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(See, also, Index in back of book.)
45 – Municipal Register, 1906.
46— Rules of the Board of Aldermen, report of special committee on.
47— Rules and Orders of the Common Council, report of committee on.
48— Rules and Orders of the City Council, report of joint special committee on.
49—Annual Estimates of the Departments for 1906–1907.
50 – Fourth of July Oration, delivered by Timothy Wilfred Coakley, July 4, 1906.
51 — Consumptives’ Hospital Ordinance, proposed amendments to.
52 – Municipal Gas and Electric Lighting Plants, statement of corporation counsel
in regard to existing provisions of law applicable to the establishment by the
City of Bostom of.
53 — Monthly Eachibit of Auditing Department for January, 1906.
54 — Monthly Statement of Treasury Department for January, 1906.
55— Monthly Statement of Collecting Department for January, 1906.
56—Jury List, 1906.
57 — Monthly Eachibit of Auditing Department for January, 1906.
58 — Italian Catholic Cemetery Association, corporation counsel’s opinion on legality
of order authorizing use of certain land for burial purposes by the.
59 – Street Department, Chap. 1, Ordinances of 1906.
60— City Officers, Chap. 2, Ordinances of 1906.
61 — Salaries of City Officers, Chap. 3, Ordinances of 1906.
62 – Rentals Paid by City for Offices, statement from Auditor in regard to.
63 – Communication from Fire Commissioner relative to circulation of petition by
firemen asking for repeal of ordinance granting one day’s leave of absence
in five.
64 – Consumptives’ Hospital, Chap. 4, Ordinances of 1906.
65 — Monthly Earhibit of Auditing Department for February, 1906.
66–Monthly Statement of Treasury Department for February, 1906.
67 — Monthly Statement of Collecting Department for February, 1906.
68— Communication from Acting Superintendent of Lamps enclosing copy of
contract of Rising Sun Street Lighting Company with city.
69— Competency of Board of Aldermen to Override Mayor’s Veto, corporation coun-
Sel’s Opinion On.
70 — Ferry Division, information as to hours of labor of employees in.
71 – Monthly Statement of Collecting Department for March, 1906.
72 – Monthly Statement of Treasury Department for March, 1906.
73 — Monthly Eachibit of Auditing Department for March, 1906.
74— Appropriation Bill for 1906–1907, report of joint standing committee on appro-
priations submitting the.
75— Ward Room, Ward 13, Chap. 5, Ordinances of 1906.
76 – Appropriation Bill for 1906–1907 as passed by Aldermen, April 16, 1906.
77 — Necessity of Aldermen Meeting in Special Session as County Commissioners,
corporation counsel’s opinion as to.
78 – Matters Under Control of Aldermen as Surveyors of Highways, corporation
counsel's opinion as to.
79—Redivision of Precincts 2, 3, 6, 7, 8 and 9 of Ward 21 into Voting Precincts.
80 – Officials Paid by Fees, appointed for one year, beginning May 1, 1906.