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Forþæm se idom ir Lod. he zerihp eall1 une pync. ze zod ze ÿfel. æn hiz zepondent sien. odde fuppon5 gepoht. Ac he ur ne net no pý hræpon to pamp pe nede rcylen god don. ne ur ne pynnpll pe yfel don. Foppam12 pe he ur realde Ƒpydom.13 Ic de mæg eac cæcan jume birne. p pu þý eð11 ongitan mih 15 ða spræce. Ppær16 pu part zeriht. 7 zehenner. and gefredner onzitap done lichoman dær monner. J peah ne onzitap hi hine no gelicne. de eapan onzitap † hi gehioɲap. J ne ongitap hi peah pone lichoman eallunga rpylene rpylce he bip. sio zefɲedner hine maz17 gegnapian.187zernedan hit lichoma bip. ac hio ne mæz gefredan hрæpen he bip de blac de hpit. de fæzen þe unfæzen. Ac rio zeriho æt fruman ceppe.19 гра da eagan on beriop. hio20 onzicap ealle done andplican par lichoman. Ac ic polde zet peccan sume ɲace. † ðu pisse11 hpær þu pundredest. 22



§ V. Da cpæp ic. Pрæt is p. Ɖa cpæp he. Dit is se an monn onzitt23 pp he on oppum ongit sýndeplice. he hine onzit puph da eagan sýndeplice. puph ða eapan sýndeplice. ðuph hir pædelsan sýndeplice. duph gerceadpinerre syndeplice. duph zepis andzit. Monize sint cpucepa2* gesceafta unstýriende. spa гpa nu scуlfiscaƑ25 sint. and habbap deah rumne dæl andzites. Foppæm hi ne mihton26 eller libbon.27 ZIF hi nan grot andzites nærson. rume mazon zerion. jume mazon zehýnon.28 Jume zefredon.29 jume zertincan. Ac ða stýriendan netenu sint monnum gelicpan. Foppam hý habbap eall þ da unstýniendan habbap. eac mape to. pr. hio hynigapo monnum. lupiap hi lufiap. and hatiap phi hatiap. 7 flyp31 ₺ hi hatiap. 7 recap hi lufiap. Da men donne habbap eall pe æn ymbe гpræcon. eac to eacan dæm micle zife gerceaбpirnejre. Englar donne habbap gepir andzit. Foppæm rint par rcearta2 pur zerceapene. Þ þa unƒtýpiendan hi ne ahebben ofen ða stýriendan. ne hım




b Boet. lib. v. prosa 4-5.-Neque enim sensus aliquid, &c. 1eall, deest in MS. Cott. 2 Cott. peopc. 3 Cott. good. gepondene. 5 Cott. fuppum. 6 Cott. ned. 7 Cott. hnabop. þæm. • Bod. nyde. 10 Cott. good. 11 Cott. pennð. fopbæm.

16 Bod. Ɖæt.

in MS. Bod.

Cott. hi.

24 Bod. cucene.

13 Cott. fpeodom. 14 Cott. þe yo.


4 Cott.

8 Cott.

12 Cott.

15 Cott. meahte.

rpylene rpylce he bid. rio gefɲędner hine mæg, desunt

18 Bod. gegnapiað. 19 Cott. Fpumceppe. 20 Bod. et

21 Bod. pirtert.

22 Cott. pundpode.

25 Bod. Fircar. 28 Cott. gehipan. 29 Cott. gernedan. 32 Cott. gerceafta.

[ocr errors]

26 Cott. meahton.

23 Cott. ougit.

27 Cott. libban.

30 Cott. hi onhypað. 31 Cott.

such as it is. For wisdom is God. He sees all our works, both good and evil, before they are done, or even thought of. But he does not compel us the more, so that we necessarily must do good, nor prevent us from doing evil; because he has given us freedom. I can also show thee some examples, whereby thou mayest more easily understand this discourse. Thou knowest that sight, and hearing, and feeling, perceive the body of a man, and yet they perceive it not alike. The ears perceive that which they hear, and yet they perceive not the body altogether such as it is. The feeling may touch it, and feel that it is a body, but cannot feel whether it be black or white, fair or not fair. But the sight in the first instance, as the eyes look thereon, perceives all the form of the body. But I would still give some explanation, that thou mayest understand that which thou wast wondering at.

§ V. Then said I: What is that? Then said he: It is that the same man perceives in separate ways what he perceives in others. He perceives it through the eyes separately; through the ears separately; through his imagination separately; through reason separately, through intelligence. Many living creatures are unmoving, as, for instance, shell-fishes are, and have, nevertheless, some portion of sense, for they could not otherwise live, if they had no particle of sense. Some can

see; some can hear; some can feel; some can smell. But the moving beasts are more like to men, because they have all which the unmoving have, and also more; that is, that they imitate men: love what they love, and hate what they hate; and fly from what they hate, and seek what they love. But men have all that we before mentioned, and also, in addition thereto, the great gift of reason. But angels have intelligence. On this account are the creatures thus formed, that the unmoving may not exalt themselves above the

pip ne pinnan. ne þa stýriendan open da men. ne da men open da englar. ne da englar pip Lod. Ac preapmlic pre mærta Sæl monna ne reep on pp him fongifen is. p is gescеadpiness. ne pne reep1p him open ir. pr englar habbap I pire men. pis zepis andget. Ac mert monna nu2 onhynep3 nu neatum on pæm phi pillniað populd lufta spa spa netenu. Ac gif pe nu hærson ænigne dæl untpiozendes andgites sра гра englaƑ habbað. ponne mihte pe onziton andzet bip micle betere donne une gerceaбpirnеrre. Deah pe pela rmean.5 pe habbap litellne geapopitan buton tpeon. ac pam englum ni nan tpeo naner þæɲa ðinga þe hi piton. for dis hiopia; gearopito spa micle betpa donne une gesceadpisnesse. spa upe zeceadpisnesse is betere ponne nytena andgit fie. odde þær gepitter ænig dæl de him fongifen ir. aupen oððe hpopum neatum oppe unhɲopum. Ac uton nu habban une od up spa spa pe ÿfemest mæzen pip dær hean hɲofer þær hehstan andgites. † þu mæze hpædlicost cumon J epelicort to pinpe agenpe cýððe ponan pu æn come. pæn mæg þin Mod pin zerceadpiner gereon openlice hit nu ymb peop ælcer dinges. æzpen ze be dære godcundan foperceapunze. pe pe nu oft ýmb spræcon. ze be unum fлýdome.7 ze spa be eallum ðingum.

§ VI. Da re Firbom da pir rpell arab hæ ongan he ringan þur cpæp. Dpæt pu miht ongitan þmanız pýht is mirtlice fenende geons eoppan. J sint spipe ungehcer hiper. J ungelice rapap. rume liczap mis eallon lichaman on coppan. J гða snicende fapapp him nauper ne fet ne fipepar ne fultumap. J rume bip opiofete. sume fioperfete. sume fleogende. Jealle peah biop of dune healde pip pæne eoppan. J þider pillniap. oppe par pe hi lýst. oppe þær pe hi bepupron. Ac re mann ana gæp uppihte. p tacnapp he rceal ma pencan up ponne nypen. ði lær Mod sie niopopon ponne pe lichoma. Da re Firbom pir leop arungen hærde. da cpap he..

c Boet. lib. v. metrum 5.-Quam variis terras animalia, &c. 1 Cott. recad. 2 nu, deest in MS. Bod. 3 Bod. onstypæð. gerceadpirnerrie. 5 Cott. rmeagen. 8 Bod. geon. 9 Cott. re Firdom þa þis leoð.


6 Cott. netan.

4 Cott.

7 Cott. Fneo

moving, or strive with them: nor the moving, above men; nor men above the angels; nor the angels against God. But it is wretched that the greatest part of men do not look on that which is given them, that is reason: nor regard that which is above them, that is, what angels and wise men have, namely, intelligence. But most men imitate cattle, inasmuch as they follow worldly lusts, like cattle. But if we had any portion of undoubting intelligence, as angels have, then might. we perceive that that intelligence is much better than our reason. Though we contemplate many things, we have little understanding free from doubt. But to the angels there is no doubt of any of the things which they know; therefore is their understanding as much better than our reason, as our reason is better than the understanding of cattle is, or any portion of that intellect which is given them, either to prone cattle, or to those not prone. But let us now elevate our minds, as we highest may, towards the high roof of the supreme intelligence, that thou mayest most readily and most easily come to thine own country, whence thou before camest. There may thy mind and thy reason see plainly that which it now doubts about in everything, both concerning the divine foreknowledge, which we have often discoursed about; and concerning our freedom; and concerning all things.

§ VI. When Wisdom had ended this speech, then began he to sing, and thus said: Thou mayest perceive that many an animal moves variously upon the earth, and they are of very dissimilar form, and go differently. Some lie with the whole body on the earth, and so go creeping,, because neither feet nor wings support them: and some are two-footed; some four-footed; some flying; and all, nevertheless, are inclined downwards towards the earth, and then seek either what they list, or what is needful for them. But man alone goes upright. This betokens that he ought more to direct his thought upwards than downwards, lest the mind should be inferior to the body. When Wisdom had sung this lay, then said he :




FOR þý pe sceoldon eallon1 mæzne spirian æfter Lode. pe pirren3 hpæt he pæne. peah hit uɲe mæp ne sie † pe pitan hpæt he rie. pe rculon peah be dær andzites mæpe. de he ur gif. fundizan.5 spа гpа pе æɲ cpæрpon.6 mon rceolde ælc ding ongitan be his andgiter mæpe. Foppam pe ne mazon alc ding ongitan spylc spilce9 hit is.10 Elc gerceaft deah æzper ze zerceadpis ze ungesceadpir pspeotolapp God ecer. Foppæm næfɲe spa maneza zesceafta and ƒра micla spall Fægna12 hi ne underpodden lærran gercearta læran anpealse ponne hi ealle rindon. ne fuppum emn miclum. Da cpæp ic. Pæt s ecner. Da cpæp he. Du me ahrast micles eapfopes to onzitanne. gif ðu hit ongitan13 pilt. du sceale habban æn diner moder eagan clæne hluttpe.14 Ne maz ic de nauht helan þær þe ic pat. Fast du p ppio ping sindon on dis middaneaɲde.15 An ir hpilenolic þær hærp expen16 ze Ƒnuman ze ende. J ic17 nat deah nan puht þær de hpilendlic ir nauþeɲ ne hiɲ Ƒɲuman ne hir ende. Open þing ir ece. p hærp Fɲuman nær nænne ende. J ic17 pat hponne hit onzinp. pat hit næƑpe ne zeendap. print englar and monna rapla. Dɲidde ping is ece buton ende buton anginne. p ir Lod. Betpuh pam 18 prim r rpipe micel torcead. Lif pit pealle rculon armeazan.19 ponne cume pit late to ende pirre bec. oððe næfɲe:· Ac an ding pu scealt nýbe20 pæn æpi pitan. fop hpy Lod is gehaten so hehrte ecner. Da cpap ic. Dpy. Da cpap he. Foppon pe piton rpipe lycel þær þe æn ur pær. buton be zemynde. j be geascunze.22 and get lærre þær de æfter us bið. † an us is zepirlice andpeand te ponne bip. ac him ir eall andpeand. ze p te ær þær. ze te nu ir. ze te æfter us bið. eall hit is him andpeand. Ne pexp23 hir pelena. ne eac nærɲe ne panap. Ne orman he nærne nan24 puht. Foɲðæm næppe nauht he25 ne d Boet. lib. v. prosa 6.-Quoniam igitur, uti paulo ante, &c.

1 Cott. ealle.

5 Cott. Fandian. 9 Cott. rpylce. spægpa.


2 Cott. rpypian.

3 Bod. pirton. • Cott. hpylc. 6 Cott. cpædon. 7 Cott. rcolde. 8 Cott. Fopbæm.

12 Bod

11 rpa, deest in MS. Bod.. 14 Cott. hlutop. 15 Cott. middangeande 17 ic, deest in MS. Cott. 18 Cott. betpeoh þæm 20 Cott. nede. 21 Cott. an. 22 Cott. geærcum. 25 Cott. ropþæm he nærpe nauh

10 Cott. bið. 13 Cott. pitan. 16 Bod. þær be ægþer. 19 Cott. tormeagan. 23 Cott. rcenco.

24 Cott. nane.

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