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Lewis, Rev. Francis, translates mot-
toes to "Rambler," i. 124.
Liberty, popular, J.'s contempt for,
ii. 45; iii. 258; of conscience, 161;
of the press, iii. 9.
Lichfield, J.'s birthplace, i. 8, 14, 30;
ii. 294; iii. 275; iv. 100, 251; bust
of J. in cathedral, iv. 286.
Life, human, remarks on, iii. 226;
iv. 204; on success in, iv. 122;
on savage, iv. 210.
Lilliburlero, ballad of, ii. 233.
Lindley, Miss, an eminent singer,

marries R. B. Sheridan, ii. 236.
Linen cleaner than wool or silk, v.

Liquors, J.'s estimate of different,
iii. 256; iv. 62.
Literary labour, small remuneration
of, i. 104; advantages of literary
life, iv. 73; instructions for writing
lives of literary men, v. 190; lite-
rary property, v. 32, 48; literary
men showing their writings,iii.215.
Magazine, J. a contributor

to, i. 174.
Literature, anecdote of J.'s respect
for, iii. 209; French, v. 247.
Lives of the Poets, J.'s, iv. 31; in-
cidents connected with, 32; criti-
cisms and attacks on, 51; new edi-
tion of, 114.

Lloyd, Olivia, J.'s affection for, i. 39.
Mrs, godmother to Savage
the poet, i. 91.
Lochbuy, J.'s visit to, v. 270.
Lochlomond, ii. 173; iii. 257.
Loch Ness, beautiful drive along, v.

Locke, John, the philosopher, Latin
verses by, v. 64.
London, the great field of genius and
exertion, i. 47, 244; iii. 4; life in,
i. 49; ii. 53; iii. 255; iv. 254; size
and increase of, ii. 229; iv. 146;
state of poor in, iii. 269; cheap
living in, v. 183; persons of conse-
quence watched in, v. 196; com-
pared with Pekin, v. 242; J.'s re-
sidences in, i. 54, 99; iii. 272;
J.'s poem of "London," i. 58-65.
Chronicle, an evening news-
paper, i. 179.
Long, Mr. Dudley (North), his cha-
racter, iv. 63.

Longley, Mr., of Rochester, his
learning, iv. 14.

Loudon, Countess of (daughter of
Earl Stair), iii. 247; v. 296.

Earl of, entertains J. in
Ayrshire, v. 296.
Loughborough, Lord(Wedderburne),
iii. 2.

Lovat, Simon, Lord, verses on his exe-
cution, i. 126; assists in abduction
of Lady Grange, v. 181; erects
memorial in Skye to his father, v.
boasts of his clan, v. 314.
Lowe, Mauritius, a painter, J. kind
to, iii. 296; iv. 139; his picture of
the Deluge, iv. 140.

Lowth, Bishop, his controversy with
Warburton, ii. 33; v. 89; his
learning, v. 55.

Lowther, noble family of, v. 79.
Loyola, Ignatius, founder of the Je-
suits, i. 28.

Loyalty of Highlanders, v. 160.
Lucan, Lord and Lady, their at-
tention to J., iv. 220.

Luke, Gospel of St., remarks on chap.
vii. ver. 50, iv. 12.
Lutterel, Col., rival of Wilkes, ii. 76.
Luxury, remarks on, ii. 141; iii. 33,
190, 196.

[ocr errors]

Lydiat, Thomas, his history, i. 104.
Lyttelton, George, Lord, his anxiety
as an author, iii. 20; his "Dia-
logues," ii. 84; caricature of, v.225;
his " History of Henry the Se-
cond," ii. 33.

Thomas, second Lord, his
remarkable vision, iv. 203.

MACALLAN, Eupham, a reputed
witch, v. 20.

Macaulay, Mrs. Catherine, a great
republican, i. 258; her remarks
on J.'s political principles, ii. 143;
J. severe upon, 217; J. does not
wish to be pitted against her, iii.

,Rev. Kenneth, Minister of
Calder, Nairnshire, his "History
of St. Kilda," ii. 40, 102; visited by
J. at Calder, v. 83; his claim to au-
thorship of "History of St. Kilda"
disputed, 84; and affirmed, 287;
J. promises his son a Servitorship
at Oxford, 87.


Macaulay, Rev. John, Minister of
Inverary, v. 286.

--, Mr. T. Babington, v. 92,
185, 286.
Macbean, brothers, amanuenses to
J., i. 99.

Mr., author of "Diction-
ary of Geography," iii. 16, 297.
Macbeth, v. 94; observations on
tragedy, i. 94; the "Blasted
Heath," v. 81.

Maccaronic verses, origin of, iii. 191.
Macclesfield, Countess of, i. 89-93.
Macdonald, Sir James, a young chief
of distinguished merit, i. 259;
epitaph on, by Lord Lyttelton, v.
115; his last letter to his mother,
v. 116; bond to Kingsburgh, 204.

Sir Alexander, afterwards
Lord Macdonald, ii. 104, 114;
visited by J. at Armidale, v. 112;
his parsimony and want of spirit,
v. 113, 115, 124, 221.

Lady Margaret, her great
popularity in Skye, iii. 257; v.
116, 207; assists Prince Charles
Edward in his escape, v. 146.

v. 142.

Flora, v. 142-146, 157.
Allan (husband of Flora),

Alexander, old Kings-
burgh, v. 143, 146-7, 204, 206-7.
Mackenzie, Sir George, his works,
v. 167.

[ocr errors]

Henry, his "Man of Feel-
ing," i. 207; his "Life of Black-
lock," v. 28; his "Man of the
World," v. 219.

Roderick, a chivalrous

young Jacobite, v. 207.
Mackinnon, Laird of, assists in es-
cape of Charles Edward, v. 155.

family of, at Corricha-
tachin, hospitably entertain J., v.
119; account of, 123; entertain J.
a second time, 204; Boswell's ex-
cess of drinking at, 205.
Maclaine, John, Laird of Lochbuy,
entertains J., v. 270; his curious
mistake about J., 271; his son
killed in a duel, 272.
Maclaurin, Colin, the mathemati-
cian, his epitaph, v. 31.

--, John, Lord Dreghorn, ii.
233; v. 31, 217.


Maclean, Donald, young Laird of
Coll, v. 198, 201; plans an expe-
dition for J. and acts as leader,
203; their danger at sea, 222; en-
tertains J. at island of Coll, 231;
they sail for Mull, 245; his charac-
ter and merits, 259; his death, 262.
Sir Allan, and his daugh-
ters, visited at Inchkenneth by J.,
v. 256; accompanies him to Iona,
262; reverence for his feudal
power as chief, 267.

--, Capt. Lachlan, Coll, en-
tertains J., v. 225.

Rev. Hector, Coll, dis-
putes with J., v. 227.

Mr., a young student at

Coll, v. 239.

Dr. Alexander, Tober-
mory, v. 246; his accomplished
daughter, v. 252.

Macleod, John, of Rasay, entertains
J., v. 128; league between family
of and Macdonalds, 135; ball and
gaiety at Rasay, 138.

Malcolm, of the Forty-

five, v. 125.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

J.'s celebrated letter to, 194; leaves
the originals of his translation in
Beckit the bookseller's, v. 65;
letter to by Sir A. Macdonald, v.
113. (See Ossian.)
Macpherson, Dr. John, Skye, his
66 Dissertations," v. 122, 162.
Rev. Martin (his son),

v. 122.
Macquarrie, Laird of, visited at Ulva
by J., v. 253; account of, 255.
Macqueen, Rev. Donald, minister of
Kilmuir in Skye, v. 114, 124, 141;
his antiquarian zeal, 172-4; his
dispute with J. concerning "Os-
sian," 190-3; J.'s regard for, his
death and funeral, 203-4.

--, Lachlan, innkeeper at
Anoch, Glenmoriston, and his
daughter, account of, v. 101-3.
Macraes, the clan of that name, v.
107; J distributes money among,

Macsweyn, Mr., island of Coll, his
descent, v. 229; his wife had never
crossed to the mainland, 242.
Madden, Dr. Samuel, engages J. to
revise his poem, i. 180.
Madness, various kinds of, i. 228;
iii. 118; iv. 28.

Maittaire, Michael, and his works,
iv. 10.

Mallet, David, his edition of Boling-
broke's works, i. 148; anecdote
of, v. 134.

Malthe, Chevalier de, anecdote of,
v. 73.

Man, J.'s gloomy estimate of, ii. 225;
definitions of, v. 16; not naturally
good, 66; difference between well-
bred and ill-bred, iv. 216; compa-
rative merits of Shakspeare and
Milton's portraits of, iv. 58.

[ocr errors]

"Whole Duty of," author of
work so called unknown, ii. 154.
Mandeville, Bernard, fallacy of his
doctrine that private vices are
public benefits, iii. 196.
Manners of high rank, iv. 123;
change of, v. 38; value of history
of, 54; those of the great families
of Wales, 218.

Mansfield, Lord, ii. 105, 122, 126;
v. 66, 313; his house burned in
the riots of 1780, iii. 286.

Marchmont, Earl of, one of Pope's
executors, iii. 232; J.'s visit to,
262; his insinuation against, iv. 41.
Markham, Archdeacon, quoted and
eulogised, v. 18.

Marlborough, the great Duke of,
́epigram on, ii. 288.

Sarah, Duchess of,
essay on her conduct by J., i. 78;
v. 135.
Marriage, remarks on, ii. 54, 67, 73,
109, 213, 294; the church mar-
riage service, ii. 75; the royal
marriage bill, ii. 103.
Martin's "Description of the West-
ern Isles," i. 259; v. 1.
Martinelli, Signor, his History of
England, ii. 143.

Mary Queen of Scots, i. 202; v. 22;
inscription for print of, ii. 191.
Marylebone Gardens, J.'s visit to,
iv. 219.

Massingham, Philosopher of (Mr.
Bewley), his veneration for J., iv.


Massillon and Bourdaloue, v. 247.
Matthew, Gospel of St., on bodies
of saints, iv. 71.

Mead, Dr., dedication of "James's
Med. Dict." to by J., i. 83.
Mediterranean, the, its historical
interest, iii. 21.

Melancholy, how to be diverted, i.
257; iii. 4; ii. 283. (See John-

Melmoth, William, Mrs. Thrale's
opinion of, iii. 282.

Memory should not fail at seventy,
iii. 128.

Mercheta mulierum, v. 254.
Metaphysical Tailor, the, iv. 132.
Metcalf, Philip, attentions to J., iv.


Methodists, secret of their success,
i. 264; v. 311.

Mickle, translator of "Lusiad," iii.
22; his account of Johnson," iv.
171; visited by J., iv. 209.
Militia, Johnson drawn for, iv. 216;
Scotch militia bill, iii. 1.
Miller, Andrew, one of the pub-
lishers of J.'s dictionary, i. 97;
saying of, 162.

Miller, Lady, her collection of verses,

ii. 217.

[blocks in formation]

Miracles, Hume's doctrine refuted,
i. 256; iii. 126.

Mitre Tavern, Fleet Street, a fa-
vourite resort of J.'s, i. 231; ii. 12;
iii. 230.

Monarchy, British, iii. 28; v. 158.
Monckton, Miss (Countess of Cork),
iv. 81.

Montagu, Mrs., her Essay on Shaks-
peare, ii. 60; v. 194; notices of,
iii. 28, 163, 282; iv. 188.
Montaigne, opinion of, censured,
i. 78.

Montrose, town of, v. 48.

Marquis of, letters from, to

Laird of Coll, v. 237.
Morality, laws to enforce, iii. 11.
More, Miss Hannah, iii. 173, 197;
iv. 71; 188.

Morgann, Mr. M., relates anecdotes
of J., iv. 134.

Morris, Miss, receives J.'s dying
blessing, iv. 282.

Mortgage on J.'s pension proposed,
iv. 234.

Mounsey, Dr., ii. 47.
Muck, Isle of, v. 177-8.
Mudge, Rev. Zachariah, excellence

of his preaching, i. 216; J.'s cha-
racter of, iv. 60; his sermons,
iv. 73.

Murchison, Mr., factor for Macleod,
his kindness to J., v. 110.
Murder, prescription of in Scots law,

[blocks in formation]

Myddleton, Colonel, Denbigh, erects
urn to J., iv. 284.

Myrtle, J.'s verses on sprig of, i. 39.

NAIRN, town of, v. 83.
Nairne, Mr. (Lord Dunsinnan), iii.
24; v. 19, 33.

"" Colonel, St. Andrews, v. 46.
Names, iii. 47.

Necessity, eternal, refuted, v. 29.
Negro cause in Court of Session, iii.


Newgate, fire at, iii. 290; fifteen men
executed at, iv. 222.

Newhaven, Lord, iii. 273.
Newspapers, v. 291; paragraphs in,
iv. 188.

Newton, Bishop of Bristol, iv. 195.
Nichols, Dr., physician to the King,
ii. 228; iii. 110.

Mr. J., the printer, iv. 23.
His remembrances of J.'s last days,
iv. 276. "Anecdotes," iv. 116.
Letter from J. to, iv. 248.
Nicol, Mr. G., letter from J. to, iv. 246.
"Night Thoughts," Young's, J.'s
opinion of, iv. 48.
Nonjurors, ii. 208; iv. 196.
North, Lord, ii. 98.

Northumberland House, fire in, iii.

November 5, strict observance of at
Pembroke College, i. 19.
Nowell, Dr., Principal of St. Mary's
Hall, iv. 201. His sermon before
House of Commons, iv. 202.

OATH of abjuration discussed, ii. 142,
208; judicial, v. 310.

Oats, J.'s definition of, i. 167; Lord
Elibank's happy retort, v. 321.
Obedience, religious, iii. 198.
Occupation, necessity of, iii. 121.
Odyssey, the, its domestic character,
iv. 152.

Ofellus, character in J.'s "Art of
Living," i. 49.

Ogden, Dr. Samuel, on prayer, v. 12,


Ogilvie, Dr. J., his poems criticised,
i. 244.

Oglethorp, General, i. 63; ii. 225,
iii. 33; dinners at his house, ii.
117, 143; iii. 190; anecdote of, ii.
118; visits J., iv. 121.

Old age, observations on, iii. 172,
226; iv. 128, 189; old men should
not put themselves to nurse, ii.

Oldys, William, his curiosity and
diligence, 93.

Oliver, Dame, J.'s first instructress,
i. 7.

Omai, of the South-Sea Islands, iii. 6.
Opium, use of, iv. 121.

Orange peel, J.'s collection of dried,

ii. 214; iv. 142.
Oratory, J. against action in, ii. 137;
not a test of a man's powers, 219;
J. "could not get on," ii. 92; v.

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his house, ii. 109, 143; iii. 219;
iv. 223.

Paradise, John, Esq., letter from J.
to, iv. 245.

Parcel, story of, iii. 14.

Parish clerks, their duties and their
salaries, iv. 93.

Parisian society, iii. 171.

Parker, Mr., bookseller at Oxford,
iv. 209.

Parliament, ii. 228; iii. 138; v. 36;
abuse in, iv. 203; inattention to
duties of, iv. 59; place-hunters
in, ii. 158; privileges of, iii. 273;
speaking in, iii. 157; attempt to
bring J. into, ii. 90.

Parnell, passage in Hermit, iii. 263;
"Life of," iv. 44.

Parr, Rev. Dr., iv. 18.
Pascal, Pensées de, iii. 256.
Passion week, iv. 67.

Paterson versus Alexander, case of,
ii. 239.

Patriot, J.'s pamphlet, ii. 185.
Patriotism, "the last refuge of a
scoundrel," ii. 224.

Paul's, St., Monument to J. in, iv.

Payne, Mr. William, Introduction
to game of Draughts, i. 179.
Pearce, Dr., Bishop of Rochester,
sends J. paper of etymologies for
Dictionary, i. 166; "Commen-
tary," iii. 74.

Peers, House of, iii. 234.
Pelham, Garrick's Ode on Death of,
i. 149.

Pembroke College, Oxford, i. 18, 26;
J.'s regard for, i. 27.

Lord, ii. 212.

Pennant, Thomas, J. defends, iii.
182, 183, 184; v. 119, 175.
Pension, J. receives from George
III., i. 213.

Penuriousness, iv. 125.
Pepys, Sir Lucas, iv. 120.
Percy, Bishop of Dromore, remem-

brances of J., i. 11, 27, 73; ii. 290;
iii. 246; J. visits, i. 282; quarrel
with J., iii. 182-7.

Père Boscovich, ii. 84.
Perkins, Mr., successor to Thrale's
brewery, iv. 62.

letters from J. to, ii. 185;
iv. 111, 177.

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