sell R. Knapp, Clarence H. Knowlton, James F. Larkin, William H. Lyon, William M. Macdonald, John R. Mahoney, Thomas F. Malone, George R. Mathews, John McCrillis, James McNulty, James J. Morgan, John Mundy, Osborn A. Newton, Isaiah Paine, jr., William I. Paine, James E. Powers, Robert Reid, Peter H. Reinstein, John J. Rogers, George Henry Royce, James V. Russo, David Shapiro, Henry C. Shrieves, John H. Snow, John Steele, Anson Stern, Moses H. Steur, Frank J. Sullivan, Joseph J. Sullivan, Joseph P. Swift, William H. Swift, William H. Travers, Jeremiah A. Twomey, John J. Walsh, James H. Waugh, Daniel E. Wheeler. Constables connected with official positions.” — Jacob Barber, Frederick A. Breen, Cornelius J. Bresnahan, Carlan A. Brown, William W. Campbell, William W. K. Campbell, Daniel B. Carmody, John M. Casey, William K. Coburn, Thomas A. Crawford, Joseph P. Dever, William G. Dolan, Aaron A. Downs, Charles A. Downs, William F. Drohan, Charles H. Filisetti, John J. Franey, Jeremiah J. Gilman, John F. Harrigan, Charles P. Harrington, George E. Harrington, Joseph M. Harrington, John J. Henry, George M. Hosmer, Joseph Houghton, Thomas Jordan, James P. Keliher, Lawrence J. Kelly, Edward A. Kennedy, James M. Kilroy, Edward J. Leary, William H. Lythgoe, James F. McCarthy, John F. McCarthy, John B. McDonough, John McLoughlin, George H. Nason, James E. Norton, James J. O’Brien, James O'Connor, James A. O’Donnell, Thomas J. O’Keefe, Alvin I. Phillips, Henry J. Schenck, Charles J. Smith, Albert M. Taylor, William E. Whidden. Constables connected with the Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.” — Charles F. Clark, James Duckering, James R. Hathaway, Thomas Langlan, George W. Splaine. Constables connected with the Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Children.”— Monsier D. Mann, Edwin R. Smyth. Constable connected with the Society of St. Vincent de Paul.”— John A. Elliott. Constable connected with Home for Destitute Catholic Children.” – John B. F. Emery. Fence-viewers. — [R. L., Chap. 11, § 334; Chap. 33, §§ 1–19.] John A. Duggan, John S. Humphrey. Field-drivers and Pound-keepers. — [R. L., Chap. 11, § 334; Chap. 33, §§ 20–40; Chap. 123, § 21.] John F. Rooney in East Boston, William Cotter in the Back Bay District. 1 Give bonds and have legal authority to serve civil process. They are not supposed to serve legal process other than for the City of Boston, however. 2 Those connected with S. P. C. T. C., and S. P. C. T. A. the Home for Destitute Catholic Children, and the Truant Officers (see page 120) serve without bonds, and do not serve civil process. Grain, Measurers of — [R. L., Chap. 57, §§ 25–31.] Charles E. Avery, Lawrence A. Bragan, Stephen T. Campbell, Frank J. Cochran, Michael Collins, James Cook, John F. Donovan, Alton F. Dow, Oscar M. Estes, L. T. Farnum, Michael Finn, Carroll W. Gates, Alden H. Harding, Frank E. Hawkins, Benjamin Hay, Joseph G. Herrick, George W. Keith, Thomas J. Kelly, Thomas C. Lamb, Thomas B. Lombard, William F. Mahoney, A. F. McKellar, Timothy J. McLaughlin, William T. McLaughlin, Martin E. O'Hehir, Peter O'Neill, John C. Pike, Leslie A. Pike, Patrick H. Ryder, Alfred J. Sidwell, Lawrence B. Smith, William H. G. Snow, Charles E. Stone, Clarence A. Tenny, Robert D. Ware, Gustaf A. Young. Hay and Straw, Inspectors of Pressed or Bundled. — [R. L., Chap. 57, §§ 36–39.] Morton Alden, Charles E. Avery, William Connelly, James Cook, John F. Donovan, Oscar M. Estes, Charles K. Furlong, James H. Gilmore, John J. Haley, Michael Harty, Frank B. Ingalls, Thomas C. Lamb, William Lincoln, William F. Mahoney, Timothy J. McLaughlin, William T. McLaughlin, Richard J. Moore, Peter O'Neill, John C. Pike, Leslie A. Pike, Willard P. Whittemore, Andrew N. Wyeth, jr. Esay Scales, Superintendents of — [R. L., Chap. 57, § 35; Rev. Ord., Chap. 45, §§ 23–25.] Herbert C. Davis, North scales; Charles W. Richardson, Roxbury Scales; Maurice J. McCarthy, South scales. Lime, Inspector of. —[R. L., Chap. 57, §§ 47–53.] Patrick J. McCarthy. Marble, Freestone and Soapstone, Surveyor of —[R. L., Chap. 57, § 54.] Frank L. Bowker. Petroleum and its Products, Inspectors of. — [R. L., Chap. 102, §§ 109– 112; Rev. Ord. 1898, Chap. 45, § 6..] James H. Cleaves, Orrin E. Hodsolon, William Park. Upper Leather, Measurers of. —[R. L., Chap. 59.] Daniel J. Cameron, Sewall B. Farnsworth, Edward R. Maxwell, John J. Powers. Wood and Bark, Measurers of. — [R. L., Chap. 57, §§ 75–82; Rev. Ord. 1898, Chap. 45, § 26.] Charles I. Albee, Morton Alden, Franklin W. Anderson, Revere E. Atwood, William G. Bail, Charles G. Brett, Carleton M. Cobb, James Cook, Arnold B. Crosby, Thomas A. Crosby, John F. Donovan, Thomas J. Fallon, Joseph Flores, Frank E. Hawkins, Sidney C. Higgins, John W. Hunter, David Hutton, Frank B. Ingalls, William P. Jenkins, Hiram Jewell, W. Wallace Kee, William E. Keene, Thomas C. Lamb, William F. Mahoney, E. Eugene Morse, Peter O'Neill, Albert T. Orrall, Horace L. Porter, Frank O. Thompson, Frank E. Trow, Bartlett S. Waterman, J. Clarence Whitney, John A. Whittemore, Stuart P. Woodbury. OFFICER TO TRANSPORT INSANE PERSONS. OLD SOUTH ASSOCIATION IN BOST ON. The Mayor, ea officio, and CHARLES M. DRAPER and WILLIAM J. BARRETT, Managers on the part of the City of Boston. The association is managed by a board of managers, consisting of fifteen, of whom the Mayor of the City of Boston is one, ea officio, two are selected annually by the City Council for the municipal year, and the others are chosen as provided by Chap. 222 of the Acts of 1877. PILOT COMMISSIONERS. COMMISSIONERS. JUSTUS A. BAILEY. Term ends in 1907. Two Commissioners of Pilots for the harbor of Boston, having the recommendation of the trustees of the Boston Marine Society, are appointed by the Governor for the term of three years. They appoint a Secretary. The commissioners grant commissions as pilots for Boston Harbor to such persons, approved by the trustees of the Boston Marine Society, as they consider competent, and cause the laws of pilotage to be observed. The compensation of the commissioners and their allowance for office rent, clerk hire, etc., is fixed by the trustees of the Boston Marine Society, and is paid from the amounts received from pilotage returned by the pilots. Any surplus therefrom is paid to the Boston Marine Society. POLICE DEPARTMENT. [R. L., Chap. 31; Chap. 100, § 3; Stat. 1878, Chap. 244; Stat. 1885, Chap. 323; Stat. 1895, Chap. 449, § 26; Stat. 1903, Chap. 279; Stat. 1906, Chap. 291.] * STEPHEN O’MEARA, Police Commissioner. Salary, $6,000. f LEO A. RogFRs, Secretary. Salary, $3,000. * Term ends in 1912. f Term ends in 1911. LISTING BOARD, STEP HEN O’MEARA. The Board of Police for the City of Boston was established by Chapter 323 of the Acts of 1885, and was composed of three citizens of Boston, appointed for five years from the two principal political parties by the Governor, with the advice and consent of the Executive Council. The Board assumed office on July 23, 1885. By Chapter 291 of the Acts of 1906, the department was placed in charge of a single head, to be known as the Police Commissioner. The powers of the Board of Police, except those relating to the granting of licenses, which were transferred to the newly created Licensing Board, devolve upon the Police Commissioner. The Police Commissioner assumed office June 4, 1906. The City is divided into sixteen Police Districts, in each of which is a station-house, the headquarters of a captain and force of men. The Board appoints a Harbor-Master and assistants from the police force, and they receive pay in accordance with their rank in the force. The police steamer “Guardian ’’ and the steam launches “Ferret" and “Watchman’’ are employed in this service. By Chapter 279 of the Acts of 1903, the Board of Police were required to ascertain, within the first seven days of May in each year, the number of polls for assessment in the City of Boston and also to make lists of the women voters in the city. By Chapter 291 of the Acts of 1906, the powers and duties of the Board of Police relative to the listing and registration of voters were transferred to a Listing Board, to be composed of the Police Commissioner and one member of the Board of Election Commissioners to be annually appointed by the Mayor of Boston. Such member must belong to that one of the two leading parties of which the Police Commissioner is not a member. In case of disagreement the Chief Justice of the Municipal Court becomes a member for the purpose of settling such disagreement. EXECUTIVE STAFF, WILLIAM H. PIERCE, Superintendent of Police. Salary, $4,000. ORINTON M. HANSCOM, JAMES M. COULTER, Deputy Superintendents. Salary, $3,000 each. Lieutenant TIMOTHY J. MURPHY, Lieutenant CHARLEs W. SEARLEs, Lieutenant HUGH J. LEE, and Inspector JAMES D. CONBOY, Special Service. Captain WILLIAM H. DYER, Inspector of Claims. Captain THOMAS RYAN, Chief Clerk. - Captain GEORGE E, SAvoBY, Property Clerk. Captain JAMEs O'NEIL, Clerk in Superintendent’s Office. Lieutenant GEORGE E. SAXTON, Inspector of Carriages. BURE AU OF CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION. WILLIAM B. WATTs, Chief Inspector. Salary, $2,800. Captain JosłEPH DUGAN, Assistant. Salary, $2,500. WALTER A. ABBOTT, AINSLEY C. ARMSTRONG, WILLIAM BURRE, JAMES J. COLLINS, EDWARD T. Con WAY, MICHAEL H. CRONIN, ALFRED N. Doug LAs, PATRICK J. GADDIs, GUSTAF GUSTAFSON, JoBN H. HARRIs, DANIEL W. HART, Joseph H. KNOx, LEBBEUS B. MCCAUSLAND, JOHN R. McGARR, MICHAEL J. MORRISSEY, GEORGE W. PATTERSON, HENRY M. PIERCE, GEORGE F. PINKERTON, GEORGE M. ROBINSON, WILLIAM J. Roon EY, THOMAS A. SHEEBAN, MICHAEL C. SHIELDs, OLIVER J. WISE, MoRRIs Wolf, Inspectors. Salary, $1,600 each. - - - - POLICE STATIONS. FIRST DIVISION, Hanover street. Otis F. Kimball, Captain. |