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Containing the Titles of all fuch Acts as are extant in print, from the Fourteenth to the Twentieth Year of King GEORGE II.

Anno 15 & 16 Georgii II. Cap. I. OR continuing the duties upon malt, mum, cyder, and perry, in that part of Great Britain called England; and for granting to his Majefty certain duties upon malt, mum, cyder and perry, in that part of Great Britain called Scotland, for the fervice of. the year one thousand seven hundred and forty two.

Cap. 2. To repeal fo much of an act paffed in the last feffion of parliament, intituled, An act for the prefervation of the publick roads in that part of Great Britain called England, as obliges perfons not travelling for hire to make ufe of waggons with wheels bound with ftreaks or tyre of a certain breadth, or the faid ftreaks to be faftened with nails of a certain fize. Cap. 3. For granting to his Majefty a certain fum out of the finking fund, towards the fupply for the year one thousand seven hundred and forty two.

Cap. 4. For punishing mutiny and defertion; and for the better payment of the army and their quar


Cap. 5. For continuing and making more effectual an act made in the feventh year of the reign of his late majesty King George the First, intituled, An act for repairing the road from Wendover to the town of Buckingham in the county of Bucks; and for building a bridge at PadVOL. XVIII,

bury, and making it a county bridge. Cap. 6. For enlarging the term and powers granted by two acts of parliament, one of the eighth year of the reign of her late majefty Queen Anne, and the other of the ninth year of the reign of his late majesty King George the Firft, for repairing the highways between the house commonly called the Horfhoe Houfe, in the parish of Stoke Goldington in the county of Bucks, and the town of Northampton, and the road from the north bridge of Newport Pagnel in the county of Bucks, to the Horfhoe Houfe, Cap. 7. For enlarging the term and powers granted by an act paffed in the thirteenth year of the reign of his late majefty King George the First, intituled, An act for repairing the roads leading from the town of Bromsgrove to the town of Dudley in the county of Worcester; and from the faid town of Bromsgrove to the town of Birmingham in the county of Warwick; fo far as the faid act relates to repairing the roads leading from the town of Dudley to the town of Bromsgrove in the coun

ty of Worcester; and for making the fame more effectual. Cap. 8. For laying Cap. 8. For laying a duty of two pennies Scots, or one fixth part of a penny fterling, upon every Scots pint of ale and beer which thall be brewed for fale, brought into, tapped, or fold within the town



of Kirkcaldy, and liberties thereof.

Cap. 9. For enlarging the term and powers granted by two acts of parliament, one of the firft, and the other of the twelfth year of the reign of his late majesty King George the First, for repairing the highways between Tyburn and Uxbridge in the county of Middlefex; and for amending the road leading from Brent Bridge, over Hanwell Heath, through the parishes of Hanwell, New Brentford, and Ealing, to the great western road in the faid county.

Cap. 10. For explaining, amending, and making more effectual two acts of parliament; one paffed in the ninth and tenth years of the reign of his late majesty King William the Third, for erecting workhouses, and houses of correction, in the town of Kingston upon Hull, for the employment and maintenance of the poor there; and the other paffed in the eighth year of the reign of her late majesty Queen Anne, for the more effectual provifion of the poor in the said town. Cap. 11. For granting an aid to his Majefty by a land tax to be raised in Great Britain, for the fervice of the year one thousand seven hundred and forty two. Cap. 12. To explain and amend an act paffed in the twelfth year of his prefent Majefty's reign, intituled, An act to enable the parishioners of Saint Catharine Coleman, in Fenchurch Street, in the city of London, to rebuild the church of the faid parish; and for making the faid act more effectual for the purposes thereby intended. Cap. 13. For eftablishing an agreement with the governor and company of the bank of England, for advancing the fum of one million fix hundred thousand pounds, towards the supply for the fervice of


year one thousand seven hundred and forty two.

Cap. 14. To explain and amend two acts of parliament, one made in the ninth year of the reign of her late majesty Queen Anne, intituled, An act for repairing the highways from Sheet Bridge in the parish of Petersfield, to the town of Portmouth in the county of Southampton; and another act made in the twelfth year of the reign of his late majefty King George the First, for enlarging the term in and by the faid act granted, and for other purposes therein mentioned, and for enlarging the term and powers by the faid laft mentioned act granted. Cap. 15. For enlarging the term and powers granted by an act paffed in the thirteenth year of the reign of his late majesty King George the First, intituled, An act for repairing the roads leading from Cirencester town's-end to Saint John's Bridge in the county of Gloucester. Cap. 16. For continuing the powers granted by three feveral acts of parliament, one for repairing the road from Stump-crofs to Newmarket-heath, and the town of Cambridge; another for repairing the road from Foulmire to Cambridge; and the third for explaining, amending, and rendering more effectual, the faid two former acts; and for enlarging the terms granted by the faid two former acts. Cap. 17. For enlarging the term and powers granted by an act paffed in the feventh year of the reign of his late majesty King George the First, for repairing the feveral roads leading from the town of Ledbury in the county of Hereford, to the feveral places therein mentioned; and for making the faid act more effectual.

Cap. 18. To render more effectual an act made in the ninth and tenth years of the reign of his late ma


jefty King William the Third, intituled, An act for erecting hospitals and workhouses within the town of Colchester in the county of Effex, for the better employing and maintaining the poor thereof.

Cap. 19. For granting to his Majesty the fum of eight hundred thousand pounds, to be raised by annuities. transferrable at the bank of England; and for afcertaining the cuftoms and duties upon quickfilver taken as prize during the present war; and for the further appropriating the supplies granted in this feffion of parliament.

Cap. 20. To prevent the counterfeiting of gold and filver lace; and for fettling and adjufting the proportions of fine filver and filk; and for the better making of gold and filver thread.

Cap. 21. To indemnify perfons who

have omitted to qualify themselves for offices, employments, and promotions, within the time limited by law, and for allowing further time for that purpose.

Cap. 22. To exclude certain officers from being members of the house of commons.

Cap. 23. For fecuring to John Byrom, mafter of arts, the fole right of publishing, for a certain term of years, the art and method of fhorthand, invented by him. Cap. 24. To impower the juftices of the peace of a liberty or corporation, to commit offenders to the houfe of correction of the county, riding, or divifion, in which fuch liberty or corporation is fituate. Cap. 25. To impower the importers

or proprietors of rum or fpirits of the British fugar plantations to land the fame before payment of the duties of excife charged thereon, and to lodge the fame in warehouses at their own expence; and for the relief of Ralph Barrow, in respect to the duty on fome rock

falt, loft by the overflowing of the rivers Weaver and Dane. Cap. 26. For the better enabling the commiffioners for building a bridge crofs the river Thames, from the city of Wefiminfier, to the oppofite fhore in the county of Surrey, to finish the faid bridge, and to perform the other trufts repofed in them, and for enlarging the time for exchanging of tickets unclaimed in the last lottery for the faid bridge, and to make provifion for tickets in the faid lottery, loft, burnt, or otherwise destroyed. Cap. 27. For the more effectual preventing any cloth, or woollen goods remaining upon the rack, or tenters, or any woollen yarn, or wool left out to dry, from being ftolen, or taken away in the night-time. Cap. 28. For the more effectual preventing the counterfeiting of the current coin of this kingdom, and the uttering or paying of falfe or counterfeit coin.

Cap. 29. For granting to his Majesty an additional duty on foreign cambricks, imported into Great Britain; and for allowing thereout, a bounty upon certain fpecies of British and Irish linens exported. Cap. 30. To prevent the marriage. of lunaticks.

Cap. 31. For further regulating the

plantation trade; and for relief of merchants importing prize goods from America, and for preventing collufive captures there; and for obliging the claimers of veffels feized for exportation of wool, or any unlawful importation, to give fecurity for cofts; and for allowing Eaft India goods to be taken out of warehouses, in order to be cleaned and refreshed.

Cap. 32. For preventing the mischiefs

which may happen by keeping dangerous quantities of gunpowder in or near the cities of London and Westminster.

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Cap. 33.

Cap. 33. To revive feveral acts for the punishment of perfons destroying turnpikes, or locks or other works erected by authority of parliament, and for other purposes therein mentioned; and to continue several acts relating to rice, to frauds in the customs, to the clandeftine running of goods, and to copper ore of the British plantations; and for extending the liberty given by the act of the twelfth year of the reign of his prefent Majefty, for carrying fugar of the growth of the British fugar colonies in America, to hips belonging to any of his Majefty's fubjects refiding in Great Britain, and navigated according to law; and for the more effectual preventing the cutting of ftar or bent.

Cap. 34. To explain an act made in the fourteenth year of the reign of his prefent Majefty, intituled, An act to render the laws more effectual for preventing the stealing and deftroying of sheep and other cattle. Cap. 35. To continue feveral laws

for the encouragement of the making of fail cloth in Great Britain, and of the filk manufactures of this kingdom; and for allowing a drawback on the exportation of copper bars; and to explain a claufe of an act made in the last feffion of parliament, to prohibit the exportation of corn, and other things therein mentioned; and to give further time for the payment of duties omitted to be paid for the indentures and contracts of clerks and apprentices.

Private Acts.

Anno. 15 & 16 Georgii II. I. An act to enable Alexander Popham efquire, and his heirs, to take and ufe the furname of Lufcombe, according to the directions of the latt

will and testament of Richard Luf combe efquire, deceased.

2. An act for naturalizing John Christoph Gohl, Hans Bardewieck, and others.



An act for confirming and eftablishing certain articles of agreement and an indenture between the right honourable Francis earl Godolphin and the dean and chapter of Ely, for making a partition and divifion of a certain heath, or heath-ground, in the county of Cambridge, and for rendering the fame agreement and indenture more effectual, for the purpofes therein mentioned.

An act for diffolving and difannexing from the crown, and the patrimony thereof, the earldom of Orkney, and the lordship of Zetland; and for vefting the fame irredeemable in James earl of Morton, and his heirs, discharged from any power or right of redemption in his Majefty, his heirs or fucceffors. 5. An act for vesting the settled estate of Henry lord Montfort, in the county of Worcester, in trustees, in truft to fell the fame, and to lay out and apply the money arifing by fuch fale, in the purchase of lands and hereditaments in the counties of Cambridge and Suffolk, or one of them.

6. An act for explaining a clause contained in an act made in the eleventh and twelfth year of the reign of his late majefty King William the Third, intituled, An act for granting an aid to his Majefty by fale of the forfeited and other eftates and interefts in Ireland, and by a land tax in England, for the several purposes therein mentioned, whereby feveral grants made by his Majefty to Sir Thomas Prendergast baronet, deceafed, of several lands, tenements, and hereditaments, part of the faid forfeited eftates and interests in Ireland, were ratified and confirmed.

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