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rather than the King," said the child; "besides you would say then, and truly so, how can I be sure you have ever been there? If, dear grandfather," she continued, "you feel the bonds of this usurper galling"-the old man shuddered-" and his fair promises as chaff before the wind; if he has left you in your old age alone to perish, poor, sick, and in misery; if you feel the air of this place"-and the child glanced around with a sigh"death-why not leave? I will go with you."

"It is a long dreary journey," answered the old man.

"It is a long journey," replied the child; "then we will start the sooner and dreary ?-can anything be more dreary than this?" and she listened for an answer.

"So wretched, so miserable," sighed the old man, as he glanced at their spare clothing.

"That is the very reason, dear grandfather, why we should


There was a silence of a few seconds, when the old man exclaimed, rising from his seat, "There is no way for me; I tell you there is no hope;" and he was about to enter the wretched hut, when the child darted forward in terror, seized his trembling hands, and tried to draw him away, crying as she did so-" No, no, dear grandfather, not another night in this place, not another night!" The old man paused with a sigh. "There is a way, grandfather," said the child earnestly, and still drawing him away, "He has made a way, for all, for you, dear grandfather. Oh! think of that lovely land. Let us go, let us go."

"What way?" asked the old man moodily, without noticing her latter words.

"Come and see," replied the child; and as she spoke she quickly placed the old man's staff in his hand, and turned his back on their old home-" we know there is a way, dear grandfather, and that is enough for us.'

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The old man turned not again, but quietly allowed the child to lead him away; and that little Bird flew with gladdening notes before them; when the sun arose it found them far on their journey.

Day after day passed by, and each saw our travellers further from that wretched land they were never again to enter. It was a long journey, and the roads hilly; here and there were scattered loose stones, which the old man must have stumbled over, if the child had not prevented this, by gently leading him aside. And when they came to a nice smoother piece of rock, the child with a smile led her aged companion here to rest, and sat at his feet holding his staff and their little wallet, till they resumed their journey, singing to the old man so

merrily, and cheering him up when his spirits failed him, till he wondered if there were such another little grandchild as his; and that guide was with them whispering words of hope and joy to their unconscious hearts, hovering around their path, keeping them in the way, and preserving them from danger.

But theirs was not a lonely journey, though the child often wondered, as she gazed back to see so many "who did run well," turning away again; and she noticed the further they got on the road, the smaller grew the company, because many had started from different motives. One, because he saw others going that road, and did not like to "look singular." Another went out of curiosity, and for "what he could get," not at the end of the journey, his hopes did not, any more than his legs, carry him so far; most walked very fast; but it was clear to the child, who marked all that passed, that those who started at a quiet, though determined pace, got over more ground than the former; for this reason, the fast ones rested so often, and so very often went out of their way to by-paths, saying, “they thought they would try this road, it was a new one,' and they dared say it would lead to the same in the end." But our little pilgrim wondered they should be so anxious for new paths, uncertain roundabout paths, when the highway set up by the King was so straight, and known to all; and she gazed sorrowfully on those travellers who were trying to make openings in the hedge, which divided this road from the unlicensed ones; while others, instead of going forward, busied themselves in narrowing some paths of the road; and others again in widening. But the old man and child went on, passing by these knots of "Reformers," though as they passed, they wondered what one man meant by saying as he pushed through the hedge which he had broken, that his conscience would not let him continue in that road;" and the child remembered having heard this same one talk in a loud condemning tone about a great man who set himself up as "infallible," and she wondered if this man's conscience were "infallible" and always told him right.

And so they journeyed on, the old man's doubts and fears gradually dispersed, and somewhat of the child's happiness animated and cheered his heart; how eagerly he watched and counted the rising and setting of the sun, wondering when they should reach that land, whose sun never set. The child amused herself on the road watching the strange little Bird, which had followed them from their native land, and she strove to learn his soaring notes. That Bird which had never left them, but led the way through the darkness of the night, by his voice, when the path could not be seen-that little Bird who had taught her, when weary and tired, to look forward, and, when cheerful and happy,

had joined in her song of love and gratitude, and filled the air with gleesome melody.

When one day as the child was gazing after her little Bird, she beheld with a wondering smile his strange movements; he rose very high in the air and flew a few yards forward, and then returned, singing so sweetly to the child, and looking forward as if he wished to be going on, and yet could not desert the pilgrims, till the child laughed merrily, and told the old man how anxious the little Bird was for them to quicken their steps; and the old man gazed into her happy face and laughed too, and to please the child, he pretended he could "walk much faster yet," and quickened his tottering steps.

They had not proceeded far before the child, her face glowing with delight, caught the old man's hand, and, pointing in the direction they were going, asked what that dazzling light proceeded from.

"What is it like, my child?" asked her grandsire, "for mine eyes are dim and aged, and I see nought but a long, long road."

"There is a great light in the distance, grandfather; so bright and shining, that I can scarcely look upon it; brighter than the full blaze of the noonday sun; it is like a city on a hill lighted up, and sending its bright reflection on the valleys beneath; and the little Bird, grandfather, is flying towards it; see how swiftly he flies;-ah, now see, he is lost in the midst of that light-see, now, he comes to meet us; his wings have caught the golden hue of that light; shall we hasten our steps, grandfather, and see this wondrous sight?"

As they approached nearer, they beheld a white stone-built palace; it covered a large piece of land, and was built in an elegant but massive style of architecture, in the shape of an immense cross, with its large arched and many-coloured windows, through which streams of tinted light fell on the earth and objects around. Our travellers, on reaching this beauteous mansion, stood transfixed with admiration, while a strange feeling crept through their frame, causing them to draw near with gentle steps; they spoke not, but gazed on in silence. The old man shaded his eyes with his bony fingers, as he gazed on what appeared to him to be the birthplace and dwelling of Light. And so it was.

Over the west end of this building was erected a very high tapering kind of pinnacle, the spiral point of which was lost in the clouds; on this the child gazed in wonderment, thinking why it was so built, and what it meant; and as she thought, her eye rested on the fair blue sky, with its silvered border; and she thought of those good spirits who were gazing at her through

that fairy-like veil, and the child sighed to be one of them; and the thought crossed her mind how often, how very often, she had grieved those ministering spirits and their much-loved Sovereign.

And as she gazed, wishing her eye could pierce the veil which hid the future, that she could count how many more long weary miles they must travel before their journey was accomplished, her spirit nearly fainted within her; but the Bird was by her side in an instant, and whispered, "Fear not, see how far thou hast been led;" and the child turned her weary eyes, and gazed back on the long dark, misty road they had left, and could perceive but a dim shadowy outline of the dark cold country which once called them citizens, and joy filled her heart, and she cheerfully turned to look on the brighter path before her, and she now saw the pinnacle, like a mighty finger, pointing and directing the beholder's thoughts to brighter lands: now she knew why it was placed there.

While they were yet wondering at the sight, the tall figure of an elderly man, clothed in a long flowing robe of snowy whiteness, issued from the porch; over his shoulders was thrown a scarf of a blood-red colour, which crossed the breast, forming the same figure in which the palace was built; a circle of light, like a golden wreath, encircled his noble brow; but this was unseen by our travellers: it was known only by the Hand which placed it there. With a kindly smile the stranger greeted the pilgrims. The old man instinctively took from his palsied head the tattered cap, and cast his eyes with bended neck upon the ground, trembling with an undefined fear in every limb. With the child the effect was widely different; she glanced at first timidly, and then more openly into the stranger's pleasing face, and with the awe which his presence inspired, a feeling of delight and quiet joy mingled. The stranger, in a gentle tone and with a sweet smile, bade them draw near. The child, with a blush of joy crimsoning her pale cheek, eagerly drew the old man's hand within her own, and stooping her little head to gaze into the drooping face by her side, spoke with her eyes, a language which the old man well understood-of joy, and rest, and happiness.

May be the gulf which separated the old man from the stranger, had not arisen in the path of the little maiden, or why did the old man start, and, for the first time in his life, evade the glance of those dear blue trusting eyes, which gazed so wonderingly into his despairing face. A streak of the old man's night crossed the bright young day of the child, and she

knew all.


"Sir," timidly sighed the child," you mistake; we are rebels !”

The stranger raised his eyes, beaming with love and thankfulness, to the sky, and the child started, as she thought she heard a burst, long and thrilling, of joy from the spirit land; the stranger noticed her surprise, and said, "There is joy, poor child, among those good spirits, over one rebel that repenteth. Come, then, enter here, and seek rest and refreshment, such as the King hath provided for his travellers." The child gazed on the beautiful pure white building and the snowy robe of him who invited them, and then pointed to her dirty, threadbare clothing, and to the forlorn and miserable object by her side. He understood the poetry of her dumb language, and still bade them enter. "Ye are indeed miserable," said the stranger, "but fear not, this house of refreshment was built for such as you are. True it is holy ground, for here purity and holiness dwell; spirits minister, and food, which bestows immortality upon those who partake, is given; still enter, the journey is long which is before you, and if you eat and drink not, ye may die on the road. The feast is prepared, come ye and join the guests."

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The stranger ceased, and the child glanced encouragingly into the haggard countenance of her companion. But no joy or hope illumined those aged features; and the child, as she brushed a tear away, wished that little Bird were with them now; for he had seemed to hide himself for a moment, but it was only for a moment.

The old man advanced a step or two, and with one hand resting on his staff and the other holding his cap, stood with his uncovered locks floating in the breeze, while in a sad tone he thus addressed the stranger-" Sire, some threescore and ten years ago, when these feeble limbs were hale and strong, and flesh covered these staring bones-when these silvered hairs vied in blackness with the raven's wing, and the eye was bright, and the footsteps buoyant and elastic-when the merry laugh of the child won a wondering smile from the aged, as a dim remembrance of their own sunny days floated before them-when the young heart was free from care, and smiled incredulously at the name of sorrow- -when life was in its spring,' my mother would take me upon her knee, and tell to my listening ear a tale black with ingratitude: I have no need, sire," after a pause, continued the old man, "to remind you of that wicked rebellion which took place many long years ago in that, my native land. My mother told me, with tears in her eyes, of the happiness she enjoyed before she left the service of that good King; and she would point to a small mark on my infant brow, and tell me of that day when the King first sent His messengers to invite all who would to return; and when they invited her to go, I was a

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