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on the tribes which had attended the embassy, with an undertaking not to molest them hereafter; and to notify him that, unless a clear and satisfactory reply was received from him by the 20th of November, his intentions would be considered hostile and he would be treated as a declared enemy. The dispatch of Lord Cranbrook containing these instructions embodied a review of the transactions of the British Government with Shere Ali since his accession, and of its endeavors to secure the integrity of his territory. The object of the British Government during the whole series of years had been, it said, to establish on its north western border a strong, friendly, and independent state with interests in unison with those of the Indian Government, ready to act in certain eventualities as an auxiliary in the protection of the frontier from intrigue or aggression." Until the time that an understanding

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was reached with Russia that the independence and integrity of Afghanistan should be respected by both powers, the Ameer had been anxious for an English alliance to protect him from Russia; then, while he was still seeking to obtain a promise of protection, the Viceroy, Lord Northbrook, by instruction of the Government, informed him, "in conciliatory language," that "the discussion of the question would be best postponed to a more convenient season," and the feelings of his Highness became unfavorable to the British Government. He shortly afterward began to cultivate the Russians, and met British overtures with increasing coldness. Although the previous efforts to secure the admission of a British agency into the country had failed, the reception of a Russian mission in 1878 "left him " (the Ameer) "no further excuse for declining to receive at his capital the envoy from the

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British Government"; and the embassy of Sir Neville Chamberlain was appointed, and constituted of men chosen because they were personally acceptable to his Highness. The Ameer was aware that the whole policy of the British Government since his accession to the throne had been to strengthen his power and authority and to protect him from foreign aggression, although the methods adopted for doing so might not at all times have accorded with his own view; and he was bound by every bond of international courtesy, as well as by the treaty engagements of 1855, to a line of conduct the reverse of that which he had adopted. The British forces were organized for the contemplated advance in three divisions: the Kuram Valley column, Major-General F. S. Roberts commanding; the Jumrood column,

Major-General Sir Samuel Browne commanding; and the Quetta column, Major-General A. S. Biddulph commanding, of which Lieutenant-General Donald Stewart afterward took the command. The whole force was reckoned at 34,000 men, one third Europeans.

On the 21st of November, the Ameer having failed to return the answer and give the assurances demanded by the British Government, a detachment of British troops crossed the frontier and occupied Fort Kapion, opposite Thull, which had been abandoned by the Afghan troops. On the next day, all the forces, numbering about 35,000 troops, more than half of whom were native, were ordered to move forward. At daybreak on the 21st an advance was made from Jumrood toward Fort Ali Musjid, and an engagement took place which lasted

through the day. The British having occupied a defile in the rear of the Afghans, these abandoned the fort during the night, and General Browne occupied it on the morning of the 22d without firing another gun. On the 23d the occupation without resistance of Sibi, by a column which was advancing by the way of Quetta, was reported. A proclamation to the Afghans was issued by the Viceroy on the 22d, which, after reciting the history of the relations between India and Afghanistan during the past ten years, and the recent efforts to dispatch an embassy to the Ameer, declared that "with the Sirdars and people of Afghanistan the Indian Government has no quarrel, as they have given no offense. The independence of Afghanistan will be respected; but the Government of India can not tolerate that any other power should interfere in the international affairs of Afghanistan"; and it concluded: "Upon the Ameer Shere Ali alone rests the responsibility of having exchanged the friendship for the hostility of the Empress of India." Leaving Ali Musjid in charge of a British regiment, General Browne continued his march to Laudikana and Dakka, where he reached the frontier of Afghanistan proper, having destroyed by his successes the Ameer's authority in the independent territory. On the route, the head men of the hill tribes came out to pay their respects to the British general, among them Mohammed Shah, chief of Lalpoor and head of the Mahmunds, hitherto the Ameer's allies.

The Russian embassy remained at Cabool after the breach with England, and showed no signs of an intention to withdraw from the country. It was reported in October that it designed to visit all the important localities, and seek full information respecting their commercial and industrial resources, and the disposition of the people. The Russian Government replied to the inquiries of the British Government respecting the purposes of the mission, that it had been decided upon at a time and under circumstances now no longer existing (under the probability of a war with England), but was now intended merely as an act of courtesy to the Ameer. A semi-official statement was also made, to the effect that there was no ground for the assumption which some parties had made that the Russian Government had any part in the decision of Shere Ali to reject the British mission. On the 18th of December an announcement was made that the Russian embassy had been formally and officially withdrawn. It was afterward stated that the recall of the mission had been ordered because of increased friendly feelings toward England, and because the peaceful policy had obtained the ascendancy. It was suggested, however, that the step was also partly directed by motives of policy, the rapid advance of the British arms and the precarious situation of the Ameer threatening to put the mission in an embarrassing attitude if it remained.

The internal affairs of Afghanistan were complicated by the death, in August, of Abdallah Jan, the youngest and favorite son of Shere Ali, and heir apparent to the throne, leaving the question of the succession again in dispute. Of the five sons of Shere Ali, two are now dead: Mohammed Ali, the eldest, who fell in battle in 1865, and Abdallah Jan, the heir, just deceased. The eldest surviving son is Ibrahim Khan, who is represented to be of a good disposition and loyal to his father, but of no ability, and hardly to be thought of as the future ruler of the country. Yakoob Khan, the third son, is able enough, but has been in rebellion and always at difference with his father, and has been in prison since 1874 for intriguing against the succession of Abdallah Jan. Ayoob Khan, the full brother of Yakoob, took no part in public affairs till he fled with Yakoob Khan from Cabool in 1870. He afterward lived at Herat with Yakoob Khan till the time of that prince's imprisonment in 1874, when, having failed in an attempt to instigate a rebellion, he retired to Persian territory. Another claimant to the throne is Abdurrahman, the son of Shere Ali's elder brother Afzool Khan, who took an active part in his father's cause against Shere Ali, but sought refuge in Tashkend after the latter prevailed. The Russians have for the last five years allowed him a subsidy of about $15,000 a year; and, as he is thoroughly Russianized, he will be a good candidate for them to set up in case they desire to take a part in settling a disputed Afghan succession. The last probable claimant to the succession is Ahmed Ali, son of Mohammed Ali, the first named of Shero Ali's sons. He is described as being an intelligent youth of about eighteen years of age, with a pleasing demeanor and fairly well educated. He has always been in favor with his grandfather, and it is thought that he will be preferred as the heir. His mother has another son, who, however, being deaf and dumb, is not likely to be brought into the contest.

The Afghans in front of the column of General Roberts in the Kuram Valley fell back behind Peiwar Kotul. General Roberts pushed forward, and reached the foot of the pass with his column on the 29th. The enemy fired upon the British troops when they were about to take up their quarters for the night. After a light engagement, the British encamped on the ground they had occupied. The Afghan position was turned on the night of December 1st, and the enemy were entirely defeated at four o'clock in the afternoon of the next day, with heavy loss, while the British lost ninety killed and wounded. Some trouble was experienced in the Khyber Pass from the depredations of the hill tribes, who, having gained positions there, harassed the convoys and messengers for the purpose of plunder. Major Cavagnari was sent to punish the marauders; he broke up the hostile combination and cleared the pass. (See INDIA.)

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The Caffre rising in the Cape Colony, which seemed to have been quelled in 1877, broke out anew in the last days of that year, and continued during the first half of 1878. It gained great force from the fact that numerous chiefs who had not participated in the rising of 1877 joined the Galika chief Kicli in 1878, notably among them Sandilli, the chief of the Gaikas. It was considered the most formidable rising in the colony since 1851. Risings also occurred in Griqualand, while on the borders of Natal and the Transvaal province a war with the Zooloos was imminent.

A complete revolution took place in the administration of Egypt during 1878. A financial crisis brought about by the falling-off of the revenues led to the formation of a Committee of Inquiry, which in its report proposed sweeping reforms in the administration of the finances. The plan of the commission received the sanction of the Khedive and was immediately carried into effect. (See EGYPT.)

In Abyssinia the state of affairs continued in a disordered condition during 1878. The rebel chief Melek remained with his men in the heights of Hamaseen. King Johannes in the early part of the year sent him a message to wait until after the rains, when he would severely punish him.

Morocco was visited during 1878 by the cholera, the disease assuming a very malignant form, and causing great distress.


ALABAMA. The fiscal year of the State terminates on September 30th. The amount received for general taxes during the year ending September 30, 1878, was $556,441.14; from general taxes of previous years, $37,058.20; total from taxes, $593,499.34. The sum received from licenses and other sources was $124,729.02; making the total receipts $718,

8,312,242 205,219,500

228.36. The sum in the Treasury October 1,
1877, was $198,737.58; of this amount $37,-
759.61 was not available for general purposes,
but was uncurrent or belonged to the swamp
and overflowed land fund. The available re-
sources for meeting all State expenses during
the fiscal year were therefore $879,206.33. The
total disbursements during the year were $651,-
345.09, and the amount in the Treasury Octo-
ber 1, 1878, was $265,620.85.
Of this sum
$34,492.61 is not available for general pur-
poses, leaving subject to warrants $231,128.41
on the 1st of October. The following items
became due and payable on and before the 1st
of January, 1879:

Interest and expenses on State obligations..
Interest on bonded debt...



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This added to $25,000 also paid out makes an aggregate of $284,070; and to meet it there was in the Treasury October 1st $231,128.41.

The issue of new bonds under the compromise of the State debt has been nearly completed. (See volume for 1876.) The amount issued is $7,508,700. They are divided into three classes. Class A consists of the direct or what are called straight bonds of the State, that in no wise have reference to railroads, and bear interest at the rate of 2 per cent. for five years, 3 per cent. for the next five years, 4 per cent. for the next ten years, and thereafter 5 per cent. Class B are bonds issued to take up the four-thousand-dollar-per-mile gold bonds, and make a complete and final separation of the State from all liabilities for and complications with the railroads, and bear 5

per cent. interest. Class C are bonds issued to take up the bonds endorsed by the State for the Alabama and Chattanooga Railroad Company, and bear 2 per cent. interest for five years, and thereafter 4 per cent. Of Class A the State has exchanged $6,373,700, leaving of that class yet to be exchanged, as nearly as can at present be ascertained, $536,469.50. Of Class B the State has exchanged $535,000, leaving yet to be exchanged of this class $7,500. Of Class C the State had to issue $1,000,000 of new bonds, and exchange them for the bonds of the Alabama and Chattanooga Railroad Company, which had been endorsed by the State as stated in the law; and the State has issued and exchanged of the new bonds $600,000, and has taken up of the old endorsed bonds the proper amount for the new bonds thus exchanged. All of the new bonds issued and exchanged, or to be exchanged, are thirty-year bonds, with the right of renewal by the State if desired. The amount yet to be exchanged, including the $400,000 of the Alabama and Chattanooga Railroad endorsed bonds, is $943,969.50; provided all the endorsed bonds of said railroad company shall be presented for exchange. To which must be added $1,000,000 of funding obligations, making the total amount, exclusive of trust funds, $9,452,669.50. When exchanging is completed, the debt will be, as nearly as can be ascertained at present, as follows:

Class A..

Class B.

$6,910,169 00 @ 2 per cent. 542,500 CO @ 5 per cent. Class C...... 1,000,000 00 @ 2 per cent..

$8,452,669 00

.$138,208 88 27,125 00 20,000 00 $185,328 38 80,000 00 $9,452,669 00 $265,328 38 This amount of interest will be decreased somewhat because of the amount of funding obligations canceled and burned, and such as may be lost or destroyed, etc.

Obligations.. 1,000,000 00 @ 8 per cent.

During the year the amount of interest paid on funding obligations was $71,042.86; on new State bonds, $165,479.73; making the interest payment for 1878 $236,522.59. This includes the necessary expenses which the State had to pay in making the payments of interest. The amount of revenue from general taxes paid into the State Treasury and in the counties, for school purposes, for the fiscal year ending 30th of September, 1878, was $818,269.59. Of this amount, only $593,499.34 was paid into the Treasury; the balance, $224,770.25, was paid in the counties to the superintendents for school purposes. The surplus remaining in the Treasury after these payments was $66,883.27. The rate of taxation in 1874, 1875, and 1876 was 75 cents on the hundred dollars' worth of property. In 1877 and 1878 it was 70 cents.

The State Penitentiary yields a revenue to the State. During the past two years $30,000 in cash have been paid into the Treasury-$12,000 in labor, in payment for penitentiary farm, and $12,921.20, building a railroad from Wetumpka to the S. and N. R. R., making a total

of $54,921.20 over and above all expenses. There were remaining in the Insane Hospital on October 1, 1878, 403 patients. Thirty-three have been discharged as recovered during the past year. The Agricultural and Mechanical College of the State at Auburn is reported as more prosperous than any other similar institution in the Southern States. The beneficial results of the State Normal School at Florence have been such as to awaken much public gratification with the institution. The revised public-school system went into operation on October 1, 1877, and very favorable results have followed the short period of its existence.

A convention of the fire-insurance underwriters of the State was held in Montgomery in June, when a State Association was formed and officers were elected.

The product of the coal mines, especially along the North and South Railroad, is increasing rapidly. From 33,130 tons in 1874, it had increased to 139,182 in 1877; and that of 1878 was expected to be not less than 50 per cent. higher. The quality of the coal appears to be well established as excellent. It is used for steam, gas, and household purposes.

Gold is found in Randolph, Tallapoosa, Clay, and Cleburne Counties. Some years ago expensive mining operations were commenced, and subsequently suspended. It is anticipated that they will be renewed. The assay gives 22 pennyweights to 1,000 pounds of ore, and in some districts it is estimated to be richer.

A State Convention of the Democratic Conservative party was held at Montgomery on May 29th, to nominate candidates for the offices of Governor, Secretary of State, Attorney-General, Auditor, Treasurer, and Superintendent of Education. The Convention was organized by the appointment of Walter L. Bragg as chairman. The following nominations were made: For Governor, Rufus W. Cobb; for Secretary of State, W. W. Screws; for Treasurer, Isaac H. Vincent; for Auditor, Willis Brewer; for Attorney-General, H. C. Tompkins; for Superintendent of Instruction, Leroy F. Box. The following platform was adopted:

The Democratic and Conservative people of Alabama in Convention assembled, reasserting the principles adopted in our Convention of 1876, do resolve and declare

1. That the Democratic and Conservative party of Alabama is a party of law and order and the only party of the Constitution, and to its patriotic and unceasing efforts, under the blessings of God, is due the final defeat of the Radical leaders in their wicked design, manifested from the inception of reconstruction, to destroy the peace, happiness, and prosperity of both races in the South by involving them in ceaseless turmoil and collision.

2. That the financial distress, extending in many localities to misery and want, is the necessary outgrowth of the profligate expenditures, fraudulent Practices, and class legislation which have marked the course of the Republican party. They have created new and useless offices, and endowed those already created with princely perquisites inconsistent with

the simplicity of our system of government, and have organized an army of officials now attaining a strength which Daniel Webster warned us, forty years ago, would endanger the liberties of our people. We denounce the methods, the measures, and the men who are responsible for them as unworthy the support of an honest and free people.

3. We congratulate the whole people of Alabama upon the reign of good will and reconciliation, the sense of liberty and security, which pervade the entire limits of the State; and while we renew the pledges of protection to all the colored people, we recognize and hold essential that, without abridging the rights of any class, these great results have been achieved and can alone be maintained by the union of the great governing race-the white people of the land.

4. That the administration of the State government has been ably, wisely, and justly administered since the first inauguration of his Excellency George S. Houston; and we hold that the pledges of the party to retrench expenditures, reform abuses, and improve the laws have been fully redeemed. In support of this assertion we refer with pleasure and confidence to the statute books, the financial condition of the State, and the peace and good order which pervade the whole commonwealth.

5. That it is the purpose of the Democratic and Conservative party of this State to preserve inviolate its obligations to the people and to the bona fide creditors of the State; and we congratulate the taxpayers upon the prospect of being able to reduce the rate of taxation without impairing the credit of the State or tarnishing its good name.

The Republican State Convention assembled at Montgomery on July 4th. Charles Hays was appointed chairman. It was largely composed of colored persons, and many counties of the State were without direct representation. It resolved to make no nominations for State officers, and not to contest with the Democratic party for the control of the State. An address to the Republicans of Alabama was adopted, of which the following is an extract:

We positively believe that between the time of the opening and closing of the polls on the fifth day of August next, a greater number of the qualified electors of the State would cast their ballots for the nominees of this Convention for State officers-if any were made than for the persons who were nominated by the Democratic party. We positively believe that if every qualified elector in the State, who so desired, were to vote on that day, and the ballots were honestly counted, our candidates for State of fices would be elected. The Republicans are as numerous to-day as they were in 1872, when they carried the State, or as they were in 1874, when they cast more than 97,000 ballots, and more than one half of the honest, legitimate votes of the State. There have been no desertions from their party in number sufficient to be appreciable, or in number greater than its accessions.

The following resolutions were also adopted: The Republicans of Alabama in Convention assembled make the following declaration of principles:

1. We recognize the equality of all men before the law, and hold that it is the duty of the Government, in its dealings with the people, to mete out equal and exact justice to all, of whatever nativity, race, color, or persuasion, religious or political.

2. We pledge ourselves to maintain the union of these States, emancipation and enfranchisement, and to oppose the reopening of the questions settled by the thirteenth, fourteenth, and fifteenth amendments

of the Constitution.

3. We heartily sympathize with the purposes of the President in his efforts to remove all supposed causes of irritation arising from the alleged acts of the National Administration, and thus conduce to establish harmonious relations between the several classes of Southern society; to eliminate intolerance and animosity from political contests; and to secure to every citizen the full enjoyment and exercise of his political rights and privileges. We regret that these efforts have not been more successful. Harmonious relations have not been established; citizens are denied the exercise and enjoyment of their rights and privileges, and the Democratic party still maintains the terrible race issue by the claim that this is a white man's government, established and maintained exclusively for his benefit.

4. We denounce and condemn the spirit and purpose with which the committee of Congress, known as the Potter Committee, are inquiring into the existence and nature of alleged Republican frauds at the late Presidential election in the States of Florida and Louisiana. If this investigation were conducted fully and impartially in the States of Mississippi, Alabama, and South Carolina, as well as those above named, and with reference to both political parties, it would be found that Rutherford B. Hayes was entitled to a great majority of the popular vote, and to the electoral vote, of all five States.

5. The financial question having been disposed of by Congress, and the country at present needing repose, in order that capital may seek investment, and that industries may revive, thus increasing the demand for labor, the situation ought to be accepted; and we oppose the further agitation of the question at this time as injurious to business and devoid of other than evil results.

6. We favor the construction of the Southern Pa

cific Railroad by the aid of the General Government. 7. We favor an amendment to the State Constitution abolishing the provision thereof which permits the waiver of exemptions.

We arraign the Democratic party before the people on the following charges:

1. It has been false to its promises that it would lower the rate of taxation. This rate is in excess of what is necessary to defray the expenses of government and to meet the obligations to State creditors.

2. That in the parts of the State where its political opponents were in a majority, it has violated the principles of local self-government by removing from office the persons elected by the people, and filling their places with officers appointed by the Governor, against the will of the people.

3. That by almost destroying the free-school system it has inflicted a cruel blow upon the children of the State committed to her nurture and guardianship; that the money expended for their education, by which ignorant labor would become skilled and diversified, would secure benefits of inestimable value to the State. By its failure to foster the free schools and provide for their maintenance, it has been faithless to its highest and holiest trust.

4. That the system established by it of hiring convicts to work outside of the penitentiary is pernicious, because it imposes great hardship and suffering upon labor to be placed in competition with the labor of the prisoners, and because it is degrading to honest


Resolved, That the Governor of Alabama is deserving of censure for his refusal, on ample notice and full information, and upon the call of the sheriff of the county, to take action to prevent a mob, in April last, from breaking and entering a jail in this State, at midday, taking three prisoners therefrom, and depriving them of life without form or color of law.

The election for State officers was held on

August 15th, and resulted in the success of the Democratic party. The vote was as follows: For Governor, Rufus W. Cobb, 89,571; for

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