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methodically arranged, as to be comprehended by any one..... The theory of science, then, is the exposition of known facts, arranged in classes, and expressed in words. The advantages of experience and observation on a large scale, are by no means peculiar to mechanical ingenuity. ....... It is peculiarly true with regard to the chemistry of the arts. In fact, the very foundation of modern chemistry, or, at least, of that branch of it termed pneumatic chemistry, was laid in a brewery. There had been no lack of ingenuity, no sparing of labor or expense, no flagging of zeal or curiosity among the old chemists. But the larger and more striking field of observation and combination afforded to Dr. Priestley, by the vats and gases of his neighbor, the brewer, opened a new world to inquiry. From the thick vapors of the brew-house, like one of the gigantic genii of oriental romance, arose that mighty science which has given to enlightened art a more than magical sway.... It is wonderful how the elements of the most precious knowledge are spread around us; how to the curious and instructed observer every thing is full and rich with the means of benefiting the human race. The slightest accession to our knowledge of nature, or our command over it, is sure, ultimately, to connect itself with some other truth, or to unfold its own powers or relations, and thus to lead on to some practical benefit, which the boldest conjecture could never have anticipated. The ignorant and the idle, suffer all such opportunities to pass by them as the vagrant breeze. But such will surely not be the case with industrious men, prepared by general science to turn those occasions to the best account. I argue from experience. Take, for instance, the history of one of the most recent and precious gifts which chemistry has made to medicine. A few years ago, a soap manufacturer of Paris, M. Courtois, remarked that the residuum of his lye, when exhausted of the alkali, produced a corrosion of his copper boilers, which struck him as deserving special inquiry. He put it,' says Mr. Herschel, 'into the nands of a scientific chemist for analysis, and the result was, the discovery o one of the most singular and important chemical elements, iodine. Curiosity was excited; the origin of the new substance was traced to the seaplants, from whose ashes the principal ingredient of soap is obtained, and ultimately to the sea-water itself. It was thence hunted through nature, discovered in salt mines and springs, and pursued into all bodies which have a marine origin; among the rest into sponge. A medical practitioner, (Dr. Coindet, a Swiss physician,) then called to mind a reputed remedy for the cure of one of the most grievous and unsightly disorders to which the human species is subject-the goitre..... and which was said to have been originally cured by the ashes of burned sponge. Led by this indication, he tried the effect of iodine on that complaint, and the result established the extraordinary fact, that this substance, taken as a medicine, acts with the utmost promptitude and energy on goitre, dissipating the largest and most inveterate in a short time, and acting (of course with occasional failures, like all other medicines,) as a specific or natural antagonist against that odious deformity.' Now consider what a map of human misery, for a long series of generations to come, has been relieved or removed by this discovery, arising from the single circumstance of a Parisian soap manufacturer being an observing man, who understood the uses and nature of chemical analysis. Let us cross the channel to Great Britain, for some farther examples. The Telescope, in its earliest stages of invention had received all the improvement that could then be furnished by the genius of the great Galileo, the father of modern science, and by the superhuman philosophical sagacity of Sir Isaac Newton, as well as of their disciples and followers, the most learned and ingenious men of Europe, such as the English Hooke, the Dutch Huygens, and the German Euler.The product of these labors was admirable proof of the power of human invention; yet it was accompanied with imperfections, especially in the refracting telescope, that seemed insuperable. The removal of this defect


was reserved for John Dollond, originally a silk weaver, and afterward an optician and instrument-maker, of London. Half a century after Newton's exper

iments, Dollond conceived the idea, that the refractive powers of different kinds of glass might be made to correct each other. In this he completely succeeded. Had he not been familiar with the science of Newton, Dollone would never have attempted this discovery; had he not also been a prac tical mechanic, it is hardly probable that he would have succeeded. The incidental mention of the ultimate advantages derived by the art of naviga tion from the labors of Dollond, suggests to my mind another illustration, and recalls the name of John Smeaton. He was by regular trade, a philosophical instrument-maker, but his active mind had taken a broad range of rational curiosity and employment, embracing almost every thing in science or art, that could throw light on mechanical contrivance. His inventions of this sort were very numerous and ingenious, but his solid fame rests chiefly upon the erection of the Eddystone lighthouse. There are few narratives of more intense interest or varied instruction than his own account of this great work....... The names and lives of our own distinguished benefactors of mankind-Franklin, and Rittenhouse, and Whitney, and Fulton, and Perkins -press upon my memory. . . . . . The history of Printing offers another tempting field of collateral illustration. . . . . . . I might tell of the Italian Aldus and his sons, of Henry Stephens, of Paris, and his learned family, of the Dutch Elgivirs, the English Bouyer, the Scotch Foulis and Duncan, and surely could not forget the noblest name of them all, our own Franklin. . . . . . I must also reluctantly refrain from detailing the studies, inventions and improvements of the potter, Josiah Wedgewood. .. But from among the names which thus crowd upon me, let me adduce one more bright example........ It was about this season of the year, just seventy years ago, that the instrument-maker employed by the University of Glasgow, received from the professor of natural philosophy in that ancient seminary of learning, a broken model of the steam-engine, as then used, to be put in order for his lectures. An ordinary workman, after admiring the ingenuity of this imperfect machine, would have made the necessary repairs, sent it back to the lecture-room, and the world would have gone on as usual. But it had fallen into the hands of James Watt, a young mechanic, of singular and various inventive sagacity, and of most patient and persevering ingenuity, who, in addition to much miscellane ous information, and some mathematical acquirement, had been led by a liberal curiosity to master all that was then known of chemistry, and theoretical natural philosophy in its broadest sense. Look around for yourselves -on our rivers and lakes-on the manufactures of Europe and America, piled up in our shops-on the railroads which traverse, or are just about to traverse, our continent-on the wealth, the power, the rapid interchange of commerce and intelligence produced by the modern steam-engine, and then let me remind you, that all this is the fruit of the solitary labors and studies of a Glasgow work-shop; directed by an active, vigorous, daring, but most patient and persevering mind, which knew how to use well the knowledge that other wise or ingenious men had previously reasoned out or discovered... I have not


yet touched upon the influence of knowledge, upon the operative and producing classes themselves, in improving the character, raising the thoughts, awakening sleeping talent, and thus qualifying this great and valuable body, for the able, just, right, wise and honorable discharge of all the duties of men, of citizens, of freemen, of patriots. This is alone, and in itself, a theme full of interest -full of excitement... Such were Saratoga's victors, such the brave men whose blood earned our liberties. Foremost among them was the blacksmith of Rhode Island, Nathaniel Greene; he whom Hamilton, while he honored Washington as 'the first man of the country,' did not hesitate to style the first soldier of the Revolution. . . . . There also was the book-binder, Knox, and from among the mechanics of New York, came forth our Willet, the bravest of the brave.' .. Abroad, our interests were watched over, and our national dignity represented, by the printer, Franklin. . . . . . . . . Foremost in our councils at home, and enrolled among the immortal names of the committee of five, who prepared and reported the Declaration of Independence, was


the shoemaker, Roger Sherman, a man self-educated and self-raised. Here were other names like these which I cannot now pause to recapitulate. .... Still I cannot forbear from paying a passing tribute to the memory of a townsman and a friend. . . . . The courage, seamanship, and ability of Commodore Chauncey, would have been exerted in vain, had they not been seconded by the skill, the enterprise, the science, the power of combination, and the ready and inexhaustible resources of his ship-builder, Henry Eckford. .... The ardor for improvement, the thirst for knowledge, manifested by the mechanics of this and others of our cities, are gratifying indeed. But they derive a tenfold interest and value from the greater results which they foretell, and the more glorious future they appear to usher in." Gulian C. Verplanck's Discourse before the Mechanics Institute of New York, Nov. 27, 1833-passim.

5. CHOICE OF Books.

"The world is full of books; but there are multitudes which are so ill-written. that they were never worthy any man's reading; and there are thousands more which may be good in their kind, but are worth nothing, when the month, or year, or occasion is past, for which they were written. Others may be valuable in themselves for some special purpose, or in some peculiar science, but are not fit to be perused by any but those who are engaged in that particular science or business. . It is of vast advantage or improvement of knowledge and saving time, for a young man to have the most proper books for his reading recommended by a judicious friend. . . . . . . There is yet another sort of books, (in addition to books of science and complete treatises on subjects, which are first recommended,) of which it is proper I should say something while I am treating on this subject; and these are history, poesy, travels, books of diversion or amusement; among which we may reckon also, little common pamphlets, newspapers, or such like. For many of these, I confess, once reading may be sufficient, where there is a tolerably good memory...

Still let it be remembered, that where the historical narrative is of considerable moment, where the poesy, oratory, &c., shine with some degrees of perfection and glory, a single reading is neither sufficient to satisfy a mind, that has a true taste for this sort of writing; nor can we make the fullest and best improvement of them, without proper reviews, and that in our retirement as well as in company. Among these writings of the latter kind, we may justly reckon short miscellaneous essays on all manner of subjects; such as the Occasional Papers, the Tattlers, the Spectators, and some other books, that have been compiled out of the weekly or daily products of the press. ... Among other books, which are proper and requisite, in order to improve our knowledge in general, or our acquaintance with any particular science, it is necessary that we should be furnished with vocabularies and dictionaries of several sorts, namely, of common words, idioms, and phrases, in order to explain their sense; of technical words, or the terms of art, to show their use in arts and sciences; of names of men, countries, towns, rivers, &c., which are called historical and geographical dictionaries, &c. These are to be consulted and used upon every occasion... ... If such books are not at hand, you must supply the want of them, as well as you can, by consulting such as can inform you.' Watts on the Mind, pp. 59, 69, 71, 72.

"A wise and good man was accustomed, in his devotion, to thank God for books. He did well; good books, rightly used, are among our greatest blessings....... Books introduce us to the noblest minds of our race, and permit us to commune intimately with them, even at those privileged hours, when they obtain their brightest visions of truth, and pour forth their loftiest or most touching eloquence. It must be remembered, however, that all books are not good books, and that even good books may be so read, as to fail of their appropriate ends. Milton has said, that 'a wise man can sooner gather gold out of


the drossiest volume, than a fool, wisdom out of Scripture.' It is certa.n that the effect of reading depends nearly as much on the disposition and taste of the reader, as on the character of the writer. Hence the great importance of considering not only what we read, but also in what way, and for what ends. A love of books can be acquired only by those who find pleasure in using them; and hence, whoever would cultivate in himself or others this most desirable taste, should select, especially at first, such works as can be read with sustained and quickened attention. But let it not be forgotten, that such books, if read only to amuse and entertain, must, if good, fail of much of their effect, while, if bad, their influence will be deplorable. By degrading them into instruments of momentary pleasure, we shall lose sight of their true worth, and learn to confound them with that herd of books, usually known as light reading;' books which seem to have been written in order to be once read, and then forever forgotten. Soon, too, we shall disrelish all books than contain any serious matter, and be content only with those of the most frivolous and exciting kind. These last will claim every hour that can be allotted to reading; and happy shall we be, if they do not steal hours that ought to have been given to study.. ... To this danger we are peculiarly exposed in our own day. . . . . We should choose books that will exercise the faculty of close and continuous attention, and as we advance, we should subject it to the necessity of more strenuous and protracted effort. They should be books, too, which require us to think; which sometimes incline us to close our volume, that we may review the arguments and statements of the writer, and test them by the rules of sound reasoning; books, which call us to analyze what is complicated, to arrest what is fugitive, and trace out what is subtle; which suggest new subjects for reflection and inquiry, and gradually lead us to appreciate and enjoy the pleasure that results from the mere exercise of our intellectual powers.. So, again, in regard to taste. All men have been endowed, though in different degrees, with a relish for what is beautiful or perfect of its kind. . . . . . . Hence. books, as well as companions, should be selected with reference to the cultivation, not only of the understanding, but also of the taste. And in this respect we are exposed to much danger. Not a few of the works of our day (especially those of a fictitious and periodical characterworks, too, which command enthusiastic applause,) are directly calculated to encourage a false taste in literature, as well as a vicious tone in manners and morals. What is true of intellect and taste is not less true of our moral sentiments. .. And, as our moral judgments, moreover, are insensibly but powerfully affected by companions, so are they by books-companions, against whom we are apt to be least on our guard, whose instructions we are disposed to receive with a too implicit faith, and whose society we enjoy at those seasons of relaxation, when the heart is most open to influence. It is nearly an axiom, that people will not be better than the books they read. . . . . It is important that all books be proscribed, which inculcate indifference to moral distinctions; which tend, however indirectly, or insidiously, to excite our evil passions; which exhibit the guilty and profligate as objects of sympathy and admiration; or which serve to lessen, in the least, our reverence for principle, or our hatred of a mean and time-serving policy. . . . . ..In thus explaining the objects which ought to be kept in view in reading, I have, in effect, furnished rules for judging of books, of their character and value. If one great end of reading be to enlarge our knowledge, then we should, for the most part, read no books which do not furnish useful information. I say, for the most part, because we sometimes read rather to improve taste, quicken and cultivate imagination, or discipline reason, rather than to gain knowledge. Hence another rule, by which we may try a book, is the effect it has upon the understanding. Does it require thought, and excite to reflection? Does it deal in sound reasoning only, avoiding all specious fallacies, and making no appeals to mere prejudice or passion? Does it cultivate in our minds a disinterested love of truth? . If, on the other hand, it be a work of imagination or taste, it should be tried by its influence on the sensitive part of our nature. If it pre

sent us with images of beauty and simplicity, enable us to view the works of nature and art, with a keener and more discriminating relish, inspire us with a love for the perfect, and, above all, if it strengthen and animate our noble sentiments of virtue, it merits frequent and careful perusal. But, if otherwise, &c., I need not add, that it is a book to be reprobated and avoided.. WHAT SHOULD WE READ? Only good books; which Milton describes as 'the precious life-blood of master-spirits, embalmed and treasured up on purpose to a life beyond life.' To know whether a book be good, consider, 1st, whether it adds to our sum of knowledge: 2ndly, whether it induces thought, and exercises reason: 3dly, whether it improves taste: and 4thly, whether it strengthens conscience.'-Dr. Potter: Advantages of Science, pp. 9-12. 22-27, 31. "Read always the best and most recent book on the subject which you wish to investigate. You are to remember,' says Pliny the younger, that the most approved authors of each sort are to be carefully chosen, for, as it has been well observed, though we should read much, we should not read many authors.'"-Dr. Potter: Handbook for Readers, p. 18.


"Some prejudice, against what are called courses of study, has been justly provoked by the great number and variety of those which have been proposed from time to time. . . . . At the outset. almost any course of reading is better than the desultory and irregular habits which prevail so extensively. When once the student has acquired a taste for good books, and some just ideas of the object and uses of reading, he may be safely left to glean for himself, from the counsels of others, such hints and directions as are best adapted to his own case... .. Do not become so far enslaved by any system or course of study, as to think it may not be altered, when alteration would contribute to the healthy and improving action of the mind. . . Beware, on the other hand, of frequent changes in your plan of study. This is the besetting sin of young persons. No, take your course wisely, but firmly,' says Wirt, and having taken it hold upon it with heroic resolution, and the Alps and Pyrenees will sink before you. The whole empire of learning will be at your feet, while those who set out with you, but stopped to change their plans, are yet employed in the very profitable business of changing their plans. Let your motto be, Persererando vinces. (by perseverance thou shalt conquer.) Practice upon it, and you will be convinced of its value, by the distinguished eminence to which it will conduct you.'. . . . . Study subjects, rather than books; therefore, compare different authors on the same subjects; the statements of authors, with information collected from other sources; and the conclusions drawn by a writer with the rules of sound logic. Learning,' says Feltham, falls far short of wisdom; nay, so far that you scarcely find a greater fool than is sometimes a mere scholar. I take care,' says one of the profoundest and most versatile scholars in England, as quoted by Mr. Warren, in his Law Studies, 'always to ascertain the value of what I look at, and if satisfied on that score, 1 most carefully stow it away. I pay, besides, frequent visits to my magazine,' and keep an inventory of at least every thing important, which I frequently compare with my stores. It is, however, the systematic disposition and arrangement I adopt, which lightens the labors of memory. I was by no means remarkable for memory, when young; on the contrary, I was considered rather defective on that score.' Dare to be ignorant of many things. 'In a celebrated satire. (the Pursuits of Literature) much read in my youth,' says Dr. Quincy, and which I myself read about twenty-five years ago, I remember one counsel there addressed to young men, but, in fact, of universal application. I call upon them, said the author, to dare to be ignorant of many things; a wise counsel and justly expressed. A good scheme of study will soon show itself to be such by this one test, that it will exclude as powerfully as it will appropriate; it will be a system of repulsion no less than of attrac

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