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shall also, during the sessions of the legislature, have charge of the halls and committee rooms of the two houses, and keep the same properly cleaned, warmed, and in good order, and shall do and perform such other duties in relation to his office of janitor as either house or the Causes for re- board of public works may require-and for failing or refusing to perform the duties of his office, may be removed How removed by the legislature when in session, and a successor elected, or when not in session, he may be removed from office by the board of public works, and a successor appointed by them.


and vacancy


Capital stock in. creased.


An Act to increase the capital stock of the Cross Roads and Summit Point turnpike company, in the county of Jefferson.

Passed February 1, 1872.

Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia :

1. That in order to repair the Cross Roads and Summit Point turnpike, it shall be lawful to increase the stock of said company in the sum of two thousand dollars and Commissioners. that Robert W. Baylor, Henry Johnson and John A. Thompson, or any one of them, are hereby authorized to open books at Summit Point, in Jefferson county, to receive subscriptions to the increased stock of said company, in shares of twenty-five dollars, to the said amount of two thousand dollars.


When and how new subscribers

2. Whenever, by authority of the act and by authority declared stock- of any law of the state of West Virginia, an aggregate holders. sum, not less than one thousand dollars shall be sub

scribed, the president of said company, by notice published in a newspaper printed in Jefferson county, West Virginia, and one printed in Clarke county, Virginia, may call a meeting of the stockholders of said company, and individual stockholders owning two-thirds of the private stock of said company agree thereto, the new subscribers shall be declared stockholders in said company, on an equal oting with the original stockholders. Persons sub

scribing afterwards may be declared stockholders by the president and directors.


3. After the stockholders have accepted the provisions Vote of board of of this act, as provided in the second section, the board of supervisors of Jefferson county, West Virginia, shall at all meetings of the board of directors of said company, cast a vote equal to one-fourth of the entire stock of said company.


An Act to authorize Nimrod Morgan and A.
Prichard to erect a boom across Long Drain
Branch of Fish creek, in Wetzel county.

Passed February 1, 1872.

Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia :

erect boom.

That Nimrod Morgan and A. Prichard are hereby au- Authority to thorized and empowered to boom Long Drain Branch of Fish creek, in Wetzel county, at or near the mouth of Stollemire's run: Provided, That said boom shall be so Not to interfere constructed as not to prevent staves and railroad ties from being floated down said stream into said Fish creek.

with staves, &c.


An Act authorizing the board of supervisors of
Jefferson county to issue county bonds.

Passed February 1, 1872.

Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia:

1. It shall be lawful for the board of supervisors of Authority Jefferson county to issue county bonds to an amount not


exceeding fifteen thousand dollars, to bear a rate of in. Amount and interest not exceeding ten per cent. per annum.

2. Said bonds shall be issued in sums of from one to Sums issued in, five hundred dollars, and shall run not exceeding ten How long torra years; the interest shall be paid semi-annually, and the

Bonds to be sold
at par.

principal redeemable whenever the board of supervisors
deem best for the interest of the county.

3. Said bonds shall not be sold for less than their par
value, and the proceeds thereof shall be applied to the
re-building of the court house and jail of said county.

Time for return-

Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia:

1. That the time for returning the delinquent list of
ing delinquent Jefferson county, for the year eighteen hundred and sev-
enty-two, be extended to the first of August next.

Payment of

2. That the time for the payment of the last installment
taxes, time ex- of taxes be extended to the first of September next.



An Act in relation to convicts in the penitentiary.

Passed February 3, 1872.

Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia:

nishing convicte

and weapons.

If any person shall secretly, or otherwise, convey to Penalty for furany convict in the penitentiary spirituous liquor or in- strong drink toxicating drinks of any kind whatever, or shall furnish any convict with any weapon, utensil or instrument of any kind whatsoever, or shall counsel any convict to escape, or aid in any insubordination to the authorities of said penitentiary, he or she, upon conviction, shall be confined in jail not less than three nor more than twelve months, and pay a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars.


An Act to amend and re-enact the first and fifth sections of an act passed February 27, 1871, entitled "An act conferring jurisdiction on the municipal court of the city of Wheeling, in civil and criminal cases for the violation of 'the license law."

Passed February 5, 1872.

Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia :

Jurisdiction of

court of the city

1. That the municipal court of Wheeling, in the county of Ohio, be, and the same is hereby, invested with con- the municipal current jurisdiction with the circuit court of said county, of Wheeling. of hearing and determining all complaints concerning the violation of any law respecting licenses for the sale of spirituous liquors, ale, beer, porter and other intoxicating drinks, granted within the corporate limits of said city.

of power.

2. This act is intended to divest all justicess within the Justices divested corporate limits of said city from all and any jurisdiction. whatever, of all complaints and actions arising from the violation of licenses for the sale of spirituous liquors, wine, ale, beer, porter and drinks of like nature without licenses: Provided, That nothing in the above act shall be so construed as to deprive the circuit court of said county of its appellate jurisdiction.

Appellate jurisdiction.



to pay expenses

Constitutional Convention-School District.


[CH. 10.

An Act providing for the payment of the expenses of the Constitutional Convention.

Passed February 6, 1872.

Be it enacted by the Legislatnre of West Virginia :

That for the purpose of defraying the expenses of the of constitutional constitutional Convention now in session, and paying the convention. members and officers thereof, the sum of ten thousand dollars is hereby appropriated, to be paid out of any money in the treasury, not otherwise appropriated, upon orders signed by the President of said Convention.



An Act relating to the School District of Wheel


Passed February 5, 1872.

Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia :

1. The city of Wheeling shall constitute an "indepenschool district. dent school district," to be known as the school disirict of Wheeling.


2. At every annual election for township officers there their election. shall be elected in each township, or part of townships, within the corporate limits of the city of Wheeling, one competent person to serve as school commissioner for a term of three years from the first Monday in January succeeding his election, and until his successor is elected and qualified; and the persons so elected throughout the district, together with the commissioners previously elected and qualified, whose term of office will not have expired on said first Monday in January, shall constitute a board of education for the district, to be denominated "The board of education of the school district of Wheeling." The term of office of the present members of the board of education shall cease with the expiration of the time for which they were respectively elected.

Board of education.

Expiration of term of office.

3. No person shall be allowed to vote for school com

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