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theories, particularly that of Batteux, (see section 378); and others again attempted paths of their own. The influence of Philosophy became more perceptible; not only as affecting the sciences immediately connected with it, such as the Mathematics, Physics, Natural History, and Medicine; but as operating on certain subordinate branches of science, to that time neglected; such as Education (treated after Rousseau by Basedow, Campe, Reswitz); the theory of Language (by Herder after Harris' and Monboddo); and the History of Mankind (zealously investigated by Meiners, Isaac Iselin, and Herder. The last attacked the jejune system of the pretended discovery prevalent in his time, seconded by his ingenious contemporary J. G. Hamann, as well as by Jacobi (of whom presently), and by Matthias Claudius (the messenger of Wandsbeck). Among these, C. Th. Ant. Maria Von Dalberg also deserves a place.

Psycho-Physiology of Mesmer.

383. We must now notice a man and a movement that have already exercised an important influence on the united sciences of psycho-physiology.

Frederic Anthony Mesmer was born at Weiler, near Stein on the Rhine, in the year 1734. He was educated for the medical profession, which he prosecuted at Vienna; where, in making some experiments connected with natural magnetism, he discovered, or rather re-discovered, the existence

1 Born at Salisbury, 1702; died, 1750.

2 Born at Bâle, 1728; died, 1782. Versuch uber die Geschichte der Menschheit, 1764, 8vo.

3 Born at Königsberg; died at Munster, 1788.

HAMANN'S Schriften, herausg. von FR. ROTH, 1-8 B., Berl. 1821, 8vo. (reviewed by HEGEL in the Jahrbücher der wiss. Kritik, 1829). For his correspondence with JACOBI, see the works of the latter. See also the Sibylline Leaves of the Magician of the North, published by D. FR. CRAMER, Leipz. 1819, 8vo.

4 Elector, Arch-Chancellor, and then Grand-Duke of Frankfort, and subsequently Archbishop of Ratisbon; born 1744; died 1817.

Betrachtungen über des Universum, Erf. 1776, 7te Aufl. 1821. Vom Verhaltniss zwischen Moral and Staatkunst, Erf. 1786, 4to. Gedanken von der Bestimmung des moral. Werths, Erf. 1787, 4to. Grundsätze der Esthetik, ebend. 1721, 4to. Vom Bewussteyn als allgem. Grunde der Weltweisheit, ebend. 1793, 8vo. u. a.

of a new force, which is at present a problem among the learned. Some, like Mesmer, have regarded it as a universally diffused power, similar to Attraction and Electricity, permeating and acting on all organized and unorganized bodies. Others have viewed it simply as a nervous fluid, which is the agent in producing the phenomena of natural and artificial somnambulism. Lastly, there exists a party who attribute all the phenomena in question to the power of the mind acting directly on the organization. This view seems somewhat countenanced by the recent discovery of new branches of the science, which have been styled NeuroHypnology and Electro-Biology.

On the subjects of Neuro-Hypnology, see BRAID's Book, recently published, and Dr. DARLING'S Electro-Biology, 8vo. Lond. 1852.

English Works on Mesmerism.

The Rev. C. H. TOWNSHEND'S Facts in Mesmerism, 8vo. London, 1844. Dr. GREGORY'S Letters to a Candid Enquirer on Animal Magnetism, 12mo. 1851.

The Rev. GEORGE SANDBY'S Mesmerism and its Opponents, 2nd edit. 12mo., Lond. 1848.

The ZOIST, a Journal of Cerebral Physiology and Mesmerism, published quarterly.

HADDOCK'S Somnolism and Psycheism, 1849.

I. C. COLQUHOUN's History of Magic, Witchcraft, and Animal Magnetism, 2 vols. London, 1852.

Dr. ASHBURNER, Facts in Clairvoyance, 8vo. London, 1848.

Early Magnetism in its Higher Relations to Humanity; as veiled in the Poets and Prophets. By Ovoc Maloç, 8vo. Lond. 1846.

REICHENBACH (Baron) on Magnetism, Electricity, Heat, Light, Crystallization, and the Chemical Affinities in their Relations to Vital Powers; with Notes, &c. by Jo. ASHBURNER, M.D., 8vo.

Dr. ESDAILE, Mesmerism in India, and its application to Surgery, 12mo. 1849.

Isis Revelata, by I. C. COLQUHOUN; 2 vols., Lond. 1836.

Dr. MAYO's Letters on the Truths contained in popular Superstitions. French Works on Mesmerism.

SALVERTE, Des Sciences Occultes; ou Essai sur la Magie, les Prodiges, et les Miracles, 8vo., second edition, Paris, 1843.

BRIERRE DE BOISMONT, Des Hallucinations, ou Histoire Raisonnée des Apparitions, des Visions, des Songes, de l'Extase, du Magnetisme, et du Somnambulisme, 8vo. Paris, 1845.

CHARDEL, Essai de Psychologie-Physiologique, ou explication des Relations de l'Ame avec le Corps; seconde edition, 8vo. Paris, 1838.

CHARDEL, Esquisse de la Nature Humaine expliquée par le Magnetisme Animal, 8vo. Paris, 1826.

D'HENIN DE CUVILLIERS, Exposition critique du système et de la doctrine mystique des Magnetistes, 8vo. Paris, 1822.

German Works on Mesmerism.

Archiv für den thierischen Magnetismus von Professor KEISER, 8 vols. Jena.

DR. PASSAVANT, Untersuchungen über den Lebenmagnetismus und das Hellsehen, Frankf. 1821.

DR. JOS. ENNEMOSER, Der Magnetismus im Verhaltnisse mit der Natur und der Religion, 1 vol. 8vo. 184. History of Magic (will shortly appear in Bohn's Scientific Library).

"The Hermes."

Dr. Ennemoser's Geschichte der Magie, 1844, 8vo. (a translation of which will appear in Bohn's Scientific Library).

Le Sphinx: Nouvelles Archives du Magnetisme Animal, et principalement de la vie nocturne, par KIESER, 2 parts, 1825-26.

Memoire sur la Découverte du Magnetisme Animal, par M. MESMER, Paris, 1779.

MESMER, System der Wechselwirkungen, Theorie, und Anwendung des thierischen Magnetismus, als die allgemeine Heilkunde zur Erhaltung des Menschen; herausgegeben von WOLFAHRT, 2 vols. 8vo. Berlin, 1814.

The following is a list of some of the most important recent works that have appeared in Germany in connection with the Philosophy of Animal Magnetism, and the revolution that it is effecting in Psychology.

Jos. ENNEMOSER, Die Geist des Menschen in der Natur.

Jos. ENNEMOSER, Histor.-psycholog. Untersuchung über das Wesen der menschlichen Seele, überhaupt und über die Beseelung des Kindes inbesond, Bonn.

E. SIMON'S Alt und neuere Geschichte des Glaubens an dem Hereinragen einer Geisterwelt in der unsrigen; in Beziehung auf ein Fortdauer der Seele nach dem Tode, an Engel, Mittelgeister, Gespenster, Vorboten, und Teufel; besonders aus den Meinungen nicht Christlichen Völker gezogen, Heilbronn.

FR. VON BAADER, On the Incompetence of our present Philosophy for the elucidation of Apparitions in the Night Side of Nature: extracts from a letter to Just. Kerner, Stuttg.

CP. AD. ESCHENMAYER'S Mysteries of the Inner Life elucidated by the History of the Seeress of Prevorst, especially in connection with recent criticisms, Tübingen.

JUNG STILLING's Pneumatologie.

MAGIKON, Archiv. für Beobachtungen aus dem Gebiete der Geisterkunde und des magnetischen und magischen Lebens, 3 Hefte, Stuttg.

In France, BARON MASSIAS published some interesting observations on Somnambulism in his Traité de Philosophie psycho-physiologique. (These observations have been translated by the editor of this work).

Various Foreign Works on Animal Magnetism.

Bibliothèque du Magnetisme Animal.

Histoire du Somnambulisme dans tous les siècles et chez tous les peuples, par A. GAUTHIER, 2 vols. 8vo. Par. 1842.

DR. BERTRAND, Traité du Somnambulisme.

COUNT DELEUZE, Histoire Critique du Magnetisme Animal, 8vo. Paris, 1819 (besides his other works).

RICARD, Traité théorique et pratique du Magnetisme Animal, 8vo. Paris, 1841.

Archives du Magnetisme Animal, publiés par M. LE BARON D'HENIN DE CUVILLIERS, 8 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1820-23.

The Processes and Principles of Magnetism, 2 vols. 8vo. 1819. By M. DE LAUSANNE.


CHARPIGNON, Physiologie, Médecine, et Métaphysique du Magnetisme, 8vo. 1848.

DUPOTET, Cours du Magnetisme Animal, seconde edition, 8vo. Paris, 1840.

KLUGE, Versuch einer Darstellung des animalisch. Magnetismus.

LILLBOPP, Die Wunder des Christenthums und deren Verhältniss zum thierischen Magnetismus, mit Berucksichtigung der neuesten Wunderheilungen nach Römisch-Katholischen Principien, Mainz, 1822. VERATI, Sulla Storia Teoria e Practica del Magnetismo Animale, e sopra varj altri Temi, relativi al medesimo; Trattato critico, 4 vols. 8vo. Firenze, 1846.

DR. HUFELAND, On Sympathy.

DR. BRANDIS, Ueber psychische Heilmittal und Magnetismus. Copenhagen, 1818.

WIENHOLT published, in 1787, a small work: Beytrag zu den Enfahrungen über den thierischen Magnetismus.

WIENHOLT, Heilkraft des thierischen Magnetismus, nach eigenen Beobachtungen, 3 vols. 8vo. 1802-5.

M. GEORGET, Physiologie du Système Nerveux.

DR. TESTE, A Practical Manual of Animal Magnetism. Translated from the second edition by D. SPILLAN, 1 vol. 12mo. 1843, Lond.

DR. TESTE, Le Magnetisme Animal expliqué, ou Leçons Analytiques sur la Nature Essentielle du Magnetisme, sur son Effet, son Histoire, ses Applications, les divers Méthodes de Pratique, &c., 8vo. Paris,


For Mesmerism in India and China, see ATHANASIUS KIRCHER: Magnes Universalis and Mundus Magneticus. For Mesmerism in Egypt, see PROSPER ALPINUS, De Medicina Egyptorum, lib. 4, c. 15.

For the effects of Animal Magnetism on Animals, see the tract of DR. WILSON, of Middlesex Hospital, 1845.

384. Mesmer's theory may be briefly described as follows: He believed in the universal diffusion of a fluid forming a medium of mutual influence between the heavenly bodies, the earth, and animated bodies, and represented it as extremely subtile and elastic, and susceptible of flux and reflux. He maintained that the human body has properties and poles analogous to the magnet. The virtues of animal magnetism may be propagated and transported to a distance without any visible medium; it can heal nervous diseases immediately and others mediately. The fluid is universal, but all animated bodies are not equally susceptible of it; and in this fluid nature presents us with a universal means of healing mankind. Professor Eschenmayer admits the existence of an organic ether, spread everywhere, and much more subtile than light. With this view he connects his mystical and spiritual Metaphysics. Dr. Passavant shews the intimate and important relation between the science and the sublimest sentiments of religion. Kieser has started some ingenious and original views in connection with the elementary principles and forces of nature, in elucidating the phenomena of Animal Magnetism. Dr. Bertrand attributes the latter to psychical causes, and Baron Massias to an electro-nervous fluid.

Dr. J. Ennemoser has endeavoured to trace the connection and distinction of the highest degrees of Mesmerism and Miracles, and the difference between Ecstacy and Inspiration (§§ 265-6 of his "Magnetismus"); and Baron Reichenbach has also opened a new field of inquiry by the discovery of the Odylic Force.

Mesmer, meeting with opposition at Vienna, removed to Paris, where his system was readily received and extensively adopted. After his retirement to Switzerland (at Merseburg), where he died in 1815, at the mature age of eightyone, the science was promoted and vigorously prosecuted by many enlightened champions in France and Germany, till the crash of the Revolution and the iron arm of Napoleon arrested all extensive propagation of scientific truths, save those connected with strategy.

Whatever may be our opinion of Mesmer's Theory, the importance of his discovery in a practical point of view is now placed beyond cavil. The facts and phenomena of

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