Given under my hand and the Great Seal of the said State, at the city of Charleston, this twenty-sixth day of August, eighteen hundred and seventy-one. Session Laws - Page 295by West Virginia - 1872Full view - About this book
| West Virginia - 1866 - 304 pages
...declared to be from this date until the first day of September, eighteen hundred and eighty-four, a corporation by the name and for the purpose set forth...under my hand and the great seal of the said state, at Wheeling, this tenth day of February, eighteen hundred and sixty-five. . — ' — . J. EDQAR* BOYERS,... | |
| West Virginia - 1871 - 806 pages
...declared to be, from this date until the thirteenth day of December, eighteen hundred and ninety, a corporation by the name and for the purpose set forth in said agree-- ment. Given under my hand and the great seal of the said state, at the city of Charleston,... | |
| West Virginia - 1872 - 360 pages
...hereby declared to be, from this date until the tenth day of January, eighteen hundred and ninety-two, a corporation by the name and for the purpose set forth...hand and the great seal of the said state, at the lity of Charleston, this twenty-fourth day of January, eighteen hunIred and seventy-two. GS (Signed.)... | |
| West Virginia - 1875 - 494 pages until the twenty-fifth day of March, eighteen hundred and ninety-four, a corporation by the numo and for the purpose set forth in said agreement. Given...under my hand and the Great Seal of the said State, at thecity of Charleston, tbis-tenth day of April, eighteen hundred and meventy-four. GS THE NAIL CITY... | |
| West Virginia - 1879 - 360 pages until the first day of January, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-nine, a corporation b}* the name and for the purpose set forth in said agreement. Given under my hand and the great seal of the said state, [GS] at the city of Wheeling, this first day of March,... | |
| 1888 - 964 pages
...publication of such forfeiture has been made by the auditor as required by law. "Given under my hand and the great seal of the said state, at the city of Charleston, the thirtieth day of July, 1886. [SEAL.] "HENRY S. WALKER, Secretary of State." And on August 30, 1886,... | |
| Corliss Fitz Randolph - 1905 - 762 pages
...successors and assigns, are hereby declared to be from this date until the 2Oth day of November, 1938, a corporation, by the name, and for the purpose set...of the said State, at the City of Charleston, this the twenty-eighth day of December, eighteen hundred and eighty-eight. "HENRY S. WALKER, [L. s.] "Secretary... | |
| Spectator Company (New York, N.Y.) - 1906 - 576 pages
...a corporation by the name and for the purposes set forth in said agreement. Given under my hand and the great seal of the said State, at the city of Charleston, this twenty-sixth day of January, nineteen hundred and six. CW Swisher, Secretary of State. EXTRACTS FROM THE BY-LAWS. ARTICLE... | |
| United States. Congress. House. Committee on Ways and Means - 1927 - 1034 pages appears from the senate and house journals now on file in my said office. Given under my hand and the great seal of the said State, at the city of Charleston, this 3d day of October, 192T. [seal.] George W. Sharp, Secretary of State. EIGHTY-THIRD LEGISLATURE, STATE... | |
| United States. Congress. House. Committee on Ways and Means - 1927 - 1032 pages appears from the senate and house Journals now on file In my said office. Given under my hand and the great seal of the said State, at the city of Charleston, this 3d day of October, 1927. [SEAL.] GEORGE W. SHABP, Secretary of State. EIOHTY-THIBO LEGISLATURE, STATE... | |
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