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May, 1910.

18 GREAT BRITAIN. The Imperial Copyright Conference met at the Foreign Office, London. Cd., 5272 (Memorandum of proceedings) Times, July 6; "The Prospects of Copyright," do, July 21. 18-20 THE SIXTEENTH CONFERENCE ON INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION held at Lake Mohonk, New York. Advocate of Peace, 72:124; "A Supreme Court of the World," Outlook, May, 1910; "Hartford and Mohonk," Independent, 68:1144-5. This Journal, July, 1910, p. 689.


19 TUNIS-TURKEY. Convention signed at Tripoli, regarding the frontier between Tunis and Tripoli. Mém. dipl., May 29; Q. dipl., 14:703.

18 INTERNATIONAL AERONAUTIC CONFERENCE opened at Paris. Times, May 7, 19; Mém. dipl., June 12.

18 SPAIN. Ordinance modifying regulation of foreign corporations. Ga. de Madrid, May 18; B. de Statistique et de Legislation Comparée, 67:723.

19-24 THE WORLD'S SUNDAY SCHOOL ASSOCIATION held its sixth meeting in Washington. R. of Reviews, 41:605.

20-23 INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF TROPICAL AGRICULTURE in session at Brussels. Times, May 27; Mém. dipl., May 29; R. Economique Int., 7:II:202.

21 GREAT BRITAIN-UNITED STATES. Treaty defining the boundary line in Passamaquoddy Bay signed at Washington. Ratification advised by the Senate, June 6, 1910; ratified by the President, July 13, 1910; ratified by Great Britain, June 23, 1910; ratifications exchanged at Washington, August 20, 1910; proclaimed, September 3, 1910. U. S. Treaty ser. No. 551; Treaty ser. No. 22, 1910; Supplement to this JOURNAL. p. 000; "The AmericanCanada Boundary," Outlook, 95:239; Times, May 23.

22 FRANCE. Decree issued fixing the rates for certain telephonic communications between France and Germany. J. O., May 26; Arch. dipl., 114:169.

23 FRANCE-NETHERLANDS. Law passed ratifying the convention concluded at Paris, December 29, 1909, relating to the extension of existing arbitration treaties. Staatsb., No. 139, 1910; Mém. dipl., May 29.

May, 1910.

23 GREAT BRITAIN-NETHERLANDS. Law passed ratifying the convention concluded at London, December 16, 1909, relating to the extension of existing arbitration treaties. Staatsb., No. 139, 1910; Mém. dipl., May 29.

30-31 GREAT BRITAIN. The Emigration Conference met at London. United Empire, 1:510; Times, May 31. 31-June 2 FIRST INTERNATIONAL AERIAL LAW CONGRESS met at

Verona. Times, May 20; R. générale de dr. int. public, 17:410. 30-June 4 FIFTH ORNITHOLOGICAL CONGRESS held in Berlin. The next congress will be held at Serajevo, Bosnia, in 1915. Times, June 7.

30-June 4 NINTH INTERNATIONAL HOUSING CONGRESS was held at Vienna. American Political Science R., 4:429.

June, 1910.

1 FRANCE-MOROCCO. The Commission to deal with foreign claims against the Maghzen relating to engagements or events before June 30, 1909, begins its labors, under the special agreement as to procedure signed April 25, 1910. Times, May 16 and June 14. See March 5.

1 GREAT BRITAIN-UNITED STATES. Opening of the Tribunal at the Hague for the arbitration of the North Atlantic Fisheries Question. The decision was rendered September 7. Times, June 2, et seq.; The Newfoundland Fisheries Dispute, Outlook, 95:278; Stead: The Fisheries Arbitration at the Hague, Independent, 69:8; McGrath: The Atlantic Fisheries Dispute, R. of Reviews, 41:719; The Fisheries Decision, Nation, 91:233; R. Generale de Dr. Int. Public, 17:260. Text of award in this JOURNAL, P. 000. The cases submitted to the Hague Tribunal since its establishment in 1899 have been as follows: (1) Mexico-United States, 1902- The Pious Fund of the Californias; (2) France, Germany, and Great Britain v. Japan, 1902 - The House Tax; (3) Germany, Great Britain, and Italy v. Venezuela, 1903 Preferential Claims; (4) France v. Great Britain, 1904 - Mascat; (5) France v. Germany, 1909 Casablanca Affair; (6) Norway v. Sweden, 1909 Maritime Boundary; (7) United States v. Great Britain, 1910 - North Atlantic Fisheries; and (8) now before the Tribunal, United States v. Venezuela - the

June, 1910.

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Orinoco Steamship Company. NOTE: The Emery Case, Nicaragua
v. United States, was referred to the Tribunal by a protocol
signed May 25, 1909, but
final settlement was announced Sep-
tember 18, 1909.


1 SOUTH AFRICAN UNION goes into effect. Times, April 30, May 28 and 31. Lord Gladstone and South Africa, Outlook, 95:279. 2-5 INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF INDUSTRICAL PROPERTY. The Belgian National Association arranged the results of former congresses and will present this codification to the next congress to be held at Washington in 1911. R. Economique Int., 7:II:203.

3 ATLANTIC CABLE from Ascension to Buenos Aires opened. Second longest in the world. Times, June 4.

6-9 SEVENTH INTERNATIONAL COTTON CONGRESS held at Brussels. Times, May 31, June 6, "Unification of Commercial Law"; June 9, Resolutions passed by the Congress.

6-16 INTERNATIONAL HORSE SHOW held at London. Times, June 7. 9 INTERNATIONAL. Deposit of ratifications of the Revised Convention of Berne, signed at Berlin, November 13, 1908, made by Germany, Belgium, Haiti, Japan, with reservations, Liberia, Luxemburg, Monaco, and Switzerland. June 30, by France and Tunis. Droit d'auteur, 23:85; Reichs-G., No. 47, 1910.

9 ARGENTINE. A presidential decree drafting twenty Argentine officers into the United States Navy for a short period in accordance with an agreement with the American Government arising out of the battleship contract. Times, June 11.

10 SPAIN. Decree issued giving to Protestant congregations and schools the right to display on buildings signs or notices that services were being held within. Tridon, The Meaning of the Spanish Crisis, Forum, 44:272-279; The Spanish Contention, Independent, 69:495; Ireland, The Vatican Incident, same, 68: 1015-10; Outlook, 94:776; Spain and the Vatican, Times. August 2; Outlook, 95:459; Independent, 68:1319; 69:313-314.

12 BELGIUM-FRANCE. Agreement takes effect (see March 5) providing that under the convention relative to the reparation of damages resulting from accidents of labor, concluded at Paris, February 21, 1906 (q. v.) proper notice of a pending inquest shall be given to the respective consular officers, etc. Monit., April 8.

June, 1910.

14-24 THIRD WORLD'S MISSIONARY CONGRESS held at Edinburgh, Times, June 18; Outlook, 95:355, 459, and Brown: The World's Missionary Congress at Edinburgh, 95:558; Stimson: The Great Conference in Edinburgh, Independent, 69:16-20; Fahs: The Edinburgh Conference, American R. of Reviews, 42:187-9; Bryan, The World Missionary Movement, Outlook, 95:823-826. The first congress met in London; the second in New York.

16 MEXICO-RUSSIA. Proclamation by the President of the commercial convention signed at St. Petersburg October 2/September 19, 1909. Approved by Senate of Mexico, November 22, 1909; by the Emperor of Russia, April 16, 1910. Text in Diario Oficial, June 22, 1910.

21 GREAT BRITAIN MONTENEGRO. Ratifications exchanged at Cettinje, of Convention of Commerce and Navigation signed at Cettinje, January 11, 1910. Treaty ser., No. 19, 1910; Supplement to this JOURNAL, p. 314.

21-23 FOURTH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRIAL ORGANIZATION held at London. Times, June 6; Mém. dipl., June 26; Daily Consular and Trade Reports, 13:849; Monthly B. of the Chamber of Commerce of the State of New York, June, 1910. Former congresses were held at Liege, 1905; Milan, 1906; and Prague, 1908. In 1912, in the United States.

22 ECUADOR-UNITED STATES. Ratifications exchanged at Washington of the Arbitration Convention signed at Washington, January 7, 1909. Proclaimed, June 23, 1910. U. S. Treaty ser., No. 549; Supplement to this JOURNAL, p. 347.


25 UNITED STATES. Joint resolution approved authorizing the appointment of a commission in relation to universal peace. Stats. of U. S. Second Session of Sixty-first Congress, Supplement to this JOURNAL, p. 347, An American Peace Commission, Independent, 68:1455-6; Problems before the Peace Commission, do, 69:93-94; Holt: The United States Peace Commission, North American R., 192; 301-316.

June, 1910.

27 BELGIUM-NETHERLANDS. The commission for the study of economic questions met at Brussels. Mém. dipl., July 3. This is the third conference.

27-30 ZIONIST CONFERENCE met at Berlin. This meeting took the place of an international congress this year. Times, July 4.

28 CANADA-UNITED STATES. International Waterways Commission met in Toronto, to take up question of the entire water boundary. R. of Reviews, 42:154.

July, 1910.

1 JAPAN. Port Arthur (Dairen) opened to shipping of all nations. Times, July 2; Mém. dipl., July 31-August 7.

1 JAPAN-MEXICO. Convention for the direct exchange of moneyorders between the two countries signed at Mexico, February 28, 1910, and at Tokyo, on the 11th day of the 4th month of the 43d year of Meiji, takes effect. Approved by Mexican Senate, May 16, and ratified by the President, June 9. Text in Diario oficial, June 25; L'Union Postale, 35:144.

1 HUNGARY-UNITED STATES. Parcel-Post Convention between the respective Postal Administrations signed at Budapest, May 15, 1910, and at Washington, June 27, 1910, goes into effect. Daily Consular and Trade Reports, August 31.

1 BELGIUM. Kongo reforms go into effect. They include: (1) reduction of taxes, collected in money and not paid by labor; (2) native officials instead of white; (3) restriction of obligatory labor to works for the improvement of their own conditions; and (4) suppression of polygamy. R. of Reviews, 41:540; Independent, 68:839; Le Congo Belge, R. des Deux Mondes, 58:807-845; Morel: Belgium, Britain and the Congo, Nineteenth Century, 167:407-425.

4 JAPAN-RUSSIA. Convention signed at St. Petersburgh regarding the railroad situation in Manchuria. Times, July 6, text, July 13; The Far Eastern R., 7:38; The Russo-Japanese Convention, J. American Asiatic Association, 10:204; New York Tribune, July 6; North China Herald, 96:65 and 117; American R. of Reviews, 42:158-159; Russia and Japan in Manchuria, Nation, 91:26; Zumoto, Japan in Manchuria, Independent, 68:846-851. Mém. dipl., July 10, 17-24, text; SUPPLEMENT, p. 279.

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