WHAT IS WANTING? EVEN granting that you enjoy the world, and that it has performed all its promises, and left you nothing to wish, but that things should remain as they are, how do you know that they will remain as they are? "What is wanting here?" said the courtier to his sovereign, with whom he was riding amidst the acclamations and splendour of a triumphal procession. "CONTINUANCE" replied the monarch. So say I. Tell me, if you will, of your youth, your health, buoyancy of your spirits, your happy connections, your gay parties, your elegant treasures, your fair prospects; and then ask me, What is wanting. I reply, "CONTINUANCE."-A single day may spoil every thing; before to-morrow's 's sun shall rise you may be attacked by disease and death. You know not what an hour may bring forth. Turn then for happiness from the world to religion; this is both satisfying and certain. Nothing can rob you of its privileges; they are vast as the capacity of your soul, and lasting as your eternal existence. Hear the beautiful language of Christ: "Whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him, shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him, shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.” John iv. 14.—J. A. James. A HYMN FOR THE NEW YEAR. Help us to sing thy glorious fame, By faith in Thee, O may we live, O may we look to Thee by faith, Then shall we welcome life or death, In Jesus, O what wond'rous grace, The humble meet with here! A heart renew'd to love Tee, Lord, Through all this vale of tears and woe, And keep us through the year. To Thee, dear Lord, our souls we give, And let thy smiles, on which we live, CHRISTMAS HYMN. Glory to God!" the holy angels cry; "Glory to God!" let every heart reply; The Sun of Righteousness now shines on earth, And peace returns at our Redeemer's birth. "Good-will to men!" the holy angels cry; Glory to God! who sent His Son from heaven; Jesus, the long-expected Saviour's come, MOHAMMED, or, as he is sometimes designated, Mahomet, was the founder of a large sect, which at one time threatened to make all men believe him to be God's messenger. His followers regard him as a divinely inspired prophet; and reverence the Koran, which he published, as a Divine revelation, which they are bound to obey. This impostor was born at Mecca, in Arabia, about six hundred years after the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. Mohammed appears to have been to some extent, acquainted with the Holy Scriptures. He professed to acknowledge Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus Christ, as true prophets, who had proclaimed new dispensations of religion, but extolled himself as the greatest of all prophets. For some years he laboured to make converts, using only such means as the use of persuasive language could furnish; but after he had obtained a large number of adherents, he began to exercise force, and threatened with destruction those who would not acknowledge him as a divine prophet; and he, and his followers, put multitudes to death, for re fusing to profess to believe, that he was God's prophet. In Turkey, Syria, Egypt, Arabia, Persia, India, and other parts of the East, the greater part of the population are Mohammedans; and the great Sultan, or Emperor of the Turks, is regarded as the successor of Mohammed, Although Mohammed was a great impostor, and taught many false doctrines, he enjoined that his followers should worship God, and frequently pray to him. The Mahommedans are required formally to offer prayer five times in every twenty-four hours.-1. In the morning before sunrise 2. When the hour of noon is past and the sun begins to descend: 3. In the afternoon before sun-set: 4. In the evening, after sun-set, before the day is quite gone: 5. Just before the first watch of the night. Of the times of prayer public notice is given by criers, who appear on the minarets of mosques, or temples. When the time of prayer arrives Mohammedans are required to offer prayer, in the prescribed form and manner. They are particularly required, when they pray, to turn their faces toward Mecca, the town where Mohammed was born. Before they engage in prayer, they are commanded to prepare themselves by washing. This they must do either by bathing, or by washing their faces, mouths, hands, and feet, in a particular manner. Bathing is only required in certain cases; but the washing just mentioned is directed to be used in all other cases before offering of prayer. Hence, in Mohammedan countries, fountains or wells, and places of prayer, are frequently united, as represented in our engraving. If at the time of prayer Mohammedans are in a place where water cannot be obtained, we are told, they rub themselves as if in the act of performing the required washings. These ceremonies are more carefully attended to by the middle and higher classes, than by the poor. The officers who announce from the tops of Mosques the hours of prayer, cry out, " There is no other God but God, and Mohammed is his prophet." This is frequently repeated. They then exhort the people to offer prayer; and in the morning they say, "Prayer is better than sleep." MOHAMMEDAN FOUNTAIN AND PLACE OF PRAYER. 31 Only those who reside near to a mosque, or who have sufficient leisure, repair on ordinary days to a mosque to offer their prayers; but as Friday is regarded as the sacred day, the attendance at the mosques on that day is much more general. Those of the devout who do not go to a mosque, when the time of prayer arrives, hasten to the fountains, or other places where water can be obtained, if sufficiently near, perform their ablutions, and then offer their prayers. They attend to these services in the streets, or other places of public resort, regardless of the presence of strangers. In going through their devotional exercises, they put their limbs and bodies into a variety of forms; they stand upright, bend forward, sit, resting the weight of their bodies on their heels, kneel, and prostrate themselves flat on the ground. They very frequently repeat the words, "God is most great." When the prescribed prayers and ceremonies have been gone through, those who can afford the time do not hasten away from the spot, but remain to count the beads of their rosary, and repeat a short ejaculation, containing a name or attribute of God, as each bead passes through the fingers. The number of beads on each rosary is said to be ninety. When the worshipper has thus finished his devotions, he folds his hands, then holds them up as if about to receive something from heaven. Again asks for blessings on himself and household, strokes his beard with his right hand, and concludes, saying, " Praise be to God." When Mohammedans pray in the open air-if not at a place appropriated to the offering of prayer-they are careful to select as clean a place as they can find; they then spread a mat or carpet, if they have one, if not, their cloak, then take off their shoes, or sandals, and proceed with their devotions. Our readers will perceive that our engraving represents a devotee washing himself at a fountain, and another engaged in prayer, looking towards a stone, set up to indicate the direction in which Mecca is, towards which devotees are required to look whenever they pray. Alas! they are taught to believe, that through the favour which the false prophet, Mohammed, has with God, they shall obtain |