bound "Packet" of Monday, being ordered immediately fully to assert the rights and privileges of the colo-to be printed, as well that the general as the peo. nies. However, after arguing and debating two ple might know what they thought of the matter. weeks, on liberty, privileges, prerogative, &c. in I am yours, &c. CESAR RODNEY. an assembly of great abilities, we happily finished them, and now have the petition and addresses before us, and expect to finish in three or four days.

Capt. Thomas Rodney.

Philadelphia, Monday, Sept. 19, 1774. SIR-Some time ago, I do not doubt but you Philadelphia, Saturday, Sept. 17th, 1774. were all much alarmed, on a report that the king's SIR-By express, which arrived here'yesterday ships were firing on the town of Boston. When from the committee of the town of Boston, to the that news came to this city, the bells were muffled, continental congress, we are informed the county of and kept ringing all that day: however, in a few Suffolk, of which the town of Boston is the capital, days after that news was contradicted here, and had entered into certain resolutions, a copy of hope by this time it is so with you. By some which was enclosed us, generally to the purport late very authentic accounts from Boston governof not suffering the commander in chief to exe-ment, to the gentlemen of that place now at the cute the act of parliament changing their govern-congress, we are informed that there was about ment, by persuading, protecting and compelling three days between this report's passing through officers under the new regulation to resign, and by the Massachusetts and Connecticut governments, a refusal in jurymen to serve, &c. That they have and its being contradicted: that when the expres. ordered all those able to bear arms to keep in ses went to contradict this false report, they found, readiness to defend their inherent rights, even in those two governments, in different parties, upwith loss of blood and treasure; that they are de- wards of fifty thousand men, weil armed, actually termined not to injure the general or any of the on their march to Boston, for the relief of the inha king's troops, unless compelled thereto by an at- bitants; and that every farmer who had a cart or tack made by the troops on them. They complain waggon, (and not able to bear arms), was with them, of the general seizing of the powder at Cambridge, loaded with provisions, ammunition, &c. all headwhich they say was private property; and also that ed by experienced officers, who had served in the he is now fortifying the only pass that leads from late American war: and that vast numbers more

were preparing to march. Upon the news being |nesday last, a ship sailed out of this port for Loncontradicted, they returned peaceably to their se-don, in which Mr. C. was going passenger. A few veral places of abode-but not till they had sent days before she sailed, young Dewees, son of the some of their officers, from the different parties, to sheriff, went to pay Dr. K. some money, and comBoston, to know the real situation of affairs there, ing suddenly into his room, found him and C. toge. and to direct them what principal officers in the ther, with a bundle of papers before them, which different parts of the country they should hereaf- they hustled up in seeming confusion. This, with ter send expresses to, in case they should stand in K's. tory character, gave Dewees suspicion, and he need of their assistance. It is supposed by some accordingly informed a few of the committee, who of the friends of liberty, at Boston, that the alarm kept the matter secret, let the ship sail and the was set on foot by some of the friends to the minis passengers go down to Chester by land, to go on terial plan, in order to try whether there was that board. On Thursday evening, which was the day true valor in the people. If this was the case, I the passengers went, a small party was sent down suppose you will think with me, that, by this time, to Chester; they stayed there that night incog. and they can have no doubts remaining. Indeed, I saw the passengers go on board next morning. think it is proved by the general's own conduct; They then immediately pushed on board, seized for, ever since that, he has been fortifying himself, which I imagine is more for his own security than to attack the inhabitants, I am yours, &c.

Mr. Thomas Rodney, Dover.



Philadelphia, Sept. 24, 1774. SIR-Mr. R. Penn is a great friend of liberty, and has treated the gentlemen delegates with the greatest respect. More or less of them dine with him every day and his brother wishes his station would admit of his acting the same part: all these matters are for your own private speculation, and not for public view. By this you may see that some people with you are mistaken in their politics, and

you may also take for granted every body here
not well pleased with the coalition of the two bro-

I am, as usual, your friend and humble servant,

Mr. Thomas Rodney.

and examined Mr. C. who, in a little time, told them that there were several letters from Dr. K. and Mr. B. and one from Mr. S. that he had the charge of them, and was concerned with them in the plan they had concerted, but that the letters were then in the custody of a woman down in the cabin, and that she had them concealed in a

pocket sewed to the inside of her s—ft tail, where in fact they soon after found them, and came back to town, (leaving C. as they had promised, upon his making a discovery of the whole matter, on oath, before Mr. Graham, at Chester), and then seized the authors. The letters were to lord Dartmouth aud other ministers of state, but under cover to Messrs. M'Cawley. The substance and design was is pressing their sending to Philadelphia five thou sand regulars, on which condition they would en gage five thousand more here to join them, provid ed the royal standard should be also sent in, and K. appointed to bear it; for that great numbers of those who now wear cockades and uniform were hearty in the ministerial cause-that the rest were Philadelphia, Monday, Oct. 9, 1775. a pack of cowards-for that he (K.) had made above SIR-On Friday, about eleven o'clock at night, five thousand of them run, by snapping a single Dr. K. of this city was seized by order of the com- pistol at them, &c. They had with them, for the mittee of observation, for having wrote letters to use of the ministry, one of J. F's plans of Delaware England, injurious and destructive to us in the bay and river, whereon they had described the place American contest, and wicked with respect to this where the chevaux-de-frises were fixed. Besides city, and is now confined in jail, together with one these and many more villainous contrivances, they B. who came here with governor Skeen, Mr. C. an were taking home the out-lines for a print, to be apothecary, who was in partnership with S. and struck off in London, shewing K's late exhibition one Mr. S. all of whom were aiding the doctor in in the cart, going through the streets of Philadel his plan. You must know K. has been a considera-phia with the mob, some of whom he undertakes ble time since marked out as a thorough-paced to-particularly to describe, to wit: Bradford, &c. &c. ry; for which, together with his having insulted the many of whom were actually not there, and how he people, he was (since I came to town last) carted every now and then,by snapping his pistol,made them through the streets. But the offence for which he run, &c. His abuse of the congress, committees, &c. is now confine, is thus circumstanced; On Wed-(in his letters), is intolerable-such as rebels, &Ge


After the committee of safety had examined them tion are completed, I shall be content-nor shall and the contents of the letters, they sent a pilot desire to have any hand in politics, unless at any time liberty be encroached upon. Nothing but the boat down the river to overtake the ship, to bring up C. and to search the box of letters, and to bring great cause of liberty, which we have been em. barked in, could have induced me,(who have an inall of them that they supposed to be from or to suspicious persons. This boat returned Sunday creasing family and so little for them), to have afternoon, brought C. and put him in jail, and also spent so much of my time and money in public serbrought a number of letters belonging to and wrote by other persons. The committee of safety has been sitting on these affairs all this day, but I have been so closely confined to congress to-day, that I don't yet know what they have done, or what others are accused.

Yours, &c.

Mr. Thomas Rodney.


Dover, August 30, 1776.



Hon. Cæsar Rodney, in congress.

Extract of a letter from col. John Haslett, to general Cæsar Rodney, dated camp near Mount Washington, 5th Oct. 1776.

SIR-I know you have already sacrificed a large share of private property to the evil and unthankful; in this you resemble the Supreme Manager, who makes his sun to shine on the evil and the good, SIR-1 received your letters by last post, and and, bad as times are, you have a few friends still the one preceding and one mentioned in that. Iof the latter character. And, my dear sir, who can am pleased with your resolution mentioned in your better afford it? Providence has blessed you with last, as I should be sorry to hear that the unsteady a fortune to your prudence inexhaustible, by which passions which govern the people, should at any you are enabled to live where you please, and to time give the least shock to that virtue which hath keep the first company where you do live, and all so long and necessarily supported American liber-this with few drawbacks upon it. How then, can ty. Though the people in a popular government you lay out a part of it to more noble purposes, often put away good men for bad ones, and though than in serving your country, guarding her rights such a change could not be more dangerous at any and privileges, and forcing wretches to be happy time than the present, yet I look on the present against their will? In this you will act as an agent change with us as an example which favors liberty of the Sovereign Goodness, and co-operate with If the people will not continually support those men, who have served them faithfully at all hazards, it cannot be supposed that they will long support those men who, in opposition to the public weal, have pursued their own private interest only. These men by a violent exertion of the influence of the magistracy, and descending to assert the most base, low and infamous falsehoods, have succeeded for once, because the people were blinded that they could not see their true interest. But be assured, they that set them up will pull them down again.

After devoting ten years to the service of your country and public business, to the great prejudice of your own private interest, you certainly deserve to enjoy the sweets of retirement, which is the happiest life in this state; and you will have this reflection, that after the time you mention, that you have accomplished the establishment of American liberty; and that you could not do any thing that would add to the honor already acquired: but 1 believe the people will not let you execute this design-they will soon be tired of those who they have now set up-and will begin to call again upon those men whose virtue bath been proved to the utmost. When the great matters which you men-¡

Heaven to save a wretched race; and though you may not effect the righteous purpose, the testimony of an approving concience, the applause of conscious virtue, and the approbation of all good beings, will more than balance the sacrifice. A thousand things might be urged to the same purpose. But a word to the wise.

Allen's Town, in Jersey, 12 miles from Princeton, 20 do. from Brunswick, Dec. 30th 1776. SIR-I wrote you a long letter on the 24th, which I had no opportunity of sending, and left it in my trunk at Mr. Coxe's, two miles from Bristol; it contains the news to that time, which I cannot repeat bere. On the 25th inst. in the evening, we received orders to be at Shamony ferry as soon as possible. We were there according to orders in two hours, and met the rifle-men, who were the first from Bristol; we were ordered from thence to Dunk's ferry, on the Delaware, and the whole army of about 2000 men followed, as soon as the artillery got up. The three companies of Philadelphia infantry and mine were formed into a body, under the command of captain Henry, (myself second in *Killed at Princeton.

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