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of bishops from various quarters of the earth, for discussion and consultation on matters of common interest. On the 28th of June, at a meeting held in connection with the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, previous to the formal opening of the Conference, several of the foreign bishops gave accounts of the condition of their churches in their several countries. The Bishop of Madras told of the conversion during the year of more than twenty thousand inhabitants of the district of Tinnevelly within his diocese; the Bishop of Bombay read a paper on associated missions; the Bishop of Colombo gave an account of the various tribes of Ceylon; papers were read on mission work in China by the American Bishop of Shanghai, on foreign missions by the Bishop of Ohio, and woman's work in his diocese by the Bishop of Bloemfontein; the Bishop of Maritzburg spoke on the Church in Africa; a paper by a woman was read on the value of the female education undertaken by women in India; and the condition of the Church in Australia and America was reviewed. One hundred bishops were in attendance during the sessions of the Conference. An opening declaration was adopted: first, giving thanks to Almighty God for having brought the members together for common council and united worship; second, expressing sorrow at the divided condition of the flock of Christ throughout the world, and an ardent longing for unity; and lastly, recording the conviction "that unity will be more effectually promoted by maintaining the faith in its purity and integrity as taught in the Holy Scriptures, held by the primitive church, summed up in the creeds, and affirmed by the undisputed general councils, and by drawing each of us closer to our common Lord by giving ourselves to much prayer and intercession, by the cultivation of a spirit of charity and a love of the Lord's appearing." During the earlier sessions of the Conference the following subjects were discussed and referred to committees, viz.: "The best mode of maintaining union among the various churches of the Anglican communion"; "Voluntary boards of arbitration for churches to which such an arrangement may be applicable". "The relation to each other of missionary bishops and of missionaries in various branches of the Anglican communion acting in the same country"; "The position of Anglican chaplains and chaplaincies on the continent of Europe and elsewhere"; "Modern forms of infidelity, and the best means of dealing with them"; and "The condition, progress, and needs of the various churches of the Anglican communion." The Conference then adjourned, July 5th, till July 22d, to give the committees time to consider the subjects which had been referred to them. On reassembling an address was presented from the Association for the Promotion of the Unity of Christendom, urging that the present time was favorable to the purpose of the Association,

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and calling upon the Conference to "issue a solemn and consentient declaration that it is the first duty of all Christians to labor and pray for the uniting into one body of all those who call upon the name of Christ and agree in the divine authority of Holy Scripture, in the creeds, and in the decrees of the Church, so that there be no more divisions among us and, further, asking it "to recommend some practical means and mode of action whereby a consummation so devoutly to be wished for may, in God's good time, be accomplished." The discussions of the questions which were considered at the earlier sessions were continued until the day of adjournment, July 27th. The reports adopted by the Conference were published after the adjournment. The first report deals with the best mode of maintaining union among the various churches of the Anglican communion. It admitted that the assembling of a true general council, to which the Church of England has always declared its readiness to resort, is, in the present condition of Christendom, unhappily but obviously impossible; and that the difficulties attending the assembling of a synod of all the Anglican churches, though different in character and less serious in nature, are too great to allow of its being recommended for present adoption; but suggested that such conferences as the present one and the one which was held in 1867, called by the Archbishop of Canterbury at the request of or in consultation with the other bishops, might with advantage be invested in future with somewhat larger liberty as to the initiation and selection of subjects for discussion, concerning which the report mentioned a few particulars. Nevertheless, although there was no hope of a general council, the reunion of Christendom should be kept in view; and it was suggested that the Tuesday before Ascension Day be set apart as a day of intercession for that object. Concerning ritualism, the report affirmed the principle that "no alteration from long-accustomed ritual should be made contrary to the admonition of the bishop of the diocese. Concerning confession, it affirmed that "the churches of the Anglican communion hold fast those principles which are set forth in the Holy Scriptures, which were professed by the primitive church, and which were reaffirmed at the English Reformation"; that "no minister of the church is authorized to require from those who may resort to him to open their grief in particular or detailed enumeration of all their sins; or to require private confession previous to receiving the holy communion; or to enjoin or even encourage the practice of habitual confession to a priest; or to teach that such practice of habitual confession, or the being subject to what is termed the direction of a priest, is a condition of attaining to the highest spiritual life." At the same time, the committee would not be understood as desiring "to limit in any way the pro

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vision made in the Book of Common Prayer for the relief of troubled consciences." The report "On the Relation to each other of Missionary Bishops and of Missionaries" involved the consideration of some of the questions which have been in dispute between agents of the Church Missionary Society in Ceylon and the Bishop of Colombo. The report recommended that books of common prayer should be framed suitable to the needs of native congregations in heathen countries; that they should be based upon the "Book of Gommon Prayer," with only such deviations in point of form as should be required by the circumstances of particular churches; and that such books when prepared should be submitted to the approval of boards regularly endowed with authority for that purpose; that every missionary clergyman, whether appointed by a society or otherwise, should receive the license of the bishop in whose diocese he is to labor; that in case of refusal to give a license to a clergyman, the bishop should, if desired, state the reason of his refusal, transmit them to the metropolitan, or to the Archbishop of Canterbury, if there is no metropolitan, and make them accessible to the person whose license is in question; and it recommended a similar course of procedure in the "case of revocation of license, which it advised should not take place except for grave ecclesiastical offenses." Further, it suggested: "The bishop would probably find it desirable, where the clergyman is connected with one of the great missionary societies, to communicate with the society or its local representatives before taking steps for revocation of a license." It held that lay agents employed in more important spiritual functions should have the license or other express sanction of the bishop, and other lay agents should be considered to have his implied sanction; that the authority of the bishop in appointing places for public worship had been always admitted in the Church; and that every place in which the holy communion is regularly celebrated should have his sanction. Another report expressed the sympathy of the Conference toward the Old Catholics, and the churches and individuals protesting against the claim of the Papal Court to supremacy over all men in matters of faith and morals on the ground of its infallibility. The report "On Voluntary Boards of Arbitration" indicated the principles which might be applied in cases where an appeal is sought from the decisions of the tribunals of the several ecclesiastical provinces, and under similar circumstances in the case of the trial of a bishop. The "Committee on Infidelity and the best Mode of meeting it" reported that it was impossible to give adequate consideration to that wide subject within the limited time allowed for their deliberation.

The eighteenth Church Congress met at Sheffield, October 1st. The introductory sermon was preached by the Bishop of Ripon. The Archbishop of York presided, and deliv

ered the opening address, in which he defend. ed the Congresses as a useful medium for the exchange of thought, and pointed out the good results which he anticipated would follow the meeting of the Pan-Anglican Conference at Lambeth. Papers were read on " Foreign and Colonial Missions, their Condition, Organization, and Prosperity," by the Bishop of Pennsylvania, the Rev. Mr. Maclear, and the Rev. Thomas Green; "Modern Doubts and Difficulties in relation to Revealed Religion," by the Rev. Prof. Wilkins, the Rev. Stanley Leathes, and Dr. Thornton; "The Just Limits of Comprehensiveness in the National Church," by the Hon. Charles L. Wood, President of the English National (Ritualistic) Church Union, the Rev. Llewellyn Davis (Low Churchman), the Rev. Canon Ryle (classed as a Broad Churchman), and others; "The Church's Work among the Rural, Urban, and Commercial Populations"; "The Attitude of the Church toward Popular Literature and Recreation," in connection with which head the moral aspects of the theatre were discussed by the Earl of Musgrave, the Bishop of Manchester, and other speakers; "Woman's Work in the Church," by the Bishop of Ohio, Miss Whateley of the mission at Alexandria, Egypt, and the Rev. F. Pigou; "Church Property and Endowments"; Ecclesiastical Patronage"; "The Marriage Law as affecting the Church"; "Parochial Councils"; "Cathedrals and Cathedral Institutions, how to increase their Influence "The Supply, Training, and Examination of Candidates for Holy Orders." The question, "What definite results as to the interpretation of Scripture have been produced by the discoveries in Egypt, Nineveh, and the Catacombs of Rome?" was discussed by Canon Rawlinson and Canon Tristram. A "Workingmen's Meeting" was held in connection with the Congress.

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APPLETON, GEORGE SWETT, member of the publishing firm of Daniel Appleton and Company, died July 7th, at the age of fifty-seven years. He was born at Andover, Massachusetts, August 11, 1821. Both by his inherited tastes and by education he was eminently well fitted for the vocation in life which occupied all his manhood's years-that of a publisher. Having studied for some time in the Phillips Academy -a noted educational institution in his native village-he, at the age of about nineteen, went abroad for the sake of study and travel, and passed four years at the University of Leipsic. These student years were devoted especially to literary and historical research, and in the mean time he gained an intimate acquaintance with the languages of Germany, France, and Italy. With the literatures of these countries, as also with that of England, he was fully conversant. But while literature was for him an object of close and systematic study, fine art occupied his leisure moments, and he cultivated it with distinguished success. In particular he was a connoisseur of painting, and at

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the time of his death had accumulated a rich collection of masterpieces of art. During the vacations of the university, and after the completion of his studies, Mr. Appleton traveled extensively in Europe, studying the people and the treasures of art and literature. Having returned home, he embarked in business, that of a publisher, on his own account, at Philadelphia. In 1847 he married Miss Caroline Archer Osgood, who survives him. Later, he joined his three brothers, John and William, his seniors, and Sidney, his junior, in conduct ing the establishment founded in New York by their father, Daniel Appleton, who died in 1849. Here his eminent attainments as a scholar and as a connoisseur of art found abundant opportunity for their display. His counsel as a literary critic was of the highest value to the firm. He rapidly developed the business of the house in various directions, especially in the publications designed to facilitate the study of languages, and to familiarize the American public with the classics of the various European literatures, both in translations and in their original forms. Intimate relations were also established with the Spanish-American states, and large editions of Spanish works were published by the Appletons. To Mr. George Appleton is in great measure due the origination and successful completion of the work entitled "Picturesque America," the noblest illustrated work published in America. He also steadily encouraged that other great enterprise of the house, the "American Cyclopædia.' When attacked by his last illness, Mr. Appleton was about to go abroad for an extended tour of travel. His unremitted attention for years to his pursuits made an intermission necessary for him. But disease intervened, and he died at a comparatively early age. Five children survive him, all grown up, viz., three sons and two daughters. ARGENTINE REPUBLIC (REPÚBLICA ARGENTINA), an independent state of South America, lying between latitudes 20° and 41° south, and longitudes 53° and 70° 17' west. It is bounded north by Bolivia; east by Paraguay, Brazil, Uruguay, and the Atlantic; south by Patagonia; and west by Bolivia and Chili. The population was returned at 1,768,681 in the census of 1869, but in 1876 it was estimated at 2,400,000, exclusive of 93,291 Indians in the Territory of Gran Chaco, the Pampas, and Patagonia. The population of the capital, Buenos Ayres, was estimated at 230,000.

The President of the Republic is Dr. Don Nicolás Avellaneda, who succeeded Señor Sarmiento, October 12, 1874; and the Vice-President is Dr. Don Mariano Acosta. The Cabinet is composed of the following ministers: Interior, Dr. Laspiur; Foreign Affairs, Dr. Montes de Oca; Finance, Dr. Victorino de la Plaza; Justice, Public Worship, and Public Instruction, Dr. Lastra; War and Marine, General Roca. The Argentine Minister Plenipotentiary to the United States is Sr. Don Manuel VOL. XVIII.-2 A

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La Rioja...

San Juan..
San Luis
Santa Fé.

.M. Molina.

.Dr. A. del Viso.

Dr. R. Febre.

M. Torino.

V. A. Almonacid. .J. Villanueva. .J. Solá.

R. Doncel. .T. Mendoza. .8. de Iriondo.

B. Olachea. F. Helguera, Gran Chaco Territory.....Lieut.-Col. P. Gómez. The provincial Governors are elected by the people, and their period of office is three years. A comprehensive view of the general condition of affairs in the republic may be had from the following message delivered by President Avellaneda, on opening Congress, May 6, 1877:


that every year our constitutional principles are proI salute you on this auspicious day and assure you gressively striking their roots deeper and deeper. Your presence was much needed, owing to the intense activity of political life. The forum is full. Rival parties and opinions seek in this arena to vendiscussion that the country becomes enlightened. tilate their views, for it is from opposing points of Let me sketch for you the condition of affairs.

Many European and American statesmen were so impressed with the conciliation policy at Buenos Ayres that they asked themselves if such were not preferable to the system of repression used in Europe, which perpetuates violent rancor. The example we have given does honor to the human race. At present some may begin to doubt about the conciliation policy, but I tell you my programme is unappoint ministers according to my own good will, altered. It is one of the privileges of my office to and this is essential to enable me to govern with firmness. As a proof of conciliation I may remind you that 3,000,000 Argentines joyfully celebrated General San Martin's centenary.

Governor Iriondo has put down a revolution in Santa Two or three provinces are in a disturbed state. Fé, and it is to be hoped that he will now try conciliation. The state of Corrientes is more critical. Minister Plaza was sent, not simply to support Governor Derqui, but to study the order of things. The victorious rebels laid down their arms and submitted. It is now best to order new elections in Corri

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Thus we spent eight millions less than Congress authorized, and, although the revenue did not come up to our expectations, still the economy of our Finance Department saved the situation. The expenditures of the last six years were: 1872, $26,462,785; 1873, $31,025,070; 1874, $29,784,196; 1875, 828,567,In last 861; 1876, 822,153,048; 1877, $19,924,960. export duties, $2.324,491. The returns of our imyear's revenue we find: import duties, $10,843,360; port and export trade show:

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This apparent decline of 7 per cent. in our exports is due to the fact of reduced valuation on wool, hides, etc., as we find the quantities exported in 1877 exceed those for the previous year; but the valuation was reduced 15 per cent. Meantime it is desirable to invent new sources of revenue, since customs duties are too liable to fluctuation. We must imitate the United States in this regard.

The money for the coming coupons is already in London. We have been no less punctual in paying the home debt, and in a few days we will pay to the Provincial Bank the quarter's installment due last February on account of loan of September, 1876. Our stocks have risen in London, but some of the English papers continue to question our solvency, although we honorably pay our way. As we have safely gone over the crisis, there is no reason now to propose any alteration of the terms with bondholders. English capital will steadily flow into this country, because Englishmen know that by spending millions in America, India, and Australia to grow cotton, sugar, and wool, they have enriched England more than if they had kept the money in London. During the last three trying years we have notably reduced our national debt, which is now as follows:

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Equal to about £12,000,000 sterling, including £1,190,400 not emitted (of the Varela loan) but reserved to make a port at Buenos Ayres.

The number of immigrants last year was 29,000, being nearly the same as the previous year, and more than the aggregate of arrivals from Europe in all the other countries of South America. The colonization and homestead law of 1876 is carried out in the most generous manner, and we can boast of the following colonies established since the passing of said law: Libertad (Entre-Rios), 672 inhabitants; Gen. Alvear (Entre-Rios), 850; Reconquista (Chaco), 1,200; Resistencia (Chaco), 500; Iriondo (Chaco), 214; San Javier (Chaco), 169; Olabarria (Buenos Ayres), 305; Caroya (Córdoba), 615; Santa Cruz (Patagonia), 47. Moreover, the Welsh colony of Chubut has doubled. Thanks to Señor Cárlos Calvo's efforts in Europe, the steamships allow us a reduction of 40 per cent. for immigrants' passages. It is necessary to be more liberal in providing funds for new colonies, as Mr. Dillon's task is to imitate the homestead law of the United States, and prevent the working classes from crowding into towns.

The republic joined the Berne postul league on April 1st. The Argentine postage stamp will now be known and respected from Japan to Greenland, and thence to India and Polynesia. The post-office returns for the years 1873 and 1877 were as follows: Receipts-1873, $158,906; 1877, $273,801. The latter figures show an increase of 70 per cent. Expenditures-1873, $436,715; 1877, $328,804, showing à decrease of 25 per cent. The telegraph returns for the same years were: Receipts-1873, $55,273; 1877, $79,812. Expenditures-1873, $171,172; 1877, $171,172. Repairs become costly after five years' service. In spite of the state of the public exchequer, we have built a new post-office, the handsomest of our public buildings, and extended our telegraph lines to the frontier towns of Bolivia. The number of miles of new telegraph was 380.

The estimates in the department of Public Instruc

and schools are all in good working order, and the number of scholars has increased. It will be nccessary to resume the official inspection of schools all over the country, and foster a spirit of learning in each locality. The Minister's report shows that there is a slight increase in the number of scholars; there are at present 6,900 students enrolled in the national colleges and schools. The Observatory at Córdoba has now in print the "Uranometria Argentina," which is likely to prove the most valuable scientific work of its kind ever published. The Meteorological Department has published its first volume, a work also due to the zeal of the Director of the Observatory, and which is of vast scientific importance, as it proves, what has long been suspected, the relation between changes of temperature and those in the spots on the sun's disk. Dr. Burmeister's great work on the physical geography of the republic is also progressing.

In May, 1877, the new frontier line was defended by a ditch 20 leagues long, and several forts. The ditch is now 80 leagues long, and there are 423 kilometres of telegraph, uniting Paun and Trenquelanquen. Along the new line have been built 150 brick houses, 200 ranchos, two hospitals, and seven schools, attended by 200 children; 400,000 trees have been planted along the line; 1,600 national guards have been released from service, and there are now only 200 national guards on the frontier, who will also be sent home immediately.

Recent expeditions against the Indians have been successful, the savages surrendering, since they can no longer make raids as before.

Messrs. Senators and Deputies, there is a vacant seat here to-day. It is my sad duty to announce officially the death of Dr. Adolfo Alsina, the late Minister of War. He died in harness, and on his deathbed drew the plan for Colonel Levalle's victorious expedition. The Argentine people and Government have paid well-deserved honors to his memory. The present Minister of War will continue the work of his predecessor. Fresh efforts are necessary. We can not reduce the army till we push on to a frontier that can be defended by 3,000 men.

An act was passed last year for a station at Córdoba, to join the Central and Tucuman Railways, and the work is in progress. The Primer EntreRiano line is now Government property, and although it is short it will do good service. The most important item, however, is the contract for the construction of the Transandine Railway. The works will begin in 1879, and be finished in five years.

The republic will be represented at the Paris Exhibition quite as well as it was at Philadelphia, yet we have not exceeded the small sum voted for the purpose.

The National Bank has been reorganized. I must repeat what I said last year of the necessity for a uniform currency throughout the country. Mints would cost too much to establish here, but we can get money coined for us abroad. It is impossible to carry on business with such a fluctuating coin as the Bolivian; and Bolivian notes must be got rid of for


will hear with pleasure that protocols of a treaty putOur relations with all countries are friendly. You ting an end to the long and vexed questions with Chili have been signed and approved by both Governments; they will be laid before you at once. The questions at issue will be left to arbitration. If the Congresses of both countries approve the treaty, my promise on assuming office will be fulfilled. Drs. Tejedor and Elizalde merit public gratitude for their parts in this negotiation.

We have concluded an extradition treaty with Uruguay, and a protocol about river navigation.

tion have been reduced by one half. The colleges Ratifications of the treaty with Paraguay have been

For detailed statements of the national debt, reference may be made to the volumes of the "Annual Cyclopædia" for 1-74 and 1875.

exchanged, and a treaty of extradition with France

*See "Annual Cyclopædia" for 1877, p. 83.

has been arranged. Our limits question with Paraguay is being arbitrated on at Washington. His Holiness Pius IX. is dead. During a troubled reign he never lost his saintly character or the respect of mankind. The Argentine Government and the Church are now in relation with his successor, Leo XIII.

Messrs. Senators and Deputies, I am about to conclude. The conciliation of parties, the centenary of San Martin, the treaty with Chili, the entrance of the republic into the Berne league, the frontiers, and a reduction in the national expenditure are the chief points in this message. But I must likewise note the revival of business, and the increase of revenue and immigration; yet these will prove illusory unless public opinion uproot abuses, promote useful reforms, and, within legal limits, show Governments the path they must take.

I shall act impartially, without fear or favor, in any party conflicts that may arise. It is my duty to do so. I implore the help of Providence for your deliberations, and declare the session opened.


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The following table presents the estimated expenditure and revenue for the fiscal year Sheepskins..


Live cattle..

Quantity. 214,088,018















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Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


Ministry of Finance.


Ministry of Justice and Public Instruction 1,150,428

Ministry of War and Marine.


Interest on debt..


The following table exhibits the imports from and exports to the United States for the twenty-one years 1857-'77 :

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The national revenue and expenditure for 1859.. the eight years 1872-'79 were as follows:

1857.. 1858..

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4,020,848 5,020,556




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8.200,$36 4,867,461


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4,501,822 5,906,674



5,971,227 7,048,258

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8,586,166 5,384,785





6,832,266 8,633,764





5,842,811 8,442,825






17,206,747 28,567,861

4,807,574 7,626,990












14,824,097 19,924,960




1,378,219 7,040,575








1,459,664 9,169,982 10,629,646





7,587,843 4,587,670



1,439,618 5,834,709 7,274,827

1,585,052 3,602,736 5,187,788

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Average per annum




$86,246,084 $103,118,135 $139,864,219 1,726,004 4,900,887 6,636,377

American manufacturers have lately shown a great desire to extend their trade in South America. An Argentine journal states that an American agent who visited Buenos Ayres as the representative of a number of manufacturing firms of Philadelphia, New York, and other American cities, has returned to the United States well satisfied with the results of his canvass. "He has been literally overwhelmed with orders, and looks forward with confidence to permanent and profitable trading relations with the River Plate."

The subjoined report of the cost and profits of the Argentine railways for the year 1877 is from official sources:

tion of merchandise shipped from and to the Argentine Republic, see "Annual Cyclopædia " for 1877, p. 83.

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