CONTENTS. Portrait of President Meldrim..... Proceedings of American Bar Association: Address of welcome of Governor Spry. Chairman's Address-Orrin N. Carter. Proceedings of Comparative Law Bureau.. Address of Director-Simeon E. Baldwin. TRANSACTIONS OF THE THIRTY-EIGHTH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE American Bar Association HELD IN SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. August 17, 18, and 19, 1915 FIRST DAY. Tuesday, August 17, 1915. The Thirty-eighth Annual Meeting of the American Bar Association convened on Tuesday, August 17, 1915, at 10 o'clock A. M., in Assembly Hall, Salt Lake City, Utah, President Peter W. Meldrim, of Georgia, in the Chair. The President: MORNING SESSION. The Association will come to order. Former Presidents of the Association and Members of the Executive Committee, are requested to take seats upon the platform. I present Herbert R. MacMillan, of Utah. Herbert R. MacMillan: I take pleasure in introducing the Hon. William Spry, Governor of the State of Utah, who will extend a welcome to the members of the Association. Governor Spry: This is a pleasure that comes very seldom-an opportunity to extend a brief word of welcome to so many distinguished people. It goes without saying that the people of Utah are glad |