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Meaning of word "town



Grafton township to meet at the office of the clerk of the said township board of education on the second Saturday in May, 1872, or as soon thereafter as practicable, for the purpose of a settlement. The said board of education of the town of Grafton shall assume the payment of all the indebtedness of said township of Grafton incurred for the purchase of lots and the erection of buildings within said district. And said township board shall turn over to said board of education of the town of Grafton, its proportion of all money on hand, and shall account for all taxes uncollected up to the passage of this act. The proportion of money and taxes to be paid over and accounted for by said township board shall be ascertained by the ratio that the taxable property within said district bears to the remaining taxable property in said township.

8. Wherever the word "township" occurs in the general school law, it shall be construed to mean "school district" whenever necessary to give effect to this act.

9. This act shall take effect from the date of its passage.

Route of road.

Subscription books.


An Act to incorporate the Cumberland and Patterson's Creek Turnpike Company.

Passed February 16, 1872.

Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia :

That for the purpose of constructing a turnpike road upon the most eligible route from Daniels mill in the county of Mineral, to Patterson's Creek Valley, in said county, it shall be lawful to open books for receiving subscriptions for a sum not exceeding eight thousand dollars, in shares of twenty dollars each, for which purpose books of subscription may be opened under the superintendence of Capt. Roger Perry and Lloyd Lowndes, of Cumberland, Maryland, and Elijah Rinehart, Col. John Johnson, Jacob Commissioners. P. Daniels, F. R. Seymore, Okey Johnson, William D.

Capital stock.

Reese, Simon Umstock, E. G. Johnson and T. M. Davis,

of Mineral county, West Virginia, or any two of them at such times and places as they may deem advisable.

and style of

2. That when sixty shares of the aforesaid amount shall incorporation have been subscribed, the subscribers, their executors, ad- company. ministrators and assigns shall be, and they are hereby incorporated into a company by the name and style of the "Cumberland and Patterson Creek Turnpike Company," subject to the provisions of general laws, regulating the incorporation of turnpike companies.

Mineral county.

3. The board of supervisors of Mineral county may Subscription by subscribe to the capital stock of said company, and in all meetings of stockholders two-thirds of the stock shall be Representation. represented in person or by proxy.


An Act for the relief of Edward Parrish of
Marion county.

Passed February 16, 1872.

WHEREAS, The general assembly of Virginia by an act Preamble. passed on the fifth day of March, 1858, directed that Edward Parrish be paid by the board of public works of Virginia, the sum of eleven hundred dollars out of the money that might be collected by said board from the B. & O. R. R. Co., in a suit then pending in the Circuit Court of Marion county upon a contract theretofore entered into between the said board and said railroad company in relation to the Maryland and Ohio turnpike road and providing that said sum should not be paid out of any other fund than that thereinbefore mentioned.

And, whereas, on the nineteenth day of March, 1867, the treasurer of this State received from the board of public works, the sum of thirty-nine hundred and forty-four dollars and eighty-one cents, being the net amount received by said board from the B. & O. R. R. Co., as the result of said suit, and thereupon, on the thirty-first day of March, 1867, there was paid to said Parrish, by direction of said board, the net sum of eleven huudred dollars only, leaving

Auditor authorized to ascertain

to issue his war

found due.

a large sum of money, from the source aforesaid, still in the treasury; therefore,

Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia :

That the Auditor be, and he is hereby authorized to the amount and ascertain the amount of interest due to said Parrish upon rant for interest the aforesaid sum of eleven hundred dollars from date of its allowance by the general assembly of Virginia as aforesaid, up to the time of the payment of the principal, as aforesaid, and to draw his warrant upon the treasury of this State, payable to said Parrish for the amount so found to be due, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated.


A. W. Woodford


An Act for the relief of A. W. Woodford, sheriff of Lewis county.

Passed February 16, 1872.

Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia.

1. That two hundred dollars be, and the same is hereby to re-imburse appropriated, payable out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, to pay A. W. Woodford, sheriff of Lewis county, and to re-imburse him for a reward offered and paid in January, 1871, for the arrest of Ezra M. Ours, charged with murder, and who was subsequently found guilty of murder in the first degree and sentenced to the penitentiary for life, by the circuit court of Upshur county. And the auditor is hereby directed to issue his warrant on the treasury therefor in the mode prescribed by law.

Auditor authorized to issue warrant.

Additional tax


An Act authorizing an additional tax on the property in the Independent School District of Weston.

Passed February 16, 1872.

Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia:

1. That the school commissioners of the independent authorized. school district of the town of Weston, be, and they are

hereby authorized to levy and collect a tax on the prop

erty, real and personal and mixed, and other subjects of taxation within said district, not exceeding the sum of Rate. sixty cents on every one hundred dollars in value.

All this tax may be levied in one year, or may be ex- Period of levy. tended through a period of two years.


2. The taxes so collected are to be devoted exclusively Taxes approto the construction of the school house building now being built in said district. And it is hereby declared that this tax is an additional tax on that authorized by existing Existing law law, which is not intended to be repealed or modified hereby.

not repealed.


3. The election of school commissioners for said inde- Election of pendent school district shall be held at the same time the election of the town council of said town of Weston is to Time changed. be held, instead of the time now authorized by law, and shall be conducted as now authorized by law.


An Act to establish a branch Normal School at
Glennville, in the county of Gilmer.

Passed February 19, 1872.

Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia:

School estab

1. That a branch normal school be and the same is hereby Branch Normal established in the town of Glennville, in the county of hea Gilmer; Provided, that a suitable building for the pur- Proviso. poses of such school be furnished by the citizens of the county, or others, without cost to the State.


2. The said branch normal school is hereby placed on when to be orthe same footing and subject to the same regulations as the other branches of the State normal school; and as soon as the board of regents shall ascertain that a suitable building has been furnished, as aforesaid, they shall immediately proceed to organize and put said school in operation.



Powers of corporation.

Capital stock.

Subscription books.


An Act incorporating the Wheeling and Benwood Street Railway Company

Passed February 19, 1872.

Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia:

1. That William L. Hearn, Alonzo Loring, Thomas Hughes, John Cowan, John Handland and their associates and successors, be and are hereby constituted a body corporate and politic, by the name and style of, "The Wheeling and Benwood Street Railway Company," and by that name may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, in all courts of record and elsewhere; have a common seal to be altered by them at pleasure; make by-laws not repugnant to the laws of this State or of the United States, for the management of their coporate concerns, and have and enjoy all the rights of a corporation under the laws now in force in this State.

2. The capital stock of said company shall not be less than twenty-five thousand dollars, to be divided into shares of one hundred dollars each, and which may at any time hereafter, by vote of the stockholders, be increased to an amount not exceeding one hundred thousand dollars, and How stock voted each share thereof shall entitle the holder to one vote in all meetings of the stockholders, to be given either in person or by proxy. And for the purpose of obtaining subscriptions to the capital stock or so much thereof as may be necessary for the lawful purposes of said corporation, books shall be opened under the direction of the persons named in the first section of this act, or a majority of them, at such time and place as the persons who act in that behalf shall deem expedient, and the president and directors of said corporation shall have the power and authority at any time after the organization of the same, and without after organiza- opening new books of subscription, to receive further subscriptions to said capital stock, until the full amount authorized by this act is subscribed: Provided, however, that such additional subscriptions shall not be made until authorized by a majority vote of the stockholders in said corporation.




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