dering; and for the neighbouring cemetery, where the dust of John Wesley lies; but I cannot make out either one or the other. After lingering long in gazing on the goodly spectacle around us, my companion and I must descend to the common level of humanity. We must go down, high as we are, even to the churchyard below, haply to glean there a salutary reflection: for the thought of death is often a salutary medicine to the mind. We cannot be too deeply impressed with the solemn truth, that "in the midst of life we are in death." If thou art trampling on thy fellow man, Of that tremendous curse-" eternal death." If thou, repentant, humbly seekest peace, And tell thee, that in glory thou shalt live: THE ZOOLOGICAL GARDENS. Nor more necessary is it for the health of the body that the heart should have room to beat, and the lungs to play, than it is for the welfare of a crowded city that places of out-door exercise and rational amusement should be provided. In this point of view and the Zoological Gardens claim our reg As the number of persons visiting the la so no expense is spared in providing for th ment. The grounds are spacious, the shru ers attractive, and the walks kept in good c the birds and beasts of the four quarters are put in requisition, to render the enterta plete. The varied tastes, as well as disposition tors, are plainly developed. One gazes or of the feathered race with eager delight thusiastically surveys the animals, both tam while hundreds, with no strong predilecti roam among the pleasant parterres of th pied in observing the company. Perhaps, after all, the principal gratifi in such places is not so much derived fr we see, as from the associations they call is a holiday feeling visible in the visito something of a similar kind in our own wonderment of the children at all aroun awful fear at the sight of the beasts; tl delight in gazing on the birds; and the raptures at the tricks of the monkey tribe again to the days of our childhood. We cannot look at the lion withou Africa, and desert sands, and crocodiles, a monsters. We cannot gaze on the pola Perhaps I carry this feeling further than many of my neighbours; for the very shrubs and flowers are rife with the power of creation, and conjure up scenes that are pleasant to me. Half an hour ago did I enter the lodge gate, and yet I have not reached the bears. A thistle growing on the right, a few yards from the lodge, at once took me back to a common, where a shaggy donkey was browsing; while a party of gipsies, in the tent they had pitched, were cooking their midday meal in the iron pot suspended from three crooked sticks. } Then, again, a prickly holly-bush on the left called me away to another scene. It was that of the summit of a knolly-field. The morning was frosty, the snow crackled under the foot, and the holly-bushes near were covered with their heart-cheering red berries. It was the sabbath morn, and Giles Ashford was striding along the scarcely beaten path, in his well-brushed blue coat and big buttons; while his wife Margery stayed behind to knock out the snow from her patten against the stile. It is pleasant thus to link together, by association, the country and the city. As I stand here, musing, decent domestics, and cleanly attired persons evidently of the poorer class, pass by to share, with the carriage company, the gratification of the gardens. I love to see this: gentle and simple walking, side by side, in quest of rational amusement. Why cannot the whole creation be linked and bound together in the bond of brotherhood? Well, here are the bears, brown and black; and there stands a gentlemanly figure hardly looking at them. He has seen them before over and over again; he has lost the enjoyment of novelty. Poc is grown too wise to be happy. But her of a different kind: half-a-dozen rosy, laughi and their mammas. Happy lads! How eagerly pressing before the rest; and th girls are their sisters: one can hardly todd gravel walk. Now we shall see some seeing; the fresh feeling of youthful hearts in wonder and delight. He in the white evidently thinking of the bear in Robinson Friday made to dance on the bough. The looks up with an awe-struck face, to ask v will bite; and mamma seems not quite s climbing bear will not leap from the top of It appears but as yesterday, when I stood spot with the Rajah Ram-mohun Roy a Since then he has been called away from How many of those around me may be gardens for the first and the last time! The view from this place is interesting: in groups; the pigeons on the roof yonde the fowls; the birds; and some of the anim stand on this bench for an hour. I have given a nut or two to the red and the red and blue maccaws. How they clim holding the wires with their crooked bills pear to have more interest, when we think them are from the land where the slaves there be a sound in the universe more desolately doleful! it is that of the sloth bear. But I must hasten onward. * * * * * What a number of animals have I gazed on! antelopes, nylghaus, deer, zébras, and kangaroos; wolves, panthers, leopards, lions, and hyenas. How varied is the form! how diverse are the habits of the brute creation! and yet not a limb not a muscle among them, but what is suited to the economy and welfare of its possessor. How infinitely incapable is man to estimate the Great Creator. "In these his lowliest works!" If there were no other advantage attending a visit to these gardens than that of observing the endless variety of the animal creation, and the infinite wisdom manifested in their forms and adaptation to their several habits and modes of existence, it would abundantly repay the reflecting visitor for his pains. Nor is it unworthy of a thought, that we are highly favoured in being able to inspect these creatures at our ease, not one of them making us afraid. Here can the wild boar be seen without the dread of his tusks; and the huge rhinoceros, free from the danger of his horn. Apes, baboons, and monkeys, play their antics with no annoyance to the bystander; and tapirs, peccaries, foxes, badgers, and wild cats; jackals, opossums, squirrels, lemurs, and lynxes; with porcupines, racoons, beavers, and otters, may be observed at leisure, without inconvenience. What a goodly collection of the feathered race! the white-bosomed pelican; the bare-necked vulture; the strong-winged condor; and the crooked beaked, iron-taloned eagle. One is lost among such a profusion of |