called the pride and flower of Goshen. Among purchase any of the above enumerated articles, them was a Jones, a Little, a Duncan, a Wisner, a imported from abroad, after the said 31st of March, Vail, a Townsend, and a Knapp; and there perished and that they will be careful to promote the saving our friend and brother in profession, Dr. Tusten, of linen rags, and other materials, proper for mak. a sacrifice for the independence and liberty of our ing paper in this colony. country. 'Dear sir-I have lost-and cannot tell how-an old and favorite penknife, and am much distressed for want of one-if you have any in your stores, please send me one-if you have not, be so good as to get one immediately. Perhaps Mr. Bailey could furnish me. One with two blades I should prefer, when choice can be had.—I am, dear sir, 'Your most obedient, "GEO. WASHINGTON.' DOMESTIC MANUFACTURES. "At a town meeting holden in New Haven, by adjournment, upon the 22d day of Feb. 1768. "The committee appointed in consequence of a letter from the selectmen of the town of Boston to the selectmen of this town, to consider of some measures to be agreed upon for promoting economy, manufactures, &c. report, That it is their opinion, that it is expedient for the town to take all prudent and legal measures to encourage the produce and manufactures of this colony, and to lessen the use of superfluities, and more especially the following articles imported from abroad, viz. "The foregoing report being considered by the town, was by a full vote approved of and accepted. A true copy of record, SAMUEL BISHOP, jr. town clerk.” Test, COURT MARTIAL.-From the Providence (R. I.) Patriot.-A friend has handed us the following extract from the orderly book of general Sullivan, in command here during the revolution, as being connected with a case somewhat analogous to one which occurred in the Seminole war. We have omitted names, for obvious reasons. "Head quarters, Providence, July 24, 1778. "The sentence of the court martial, whereof colonel E- - was president, against M. A. and D. C. the general totally disapproves, as illegal and absurd. The clearest evidence having appeared to the court, that the said A. was employed by the enemy, repeatedly, to come on the main as a spy, and that he enticed men to go on to Rhode. Island, to enlist in the enemy's service, and his confessions from day to day being so different as to prove him not only a spy, but to be a person in whom the least confidence cannot be placed; the court having found him guilty of all this, nothing could be more absurd than to sentence him to be whipped one hundred lashes, and afterwards to be taken into a service which he has been long endeavoring in the most malicious and secret man. "Carriages of all sorts, house furniture, men's ner to injure! The man who is found guilty of and women's hats, men's and women's apparel, acting as a spy, can have but one judgment by all ready made household furniture, men's and wo- the laws of war, which is to suffer death; and the men's shoes, sole leather, gold, silver, and thread sentence of a man to be whipped when found guilty late, gold and silver buttons, wrought plate, of this crime, is as absurd as for the common law diamond, stone, and paste ware, clocks, silversmith's and jeweller's ware, broad cloths that cost above ten shillings sterling per yard, muffs, furs, and tippets, starch, women's and children's toys, silk and cotton velvets, gauze, linseed oil, malt liquors, and cheese. courts to order a man to he set in the stocks for wilful murder. The same absurdity appearing in the judgment against 1). C. for the same reasons, the gen.] disapproves them both, dissolves the court, and orders another court to sit for the trial of those persons, to-morrow morning, at 9 o'clock: The adjutant general to lodge a crime against A. for acting as a spy, and for enticing men to enlist into the enemy's service, and against C. for acting as a spy." "And that a subscription be recommended to the several inhabitants and house holders of the town, whereby they may mutually agree and engage, that they will encourage the use and consumption of articles manufactured in the British American colo. At the subsequent court, A. was found guilty as nies, and more especially in this colony, and that before, and sentenced to be hung, which sentence they will not, after the 31st day of March next, the general approved and executed In storming the works of Quebec by general, general in Massachusetts, and eminent by las pub. Montgomery, the gallant captain Cheeseman, of lic services. He was in this brig during three New-York, aid to Montgomery, being as active as cruizes, and was at the taking of eight prizes, the he was brave, the moment he reached the picket, first of which was the king's armed schooner Displaced his hand on one of the palisadoes, exclaiming to his comrades, "If there be any honor in being the first man in Quebec, I have it.' He sprung over and fell by a shot within the picket. patch, belonging to lord Howe's fleet, then on their passage from Halifax to New-York, it being 10th July. In the engagement one man was killed in the Tyrannicide, three wounded, and one died of his wounds. He continued in this vessel till When col. Gardner of Brookline was brought the 14th of February, 1777, when he returned off from Bunker's Hill, where he was mortally from a four and an half month's cruise in the West wounded, he was asked if he did not wish to see Indies, and all were discharged. He is now 72 years his son, who had been also in the battle. If my of age. In the action with the Dispatch, which son has done his duty, I shall be glad to see him.' lasted 7 glasses, her commander, John Goodrich, He was answered that his son had done his duty. 2d lieut. of the Renown of 50 guns, then in the He saw and embraced him. fleet, was killed, and several men. Mr. More, sailing master, was wounded and his limb amputated. Mr. The first sea-fight.-The late rev. Dr. BENTLEY, of Collingsin, midshipman, had his limb amputated Salem, Mass. whose decease was equally deplored but he died. The Dispatch was so disabled that by the friends of religion, patriotism and literature they were obliged to take her in tow, and they -who for many years enriched the columns of the brought her into Salem, after being out 17 days. "Essex Register" with his remarks, when speak. The Dispatch had eight carriage guns, 12 swivels, ing of the revolutionary pension law, seized the op- and a compliment of 41 picked me from different portunity to give us the following interesting scrap ships in the fleet. This was the first sea fight. The of history: Best. Patriot. Tyrannicide was the first vessel that was built for "The following history may discover how a man the public service, and her commission was signed may engage in the public service, and yet not be by John Hancock. The Dispatch was no prize to qualified according to law for the bounty of a term the crew, excepting a small bounty on her guns. short of one year's service. Joshua Ward, who And yet this worthy man in his poverty, comes belonged to Salem, but who has lived many years not within the letter of the law, and instead of his in Marblehead, a painter, marched on the 19th of bounty, must accept a hearty recommendation to April, to Charlestown neck, as a fifer of the first the generous care of his fellow-citizens." company in colonel Timothy Pickering's regiment of militia, commanded by capt. William Pickman, and soon after entered the army under captain Thomas Barnes. From Cambridge, he was ordered to Watertown to guard the public stores, and remained at this station till the battle of Bunker's STRONG MEASURES PROPOSED. In congress Oct. 21, 1778.-"Whereas there is every reason to expect that our unnatural enemies, despairing of being ever able to subdue and enslave us by open force, or persuade us to break Hill. He then joined the regiment under colonel through the solemn treaties, as having entered into Mansfield on Prospect Hill, in Charlestown, in the with our great and good ally, his Most Christian Massachusetts line, and acted as fife-major, till majesty, and return to the dependence of Great he joined gen. Sullivan's brigade, on Winter Hill, Britain, will, as the last effort, ravage, burn, and when he was promoted as fife-major general. He destroy every city and town on this continent they continued in the service till the first day of Janu- can come at: ary 1776, when he was discharged, having continu- Resolved, That it be recommended to such inhaed the time of his enlistment. He then entered bitants of these states, as live in places exposed captain Benjamin Ward's company, and performed to the ravages of the enemy, immediately to build garrison duty at fort William and Mary, now fort huts, at least 30 miles distant from their present Pickering, till the 19th of June following. He habitations, there to convey their women, children, then volunteered with the first lieutenant Haraden, and others not capable of bearing arms, and thema well known brave and able officer, with others selves in case of necessity, together with their of his companions, on board the Tyrannicide, a furniture, wares, and merchandise of every sort; public armed brig of 14 guns and 75 men, com- also, that they send off all their cattle; being manded by captain John Fiske, afterwards a major measures they cannot think hardships in such times of public calamity, when so many of their gallant lord Cornwallis made his overture for capitulation. countrymen are daily exposed in the hardships of The proposals were immediately despatched to the field, fighting in defence of their rights and liberties. the commander in chief, and the negociation, as we say, progressed.-The Marquis de la Fayette, whose tour it was next to mount guard in the trenches, marched to relieve the Baron, who, to his astonishment, refused to be relieved. He informed general de la Fayette, that the custom of European war was in his favor, and that it was a point of honor which he could neither give up for Resolved, That immediately, when the enemy begin to burn or destroy any town, it be recom mended to the good people of these states to set fire to, ravage, burn, and destroy, the houses and properties of all tories, and enemies to the freedom and independence of America, and secure the persons of-such, so as to prevent them from himself, nor deprive his troops of-that the offer to capitulate had been made during his guard, and that assisting the enemy, always taking care not to treat in the trenches he would remain until the capitulathem or their families with any wanton cruelties, tion was signed or hostilities commenced. The as we do not wish, in this particular, to copy after Marquis immediately galloped to head quarters:our enemies, or their German, negro, and coppergeneral Washington decided in favor of the Baron coloured allies. -to the joy of one, and to the mortification of the other of those brave and valuable men. The Baron remained till the business was finished. I Extract from the minutes, CHARLES THOMSON, Sec." LORD CHATHAM thus expressed himself, when speaking in parliament, of the congress that declar. ed independence. "I must declare and avow, that in all my reading and observation, and it has been my favorite study, I have read Thucydides, and as it is, it is at your service. should not have sent you this recollection, had I not seen in your paper of this morning an extract from Lee's memoirs relative to the surrender. My anecdote may not be worth much now, but such have studied and admired the master states of the world, but for solidity of reasoning, force of sagacity and wisdom of conclusion, under such a One who was in the trenches. From the New Orleans Chronicle.-The follow. complication of difficult circumstances, no nation ing fact, though altogether worthy of being reor body of men can stand in preference to the gemembered, has never, I believe, been reported by neral congress at Philadelphia." the pen of any historian. A brave-fellow.-Among numberless feats of valor Lest it should be thought a mere fabrication to performed by individuals of the American revolu- occupy a vacant column in the newspaper, I think tionary army, none has pleased ine more than the it not unimportant to state, that the subject of this following, related by an eye witness:-"During the memoir, Mr. Hunter, is well known in Darlington heat of the battle at Germantown, while bullets district, South Carolina; and the following narraflew as thick as bail-stones, one Barkelew (of tive, which I had from himself, is familiar to his Monmouth) was levelling his musket at the ene friends and acquaintances. my, when his lock was carried away by a ball.Undismayed, he caught up the gun of a comrade Hunter, though a youth of perhaps 18 years old, just killed by his side, and taking aim, a bullet was very active in defence of his country's rights entered the muzzle, and twisted the barrel round during the revolutionary war. It was the fate of like a corkscrew! Still undaunted, our hero imme. this Tyro in arms to fall into the hands of major diately kneeled down, unscrewed the whole lock Fanning, whose deeds as a cruel partizan leader in from the twisted barrel, screwed it on to the the service of Great Britain, are written in North barrel from which the lock had been torn, and and South Carolina, in characters of blood. Hunblazed away at the enemy." Can ancient Sparta ter, whose active services had roused the ire of the or modern Britain boast a more brilliant display major, was told upon the spot to prepare for his of cool, deliberate, unshaken courage? This hero fate, which was nothing less than death, for which is still living. awful event a few minutes only were allowed him to prepare. A band of tories, thirsting for the Anecdote connected with the surrender at Yorktown. blood of a patriot, instantly formed a circle round From the N. Y. "National Advocate"-1818. Baron the boy, leaving him no reasonable chance of Steuben commanded in the trenches at the moment escape. At this moment thought followed thought in quick succession. His home, his friends, his coun try, and the circumstances under which he was about to be torn from them all, together with the reflection that he must quickly realize a state of untried being, crowded upon his mind, and called up feelings not to be described. Van Rensselaer, esq. To this day vestiges of their encampment remain; and after a lapse of sixty years, when a great proportion of the actors of those days have passed away, like shadows from the earth, the inquisitive traveller can observe the remains of the ashes, the places where they boiled their camp kettles. It was this army, that, under For the first time he bent his knees to the power the command of Abercrombie, was foiled, with a which wields the destinies of man, and no sooner severe loss, in the attack on Ticonderoga, where had he breathed a wish to the throne of mercy, the distinguished Howe fell at the head of his than he felt a strong persuasion that deliverance troops, in an hour that history has consecrated to was possible. This important point settled in his his fame. In the early part of June, the eastern mind, he cast his eyes round in search of the means troops began to pour in, company after company, to be employed. At the distance of a few paces and such a motley assemblage of men never before from the encircling band stood a beautiful filly, thronged together on such an occasion, unless an furnished with the major's riding establishment, example may be found in the ragged regiment of sir complete. This animal, late the idol of sportsmen John Falstaff, of right merry and facetious memory. in Virginia, had fallen into the hands of the pre-It would, said my worthy ancestor, who relates to me sent owner, and was highly prized, as affording the means of escape from impending danger. "Cannot I," thought Hunter, "spring from my knees, gain the saddle, and under the favor of that power which has so fully assured my heart, escape this threatening death?" Having resolved, if he must perish, to perish in the attempt, he darted like lightning through his enemies, and seizing the bridle, which was held by a servant boy, as he vaulted into the saddle, he put the ma. jor's courser to her speed, and went off with his booty, to the no small disappointment and morti. fication of the astonished beholders. After gazing a while in stupid amazement, the redoubtable Fanning recollected that his soldiers had guns, but it was too late; and the order to "shoot at the rebel," was obeyed without effect. the story, have relaxed the gravity of an anchorite, to have seen the descendants of the Puritans, marchtheir station on the left of the British armying through the streets of our ancient city, to take some with long coats, some with short coats, and others with no coats at all, in colours as varied as the rain-bow, some with their hair cropped like the army of Cromwell, and others with wigs whose Their march, their accoutrements, and the whole curls flowed with grace around their shoulders. arrangement of the troops, furnished matter of amusement to the wits of the British army. The the tout ensemble, upon the whole, exhibited a sight music played the airs of two centuries ago, and unaccustomed to in their own land. Among the to the wondering strangers that they had been club of wits that belonged to the British army, there was a physician attached to the staff, by the name of Doctor Shackburg, who combined with It is known as a matter of history, that in the the science of the surgeon, the skill and talents of early part of 1755, great exertions were made by a musician. To please brother Jonathan he comthe British ministry, at the head of which was the posed a tune, and with much gravity recommendillustrious earl of Chatham, for the reduction of ed it to the officers, as one of the most celebrated the French power in the provinces of the Canadas. airs of martial music. The joke took, to the no To carry the object into effect, general Amherst, small amusement of the British corps. Brother referred to in the letters of Junius, was appointed Jonathan exclaimed it was nation Ane, and in a few to the command of the British army in North days nothing was heard in the provincial camp but Western America; and the British colonies in Ame-the air of Yankee Doodle. Little did the author or rica were called upon for assistance, who con- his coadjutors then suppose, that an air made for tributed with alacrity their severa! quotas of men, the purpose of levity and ridicule, should ever be to effect the grand object of British enterprize. marked for such high destinies; in twenty years It is a fact still within the recollection of some of from that time our national march inspired the our oldest inhabitants, that the British army lay hearts of the heroes of Bunker Hill, and less than encamped, in the summer of 1755, on the eastern thirty, lord Cornwallis and his army marched into bank of the Hudson, a little south of the city of the American lines to the tune of Yankee Doodle. Albany, on the ground now belonging to John I. INTERESTING HISTORY. [Albany Statesman. 1775-Nov. 7.—Dunmore's proclamation. IN NORFOLK and the adjacent country, Dunmore counted on numerous adherents. The rash advice, together with his own impetuous, haughty and revengeful temper, early impelled him to a mea sure characterized by folly, and fraught with incalculable mischief, not only to the people of Virgi. nia, but to his own cause. Under date of Nov. 7th, he issued the following proclamation, the style of which strongly indicates the agitation of a perturbed mind, whilst its substance betrays a blind, impolitic, ruinous inflexibility, and, what is still worse, a savage and wanton disregard for the fundamental principles upon which the social fabric essentially rests, and for those rules of civilization, which are usually respected, even in the phrenzy and calamitous intent of war. By his excellency, the right honorable Joux, earl of Dunmore, his majesty's lieutenant and governor general of the colony of Virginia, and vice admiral of the same. A PROCLAMATION colony to a proper sense of their duty to his majes. ty's crown and dignity. I do further order and require all his majesty's liege subjects, to retain their quitrents or other taxes due, or that may become due in their own custody, till such a time as peace may again be restored to this at present most unhappy country, or demanded of them for their former salutary purposes, by officers properly au thorised to receive the same. "Given under my hand, on board the ship William, off Norfolk, the 7th day of November, in the 16th year of his majesty's reign. "DUNMORE. "God save the KING." TICONDEROGA. The following is not a revolu tionary document, but an article that may well be preserved in this collection; and, being specially requested, we insert it with pleasure. From the Hartford Times. The following statement or return, exhibiting a minute and accurate account of the loss in killed and wounded sustained by the British and American forces under the com"As I have ever entertained hopes that an ac-mand of gen. Abercrombie, in the memorable discommodation might have taken place between aster or defeat at Ticonderoga, July, 1758, was, Great Britain and this colony, without being com. as it purports, made out soon after the battle, by pelled by my duty to this most disagreeable, but Judah Woodruff, who was a captain of the pronow absolutely necessary duty, rendered so by a vincial forces, and belonging to Farmington, in body of men, unlawfully assembled, firing on his this county. The original document has been premajesty's tenders, and the formation of an army, served in the family, as a precious memorial of and an army now on its march to attack his majes their ancestor, for sixty years, and was handed to ty's troops, and destroy the well disposed subjects us by his son. It is undoubtedly the most authenof this colony. To defeat such treasonable purtic and correct statement of that unfortunate affair, poses, and that all such traitors, and their abettors which exposed our frontiers to the murderous and may be brought to justice, and that the peace and cruel outrages of a savage foe, and filled the whole good order of this colony may be again restored, colonies with consternation and dismay, which at which the ordinary course of the civil law is unathis day is to be found; and in every point of view ble to effect, I have thought fit to issue this my is worthy of preservation. We recommend its inproclamation, hereby declaring that, until the afore. sertion to the editor of the Baltimore Weekly Resaid good purposes can be obtained, I do, in virtue gister, as that work is probably the most permanent and valuable place in which it can be deposited. We have printed it verbatim, and preserved the same orthography, to exhibit an idea of the provincial dialect of that day. of the power and authority to me given, by his majesty, determine to execute martial law, and cause the same to be executed throughout this colony; and to the end that peace and good order may the sooner be restored, I do require every person ca- The British regiments are distinguished nume. pable of bearing arms to resort to his majesty's rically, and by their commanders. The 1st and 4th standard, or be looked upon as traitors to bis ma- battalions called "royal Americans," were troops jesty's crown and government, and thereby become enlisted in the colonies by British officers. The liable to the penalty the law inflicts upon such of "Prouinshals," or provincials, consisted of the mili. fences; such as forfeiture of life, confiscation of tia of the colonies, which were detached, or volands, &c. &c. And I do hereby further declare lunteered for the service. It will be seen that, with all indented servants, negroes, or others (apper- the exception of lord Murray's regiment, which taining to rebels) frec, that are able and willing to was nearly cut to pieces, the loss of the provincials bear arms, they joining his majesty's troops as soon was as great as that of any one regiment. They as may be, for the more speedily reducing this must therefore have been actively engaged, |