FOURTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT-THOMAS W. HARRISON, JUDGE. Marion...... Harrison.... Barbour... Randolph Mineral Hardy Counties. Commencement of terms. Third Tuesday in March and June, and 1st day of December. FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT-JOSEPH T. HOKE, JUDGE. Grant....... Counties. ........ Pendleton..... Commencement of Terms. Twentieth day of March, August and October. First day of April, September and November. Twenty-fifth day of April, and twentieth day of September and November. Tenth day of April, September and November. SIXTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT-E. B. HALL, JUDGE. SEVENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT-J. M. McWHORTER, JUDGE. Counties. Commencement of Terms. Monroe ............... Greenbrier........ Pocahontas Nicholas Summers County... Eighteenth of March, June and October. Fourth of April, first of October and twenty-fifth of November. Eighth of March, June and September. Fourth of May, July and November. Twenty-ninth day of April, first day of July and twenty-fifth of Sep tember. INDEX. ACCOUNTS, SETTLEMENT OF, PAGE. 148 149 With certain officers and persons for school moneys-sec. 2, chap. 171 of act providing for ACTS OF THE LEGISLATURE, See Code of West Virginia, laws amended and laws repealed......... ADMINISTRATORS, Protected in certain cases............. ADJOURNMENT OF LEGISLATURE, Thursday, February 29....... ADEXANDRIA, LOUDOUN & HAMPSHIRE RAILROAD COMPANY, Sec 6 of acts 1870, chap 109 in relation to, amended...... Question of subscription to be submitted to the voters and tax payers... Majority of voters to favor subscription........ Amount subscribed by each county...... ALDEN CHEMICAL COMPANY, Incorporated............. ALIENS, As to holding, conveying or transmitting real estate-law amended. Also, convey, devise and take, under the laws of descent.... APPEALS, To pay expenses of Constitutional Convention......... $5000 conditionally appropriated for the further construction of the branch Normal School building at Fairmont............ $2000 to build bridge across West Fork river, Harrison county... $13 50 to pay John M. Greer, sheriff for serving writs of election.... $300 to pay Joshua Mitchell, as commissioner. $37 to refund taxes to Mrs. Elizabeth S. Shepherd.. General appropriation bill... Payments legalized, sec. 1.. General fund, sec. 1...... Legislature, sec. 1...... Judges; salary of, sec. 1.... Clerk of the Court of Appeals, sec. 1.... Reporter of the Court of Appeals, sec. 1..... Contingent expenses of courts, sec. 1..... Criminal charges, sec. 1......... Guards at penitentiary, sec. 1............ Superintendent penitentiary, sec. 1......... Commissary of penitentiary, sec. 1....... Clerk of penitentiary, sec. 1.................................... Construction of walls of penitentiary, sec. 1..... Support of Convicts for 1871, sec. 1.. Pay of guard for 1871, sec. 1......... Lunatics in jail, sec 1... Hospital for insane, sec. 1.... Construction of hospital for insane in 1870, sec. 1... Further construction of insane hospital, sec. 1....... Transportation of insane, sec. 1...... Asylum for deaf, dumb and blind, sec. 1..................... Regents of, sec. 1............. Marshall College, sec. 1.............. Fairmont Normal School, sec. 1...... PAGE. 7 53 66 76 76 105 .121, 122 ....165, 166 168 232 232 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233- 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 ...... 234 .......... 234 .......... 234 .... 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234, 235 235 235 235 ............. 235 ........ 235 .... 235 235 235 Librarian, sec. 1..... Insurance of library, sec. 1... 235 235 |