London Journal of Arts, Sciences and Manufacturers, and Repertory of Patent Inventions, Volume 6William Newton, Charles Frederick Partington W. Newton, 1835 |
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action affixed aperture apparatus application attached axis axle band bed-stone bobbin bobbin-net boiler bolt canal carriages catch bar cloth coffer conj CONJOINED SERIES construction county of Middlesex crank cylinder described diff drawing drawing roller driving drum edges engine fibrous figure fixed flyer frame furnace groove heat hemp horizontal inches inclined plane Inrolment Office invention of certain iron Letters Patent lever drivers lock London Journal lower machine machinery manufacturing material means ment metal Middlesex mode months for inrolment motion moulds nail operation Paris passes piece pinion pipes piston placed plate pneumatic cylinder pneumatic railway pneumatic tube pressure produced provements pulley pump purpose rails rarefaction represents revolve rods rollers Rolls Chapel rotary screw Sealed shaft shown in fig side sliders sliding spindle spinning steam steam-engine surface tappets threads tion trough tube upper valve vertical vessel wheel wires
Popular passages
Page 245 - Notice shall first be by him given to any Person or Persons who shall have ^ entered such Caveats, the Petitioner shall be heard by his Counsel ' * and Witnesses to prove his Case, and the Persons entering Caveats shall likewise be heard by their Counsel and Witnesses ; whereupon, and upon hearing and...
Page 254 - An Act to repeal an Act of the present Session of Parliament, intituled 'An Act for the more effectual Abolition of Oaths and Affirmations taken and made in various Departments of the State, and to substitute Declarations in lieu thereof, and for the more entire Suppression of voluntary and extra-judicial Oaths and Affidavits, and to make other Provisions for the Abolition of unnecessary Oaths.
Page 247 - Process, or Information in any of His Majesty's Courts of Record at Westminster or...
Page 249 - To Philip Augustus de Chapeaurouge of Fenchurch Street, in the city of London, gentleman, in consequence of a communication made to him by a certain foreigner residing abroad...
Page 246 - And be it enacted, that in any action brought against any person for infringing any Letters Patent the defendant on pleading thereto shall give to the plaintiff, and in any scire facias to repeal such Letters Patent the plaintiff shall file with his declaration, a notice of any objections on which he means to rely at the trial of such action...
Page 244 - Majesty their opinion that the prayer of such petition ought to be complied with, whereupon His Majesty may, if he think fit, grant such prayer ; and the said letters patent shall be available in law and...
Page 248 - ... 16. To Thomas Searle of Coleman Street, in the city of London, merchant, in consequence of a communication made to him by a certain foreigner residing abroad, for an invention of " certain improvements in boilers for generating steam.
Page 246 - ... scire facias to repeal such letters patent the plaintiff shall file with his declaration, a notice of any objections on which he means to rely at the trial of such action, and no objection shall be allowed to be made in behalf of such defendant or plaintiff respectively at such trial unless he prove the objections stated in such notice...
Page 245 - ... and empowered, if he shall think fit, to grant new letters patent for the said invention for a term not exceeding seven years after the expiration of the first term, any law, custom, or usage to the contrary...
Page 248 - ... 19th July 1838. 20. To CUAHLES BOUBJOT, of Coleman Street, in the city of London, merchant, in consequence of a communication made to him by a certain foreigner residing abroad, for an invention of " improvements in the manufacture of iron."— 19th July 1838.