additional" force now appointed and expected to be appointed by Dec. 31, 1917. Statement showing the numbers and grades of salaries involved in the War Department's estimate of $8.727,432, to provide up to June 30, 1918, for the 4400-17-4 Chief clerk. Designation. Assistant chief clerk. 2 750 Principal clerk. 2 500 Clerks. 2.250 Do. 2.000 Do. 1,800 Do. 1.600 Do.. 1.500 Do.. 1.400 Do. 1.200 Do. 1.000 257204329291 Do.... 600 1 NOTE. It will be obser ed that the Surgeon General and the Chief Signal Officer now report that the number of employees, as above shown for their respective bureaus, will have to be materially increased. (See reports of these bureau chiefs attached hereto. Statement showing the number of employees appointed on the “Additional roll ($900,000 emergency appropriation), to and including July 16, 1917. This statement includes those actually on duty and those for whom appointments have been made and who are in course of reporting for duty. The per annum cost of the 2,201 employees shown above is $2,209,730, which is at an average per annum rate of $1,004, approximately. The amount appropriated in the legislative, executive, and judicial act for the "regular" force is $2,081,330, which is at an average per annum rate of $1,265, approximately. Memorandum for the assistant and chief clerk: JULY 19, 1917. In connection with the estimate as to the cost up to June 30, 1918, for the additional force in the bureaus of the War Department, I have to state that the figures for the office of the Secretary of War included in the above-mentioned cost were 110 employees at a cost of $113,900. These figures were a rough estimate and the $113,900 was estimated on the basis of carrying 110 employees at the average per annum salary of $1,150 on an average period of time of 10 months. W. D. SEARLE, Appointment Clerk. Memorandum for the Secretary of War: The estimate of this office of June 12, 1917, for $575,000 for additional employees to and including June 30, 1918, was based on 550 clerks at $1,000 per annum. JULY 18, 1917. H. P. MCCAIN. JULY 17, 1917. Memorandum for the Assistant and Chief Clerk, War Department: In reply to your memorandum of this date asking for a statement of the number of employees of each grade of salary which constituted the basis of estimate of this office of June 12, 1917, attention is invited to the remarks in this office's memorandum of June 12 above referred to, which shows the grade of clerks to be as follows: To the total amount asked for, for the fiscal year 1918, $8,450, was added one month's pay (June, 1917), $83.33, for the one clerk carried on the emergency roll of this office up to that time. Memorandum for the Judge Advocate General: W. T. WOOD, Acting Inspector General. JULY 17, 1917. Please furnish this office to-day a statement of the number of employees at each grade of salary which constituted the basis of your estimate of June 12, 1917, in which you stated that by December 31, 1917, your bureau would require a total of 17 employees of all kinds on the "Emergency" roll, and that the total amount of money necessary to pay the salaries of that number to and including June 30, 1918, was $19,680. To the ASSISTANT AND CHIEF CLERK, WAR DEPARTMENT: 1. In accordance with the foregoing request for a statement as to the number of employees at each grade of salary which constituted the basis of the estimate of the Judge Advocate General's office of June 12, 1917, for the period ending December 31, 1917, it is reported that in a memorandum for the Secretary of War of April 9, 1917, it was recommended that the grades of the 17 employees be as follows: From: The Quartermaster General of the Army. Replying to your memorandum of this date requesting a statement of number of employees at each grade of salary, which constitutes the basis of estimate of this office of June 15, 1917, for 785 employees at a total of $981,270 for salaries up to and including June 30, 1918, the figures are as follows: [First indorsement.] WAR DEPT., S. G. O., To the ASSISTANT AND CHIEF CLERK, WAR DEPARTMENT: July 17, 1917. 1. The estimate of June 13, 1917, was on the following basis: NOTE.-Under date of July 17 the Surgeon General makes the following statement in regard to the force he will need over and above 272 employees referred to above: "3. The clerical needs of this office are growing by leaps and bounds to conduct the details of business incident to preparing for the care of the sick and disabled and the development of special activities in connection therewith. The messenger and labor needs due to the occupancy of 6 floors and 114 rooms in the Mills Building have also increased beyond expectation. At the present moment a careful survey of the various branches and divisions of this office indicates the need of 90 more clerks, 5 more assistant messengers, and 1 more laborer, which would make the aggregate additional force as follows: "Authority is requested to recommend appointments on that basis, instead of on the basis of 272, as indicated in office report of the 13th ultimo. "4. It is proper to add that if the work continues to grow hereafter in the same ratio it has been growing during the last two or three months, a force of 100 clerks and at least 2 messengers over and above the total of 312 above enumerated will probably be required for the prompt dispatch of business within the next three months." Memorandum for the Secretary of War: JULY 17, 1917.. In compliance with instructions contained in memorandum from the War Department of this date, I have to report that the following was the basis of the estimate of this office, dated June 13, 1917, of employees required on the 66 Emergency " roll. 8 clerks, at $2.000. 20 clerks, at $1.800. 23 clerks, at $1,600. 30 clerks, at $1,40036 clerks, at $1,200. 36 clerks, at $1,000_ 14 messengers, at $840 13 messengers, at $720 177 $16,000 36, 000 36, 000 42, 000 43, 200 33, 000 11, 760 9, 360 228, 120 W. M. BLACK, Brigadier General, Chief of Engineers. By E. EVELETH WINSLOW, Colonel, Corps of Engineers. Memorandum for Secretary of War: JULY 17, 1917. 1. Referring to your memorandum of this date, the figures in the estimate submitted by this office on June 12, were prepared on the supposition that the average salary of the employees on the emergency roll would be $1,300, and the detailed figures were obtained as indicated below: Money to pay 380 employees (on hand June 12) until December 31, 1917: $1,300X380×6. Money to pay 1,120 additional employees (estimating that the average time of employment will be 3 months until Dec. 31, 1917: $1.300×1,120 × ♬1⁄2 Money required to pay 1,500 employees from Jan. 1 to June 30: $1,300X1,500 × 2 Total___. 2. In order to submit round figures, our estimate was $1,600,000. $266, 667 364, 000 975, 000 1, 605, 667 WILLIAM CROZIER, Brigadier General, Chief of Ordnance. By F. A. DONIAT, Memorandum for assistant and chief clerk, War Department: Replying to your memorandum of July 17, 1917: JULY 17, 1917. 1. To meet the extraordinary increases in the appropriations for the Signal Corps on account of war conditions it was estimated that it would be necessary to provide this office with the following organization by December 31, 1917: 1 chief clerk. 1 assistant chief clerk.. 15 principal clerks, at $2,500_ 16 clerks, at $2,000. 20 clerks, at $1,800. 25 clerks, at $1,600. 40 clerks, at $1.400. 170 clerks, at $1,200. 330 clerks, at $1,000. 82 messengers and laborers__ 700 $3,000 2,750 37,500 32, 000 36,000 40,000 56,000 204, 000 330,000 58, 750 800,000 800, 000 2. This estimate was made before it was known that Congress intended to apjpropriate approximately $640,000,000 for the Signal Corps for the Aviation Service. The estimate was based on an appropriation of approximately $60,000,000 only, and is for an office organization which does not include any technical employees; the technical employees necessary during the period to December 31, 1917, can probably be provided out of the lump sum of $800.000. The organization outlined herein will undoubtedly require extensive expansion by December 31, 1917. By authority of the Chief Signal Officer: C. MCK. SALTZMAN, Memorandum for the assistant and chief clerk: JULY 17, 1917. Referring to your memorandum of July 17, 1917, calling for a statement of the number of employees at each grade of salary which constituted the basis of the estimate of this office dated June 12, 1917, I have to advise you that the estimate submitted under date of June 12, 1917, was based on 10 clerks at an annual salary of $1,000. Since the estimate of June 12 was submitted changes in the personnel of the bureau have occurred which have necessitated the placing of a clerk of class 3 in charge of work of a different character and involving responsibilities and initiative additional to the work previously performed by him; this includes |