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ing, or as they are called, in distinction from manual ingenuity, the polite arts.

Although these arts seem on the first view to be contributory only to our gratification; yet it should seem that Providence, in endowing us with propensities and abilities to investigate and improve them, meant that they should become, in some degree, the objects of our inquiry; and indeed we see throughout the whole creation, that the ends of beauty, amusement, and pleasure, = have never been neglected; other wise we might ask, in the language of Shenstone,

"Why knows the nightingale to sing?
Why flows the pine's nectareous juice?
Why shines with paint the linnet's wing?
For sustenance alone: For use:
For preservation. Every sphere

From the study of the sciences, the understanding is enlarged, and the faculties strengthened; from that of the arts the affections are exercised and the heart is improved.

It would be superfluous, before

the present audience, to enter into an explanation of this sentiment; for who has not experienced that delightful glow, that inexpressible sensation, favourable to virtue and humanity, which the labours of the genuine poet never fail to inspire? Who has not felt himself roused to action, or excited to pity, or affected with social sorrow, by the powerful effects of harmony, or the vivid representations of the pencil? After being conversant with these arts, the mind feels itself soothed and softened, and is then capable of receiving more distinctly and deep

Shall bid fair pleasure's rightful claim ap- ly, and retaining to more effectual


And sure there seem of human kind,
Some born to shun the solemn strife!
Some for amusive tasks design'd

To soothe the certain ills of life,

Grace its lone paths with many a blushing


New founts of bliss disclose, Call forth refreshing shades, and decorate repose."

The cultivation of the polite arts seems then to be conducive to the happiness of man, and consistent with the true end of his nature: but there is a still higher purpose to which they should be applied the consideration of which will tend to ascertain the rank they ought to hold, and to determine their relative claims upon our time and abilities.

In admitting that the arts are in tended for our gratification, it must not be understood that utility is exclusively the end of science, and amusement the end of the arts.

purpose, those finer impressions whence a very considerable share of human happiness is derived, and which either give rise to, or highly improve all the charities of social life.

Let us not then conclude, that, because the fine arts are apparently calculated for the gratification of our feelings, therefore they are to be postponed to all the more serious avocations which have before been noticed. It is their province to act upon our affections and passions, the impulses of which have often as principal a share in the direction of our conduct, as the suggestions of our judgement; and to regulate, correct, and harmonize them by those means which Providence has afforded us, becomes therefore a part of our duty no less essential than the improvement of many of the sciences, or the cultivation of our rational powers. Dd 2


To ascertain the particular rank to which the arts are entitled, might perhaps be a matter of some difficulty. That they ought by no means to interfere with the attainment of moral science is certain; and perhaps several branches of natural philosophy, closely connected with the utility of mankind, may have a stronger claim on our time and abilities; but that they are invariably to be postponed to the study of nature in all its branches cannot be allowed. From the contemplation of heroic actions, whether communicated by the pen or the pencil, feelings are incited, strongly connected with the first and leading object of our pursuit, and of great importance to the advancement of virtue and the improvement of human life.

I must also remark, that as an unvaried application to one pursuit is not only irksome to us, but frequently defeats the end it aims at, those occupations, by whose assistance the mind can relax without debilitating, and amuse without degrading itself, must ever stand high in our estimation; and by being intermingled with our more serious labours, will afford a degree of cheerfulness, vigour, and activity, which will tend more than any other means to insure success in higher pursuits.

Of an endeavour to fix the comparative excellence of the polite arts with each other, the result would be of little use, nor is the subject susceptible of novelty. There is no great difficulty in influencing the judgement to the pursuit of any particular study; but the sentimental faculty chooses its own objects, and seldom makes a proficiency in any

branch of art which it has not spontaneously adopted.

I have thus made a faint attempt to elucidate an idea which I conceive to be of considerable importance; and though I pretend not to have balanced with an accurate hand the comparative merit of the sciences, it is enough for my purpose, if I induce others to reflect, that there is a considerable difference in the degree of attention that ought to be paid to them. And it will, I hope, sufficiently appear, that the cultivation of the moral sense ought to be the grand object of our endeavours, and that even the improvement of our intellect is laudable, principally, as it promotes this great end.

Let it however be permitted me to remark, that throughout this essay, I have considered every individual of mankind as engaged to improve his abilities, and thereby promote his own happiness to the utmost of his power; but that I by no means would be thought to detract from the characters of those men who have employed their time and talents in the pursuit of particular sciences, even to the exclusion of others; and by arriving at eminence in them, have extended the bounds of human knowledge, and smoothed the way for future travellers. Infinite are the obligations mankind are under to the illustrious characters who have thus devoted themselves to the public good: but we may reasonably expect to stand excused, if, whilst we enjoy the fruits of such generous ardour, we aim at the security of our private happiness, and prefer the secret consciousness of a proper discharge of the duties of life, to the popular ap


probation, which deservedly waits upon those who have successfully exerted their abilities on subjects which have little or no connexion with the promotion of virtue and the advancement of moral rectitude.

The happiness of a married life; from the Loiterer, aperiodical work.

F all the men I ever knew,

cautious in the grand affair of choosing a wife; and after mature deliberation, discovered that fashionable women were vain, and accomplished women affected. He therefore married the daughter of one of his tenants, with no charm excepting a little health and freshness, and no acquirements beyond those of a country boarding-school; being persuaded that because she was ignorant she must be humble, and because low-born, unexpensive. But of both these inferences he lived to experience the falsity; for his cara sposa soon became intoxicated by the possession of pleasure of which she had till then entertained no idea, entered with eagerness into every species of fashionable dissipation, and paid small regard to a husband, for whom she felt little gratitude and less affection.

It was in vain he argued, implored, and threatened; too weak for reason, too obstinate for intreaty, and too passionate for remonstrance, he heard him with the vacant laugh

of folly, or answered him in the pert virulence of vulgar invective; the only part of her country education, which she never forgot.

After battling it in vain for some months with an enemy to whom he

was a very unequal antagonist, he submitted to an evil which he could not remedy, and is content to be ruined by the expences, and tormented by the follies of a vulgar termagant, for the sake (as he says) of peace and quietness.-Very different was the opinion and the fate of his brother Edward.-Determined not to be made miserable by a lowborn vixen, he early attached himself to lady Caroline Almeria Horatia Mackenzie, who inherited to

and the pride of along line of North British nobility. After a long and tedious courtship, in which she took care to make him completely sensible of the honour done to him, her ladyship obligingly condescended to give him her hand; and still more obligingly introduced to his acquaintance and his house something more than a dozen of her great relations, who have ever since taken up their abode with him.

After this, it is needless to say how much he is master in his own family: since every subject of conjugal discussion is immediately laid before this impartial jury; who instantly pronounce judgement on the case, and exhort him to pay proper regard to a woman of lady Caroline's understanding, accomplishments, and rank. So that he possesses no other advantage over his brother than the privilege of being made miserable in the very best company.

"The two Sedleys," said my old friend, Frank Blunt, on entering my room the other morning," were a couple of silly fellows, and are deservedly punished for their folly. Hewho sets out in a wrong road must

not wonder if he does not reach his

journey's end. Had I followed their example I should have been


To ascertain the particular rank to which the arts are entitled, might perhaps be a matter of some difficulty. That they ought by no means to interfere with the attainment of moral science is certain; and perhaps several branches of natural philosophy, closely connected with the utility of mankind, may have a stronger claim on our time and abilities; but that they are invariably to be postponed to the study of nature in all its branches cannot be allowed. From the contemplation of heroic actions, whether communicated by the pen or the pencil, feelings are incited, strongly connected with the first and leading object of our pursuit, and of great importance to the advancement of virtue and the improvement of human life.

I must also remark, that as an unvaried application to one pursuit is not only irksome to us, but frequently defeats the end it aims at, those occupations, by whose assistance the mind can relax without debilitating, and amuse without degrading itself, must ever stand high in our estimation; and by being intermingled with our more serious labours, will afford a degree of cheerfulness, vigour, and activity, which will tend more than any other means to insure success in higher pursuits.

Of an endeavour to fix the comparative excellence of the polite arts with each other, the result would be of little use, nor is the subject susceptible of novelty. There is no great difficulty in influencing the judgement to the pursuit of any particular study; but the sentimental faculty chooses its own objects, and seldom makes a proficiency in any

branch of art which it has not spontaneously adopted.

I have thus made a faint attempt to elucidate an idea which I conceive to be of considerable importance; and though I pretend not to have balanced with an accurate hand the comparative merit of the sciences, it is enough for my purpose, if I induce others to reflect, that there is a considerable difference in the degree of attention that ought to be paid to them. And it will, I hope, sufficiently appear, that the cultivation of the moral sense ought to be the grand object of our endeavours, and that even the improvement of our intellect is laudable, principally, as it promotes this great end.

Let it however be permitted me to remark, that throughout this essay, I have considered every individual of mankind as engaged to improve his abilities, and thereby promote his own happiness to the utmost of his power; but that I by no means would be thought to detract from the characters of those men who have employed their time and talents in the pursuit of particular sciences, even to the exclu sion of others; and by arriving at eminence in them, have extended the bounds of human knowledge, and smoothed the way for future travellers. Infinite are the obligations mankind are under to the illustrious characters who have thus devoted themselves to the public good: but we may reasonably expect to stand excused, if, whilst we enjoy the fruits of such generous ardour, we aim at the security of our private happiness, and prefer the secret consciousness of a proper discharge of the duties of life, to the popular approbation,

probation, which deservedly waits upon those who have successfully exerted their abilities on subjects which have little or no connexion with the promotion of virtue and the advancement of moral rectitude.

The happiness of a married life; from the Loiterer, aperiodical work.

F all the men I ever knew, Charles Sedley was the most cautious in the grand affair of choosing a wife; and after mature deliberation, discovered that fashionable women were vain, and accomplished women affected. He therefore married the daughter of one of his tenants, with no charm excepting a little health and freshness, and no acquirements beyond those of a country boarding-school; being persuaded that because she was ignorant she must be humble, and because low-born, unexpensive. But of both these inferences he lived to experience the falsity; for his cara sposa soon became intoxicated by the possession of pleasure of which she had till then entertained no idea, entered with eagerness into every species of fashionable dissipation, and paid small regard to a husband, for whom she felt little gratitude and less affection.

It was in vain he argued, implored, and threatened; too weak for reason, too obstinate for intreaty, and too passionate for remonstrance, she heard him with the vacant laugh of folly, or answered him in the pert virulence of vulgar invective; the only part of her country education, which she never forgot.

After battling it in vain for some months with an enemy to whom he

was a very unequal antagonist, he submitted to an evil which he could not remedy, and is content to be ruined by the expences, and tormented by the follies of a vulgar termagant, for the sake (as he says) of peace and quietness.-Very different was the opinion and the fate of his brother Edward.-Determined not to be made miserable by a lowborn vixen, he early attached himself to lady Caroline Almeria Horatia Mackenzie, who inherited together with the blood, the spirit and the pride of a long line of North British nobility.-After a long and tedious courtship, in which she took care to make him completely sensible of the honour done to him, her ladyship obligingly condescended to give him her hand; and still more obligingly introduced to his acquaintance and his house something more than a dozen of her great relations, who have ever since taken up their abode with him.

After this, it is needless to say how much he is master in his own family: since every subject of conjugal discussion is immediately laid before this impartial jury; who instantly pronounce judgement on the case, and exhort him to pay proper regard to a woman of lady Caroline's understanding, accomplishments, and rank. So that he possesses no other advantage over his brother than the privilege of being made miserable in the very best company.


"The two Sedleys," said my old friend, Frank Blunt, on entering my room the other morning, a couple of silly fellows, and are deservedly punished for their folly. He who sets out in a wrong road must not wonder if he does not reach his journey's end. Had I followed their example I should have been


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