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Containing Certified Statements of Boards of Supervisors relative to the Erection of New Townships; also, State Treasurer's Annual Reports for the years 1859 and 1860.
John A. r & Co., Printers to the State.
1. An act to extend the time for the collection of taxes in
the unorganized county of Delta, approved Jan-
uary 10,.....
2. An act to provide for the relief of school districts num-
ber one and two, of the township of Manchester, in
the county of Washtenaw, approved January 15,...
3. An act to repeal act No. 29, of the session laws of
1859, approved January 22,....
4. An act to authorize fractional school district number
one of the townships of Shelby and Stirling, in the
county of Macomb, to issue bonds, approved Janua-
ry 22,...
5. An act to extend the time for the collection of taxes in
the township of Holland, in the county of Ottawa,
for the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty,
approved January 22,..
6. An act to legalize the tax roll of the township of
Ionia, in the county of Ionia, for the year one thou
sand eight hundred and sixty, and to authorize the
collection of the same, approved January 22,..
7. An act to provide for the collection and return of taxes
by township treasurers, in newly organized counties,
in certain cases, approved January 22,....
8. An act to provide for the restoration of lost records,
papers or other proceedings in courts of record, ap-
proved January 23,....
9 An act to compel the service of process by certain min-
isterial officers, approved January 23,....
10. An act to extend the time for the collection of drain or
ditch tax in the townships of Brownstown and Rom-
ulus, in the county of Wayne, approved January 25, 7
II An act to provide for the payment of members and offi-
cers of the legislature for the year eighteen hundred
and sixty one, approved January 25,..........
12. An act to extend the time for the collection and return
of taxes in the township of Groveland, in the county
of Oakland, and the township of Orleans, in the
county of Ionia, in the year eighteen hundred and
sixty, approved February 2,.
13. An act to amend section forty-four, of chapter sixty-five,
of the revised statutes of one thousand eight hundred
and forty-six, (compiled laws, volume two, section
two thousand seven hundred and sixty-three,) in rela-
tion to the discharge of mortgages, approved Feb-
ruary 2,......
14. An act to amend "an act to provide for the construc-
tion of train railways," approved February thirteenth,
one thousand eight hundred and fifty-five, by adding
two new sections thereto, to be numbered sections
thirty-three and thirty-four, approved February 2,...
15. An act to extend the time for the collection of taxes in
the township of Caseville, in the county of Huron, for
the year eighteen hundred and sixty, approved Feb- ruary 2,.....
16. An act to repeal act number one hundred and ninety-
seven, of the session laws for the year one thousand
eight hundred and fifty-nine, being an act entitled "an
act to restore certain sections of land to town six
'south, of range five east," approved February fif
teenth, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-nine, ap-
proved February 2, ..
17. An act to amend section eight of chapter thirty-eight
and forty-six, as amended by an act entitled an act to
amend chapter forty of the compiled laws, relative to
the support of poor persons by the public, approved
February 11th, one thousand eight hundred and fifty- nine, approved February 2,......
18. An act to authorize the trustees of the First Congrega-
tional Society, of Lawrence, Van Buren county, to
mortgage real estate, approved February 2,.
19. An act to authorize fractional school district number
three, of the townships of Sylvan and Lima, county
of Washtenaw, to issue bonds, approved February 2, 15
20. An act to extend the time for the collection of taxes
for the year eighteen hundred and sixty, in the town-
ships of Lyons and Boston, in the county of Ionia,
approved February 2,..
21. An act to confirm deeds and instruments intended for
the conveyance of real estate in certain cases, ap-
proved February 2,..........
22. An act to authorize the Fort Street Presbyterian
Church, of Detroit, to hold certain property, approved
February 2,. . . . .
23. An act to extend the time for the collection and return
of taxes in the unorganized territory in Manitou
county, approved February 2,.....
24. An act to amend an act entitled "an act to authorize
the incorporation of bridge companies," approved
April fourth, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-
one, by adding two sections thereto, approved Feb- ruary 2..
25. An act to amend sections nine and thirty-four, of chap-
ter one hundred and three, of the revised states of
eighteen hundred and forty-six, compiled laws, volume
two, sections forty-three hundred and fifty-one a..d
forty-three hundred and seventy-six, approved Febru ary 2,.....
26. An act to provide for changing the names of mP
adopted children and other pots is, approved Feb-
ruary 2,.....
27. An act relative to the duties of town hip and county
officers concerning receipts for moneys paid into the
county treasury, approved February 8,....
28. An act to legalize the tax roll of the township of Maple
Grove, in the county of Barry, for the year eighteen
hundred and sixty, and to extend the time for the
collection of said taxes, approved February 8,...... 24
29. An act to extend the time for the collection of taxes in
the townships of Clay, Kimball and Riley, in the
county of St. Clair, approved February 8,...
30. An act to extend the time for the collection of taxes in
the townships of Clyde, Columbus and St. Clair, in
the county of St. Clair, approved February 8,.
31. An act to extend the time for the collection of taxes in
the townships of Casco and Wales, in the county of
St. Clair, approved February 8,...
32. An act to authorize the trustees of the First Methodist
Episcopal church of Lansing to convey to the trustees
of the Central Methodist Episcopal Church of Lan-
sing, lot numbered six, in block numbered ninety-six,
in the city of Lansing, approved February 8,.....
33. An act to extend the time for the collection of taxes in
the county of Wayne, approved February 8,.......
34. An act to change the name of the Algerville and Grand