IX. Item, It is further concluded, accorded, and agreed upon, by and between the faid parties, and his majesty is graciously pleafed, that places of command, honour, profit, and truft, in his majefty's armies in this kingdom, thall be, upon perfection of thefe articles, actually and by particular inftances conferred upon his Roman Catholic fubjects of this kingdom; and that upon the diftribution, conferring, and difpofing of the places of command, honour, profit, and truft, in his majefty's armies in this kingdom, for the future no difference thall be made between the faid Roman Catholics, and other his majesty's fubjects; but that fuch diftribution fhall be made with equal indifferency according to their refpective merits and abilities; and that all his majesty's fubjects of this kingdom, as well Roman Catholics as others, may, for his majesty's fervice and their own fecurity, arm themfelves the best they may, wherein they fhall have all fitting encouragement. And it is further concluded, accorded, and agreed upon, by and between the faid parties, and his majefty is further graciously pleased, that places of command, honour, profit, and truft, in the civil government in this kingdom, fhall be, upon paffing of the bills in thefe articles mentioned in the next parliament, actually and by particular inftances conferred upon his majesty's Roman Catholic fubjects of this kingdom; and that in the diftribution, conferring, and difpofal of the places of command, honour, profit, and truft, in the civil government, for the future no difference fhall be made between the faid Roman Catholics, and other his majesty's fubjects, but that such distribution fhall be made with equal indifferency, according to their refpective merits and abilities; and that in the diftribution of minifterial offices or places, which now are, or hereafter fhall be void in this kingdom, equality fhall be ufed to the Roman Catholic natives of this kingdom, as to other his majesty's fubjects; and that the command of forts, caftles, garrifon-towns, and other places of importance, of this kingdom, fhall be conferred upon his majefty's Roman Catholic fubjects of this kingdom, upon perfection ofthefe articles, actually and by particular inftances; and that in the diftribution, conferring, and difpofal of the Y 3 forts, forts, caftles, garrison-towns, and other places of importance in this kingdom, no difference fhall be made between his majesty's Roman Catholic fubjects of this kingdom, and other his majefty's fubjects, but that fuch diftribution fhall be made with equal indifferency, according to their respective merits and abilities; and that until full fettlement in parliament-fifteen thousand foot, and two thoufand and five hundred horfe of the Roman Catholics of this kingdom fhall be of the standing army of this kingdom and that until full fettlement in parlia ment as aforefaid, the faid lord lieutenant or other chief governor or governors of this kingdom for the time be ing, and the faid Thomas lord viscount Dillon of Costologh, lord prefident of Connaght, Donnogh lord viscount Mufkerry, Francis lord baron of Athunry, Alexander Mac-Donnel efquire, fir Lucas Dillon knight, fir Nicholas Plunket knight, fir Richard Barnwall baronet, Jeffery Brown, Donnogh O Callaghan, Tyrlah O Neile, Miles Reily, and Gerrald Fennell, efquires, or any feven or more of them, the faid Thomas lord vifcount Dillon of Coftologh, lord prefident of Connaght, Donnogh lord viscount Mufkerry, Francis lord baron of Athunry, Alexander Mac-Donnel efquire, fir Lucas Dillon kt. fir Nicholas Plunket, kt, fir Richard Barnwall baronet, Jeffery Browne Donnogh O Callaghan, Tyrlah O Neile, Miles Reily, and Gerrald Fennell, efquires, fhall diminish or add unto the faid number, as they fhall fee cause from time to time. X. Item, It is further concluded, accorded, and agreed upon, by and between the faid parties, and his majefty is further graciously pleased, that his majefty will accept of the yearly rent, or annual fum of twelve thousand pounds fterling, to be applotted with indifferency and equality, and confented to be paid to his majefty, his heirs and fucceffors, in parliament, for and in lieu of the court of wards in this kingdom, tenures in capite, common knight's fervice, and all other tenures within the cognizance of that court, and for and in lieu of all wardfhips, primer-feifins, fines, oufterlemains, liveries, intrųfions, alienations, mefne rates, releafes, and all other profits, within the cognizance of the faid court, or incident to to the faid tenures, or any of them, or fines to accrue to his majesty by reason of the faid tenures or any of them, and for and in lieu of refpites and iffues of homage and fines for the fame. And the faid yearly rent being fo applotted and confented unto in parliament as aforefaid, then a bill is to be agreed on in the faid parliament, to be paffed as an act for the fecuring of the faid yearly rent, or annual fum of twelve thousand pounds to be applotted as aforefaid, and for the extinction and taking away of the faid court, and other matters aforefaid in this article contained. And it is further agreed, that reasonable compofitions fhall be accepted for wardthips fince the twenty-third of October 1641, and already granted; and that no wardfhips fallen and not granted, or that fhall fall, fhall be paffed until the fuccefs of this article fhall appear; and if his majefty be fecured as aforefaid, then all wardthips fallen fince the faid twenty-third of October, are to be included in the argument aforesaid, upon compofition to be made with fuch as have grants as aforefaid; which compofition, to be made with the grantees fince the time aforefaid, is to be left to indifferent perfons, and the umpirage to the faid lord lieutenant. XI. Item, It is further concluded, accorded, and agreed upon, by and between the faid parties, and his majefty is further gracioufly pleased, that no nobleman or peer of this realm, in parliament, thall be hereafter capable of more proxies than two, and that blank proxies fhall be hereafter totally difallowed; and that if fuch noblemen or peers of this realm, as have no estates in this kingdom, do not within five years, to begin from the conclufion of thefe articles, purchase in this kingdom as followeth, viz. a lord baron 200l. per annum, a lord viscount 400l. per annum, and an earl 600l. per annum, a marquis 8ool. per annum, a duke 1000l. per annum, fhall lofe their votes in parliament, until fuch time as they fhall afterwards acquire fuch eftates refpectively; and that none be admitted in the houfe of commons, but fuch as fhall be eftated and refident within this kingdom. -XII. Item, It is further concluded, accorded, and agreed upon, by and between the faid parties, and his majefty is further gracioufly pleased, that as for and concerning Y 4 the the independency of the parliament of Ireland on the parliament of England, his majefty will leave both houfes of parliament in this kingdom to make fuch declaration therein as fhall be agreeable to the laws of the kingdom of Ireland. XIII. Item, It is further concluded and agreed upon, by and between the faid parties, and his majefty is further graciously pleafed, that the council-table fhall contain itself within its proper bounds, in handling matters of state and weight fit for that place; amongst which the patents of plantation, and the offices whereupon those grants are founded, to be handled, as matters of state, and to be heard and determined by his majesty's lord lieutenant, or other chief governor or governors for the time being, and the council publicly at the council-board, and not otherwife; but titles between party and party, grown after thefe patents granted, are to be left to the ordinary courfe of law; and that the council-table do not hereafter intermeddle with common business, that is within the cognizance of the ordinary courts, nor with the altering of poffeffions of. lands, nor make, nor use, private orders, hearings, or references concerning any fuch matter, nor grant any injunction or order for ftay of any fuits in any civil caufe: and that parties grieved for or by reafon of any proceedings formerly had there may commence their fuits, and profecute the fame in any of his majefty's courts of justice or equity for remedy of their pretended rights, without any restraint or interruption from his majefty, or otherwife, by the chief governor or governors and council of this kingdom: and that the proceedings in the refpective precedency courts' fhall be purfuant and according to his majesty's printed book of inftructions, and that they fhall contain themfelves within the limits prescribed by that book, when the kingdom fhall be restored to fuch a degree of quietnefs, as they be not neceffarily enforced to exceed the fame. XIV. Item, It is further concluded, accorded, and agreed upon, by and between the faid parties, and his majefty is further graciously pleased, that as for and concerning one statute made in this kingdom, in the eleventh 22 year year of the reign of queen Elizabeth, entitled, An Act for ftaying of wool-flocks, tallow, and other neceffaries, within this realm: and another ftatue made in the faid kingdom, in the twelfth year of the reign of the faid queen, entitled, An Act And one other statute made in the faid kingdom, in the 13th year of the reign of the faid late queen, entitled, An exemplanation of the act made in a feffion of this parliament for the ftaying of wool-flocks, tallow, and other wares and commodities mentioned in the faid act, and certain articles added to the fame act, all concerning ftaple or native commodities of this kingdom, fhall be repealed, if it fhall be so thought fit in the parliament (excepting for wool and wool-fells) and that such indifferent perfons as fhall be agreed on by the faid lord lieutenant and the faid Thomas lord viscount Dillon of Costologh, lord prefident of Connaght, Donnogh lord viscount Mufkery, Francis lord baron of Athunry, Alexander Mac-. Donnel efquire, fir Lucas Dillon knt. fir Nicholas Plunket knt. fir Richard Barnwall baronet, Jeffery Brown, Donnogh O Callaghan, Tyrlah O Neile, Miles Reilly, and Gerrald Fennell, efquires, or any feven or more of them, fhall be authorized by commiffion under the great feal, to moderate and afcertain the rates of merchandize to be exported or imported out of, or into this kingdom, as they fhall think fit. XV. Item, it is concluded, accorded, and agreed, by and between the faid parties, and his majesty is gracioufly pleased, that all and every perfon and perfons within this kingdom, pretending to have fuffered by offices found of feveral countries, territories, lands and hereditaments in the province of Ulfter, and other provinces of this kingdom, in or fince the first year of king James his reign, or by attainders or forfeitures, or by pretence and colour thereof, fince the faid first year of king James, or by other acts depending on the faid offices, attainders, and forfeitures, may petition his majesty in parliament for relief and redrefs; and if after examination it fhall appear to his majefty, the faid perfons, or any of them have been injured, then his majefty will prefcribe a courfe to |