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DIST. 20. The whole of Ward 12. TIMOTHY: W. MURPHY, THOMAS A. CROWE. DIST. 21. That part of Ward 13 lying northerly and easterly of a line. beginning at the intersection of Fort Point channel and Dorchester avenue; thence by the centre line of Dorchester avenue, West First, C, West Seventh and D streets to the boundary line of Ward 15. JoHN H. GIBLIN, CHARLEs H. TURNER. DIST. 22. That part of Ward 13 lying southerly and westerly of a line beginning at the intersection of Fort Point channel and Dorchester avenue; thence by the centre lines of Dorchester avenue, West First, C, West Seventh and D streets to the boundary line of Ward 15. RogER H. SCANNELL, JOSEPH F. RIPP. DIST. 23. The whole of Ward 14. John C. COOK, ARTHUR D. COOPER. DIST. 24. The whole of Ward 15. JoHN MARNO, JAMEs E. MCGRADY. DIST. 25. That part of Ward 16 lying northerly and easterly of the centre lines of Norfolk avenue and Cottage street. Joseph I. STEwART, WALTER J. JOY CE. DIST. 26. That part of Ward 16 lying southerly and westerly of the centre lines of Norfolk avenue and Cottage street. WILLIAM B. SMART, JULIUS H. PEYSER. e DIST. 27. The whole of Ward 17. WILLIAM A. CRENEY, WILLIAM M. HUMPHREY. O DIST. 28. The whole of Ward 18. Joseph T. LYONS, CHARLES H. BRY ANT. DISI. 29. Tilav part of Ward 19 iying northeriy and westeriy of a line beginning at the boundary line between Boston and Brookline; thence by the centre lines of Huntington avenue, Tremont street and the centre line of the location of the Providence Division of the New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad to Prentiss street. JAMEs P. Fox, John F. KINNEY. DIST. 30. That part of Ward 19 lying southerly and easterly of a line beginning at the boundary line between Boston and Brookline; thence by the centre lines of Huntington avenue and Tremont street and the centre line of the location of the Providence Division of the New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad to Prentiss street. RICHARD F. HOGAN, GEORGE W. CROCKER. DIST. 31. That part of Ward 20 lying northerly and easterly of a line beginning on the boundary line of Ward 16, at the junction of Quincy street and the Midland Division of the New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad; thence by the centre line of said railroad and the centre lines of Washington, Bowdoin, Topliff, Longfellow, Draper, Robinson, Adams, Ellet streets and Dorchester avenue to the boundary line of Ward 24. A. GLENDON DYAR, BARTHOLOMEw F. RoAch. DIST. 32. That part of Ward 20 lying southerly and westerly of a line beginning on the boundary line of Ward 16, at the junction of Quincy

street and the Midland Division of the New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad; thence by the centre line of said railroad and the centre lines of Washington, Bowdoin, Topliff, Longfellow, Draper, Robinson, Adams, Ellet streets and Dorchester avenue to the boundary line of Ward 24. JOSEPH T. PRESTON, THOMAS W. LEHAN. DIST. 33. That part of Ward 21 lying northerly of a line beginning at the junction of Washington and Valentine streets; thence by the centre lines of Washington, Dale, Warren and Savin streets to the boundary line of Ward 16. ALONZO. F. ANDREws, Louis BURRHARDT. DIST. 34. That part of Ward 21 lying southerly of a line beginning at the junction of Washington and Valentine streets; thence through Washington, Dale, Warren and Savin streets to the boundary line of Ward 16. John H. GRIGGS, FRANK J. RILEY. DIST. 35. That part of Ward 22 lying northerly and easterly of a line beginning at the junction of Day street and Grotto glen; thence by the centre lines of Day and Centre streets and the centre line of location of the Providence Division of the New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad to the boundary line of Ward 23. John E. HESLAN, JAMES H. KNIGHT. DIST. 36. That part of Ward 22 lying southerly and westerly of a line beginning at the junction of Day street and Grotto glen; thence by the centre lines of Day and Centre streets and the centre line of location of the Providence Division of the New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad to the boundary line of Ward 23. FRANK S. PRATT, WILLIAM T. PRINDEv11,LE. DIST. 37. That part of Ward 23 lying northerly and westerly of a line beginning at the boundary line between Boston and Newton; thence by the centre lines of Baker, Gardner and Spring streets, the centre line of location of the West Roxbury Branch, Providence Division of the New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad, and the centre line of location of the Providence Division of the New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad to Green street. EDWARD P. BUTLER, JAMES F. DOWLING. DIST. 38. That part of Ward 23 lying northerly and easterly of a line beginning at the boundary line between Boston and Hyde Park; thence by the centre lines of Metropolitan avenue, Kittredge and Norfolk streets and Dudley avenue, and the centre line of location of the West Roxbury Branch, Providence Division of the New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad, and the centre line of location of the Providence Division of the New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad to Green street. FREDERICK F. O'DoDIERTY, GEORGE URIOT. DIST. 39. That part of Ward 23 lying southerly of a line beginning at the boundary line between Newton and Boston; thence by the centre lines of Baker, Gardner and Spring streets, the centre line of location of the West Roxbury Branch, Providence Division of the New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad, the centre lines of Dudley avenue, Norfolk and Kittredge streets, and Metropolitan avenue to the boundary line of Hyde Park. MICHAEL F. DoDAN, JAMES A. CouTTS. DIST. 40. That part of Ward 24 lying northerly and easterly of a line beginning at the junction of Dorchester avenue and Greenwich street; thence by the centre lines of Dorchester avenue, Ashmont, Carruth, New Minot, Adams and Granite streets to the ward line in Neponset river. DANIEL A. DOWNEY, WARD A. MARSH. DIST. 41. That part of Ward 24 lying within the following-described lines: Beginning at the boundary line between Boston and Milton; thence by the centre lines of Washington, Morton, Corbet, Norfolk and Centre streets, Dorchester avenue, Ashmont, Carruth, New Minot, Adams and Granite streets to the boundary line between Boston and Milton; thence by said boundary line to the point of beginning. TIMOTHY J. MURPHY, ALBERT W. Hu FBENER. DIST. 42. That part of Ward 24 lying southerly and westerly of a line beginning at the junction of Talbot avenue and Norfolk street; thence by the centre lines of Norfolk, Corbet, Morton and Washington streets to the boundary line between Boston and Milton, WILLIAM N. Goo DWIN, WILLIAM B. CURRAN. DIST. 43. That part of Ward 25 lying northerly and easterly of a line beginning at the boundary line between Boston and Watertown; thence by the centre lines of North Beacon, Parsons, Washington and Cambridge streets to Charles river. BENJAMIN M. FISKE, PATRICK F. CARLEY. : DIST. 44. That part of Ward 25 lying southerly and westerly of a line beginning at the boundary line between Cambridge and Boston; thence by the centre lines of Cambridge, Washington, Parsons and North Beacon streets to Charles river. GEORGE W. WARREN, WILLIAM M. FARRINGTON.


Office, City Hall, Room 20, first floor.
[Rev. Ord, 1898, Chap. 6; Ord. 1901, Chap. 10.]

J. ALFRED MITCHELL, City Auditor. Appointed annually. Salary, $6,000.

The office of Auditor was established by ordinance on August 2, 1824. Regular annual reports of receipts and expenditures have been published by the Auditor since 1825. These reports show the annual receipts of the City and County, the debt, and the public property. Similar, but less complete, reports were published by finance committees from 1811 to 1824, inclusive. Since June 1, 1867, the Auditor has published monthly exhibits of all City and County expenditures.

The City Auditor is also Auditor of the County of Suffolk and Secretary of the Board of Commissioners of Sinking Funds. See pages 101 and 87, respectively. (R. L. Chap. 21, § 44; Rev. Ord. 1898, Chap. 3, § 5.)


Office, 64 Pemberton square.
[Rev. Ord. 1898, Chap. 7.]

THOMAS J. LANE, Chairman.
JosłPH. P. O’BRIEN, General Superintendent.

TRUSTEES. JAMEs M. PoRTER. Term ends in 1911. MRS. JACOB H. HECHT, HENRY EHRLICH, M.I). Terms end in 1910. THOMAS J. LANE. Term ends in 1909. * LEONARD D. AHL. Term ends in 1908. John J. O’HARE, MRS, LAWRENCE J. LOGAN. Terms end in 1907.

The Trustees have the care and custody of all bath-houses and indoor gymnasia; also of four urinals and eight public convenience stations

established by the City.
The Bath Department has charge of the following:


WOOD ISLAND PARK, East Boston, Ward 1, two houses for men and women, and one house for boys.

NoFTH END PARK, City proper, Ward 6 (opposite Copp's Hill burial-ground, Commercial street), two houses, for men and women. A laundry connected with these bath-houses launders all the bathing suits used in the Department during the summer bathing season.

MEDFord STREET, Charlestown, Ward 4 (opposite Charlestown Heights), for men and women.

I, STREET, South Boston, Ward 14, for men and boys.

K STREET, South Boston, Ward 14, for women.

FREEPORT STREET, Dorchester, Ward 24, two houses, for men and WOIllen.


CHARLEs RIVER, Spring street, Ward 23, two houses, for men and


ORCHARD PARK, Ward 17, two houses, for men and women, at differ

ent hours.


BRIGHTon, Western-avenue bridge, Ward 25, one house, for men and

women, at different hours. Dov ER-STREET BRIDGE, Ward 9, two houses, for men and women.

WEST Boston BRIDGE, Ward 8, two houses, for men and women.

WARREN BRIDGE, Ward 5, two houses, for men and women.

NEW-STREET WHARF, East Boston, Ward 2, two houses, for men and WOIn €rl.

JEFFRIES POINT, East Boston, Ward 2, one house, for men and women, at different hours.


DOVER-STREET BATH-HOUSE, Ward 9, near Harrison avenue, shower and tub baths for both men and women, fitted for use throughout the year. This bath-house was completed in 1898, and opened to the public, in October, 1898. A laundry connected with this bath-house launders all the towels used in the department.

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EAST BOSTON GYMNASIUM, Paris street, Ward 2.

COMMON WEALTH PARK GYMNASIUM, Ward 13, D street, South Boston.

GYMNASIUM, Ward 7, Tyler street.

GYMNAs.IUM, Ward 9, Harrison avenue, corner Plympton street.

GYMNASIUM, Ward 16. Columbia road, Dorchester, includes swimming-pool.

GYMNASIUM, Ward 19, Cabot street.

Office, 926 Tremont Building.
[Ord. 1906, Chaps. 1 and 3.]

P. F. McDONALD, Superintendent of Bridges. Salary, $3,000. The Superintendent of Bridges has charge of the highway bridges within the limits of the city, whether constructed over navigable waters or railroads; and has charge of all repairs except such as affect the structure of the bridges. The latter are made under the supervision of the City Engineer. All drawtenders are appointed by and subject to the control of the Superintendent of Bridges. The following-named bridges are under the eharge of the Superintendent of Bridges.

1 LIST OF BOSTON BRIDGES UNIDER THE CHARGE OF THE BRIDGE DEPARTMENT. I. — BRIDGES MAINTAINEID WHOLLY BY THE CITY. [In the list those marked with an asterisk (*) are over navigable waters, and are each provided with a draw.] ALLSTON, over Boston and Albany Railroad, at Cambridge street, Brighton.

1 For other bridges, see Park Department, page 78; and Boston and Cambridge Bridges, page 98.

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